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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Mar 1982, p. 8

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PAGE ft • PLAINDE ALER - FRIDAY, MARCH 12, II : A two ounce jar of instant coffse has about 25 servings. ST. Mrs DAY Hot Cornedv f||W» Beef Sandwich gg And Green Beer March 17th STJOSEPH'S MY Spaghetti with Garlic Bread I Rte. 128 And Wine March 19th 99* 75° vtiA MAiKktAkb DINERS CLUB & AMERICAN EXPRESS ACCEPTED 344-3700 ' PLAIN DEALER* ̂ Letter to the Editor Public Pulse (Th* nmM« MVMM H»« pvM.c IO »>• Hit* column at on o»pro*»on mi tfco<, •« of (Wtorol Mtorotl in »v> community Ovr ontr V«*uMt n <hal •ko wrrton §••• Ml oM>ni ond phono numfco, Wootktoo tKo« MM •n*»i4wol not writ* on Ifco tomo «n»i«rt moro ffcon onto o month Wo rotorvo Ifco •• 4oMo on, motor 10I which wo contidor libotoui or MI ohfKtionoMo ) FOR ANNEXATION "Editor: "McHenry Shores is a fine community with fine people. In next Tuesday's election the question of McHenry Shores annexation to McHenry will appear on the ballot for your approval. "When all the discussion is over-when all the pros and cons are weighed a 'yes' vote simply means we can have orderly growth without duplicity. "In the long proud history of McHenry we have never refused to help our neighbors when they asked for an­ nexation. It would be in the THE NULLE RECORD Republican for Sheriff • NULLE developed programs to educate parents of school children in drug abuse. • NULLE increased the complement of the Sheriff's department for the first time in four years. • NULLE, in cooperation with the Illinois Sheriff's Association, started the Sheriff's scholarship pro­ gram. • NULLE increased the snowmobile patrol by 33%. • NULLE has been appointed to the Commission on Violent Crimes by the United States Attorney's office. • NULLE has up-dated the computer system for records and warrants. • NULLE increased patrol on the Fox River, including a night patrol which has greatly reduced thefts. • NULLE has recovered and returned a half-million dol­ lars of stolen properties to the McHenry County cit­ izens with an effective and efficient Sheriff's depart­ ment: Law Enforcement is his Tradition C • zeas to E ect nan* Kjiie Shen* 56? Somerset Act 7. Crystal Lake Illinois 50014 Carney Giikerson Chairman A cooy ot our report (ilea with Court, cie'« 'S ior »<ti bei availaBle to» purchase t'om the McHenry County Clerti Wooflstock Illinois 60098 I JACK A MAN YOU CAN BELIEVE IN! I I | i I I { j A \ i I 1 Daily Sentinel Viewpoint Throu<;h his cha i rmansh ip on the Cham O Lake s f Ruer Commission, involvement in Belvidere ;Daily Republican' ' ppo R> ; T ranspor ta t ion Authority and he ip .n ; to e f fec t change in the s ta te a id fo rmu la to schoo l d i s t r i c ts among o ther a reas . Scha f fe r h ;s shou'i he has McHenry County ' s bes t • • ;e r> srs ,jr hear t March 1 1982 Sun-Times Choices » ' Sena to r Jack Scha f fc r o f Cary has been a uo ice o f mode ra t i on* n the Sena te Repub l i can caucus , o f ten counse l ing h is co l leagues , in his words , aga ins t charging of f a c l i f f He is a l eader in the f i gh t fo r be t te r commun i ty se rv ices fo r the menta l l y i l l We recommend Scha f fe r over (his opponent ) who ta lks a lo t and in t roduces reams o f b i l l s bu t se ldom at( omphshes much February 25. 1982 Chicago (Tribune In , ' i nnhen t Rep i .h ln m iV / iH k S< ha f fe r has se rved capnhh ' a tu i qe ts our endorsement over (h is enO v hose 'deas on leg is la t ion a re p len t i fu l f> : i t o f ten shor ts igh ted March 2 1982 We fee l i t impor tan t ear l y in the campa ign to recogn ize the so l id e f fo r t s o f ou r Repub l i can S ta te Sena to r Jack Scha f fe r We fee l he deserves und iv ided suppor t fo r h is Sena te race in the Repub l i can Pr imary He is an exce l len t Sena to r and w i l l con t inue to be ' February 1. 1982 Fox ValleyCountryside Schaf fe r has been an e f fec t i ve and in te l l i gen t represen ta t i ve o f h i s cons t i tuen ts in the 33rd D is t r i c t fo r years His leadersh ip m the sena te wou ld be g rea t l y m issed We be l ieve the a rea wou ld be done a g rea t d isserv ice shou ld Scha f fe r lose h is pr imary f i gh t (h i s opponent ) , on the o ther hand , has been a lack lus te r Represen ta t i ve dur ing h is tenure in the House November 26. 1981 "Senator Schaffer's record proves that he is one of the team that we need most in the Senate to represent the people of his district in the next General Assembly " SENATOR JAMES "PATE" PHILIP, Senate Minority Leader '/ have worked with Jack on Route 51 and the Belvidere Bypass I know he has worked for the needs of the district . . Jack is the type of leader we need in the Senate to work for our area " LYNN MARTIN. Member of Congress The endorsements tell the story... AN EFFECTIVE LEADER IN THE ILLINOIS SENATE Citizens for Schaffer 96 North Williams Street Crystal Lata. IL 00014 best interests of all con­ cerned to support this issue for a better tomorrow for all McHenry. "Sincerely, "Former Alderman "William J. Bolger" "Editor: "Even before the new hospital became a key factor, the annexation of McHenry Shores made good common sense, Annexing the Shores would be a tremendous savings in hard earned tax dollars now as well as in the future. The elimination of the many d u p l i c a t e d s e r v i c e s necessary to run the two municipalities makes this s a v i n g s p o s s i b l e . Duplications such as police protection, legal council, parks and recreation, water treatment, etc. are very expensive. If they can be consolidated, we all are winners. "There has been much discussion about the McHenry Shores' strained financial position. This has been fueled by the monies owed by McHenry Shores for road repair studies. There has also been much discussion over the current road conditions. "The facts show the following: First, the Shores' assets appear to exceed their liabilities by some $75,000. This asset would become the city of McHenry's. McHenry would be liable for approximately $40,000 of monies owed for the road study. The roads are in a poor state of repair and must be repaired. The money to repair these roads would most likely come from a "special assessment" being established in McHenry Shores. This, of course, means that there would be very little expense to the citizens of McHenry. Secondly, services such as police protection must be provided. "It must be understood that the people of McHenry Shores pay taxes the same as the citizens of McHenry. The additional revenue will more than pay the additional expenses the city may incur. We pay our way and so will the people of McHenry Shores if given the opportunity. "Along with the McHenry Shores annexation comes an excellent established and growing industrial park. Industrial revenues are much desired by city governments and citizens because they help establish a stable and workable tax base to provide for our needs. "Now let's return to the building of the new McHenry hospital and the situation at hand . Because of the new EPA legislation established only a month ago, it would appear that it is very unlikely that the hospital can be built at all if McHenry Shores is not annexed to the city of McHenry. To simplify a very complex situation, let us simply state that there is virtually no way to get a permit to build the necessary sewer lines for the new hospital in time because of the new EPA regulations that state that the sewer lines from the new hospital site cannot be connected to the existing sewer plant because of boundary lines, and the time frame involving the financing of the hospital. It is also apparent the hospital's Certificate of Need will expire before a permit can be negotiated with McHenry Shores, McHenry, and the EPA. "The entire EPA situation can be bypassed by the annexation of McHenry Shores. This is the case because if the 'city' and McHenry Shores were 'one', the EPA would then have no objection as to where the sewer lines would run. "What does the new hospital mean to McHenry? the benefits are astronomical! Let's begin with the construction of the $29,000,000 hospital. It will mean hundreds of construction jobs for local workers. Approximately $8,000,000 will be spent on labor alone. Many more millions of dollars in materials will be purchased locally. The workers will also eat and buy locally while on the job. McHenry's economy could use a good 'shot in the arm'. The hospital is that shot! "After the hospital is built, it will employ 100 additional people. These workers and their families will most likely live and shop in McHenry. The growth of the many supporting facilities and businesses will, of course, be a natural progression of events in the area. "I fully realize that the annexation of McHenry Shores, and the building of the new McHenry hospital, are both extremely complex issues. Combined, they are almost impossible situations to comprehend even with a v a i l a b l e f a c t s . Nevertheless. I am absolutely convinced that it is in the best interest of all McHenry citizens to annex the Shores and build the hospital. To allow the hospital and all it means to our city to slip through our fingers would be a travesty which may never be repairable. "We will not get a second chance. Other communities want our hospital. If we don't build now, we most likely won't build at all. The impact of annexing McHenry Shores to the city ELECT DONALD P.DOHERTY COUNTY BOARD District 2 VOTE REPUBLICAN QUALIFIED AND EXPERIENCED CANDIDATE FOR DISTRICT 2 •Former Member, McHenry County Board •Past Chairman, McHenry County Planning Commission. •Mayor, City of McHenry 12 years, 1961 -73. •Served on County Special Zoning, Planning & Zoning, Public Safety and Purchasing Committees. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION... I LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR SUPPORT AND VOTE IX| ELECT DONALD P.DOHERTY 102--< McHENRY COUNTY BOARD PRIMARY ELECTION TUESDAY, MARCH 16 (PAID FOR BY DONALD DOHERTY, McHENRY, ILL.) of McHenry is a minor issue when compared to the impact of the new hospital. Let's not be a penny wise and a pound foolish!! "BryceC. Klontz "President, McHenry "Area Chamber of "of Commerce" "Editor: "A am in favor of an­ nexation for many reasons; however, I feel that the main advantage for both com­ munities is purely an economical one. "We are in an area of great future develop­ ment....it is very obvious that all of our interests will be better served through a merger of this kind. "Two entities working against each other can be very expensive, but one community working for the same purpose and goal benefits all of the citizens efficently, effectively and economically. "Mary Lou Heald "807 South Carol Ave. "McHenry Shores" "Editor: "The advantages of a merger between the Shores and the city of McHenry are many and mostly obvious. "We have reached the point in the road where we now must decide: do we join and mutually work together to better our communities or do we stay separated and expend our energies com­ peting? "This is the real issue that our votes will decide. "Larry Weber "3503 Vine St. "McHenry Shores" "Editor: "Annexation of McHenry Shores to the City of McHenry is definitely ad­ vantageous to both com­ munities. The immediate advantage to the Shores would be the assumption of the $40,000 debt by the City of McHenry. "The future advantage would be the possible in­ stallation of sewers and better drainage facilities with the government grant which the Shores now has which McHenry can capitalize on because of their solid financial base. "McHenry's immediate advantage would be the acquisition of the Shores community property and vehicles which outweigh the $40,000 liability. "The future advantage to McHenry would be the sole control of the metropolitan services, such as policing, sn&w •plowing ana main­ tenance of public property; also, planning for the growth of industrial parks, single family and multiple family dwellings, roads, bridges and community sewage services "Annexation should be a must for both communities. "Edwin Olbinski "605 S. Meadow "McHenry Shores" "Editor: "I strongly favor an­ nexation of McHenry Shores to the City of McHenry, because I feel both com­ munities will benefit working as one, pooling resources and can only build one strong united city. "In these economic times it makes sense to work together and under Mayor Joseph Stanek's leadership. I feel we would be well represented and our best interests taken into con­ sideration. "Nina L. Keen "McHenry Shores" ' "Editor: "I'm in favor of an­ nexation. If McHenry Shores and McHenry city are to prosper in the most economical and smoothest way, and if we don't want to see issues complicated like * we see with the new ** proposed hospital, this annexation must be passed. "The only reservation thatM I have had was the display of ; leadership that , some aldermen in McHenry city , have shown. However, my T concerns of being a Me to trust the aldermen in McHenry are nullified when I remember the pow^r > that the majority h^ve (McHenry Shores Road Assessment). The people en mass can change tningft. Also the leadership that Mayor Stanek has shown that he represents the' in- ,! terest of all the people. "Charles Werth "Village Trustee "McHenry Shores" "Editor: <1/ "Yes, I am in favor m annexation. By uniting the communities, we become one in search of growth and . business expansiqns. Utilizing the talents of residents of both the communities, going forward would be smoother and more concentrated. Individually, McHenry Shores and the City of McHenry ' become competitors, effectively trying to block each other and therefore causing stagnation in both com­ munities. "This is only one of the advantages of annexation. The possibilities are endless. We will be limited only by our attitudes and lack of foresight into the future. "Donna Tobeck "Village Trustee "McHenry Shores" "Editor: "I sincerely believe that annexation will be in the best interests of both the City of McHenry residents and residents of the Village of McHenry Shores. "We can all contribute to ' well regulated growth and + progress. "LeonZelvis "Building and "Zoning Office "Emergency Services "Coordinator "McHenry Shores" "Editor: "I am for annexation beacuse: Effective local government was never more critical in this century. The need is here and notf. An­ nexation provides the best solution to shared problems. The nation's financial crisis, ! affects us all.The dollar ! crunch will be felt morft at. the local levelU." br . f i me "Consolidation ' Will4 provide cost-efficient means for providing basic services. Of all, the need for new sewers and sewerage basic services. Of all, the need for new sewers and sewerage treatment are .the most acute. Demonstrated are the requirements for a new McHenry hospital and the elimination of septic systems in the immediate area. Annexation will assure that plans for the hospital and sewer needs for the immediate vicinity will go forward with least delay. "Ellen H. Semrow "605 S. Broadway "McHenry Shores" PRESENT "ELIJAH" The Music department of the First Congregational church, Crystal Lake, will present Mendelssohn's "Elijah" Sunday, March 14, at 7 p.m. Several area soloists will be featured, along with the adult choir and accompanists, under the direction of Eva Wedel. The performance will be held in the First Congregational church sanctuary, 461 Pierson street, Crystal Lake. ;; "I have 17 reasons why H&R Block should prepare pP „ wf your taxes. REASON #6: H&R Block's trained tax preparers. This year there are 47 different forms and sched­ ules for income tax filers. Using the wrong form, or omitting one, could cost1 you money. Or cause an IRS inquiry. H&R Block pre­ parers are trained to know the forms and how to use*' each of them to your best advantage. ••••i H&R BLOCK •- THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 17 reasons. One smart decision. 5101W. Elm McHenry1 > *>, m J Open 9-8 Weekdays, 90S Saturdays. Phone 35S>8630 APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE v *• MasterCard w4 Visa accopM at tfct about area locations 9 k i

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