IMMtl trtc Mereeieon" lira Robert Ridlord, Jan* Fonda. A* sx-rodao star, now rodaood to preaiotieebreakfaeteereel. ituli g pflotlm thofouoNbftd aad along with a aews-haagry Imili fgpoft§ft nn'oii toy Mi# MMittoidMaWwilidW) fkaar Of Oyaasalte" uri JAMC8 Cohere, Rod ateiger. Two beak robbers am eeoidadal heroeo la tha Mexico* WanoMlon. (Rated thra., SOmina.) 1M1 Jaok Nicholson. Jessica Loses. A driftar aad a young mmmii n> aalnailahr in WkUA nlnl to kill fear aid haabead. (Paid 8abaeripNoaTaia«MQa)(8lira.,5 stro* O By LHHan Bono *+++*< - NMiafMHllMf eseii 1IIIOTSS St) Take an Importer*! rtak In promoting • B tl Aprt at) recognition may be tor your dm! ifforti at work. Ib when boobd!* ^pppoao e ̂ ^^e ^^^po^es jpPwfnRjl o^RWW^pP% title honor. TAURUS tl) out tha adtioa of m older Mend •hod O law iohf on i dmbmI ^a e^^p^w w^pass in * go S^ot ' A (Miff mmm mi Hobbiee and roorMtkm an favored tMa week. Teke time out Irom work to enjoy youreetf CAMCIR 46 fcftpo tKMT ») Don't M soaooialss toko adwttato o( you. Being loyal la Important but don't let It blind you to the real facta. /•> •••.••»'. leo _____ * (Mr M^Aop. IS) Aeeume reaponolbmty for eN thoaa flttla thlnga you've let Mdo. Organisation aMdknlnato unneoee* aary worrying. * vmao • ' r- it (Aug. 24-tepL 23) Cortaln demands and limitatlona are plocod on you at work. Try to keep a km profile and « cautious eye. uwk •-•••- • * (Sept St-Oet. St) Concentrate on your career. ReUebWty end punotuellty are rewarded. Balance this with time ip play. •; . • JV: •• • \T- BCOWPIO (Oct U Mo*. IS) You am imputalvo right now end eeam to bo etubbom about wanting your own way. Do not spend money to make an irapreesion. SAOnTAWUS m Si) Take the advloe of eomaone older and more oxparianoad than you. Their oonovn may aurprite you. ̂ r CAPWCORW <D*c- 22-Jn.») Youf m>f or pwlnar may ba chiMmpinq your opMona. Consider tha other point of viav« AQUAWtUB (Jan. tl Feb. It) You ere fading rather advanturoue. Oo not noolcct vour reaoonalbllitioe A certain family member may need your apedal attention. Ritr • taaa • *wmmm RW&SZSm •MVMUkM _ Coeatoaw Odyeeey Tha ̂ **» a .̂. yA^Mla ̂ Iftim PfMOBSO BMn W the Deep'TMaM»eKptorea the ortelaa. habtta aad paraoaaMMas ef eea Ufa. the wane-biooded rovolatioa. aad the retarn of taaddalpMaetothe Greet Perf eraiaaaee 1 Revieited' Chartoa aad JaHa plunge lato thalr leva the Atleetic Ooean, white Celie lea atak la har cabin. (Olasad IRS . Piano aad Oroheatre la 0 Mtaor end Doe Juaa. Opua 20. Viaaaa 'Tea Tell Mea" 1tai Part Lenoeeter, Jody Lawrence. Ten lifllOMiiifiiMtfirtikitoilopi WPatteokof 111 •FatteokonTarfe. (8hr».) )#TI>eTaaleWanw arrrv 'ieao Polar OToelSL . SellaHaek ftefinltiee #%f MtlVtvS^Wi WwflnMfYf •trf*" ®' the Hollywood aleatnafa. the Haltywood dlreator and the eeaaiier elde of mo¥io aiaking. (Rated R) (2 hrs., 11 mine.) izsaax. ii:3om-m ac Network BMwhHCriea Drassa)*** "Tha Oroaelsetlee" 1371 tidnnyPoitiw.BerteeraMcWair.A blaok Sen Praeoioooeop Jolna forcea with addlat-ralatad aetivieta eat to aall a aiaior country aiaale extrevaganza lsetartagworoe>eaaaooroeltop of aeaatry maaia today. Tha liitsup ctud#B Hoy Cterfc,iaakeyOMey. Lorry Qatiin, Laoy J. Oaltoa, Tha Teaea Plevboya. Johaay Lee. 3levo flhMi diaan JemieFrtoiie and Many 99 AtC Newa Mightiiae Aeohored by Ted KoppeL #W 3aB< OaldHoat: Ptonao Warwlak. Oold record wieners PtftOfffl thilf hH BOBQB. SatraMeetCRy. PartV. F R E E 3 0 D A Y T R I A L T k Y B t F O R t Y O U B U Y ! HEARING AIDS THAT HELP PROTICT YOU MOM LOUD NOISES * Zenith Zenolron compression hearing oids ore designed with special electronic circuitry that automatically . "cushions" loud, sudden noises. Iversay Sole I mmm Hi CSHVSI 9937 W. Main, McHonry-(tl5)3t5.7W1 Ktfcft St--d--i (HOI.) n Tf»M|iHiMi i You're Not Doing tualnoas WftMJa You're Peyino Too Much I Alt feAttfcfelES4»%IticBBwy" ACTIVAIR ll-AAALLORY-RAY O VAC-EVERYREADY Wedneedoy Only It tot MA