End Of Police Chase talned »!*»» fled jewelry, buckskin bur- Carey 8. Roland, from • guardrail it Riverside to extricate craiked hosd on late a Johafevg road Satarday to McHaary kmpHal for Ho facaa fhre separate traffic cfcsrges frem McHeary aai coaaty poUee, was gave ckase after Ralaad was foaad to bo in* lag erratically. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Hold "Quit Smoking" Clinic McHenry hospital is sponsoring a "Quit Smoking" clinic In August and continuing through September, and interested persons are urged to call the public relations department to enroll. A limited number of openings are available. Harold Wimmer of the McHenry- DuPage Lung association will conduct the clinic, which offers smokers assistance in quitting or reducing their smoking consumption. The program's goals include techniques that willl help smokers maintain a non-smoking behavior over a prolonged period of time. Cigarette smoking is related to over 300,000 preventable deaths each year, and the incidence of smoking-related disease is increasing annually. The clinic presents help in the form of aelf- reinforcement techniques, relaxation and breathing exercises, a buddy system, group discussions, and problem-solving exercises as part of its approach. For the first time, threre will be a $90 per person charge, which will be refunded in full to those who attend all six wwiops The "Quit Smoking" clinic will meet on the following Mondays and Wednesdays: Aug. S3, Aug. 33, Aug. 30, Sept. 1, Sept. S, and Sept. 15. Each session will be held in the McHenry hospital cafeteria from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. To sign up, call McHenry hospital's public relations department at 385- 2300, extension 710. A maximum of 35 persons will be enrolled. DEATHS LOUIS BLOCK Louis Block, 80, of McHenry, died Monday, Aug. 18, at his residence. He l born Jan. 34,1908, in the McHenry A member of Faith Presbyterian church, McHenry, Mr. Block was e McHi Slate Time Capsule Burial Mark Jus ten, chairman of the "Future Perfect" committee, an nounces that Aug. 3S has been selected for the closure and burial of the 100- year Ume capsule. There will be a simple ceremony at 7 p.m. at the site at Pearl street park. Everyone is invited to attend. Among the guests of honor will be Mayor Joaeph Stanek, Chamber President Bryce Klontz, Fiesta Days Chairman Troy Covalt, Chamber Executive Director Fran Olsen, Chamber Secretary Pamela Mysker- Ogurek, and all members of the "Future Perfect" committee, who are Bob Smith, Liz Nolan, George Freund, HOSPITAL NOTES WOODSTOCK Admissions: Mrs. Ethel Schueman and David Moran, both of Wonder Lake; and Irene Williams of Ringwood. HARVARD Admissisas: Colleen Brock and Florence Dunn, both of McHenry; Wilma Hutchinson of Wonder Lake; and Alma Ladd of Ringwood. Tom Miller and Connie Gillum. All members of the City Council, the Parks and Recreation department, the Public Workds department, and the McHenry Junior Women's Civic league have been issued special in vitations. The MJWCL, under the coor dination of Judy Owens and Claudia Delta, has bean responsible for Egging and listing the hundreds of items that have boon generously donated by numerous individuals and businssses throughout McHenry. Ms. Ogurek has been almoat singularly responsible for accepting, deecribing, ana assembling the many varied entries, as well as contacting each person whose item was selected, to be part of the Fiesta Days thane night extravaganza July 30. Upon com pletion of the entire project, a final list of items and donors will be svsilable through the Chamber office. reabyu Bloat raised in the McHenry area and had been employed by Terra Cotta Industries over SO years; moot of the time as a foreman. Surviving are his wife Gladys (Auringer) whom he married 45 years Soon Jan. 29,1937; a daughter, Mrs. 11 (Debbie) Oeffling of McHenry; a son Vernon of Richmond; and three grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two brothers and four sisters. Visitation will be from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, at the George R. Justen k Son funeral home, where private funeral services will be held Thursday morning, with the Rev. Eric Snyder of Faith church officiating, and private interment at Woodland cemetery. Memorials would be appreciated to the McHenry County Heart fund. CHESTER ATKINS Chester W. Atkins, 73, of 331 W. Northlake road, McHenry, died Sunday, Aug. 15, in McHenry hospital. He waa born Dec. 25, 1908, in Greenup, 111., the son of Thomas and EdabeUe (CourreU) Atkins. Edat Mr. Atkins was a veteran. World War II nee Survivors are his wife Dorothy Leach; six chikken, Marilyn Griffin of McHenry; Jimmy L. of Ft. Mitchell, Ky.; John W. of Onalaaka, Wis.; Susan L. Atkins of Wonder Lake; EddieS. of Erlanger, Ky.; and Patricia A. Acred of McHenry; 18 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Visitation was scheduled from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at the Peter M. Justen 4 Son funeral home, where services will Local Artists In Sunday Fair Artists from M< the 80 exhibitors scheduled to per- ttdpnte la the Woodstock Art Fair Sunday, Aug. 31 The Art Fair In the Woodstock city sqaarefrom 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. featuree a varied array of artistic endeavor. It la* sponsored by the Woodstock Chamber of Commerce and In- s Prnfesslisisl aad Service division. Art media listed In the scheduled participants include pottery, stoaewsre, water color paintings, and oils, handcrafted and clay, whimsical and primitive jNrtntings on wood, rooemaling and Area exhibitors will Include Debra Gust, stoneware and clay; Lori WUhelm, pen and ink drawings, and Janice Schram, water colors and psncil drawings, all from McHenry. Also exhibiting will be David Trumbel, pottery, Richmond; Marshs Nelson, pen and ink, and Robert Pinn, water cokrs, Wondsr Lake; and Carol Peters, oils and water color, Spring Grove The 80 artists will vie for more than $1,000 to be swarded in cash or purchase prizes, presented by local business snd professional people. be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednsaday. followed by interment in Ringwood cemetery. AMAUJA PESE Amaliie Pese, 4811 W. Shore drive, Wonder Lake, died Sunday, Aug. 15, at Royal Terrace Nursing Center, McHenry. She was born March 11, 1808, in Latvia. Mrs. Pese is survived by her husbsnd Mikelis Pese of Wander Lake. She waa preceded in death by hsr parents. No visitation was scheduled snd the family requested cremation. Arrange menu were handled by the George R. Justsn k Son funeral home. Jaycees To Hold Recruiting Night \ The McHenry Aree Jaycees sre seeking new members snd are holding a recruiting night Aug. 18 at 8 p.m. at the American Legion hall in McHenry. The program includes short talks by Jim Frasier, district director representing McHenry, Wonder Lake, Elgin and Carpentersville in the Fox Vslley region, snd Bill Cross, president of the McHenry Ares Jaycees. In addition, ample time for becoming acquainted with the new members will be provided. Interested Individuals should attend the Aug. 18 meeting or call Bill Cross sf 385-4094. GRAND CHAMPION Kathy Forster, daughter of Bill snd Pst Forster of 3718 W. Lee, McHenry, won grand champion foal of '83 and '81 at the recent McHenry County Fair. Entries were those foals that earned an "A" rating in previous competition during those two years. Katny is s member of the Horse Power club. PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 18,1983 Walk For YMCA Membership On Saturday, Sept. 11, hertwing at 9a.m., psrsons having pledges of ten cents to one dollar from sponeors will walk as much of a 14-miis route as they can to raiae money tar the Lake Region YMCA operating expensss. For every one dollar secured by each walker the walker will receive 35 cents' credit toward the YMCA membership or program of Ms-hsr cnotce. Persons having ptedges will meet at the YMCA and /rfShm Saggers Blvd. to Pingree, to Three Oaks road and continue in Crystal Laks to South high school (4 miles) to Lakewood, to Hampshire and Broadway (7 miles) to Coventry school (11 miles) and back to the YMCA (14 milee). A free YMCA walk tee ahirt will be given to every waiter upon receipt of the first 35 dollars. You can have baked potatoes in as little ss half the time if you put them on an oven rack and place an iron pot over them. About Your Wedding Write-Up In ordor to sorvo McHenry aroa brides, the Plain - dealer moils wedding form* to all whose engagemen ts hovo boon onnowncod in the popor and carry o dofinlto da to. Wo osk that thoso complotod form* bo returned throa day* before tho wadding. Tho *tory containing all tho information givon on tho form will appoor only during tho week following tho wadding, except in tho ca*o of out-of-state waddings, whofo an additional woafc is ollowod. Forms rocoivad tho socond weak aft or tho wadding will bo printed with tho omission of o description of tho ottiro worn. Photographs will bo printed ony time lot or, or will be included with the wedding information if they accom- pony tho story at tho proscribed deadline If your engagement announcement has not boon « published, of If tho data of tho wadding was not known at tho time, please call our office and request that o morrtoge form bo sent Space probfoms experienced by a nan doily newspaper, and desire to print up-to-date news, make this policy necessary. J; I Register Now For Fall Enrollment FANTASY FARM CHILD CARE •EDUCATIONAL PRE SCHOOL PROGRAMS •LOWEST RATES *H0T LUNCHES •STATE LICENSED INDOOR & OUTDOOR •Q JAUflED TEACHERS PLAY AREAS ALSO AVAILABLE BEFORE AND AHfcH SCHOOL CARE FOR CHILDREN J SOFA, LOVESEAI & CHAIR ALL WOOO PRODUCT •heavy pin* finishI ^FLOCKED NYLON WITh| CONTRASTING ROYAL RLUE WILT I I W M ranur 1 0 Y R . W A R R A N T Y FIRM BEDDING Mottross I Sox Spring Rag. 419.M SOFMOVBUn •AVAHAUI •SPCI TWIN SIZE ittras* S Sox Sprtrv m tog.SSt.fl ?169» REG Si ON.00 K I N G S I 7 F A l S O A V A I l A R l F QAKWOpW |8 PCI •DINING ROOMSEH UNA. OVAL TABU. 4 SBC CHAN •2 ARM CHAIRS. 2 LEAPS! REG. $249* IBBBffieww fmltthhiHn BOWLERS NEEDED FOR FALL LEAGUES TEAM AND INDIVIDUAL- LADIES MON MEN TUES MEN WED LADIES THURS. MORN.. LADIES FRI MIXED FRI 9:30 P.M. C A L L J E N N Y A T SAT.. SEPT. 11. ..9:00 A.M. McHENRY RECREATION 1 2 1 6 N R I V E R R D . M c H E N R Y I L L 385-2520 CALL OR COME IN TO REGISTER! ! We are now taking orders for Louie and Hilton bowling shirts. Alto, wo stock bowling bags and shoos. Wo havo Columbia, Brun swick, and A.M.F. Bowling Balls in stock. All ball work done on promisos. Wo drill, plug t rodrlll balls A put In fingor grips. OPEN SUNDAYS 10 to S Go-Back to School with big name jeans from classics to new looks! This is the week to save This week come m and chooee your favorites while you save You'll lind a wide aalecSon tor the family Stock-up* Men'a Fashion Jean a -- boot cut and straight leg cotton denims m dark mdtgo btua Waists 2838 oeeams S-M-l Reg 116 *>.S7 •ays' Wrangler' No Fault cotton den ims m pre-waahed indigo blue Straight lag m regular skm 8-1S Reg H4 I0.S7 Hn Wei mmm Hog HO W McHENRY MARKET PLACE . Bays' Wrangler' No Fault' teens 01 itorvpoty pre-waahed denim w4h dou- »knees' Regular. skm 4-7 Soya and QMS' 100% cotton pro-shrunk blue demme Yours at savings thw week! Flag S6 90 mlonta 12-24 months 447 Rag V 80 toddtora 2-4 SJ7 L a M t - F s a N o n loan teans with com puter designed pocket treatments *00% cotton pre-wsahed blue denims m |rs 3 IS. misaai 12-20. woman's 32-40 Reg SI7-S19 13.S7 Save 2S%i Rush m tor ladies designer gans Klein, misses turn ̂ 305-4100 U