PAGE 24 - PLA1NDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12,1983 - LAKEMOOIVLILYMOOR AREA Margaret Karas ° 385-4934 First Library Card In 1983 Robert John Pryor of Lilymoor was the first applicant of the new year for a libriiry card at the McHenry^unda Library District. As 1983 will be an exciting time for the library with the anticipation and completion of a new building, many, people are becoming more aware of the secyjces offered. The goal this year is to have all residents of the area become users of the library. Books are just a part of library service today. There are records, tapes, magazines, art prints, puzzles, video cassettes and all kinds of information. Stop in at the small building on Lily Lake road, so you will be able to really appreciate the new facility that will be open by summer. CELEBRATIONS Birthday time for Pat Zabroski is Jan. 12. Myldred Rowe becomes an octegenarian on Jan. 14. Myldred has been very concerned about her 102 year old mother, Mrs. Louise Franz, who has been at Royal Terrace in McHenry. Mrs. Franz was taken to McHenry hospital on Jan. 5, where she seems to be gaining strength. Myldred faces each new problem squarely, and we know the Lord will see her through this one, too. Danny Weber of Lilymoor has his day on Jan. 17. The 18th finds two other Lilymoorites celebrating, Laurie Lee Dornbush adding a teen year, and Wanda Minton adding a between year. Little Rachael Delp of Lakemoor, looking much like a well- known soup baby, will have two candles on her cake the same date. Anniversary time for Bill and Peggy Hendrichson, owners of one of ~ ilymoor's few businesses, is Jan. 13. Let us all give thanks that we have reached another year. VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR ' NEWS Vehicle stickers are available at the village hall every day except Wed nesday, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Feb. 28 is the deadline for registering all vehicles in Lakemoor. Petitions for the trustee and clerk election are available at the village hall from 8 to noon, every week day except Wednesdays. Lola Narcaroti, village clerk, was pleased to note that two people volunteered for clerical duty every Monday evening in response to last week's request. LILYMOOR ASSOCIATION New board members wqre elected at the Jan. 3 meeting of the Lilymoor association. Lilymoorites wishing to know their identity, are asked to be present at the next meeting, Feb. 7, the first Monday of the month. The association is sponsoring a fund raiser for the same meeting. Tickets are available from board members (if you know who they are), or at the meeting. Donations for same may be dropped off at the homes of Marion Vornkahl or Laura Meyer. Residents who have not met their responsibility of paying 1982 dues are requested to do so. Also, the 1983 membership dues are being accepted. This money will be used primarily for snow removal and road im provements. Laura Meyer 1008 W. Dale, is the treasurer. HOSPITAL USERS Charles Epperson underwent knee surgery on Jan. 28 at McHenry hospital. He is now home, managing with crutches as his leg is in a cast. His wife Louise is happy to have him home, where she can minister to his needs. Jackie Stromley was taken to Condell hospital by her husband Carl on Dec. 30. She is still undergoing tests. Hopefully her problem will be diagnosed soon so that a cure can follow. Hurry home, Jackie, we miss • you. Nine-month-old Sally Orwall, daughter of Jane and A1 of Lilymoor, was hospitalized on 3an. 6 with a bronchial condition. It seems many young children have been in the hospital for pneumonia or bronchial problems this winter. Has the un seasonable warm weather been a factor? CHRISTMAS EVE BABY A Christmas child was born to Ann and Patrick Epperson of Lilymoor. He has been named John, and has a big sister, two-year-old Cindy. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Epperson, also of Lilymoor. LOVE FOUND IN 1982, LOST IN 1983 Magoo, Maggie Dunnagan's black labrador-doberman,^, found a lady friend in a German short hair who was wandering about during the last few days of 1982. Sherman, next door neighbor Nancy and Stan Schufft's male dog, was also visited by the lacty, starting a three-sided love affair. Maggie put food out for the short hair, who by now was called Annie, as in "Little Orphan...," On New year's eve, Annie decided she wanted warmth, and accepted Maggie's in vitation to come into the house where she joined in the New Year's festivities and promptly curled up in bed with young guests Brian and Eric Spath. And Magoo. Mag had called Animal Control but there was no return call . She placed a notice in last Wednesday's Plain- dealer, ad on Tuesday evening, Pat Fortino of River road called to claim Annie, or rather Duchess. Pat had been boarding the dog when she jumped the fence and eluded the would-be catchers. Now Duchess is returned to her owner and Magoo has returned to bachelorhood. His plaintive howling will again be endured by the neigh bors. ANOTHER DOG TALE Mitzi Gurske was mystified by tty? dog collar with tag that she founds# her driveway last week. No dog-just the collar. Stopping at the gas station in Lilymoor, she mentioned it to Heidi, who said she felt so badly about hit ting a dog on Lily Lake road that same morning. The dog ran off, and no one in the neighborhood saw the cream colored dog with the orange spots. The Animal Control had no report of a missing dog here. Thursday afternoon, the owners who live on Rand road, stopped at the library to ask if anyone had seen their dog. About an hour later, they returned to say the dog had been found, having been taken care of by the Mieszala's on Stueben road. Another happy reunion due to people who care about animals. WARNING! ALL LILY LAKE IS NOT FROZEN Three ice fishermen were making holes in Lily Lake last Wednesday morning. I was watching from the den window and decided to check the ice myself, as the weather was a pleasant 30 degrees. The smoothness and clarity of the channel by our house was beautiful, and led me on to Lily Lake proper, always watching the depth of the ice which was about two to three inches. Noticed wajs an upside down trap which was frozen in the lake. Then along the shoreline among the cat tails, a small ball caught my eye. Perhaps it was one Whimper had played with. The ball came free much too easily from the ice, and a Warning flashed in my brain. Too late-l^wasln the icy water. There was no fear. Remembering the rules for ice safety, I stretched as far as I could over the unbroken ice. I cannot \ tjlruly remember getting out onto the ice, - my guardian angel took care of that. The pain in my chest and the bruised knees are reminders of my narrow escape. It is ironic after all the years of telling youngsters to stay off the lake juntil the springs have been frozen, that I should be the one to fall in. There are lessons in life that have to be relearned. The retrieved ball was still clutched in my hand as a very cold, wet person was welcomed by Bruno, who had been watching my progress. Now, fat black cat Priscilla has a new toy. 'COMMUNITY CALENDAR Jan. 13 -- Lakemoor^ Village meeting, 8 p.m. Jan. 27 -- McHenry Nunda Library District Board meeting, 7:30 p.m. at the library on Lily Lake road. * Jan. 27 - Lakemoor Village meeting, 8 p.m. Jan. 31 -- Last day for filing petitions with county clerk for village trustee and clerk. "Minds are like parachutes-they only function when open". GOD BLESS New Toll-FreS Phone To Report VA Waste, Fraud Delicious Savings On Quality Snacks Fun Size Candy Bars & H Choose from Snickari, Milky Way, 3 Mutktt*«r» Candy bar*. Qraat lor altar school snacks Save Up To 20% Orville Redenbacher's 15 Oz. Popping Corn Our Reg. 1.17 Orville Redenbacher's 12 Oz. Popping Oil Our Reg. 1.43 Our Orville Redenbacher s gourmet pop ping corn and buttery flavor popping oil are guaranteed fftsh •g. $5.88 20% Off Thara Is skill lima to maka skirts and slacks and raally sava money now Choose from a variety of Bath Sets now on sale Quaker Stale 10W40 Motor Oil Smethport Games YOUR CHOICE A s s t . m> Keep your engine lop condit with quality Quake Stale Deluie motor oil No Ol 040 Limit 6 Choose from Ant Picnic Game, Apple Celch Game and Super 4 Games Prestige Dress Bags 5.76 Expanding Rack yj 87* Reg. 7.87 A new look to dress bags 54'V long Reg. 1.32 Wood Expanding Rack to hang coats, hats, scarfs on. Hang it in your closet or back of a door Healthy January Savings 30 Ct Curad Ouchless Bandages 20 Ct. Curad Ouchless Bandages i Oz Visine * QO Eye Drops 1 .Ofc Dabaways SAVING STORE WITH MOBE A new toll free telephone to the Veterans Administration Inspector General's office becameN^ygdlable recently. Supplementin^^M^ting "Hotline" commercial and federal service, the new number is further encouragement to the general public, as well as veterans and em ployees, to report ways to save money and reduce waste and fraud in VA programs and operations. It should not be used to inquire about individual eligibility for benefits or for other business dealings with VA which can be handled with the servicing VA office or hospital. The new number, 800-368-5898, serves the continental United States (except the Washington, DC area), and Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. All lines operate 24 hours each day. During nights, weekends and holidays, recording equipment is available for callers to leave messages. During FY 1982, 301 individuals called the I.G.'s Hotline to report 405 allegations of fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement in the VA . Of the 242 cases closed, 47 of 314 allegations received were substantiated by audits, investigations, or program official reviews. Substantiated cases have disclosed employee misconduct, program fraud or abuse, and mismanagement or wasteful prac tices. Drugs Participants Needed For Study, People with mild to moderate high blood pressure are invited to par ticipate in a study at Northwestern university Medical school to test the effectiveness of two widely prescribed anti-hypertensive medications. Study participants must be taking no medication for nigh blood pressure or be able to discontinue their medication for at least five weeks. All tests and treatment required for the study will be free of charge. If desired, test results can be made available to participants' personal physiciahs. Transportation costs to the clinic at 303 E. Chicago avenue will be reimbursed. "This is an opportunity for people to take part in a national research effort which could help those with high blood pressure to live longer and more productive lives," said Dr. Olga Haring, professor of medicine at Northwestern and study director. For more information on the hypertension drug study, call 649-8013. IT'^ FACT! Sodium--a major component of table skit--can be found in drinking water. Amounts of sodium in water vary across the country, but wherever water softeners are used, the sodium content of drinking water is higher. Many Americans consume two to three times or even more sodium'each day than they need to in order to live healthy lives. This excess sodium in the diet is believed to contribute >o several diseases, including high blood pressure or hypertension. About Vi of your sodium intake comes from the salt you add to food. The experts at the Food Marketing Institute recommend that you check with your doctor to find out if you need to cut down on the sodium in your diet. If so, always check the labels of the foods you eat for the words "salt," "sodium," or "soda." In general, fruits and vegetables contain less sodium than meat, poultry, fish or dairy products. And try different seasonings, such as lemon juice, garlic, basil, bay leaf, paprika or nutmeg. It's a tasty and healthy alternative way to spice up your meals. Men's Winter Sweaters 30% OH Select group of Men's Sweaters now on sale for 30% off regular prices. Ladies Sweaters 30% on Select group of Ladies Sweaters now on sale at 30% off regular price. I 1/2 PRICE SALE Select Group Ladies Blouses 50% off There is still time to get a good bargain on Ladies Blouses. 50% off regular price. No rain- checks. Ladies Knit Tops- 50% off Select group of Knit tops to choose from. 50% off regular price. No rainchecks. Select Group Ladies Co-Ordinates 50% off Now is the time to get a good bargain on Ladies Co-Ordinates. Not all sizes or styles are available. No rain- checks. _Jj| Wed. Frl' Wjan.12-I4th Rt. 47 & „ Country Club Rd. Woodstock, IL. 4400 W. Rte. 120 McHenry ,JL. DAILY 9 to 9 SUNDAY 10 to 5 mm., YOUR SRO&X™»» paperback Prices affective while quantities Uct. We re serve the right to limit quantities. McHENRY SAVINGS l L.Ota tSIOCitTioa Don't Be Misled! Not All Money Market Accounts Are Created Equal ^McHenry Savings' Money Market Account Offers You More! Yes Yes. We're continuing to offer a Bonus Rate of 10% until Saturday, January 15th! We're the only one offering Cash Bonuses for deposits drawn on Money Market Funds! But, That's Just For Openers! What Happens After Your Account Is Opened Is Ju£t As Important! / Yes No No Yes We Will Pay rjo less than 5'/4 % on all open accounts*regardless of balance. Others May Pay None! Ask them. We Do Not charge any service fees on open accounts* tjhgit fall below the statutory $2,500 minimum! Others Del Ask them. We Will Rot lower your yield to 5/4 % just because your balance falls below $2,j>C>S for a day or two. We compute your balance on a monthly average, providing ample opportunity to preserve your market rate of return. Your Funds are Federally Insured up to $100,000. * Totemain open we only require a $500 minimum^balonce. McHENRY SAVINGS lOAN ASSOCIATION fflhiyiicpkl EOT HOT North Crm SlrMt McHcnry IISUS-IOOO 10920 Main Stroot. Richmond 015-471-204) 10403 North Vino Stroot (Hunrioy Contor on ftovto 47) Huntloy 912-449-3)39 SAVKRS HOUtS: 9 00 om lo 4 30 p«n Monday Tuetdoy ond Thurtdoy 9 X onr> to 8 00 pm Fndoy 9 00 am to I 00 prr> Saturday McH«nry O^ice Drive m wmdo»*» open Wednesday 8 00 om to 2 X pm Closed Wednesday in Richmond ond Huntley t i w w h * « 4 I -- « I -- C -- » Before you open a Money Market Account Do Yourself A Favor and call McHenry Savings and Loan at 385-3000 today for details; ask for New Accounts. You'll ho glad you didl