HOLLYWOOD ACCESSORIES Depend® lia&ij Adhesive-. 16 Oz. For bonding wood, metal, plastic, concrete. Super strong & water resistant. ( 167 ) A , V 80695/ Auto Commuter Cup Insulated cup for hot or cold drinks. Push button. 6" Window , 5310> Thermometer V 63578, Easy-to-read dial with rust proof bracket and case. SOFT white $ "zm.wMtsiMsnt; DlshPon- I|V4"K 13V»"X 5%" Durable pan fift in sink, FAM3640A/W,7SA/W,10QA/W' 35010,11,35012 et I n l I '0IU61E/51 Single Pole V 32360 I Light Dimmer Rotary dimmer controls brightness, reduces cosjts. ( J010̂ \ 21008/ s iscush- Astroturf / } Door Mat VMiSSSosJ \T/2"X 23'/a" rriat is great for cleaning shoes. Easy to clean, won't mildew. - 12149/2] Cotton V 70760J Jetsey Gloves Jersey outer fabric, fleece cotton lining. Gunn cut. (1098/119ffl V 67934 ) Immersion Heater UL listed unit heats quickly. Heats water for beverages. Kwik Seal-6 Oz. ̂ Flexible, waterproof oaulk for around shower or bath. Vita Saver 627-40 62074i •won bp* ( VS201J V 65049/ & Steamer Basket Stainless steel, fits into most pais. With lift handle Can Opener Hand-held opener is easy to use. Gear driven oper ation, chrome plated steel. Snack Jar (02713) Insulated plastic jar is per fect for snacks and fruit. Covered Cake Pan 13%"x9V*"x27A" alumi num, w/colored plastic lid.