MWWA \rrAw At Tidy - we do the celebrating while you do the saving (152233 POpQQ SAV-JW 7E35Z mannifgton Now. Exclusive Mannington JT88® Never-wax flooring. Now. Exclusive Compu-flor decorating system. We have the premier vinyl flooring that, unlike no-wax floors, doesn't ever neecTloday's vinyl dressings. Mannington JT88® Never-wax. Plus a new Gallery of Floors showroom that lets you see all the beautiful designs and colors at once. Plus Compu-flor™ a special mini-computer programmed by color experts to provide custom selections for your decor. Plus the most helpful, knowledgeable service and installa tion pros in the area. Come in and see. Mannington Floors £3>