' > RINGWOOD NEWS Doris Low Koty Christopher 650-9262 385-8037 4-H Ambassador From Germany Gestae Hades of Hohenlieth, West Germany, has been a' visitor in the McHenry-Ringwood area for the past two weeks. She has spent a month in Illinois as a 4-H ambassador with the International Foreign Youth Ex change program. While she is traveling in our country, a 4-Her from Minnesota is a guest in her home in Germany, under the same program. Gestae lives on a 300-acre pig and poultry farm in northern Germany, between the North and Baltic seas. Their family farm raises 2,200 pigs per year and has a laying flock of 900 hens. She is very knowledgeable about modern farming procedures and is interested in the no-til techniques being carried out in McHenry county. The machinery on her home farm is very much like what is used here. Because their growing season is short, they raise only short maturing crops. When asked about differences between home and the United States, she smiles and replies "It is not as hot at home!" Their climate, even though it is in the northern region, is moderated by the seas and ranges between 80 in the summer to a low of 5 in the winter. They do not have large quantities of snow. She has discovered a few exciting new foods such as tacos and chocolate chip cookies. The dietary habits of the people in the Schleswig-Holstein area include lots of fish and lamb. Upon returning home, she will begin her apprentice work in tax advising prior to attending a university. She speaks fluent English and French, in addition to high German. While in our area Gestae was able to visit numberous agricultural, historical and general interest areas - including being present for the Ringwood church chicken bar-B-Que. Before leaving our country, the entire group of 20 German Rural Youthers will visit Niagara Falls, New York City, Williamsburg and Washington D.C. She has been the guest of Lee Tomlinson of the Busy Three 4-H club. We enjoyed having Gestae with us and appreciated her help at the church. SUCCESSFUL BARBECUE With the help of many people, the Ringwood church barbecue dinner cleared a little over $1500. Con sidering the very hot day, the new "tent" made it fairly comfortable for diners to enjoy their meal.lt was the cooperation of many people, both customers and workers, especially the men who stood out in the hot sun to handle the cooking of the chicken, that, made the success of this dinner and it was greatly appreciated. SECRET PAL PARTY Ila Hogan, with the assistance of her daughter, Pat Parsley, entertained the UMW ladies last Thursday evening in her home. It was that time when everyone learned who their secret pal had been for the past year. However, we found out that some of the ladies were pretty good guessers and had figured out who their "pals" had been. . Paul and Althea Walkington took cousin Delta Hemeyer home to VISITOR ingfc ill Muscoda. Wis. Sunday. Delta has spent the past two weeks visiting with Paul and Althea and with Althea's sister from Woodstock. They all had a very good visit FORMER RESIDENTS VISIT Doyne and Marie Baker, former residents of Ringwood, now living in Mr. Vernon, Ind. visited in the , Ringwood area Thursday of last week. They visited with old neighbors and friends, catching up on the news of all the kids and their whereabouts. 'Twas fun reminiscing about their kids and ours and what they used to do. The Bakers were quite active with the youth group at one time. They also were interested in what the Delbys (Sally and Chris) had done with the remodeling of their former home. The day came to an end all too soon. QUICKIE VISIT Larry and Carrie Lou Thomas and daughter Julie of L'Anse Mich, visited with Doris and Walt Low for a couple of hours Saturday; then on to Crystal Lake to see Larry's mom, Mabel Thomas. 'Twasn't a long visit for traveling so far, but was good to see them. They also visited with Carrie Lou's sister and family. BIRTHDAYS "Happy Birthday" to Arline Pearson, Thomas Parsley, Sr., Jim Segin and Vicki Johnson on July 26. July 27 finds Donna Lynn Erwin, Linda Hopp and A1 Jones(Terry Jus ten's hubby) all adding another candle to their cakes: with Althea Walkington, Buelah Kick and Art Kreutzer, Sr., doing the same on July 28. Vivian McDowell will celebrate her special day July 29; with Larry Spencer doing the dame July 30. July 31 is that special day for Yvonne (Tonyan) Petska and Amy Rich; with Antonette Visconti and Lee Walkington celebrating their special day Aug. 1. We wish all of you wonderful people a very happy day and many more to come. ANNIVERSARIES 'Happy Anniversary" to Ralph and Buelah Kick on July 26; and to Leonard and Laura Ackerman Aug. 1. We wish both couples a very happy day and many more years of wedded bliss. DATES TO REMEMBER July 24 - Worship service - 9:15 a.m. - Ringwood church. Junior church - 9:30 a.m. - Ringwood church July 24 - Beginning of activities for Fiesta Days. July 28 - Sewing Work day - 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. - at home of Blanche Howe. July 30 "triw Sidewalk . sales rrrr McHenry. July 31 - Combined Worship service at Greenwood~10:15. GOD BLESS | BIRTHS Jesse <anji Debbie Lopez, 2622 Mid Oak lane, McHenry, became parents of their third child July 10 and named her Kristina Lynn. The 7 lbs. 4 oz. baby girl was born at McHenry hospital and she was welcomed home by her brothers, Benny, age three and Michael, two. Maternal grandparents are Bernard and Elaine Menth of McHenry. Paternal grandparents are Idlefonso and Marie de la Luz Lopez of Durango, Mex. William and Gladys Newman are the infant's great- grandparents. Tiffany Louise , is the name chosen by Earl E. and Deborah C. Smith, 5418 W. Woodland drive, McHenry, for their second child and first daughter. The 6 lbs. 8V2 oz. baby girl entered the world July 11, at McHenry hospital. She has an eight-year-old brother Christopher S t o n e . M a t e r n a l grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Donis F. Bade of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. O.' E. Smith of Gilmer, Tex. are the paternal grandparents. Mrs. Hurschell Kays of Magnolia, 111. is the b a b y ' s g r e a t - grandmother. Terry and Coleen Meyer, 1501 N. River side drive, McHenry, announce the birth of their first child July 14. WHAT S NEW Steven Gregory weighed 8 lb6. 5 oz. at birth at McHenry hospital. Maternal grandparents are Rosemary Schiller of Crystal Lake, 111. and Dale Schiller of California. Daniel and Kay Meyer M McHenry are the paternal grandparents. Mr. Joseph Meyer of southern Illinois is the infant's great grand father. Mrs. Matt (Laurita) Schuster, 7428 South drive, Wonder Lake, presented her husband with an eight-pound Super Padlock The Manolex 100 pad lock uses gears instead of pins making it virtual ly unpickable. The lock ing device cannot be re leased by drilling through the keyhole nor can a key be made by impression. From Hudson Security Products Inc., 475 Fifth Ave., Suite 511-A. New York, N.Y. 10017. A 'forerunner of the modern com puter was created in 1642 when Blaise Pascal built for his father a small machine that could add and subtract and was worked by geared wheels. Rare, With Baked Potato The day is coming when American^, nqtoripu;. for tnei'r love of tender steaks, can order-up a custom-made tenderloin Irom a combin ation of meats such as ribeyc, sirloin and even-pork. The process, called co-extrusion, combines lean meat from one source with fat Irom another and allows processors to mix and match whatever kinds or amounts of meat the con sumer desires. l-ood produc ers are already using the pro cess to create "bacon" f rom beef, goat, lamb and mutton. JULY 15TH-30TH 10" TO 36 SIZES Copper-Foil Tiffani Flush Mounts Pendants Solid Brass Bound Tiffani O AND 50% OFF LIST PRICES ON ALL IN STOCK Leaded Tiffanies NELSON fLECIRONICS Rte. 31 & Bull Valley Road _ VACUUM SYSTEMS • DO-IT-YOURSELF CORNER • LIGHTING FIXTURES 00 Valley) • LAMPS • WHOLE HOUSE STEREO • BURGLAR ft FIRE DETECTION • INTERCOM baby girl on his bir thday, July 15. Sara Jean was born at McHenry hospital. Maternal grandparents are Steve L. and Linda Simon of Wonder Lake; and Ray and Nancy Lance of Cary, 111. Earl and Phyllis Schuster of Wonder Lake are the paternal grandparents. Great-grandparents include Alice Baird and Roberta Miller, both of Wonder Lake; and Mildred Lance of Bensenville, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Pack of Chicago are the great-great- grandparents. | MARRIAGE LICENSES PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. JULY 22.1983 CRIME DltOP Serious crime in Illinois outside Chicago continued io decline during 1982, according fo statistics released by the Illinois Department of Law Enforcement. Overall, the reported number of major offenses decreased by 7.6 percent from 1961. Nearly 30,000 fewer Crime Index Offenses were reported in 1982 than in 1981. These include violent crimes-murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault and battery-and property crimes- burglary. theft, motor vehicle theft and arson. 1 - r Applications for marriage licenses were recently made at McHenry County Clerk's office, by: Frank R. Nordmeyer and Darlene K. Maples, both Wonder Lake; Ricky L. Pidgeon and Tammy I. Scott, both Wonder Lake; Peter M. Boll, Banner Elk, N.C., and Catherine M. McGuire, Wonder Lake. ft} The first pinball game machine was the "Whoopee Game, " manufactured in 1930 in Chicago, 111. David J. Sosinski, McHenry, and Cynthia L. Reitlinger, Round Lake Park; Clifford G. Groth and Marie W. Gibbs, both McHenry; Peter E. Syens, Wauconda, and Betty J. O'Donnell, McHenry. THE DENTAL CENTER IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF 2 NEW OFFICES* FOR GENERAL DENTISTRY Dr. C.l. Ludford Dr. Kt>vin Weer?vn HARVARD DENTA 103W. Sumner L* MchENRY DENTAL 1324 N. Riverside Dr. 232225-im THE DENTAL CENTER* Island Lake 312-526-1100 WE ARE ALSO PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THIS ADDITIONAL NEW SERVICE: I.V. SEDATION ("TWILIGHT SLEEP") FOR •V •WISDOM TEETH • DENTAL PHOBIA •HANDICAPPED •DIFFICULT CHILDREN •ADULT PATIENTS WHO DESIRE 1 or 2 APPT. DENTISTRY OLD VOLO I N T E R E S T F R E E ! P A Y M E N T F R E E ! F O R 9 0 D A Y S ! M i n i m u i n P u r c h o s o HOW TO BUY & SAVE $130 ON TOP-QUALITY QUEEN SLEEPERS WITH HEAVY DUTY INNERSPRING MATTRESSES FOR ONLY $649! REG. $780 S H O P E V E R Y D A Y W E E K N I T E S T O 8 ! FREE LOCAL FURNITURE DELIVERY! all prices good thru 7/26 ji tJLM UUUUUULIJULI HI UJUUiUJLUJU^ WE GUARANTEE If within N dtft fMetftbvj MtnlkW #» • lowtr prk«, w» wM refund Hw dtffermc*. Thli fVttMitt* ipplht lo «H hirnttwc, btdrflng • etrptttnf. BUT A SAVE EVMVDAV AT OLD VOLO! 5 easy lessons 1A full, sttel, link spring. Not a canvas or part canvas deck. A full link spring gives you both a better sleeping and sitting surface. Always open a sleeper •... BEFORE you buy! A flat, comfort strap across the lop where your shoulders lie. Not a killer, back-breaking bar which will ruin a night's sleep. Regent Industries the sleeper specialists NO. 265 for every decor Sv* NO. 335 any room in your home: den, family room, office, A U-shaped support frame at the foot so as to distribute the weibht evenly on your carpet. With a vertical leg support. your carpet will soon wear out. A solid oak frame. Many fac tories use wood substitutes such as particle board which will eventually pull apart from your bed unit A "Sure Lock" bar that locks in your mattress as well as sheets so you won't have to go down the hall ?very night in order to make up the bed. OVER 100 FABRIC CHOICES OVER 35 MODELS AVAILABLE at special prices ft savings Matching Lovaseat Sleepers ft Stationary Lovesaats SHOP ft SAVE NOW I IN OUR CARPET SHOWPLACE1 NO. 126 .. Sleepers are becoming :...r more and more important in today's style of living. This is why the bed-part is really the most important part of a sleeper. You can and should use these five construction features as guide lines when shoppiing for a sleeper. These queen-size sleepers look like sofas and, because of dacron-wrapped cushions, sit like sofas. • Armstrong • Salem • Corvette First Quality! Shags, Saxonies, l evel Loop. Beautiful color & pattern selection. Plus new Kanga-Back carpeting! Ideal for family rooms & summer homes. SQ. YD. REMS FROM sq. yd. -OLD VOLO ( 8 1 5 ) 3 8 5 - 3 8 9 6 FAMOUS NAME HOME FURNISHINGS 1 0 8 M o n . - F r i O n R o u t e 1 2 0 M i l e W e s t o f R t e . 1 2 b e t w e e n F o x L a k e & M c H e n r y i n V o l o 1 0 - 5 S a t . - S u n ESS IE 2 UNIQUE FURNITURE DEPT STORES AT ONE LOCATION 50 000 SQ FT H O M E F U R N I S H I N G