PA0II4 MONDAY, OCT. 17 wealthy socialite who finance* o night dub for Mm. Frank Sinatra, Rita Hoyworth. Kim Novak. \957. 11:30 PM C I 700 Club 0 "OVii Hmm' A former gun-fighter, determined to esto- bSsh a peaceful Ma, mutt (trap on his gun again in defame of Jeen Arthur, Van HofKn. 1953. 3D 81 39 Raphael 'The Print# of Painters.' Raphael's work, including torn* i in the Sittina Chapel. it id. (60 min.) CD ADO 0 ̂ 63 €D <29 Mock weed brothers €0 Oetor limits 11:45 PM CD 09 ^ClIM Froncnco post to MOfdi foe 1-- Li. ni- »*i-t t meaning HI w Hi" • n t̂viiOwi Dmii Innnlt -1-H - #L. roms, oonnie DVutiio, )n#rcv North. 1968. Ufa 12(00 AM Warn-- to 8) (29 SB CNN 12:45 AM O® (E) Nrum IS CD CD i 1:00AM O at Nm GD MOW: tk* Md 89 MOW f antral. Bfee' ffiOWti S) NSC Now* Ova might €0 THo Morv Shew ©OOw^. Sports I.H. 1. Which Nf L player »corod the most touch downs In 1992? 2. to which state dm the 1993 HmMilonlw contested? , 3. Which loam wen I ho first two gwwi of Itw 1992 American League playoff*? 4. Namo I ho boxer who recently dafaatad CoHn Jonaa to win the W9C welterweight mie. 5. Name the Univ. of Detroit player who led the nation In rebounding In 1999. 9. Name the No. 1 plch In the 1993 NHL draft. 7. Which team drafted Mm? 9. WHh wMch teem dM Oeear Gamble fkat play In the major leagues? 9. WMch country hoe ted the 1993 Pen-Am game*?? 10. Name the leal champion of the American FootbaH League. C 1M J Cemputog 9991 «l*NO *90 •»•«* -01 tionxouoA 6 sqno oe*3(M0 9 ateseuum •/ uo)Mai uv|i9 '9 POOMAVH lettueds ( AIOI03W UOtm > Sfoeuy *twjoH(C3 c Aesier mon Z »t '«*HV wrawm | SJ3/VVSUV 4 CD 1:15AM QD SporHContor C D ® . 12:30 AM CD N9C News o MOVM: leva an a 9af To win o bot from hi* rich undo, o man must Irovil from Now York to Los Angeles in Nt underwear. Oene loyrnomi, Helen Sroder- ick, Wendy Barrio. 1936. © NCAA PeetbeR: Ctom*en at Duke UiiMMin C all|. , Ik/ numtn Nxwmy CD MOWt To Rase the CD pfOmlBH Q ^yjng fo ItMp dkA a lu ĵaULi. J i-a>.. n.. •T19 wwetw 9 VfWUIlHIWl WTTW owoy from hit children. Edmund Pur- 1936. 1.30 AM Tenth Avenue* An assistant D.A. encounter! o conspiracy of silence when ho trios to get evid ence ogainit the waterfront •hugs who murdered on honest pier bos*. Richard Egan, ion Storing, Dan Duryea. 1957 2:15 AM 6k Reflections , 2:30 AM Love 3 I NCAA NstbaMi UCLA at GD (39 CD Natoro of Thing* 3.00 AM @3 MOW: ted Penny' CD 39 OwfgM Thompson CD P9A 9ewHng 1:45AM 9 S90< OHvte CD 200 AM O Te4ay m © MOW: tuttorfly CD^̂ H CP MOW •Sin' QDcnnB CDsfail ®(9l CD mow CD 99 CD MOW: -Oevomment Old* Wortime Washington, whore there were ten girts to ev » ory man, and the mod scrombi* ,n for date*. OSvio do HaviNand, Sonny Tuft*, Anne Shirley. 194J. On 3:15 AM CD mow: 'AmityvMlo Ik The PomoS- Art almoet imitates life for Anna Stuart 9y Connie Pessalacqua Anna Sluail, who plays snobbish socialite Donna love on "Another Wot Id." almost disproves the o*d maxim ol "you can't go home again " Although her own past does not exactly mirror Donna's, there s • enough similarity in |he two lives lor Miss Sluarl to draw upon in her portrayal ol Bay City s latest society leader and social irritant "I was not raised with the millions ot dollars that the Loves have But we were weH oil and I was raised in a socially conscious milieu in Bkietiekf. W Va Words like genteel.' breeding and good blood were always bandied around my house We had horses and belonged to the country club "Like Donna." she continues "my mother thought it was important to be dressed appropriately lor every occasion' the right shoes, the right gloves, the right hat Good manners, good laste. dis cretion were the passwords for acceptable behavior And talk of money was vulgar " But Miss Stuarl Is not at all Hke the character she has been playing "Donna Love is the person I always rebelled against becoming." she says "I was brought up to be a hostess and a Southern lady, but I was always taunting my lamily with my unorthodox behavior I was precocious, loud and not terribly manageable First I was a tomboy Then I start ed wearing lipstick and makeup long before my time When I moved to New York I started living with a bohemian actor, whom I later married And when I returned home. I affecled a Northern accent instead ol a sweet Soufhem cadence " Although she seems to despise scheming Scarlett O'Hara like type belles, pri or to playing Donna. Miss Stuart portrayed temptress Vanessa Chamberlain on "Guiding Light" lor six months Earlier in her soap opera career, she played a role she was more comlort able with -- that of a poor woman, Toni Ferra. who married a wealthy man on the canceled "Doctors " ( C o m p u t e s I