general Columnist takes a look at 'this and that! On Sunday, Oct. 23 from ,1:30 to 4:30, the Museum of ' the McHenry County Historical Society in Union will present its annual Erogram oh archeology in [cHenry County. In con junction with the local McHenry Sauk Chapter for the Advancement of Illinois Archeology, the society will make space available for people bringing in Indian points, tools, arrowheads and other archeological-items found in and around this county. Members of the Sauk Chapter will be on hand to help identify the items brought in and answer questions on the ar cheological work going on in this area. At 2 o'clock long time Marengo amateur a r c h e o l o g i s t R i c h a r d Wagner will present a talk on his own vast collection, arrowhead collecting, point dating and identification, and what can be learned about a • 15 McHenry- vs«crti?} riaindealer McHenry Herald 'USPS 335-200) Es»*d 1875 3612 West Elm Street „ Phone 815 38S-0170 McHenry Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday A Friday ot McHenry Illinois Second Class Postoge PAID at McHenry Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY POSTMASTER Send oddress chonges to McHenry Ptoindeoler 3812 W Elm St McHenry Illinois 60050 ' " " ; • Sub*cribers are requested to provide immediate notice of change of oddress to t*-e McHenry Plaindealer 3812 w Elm St. McHenry III 60050 A deduction of one month from the expiration of a subscription will be mode where a change of oddress is provided through the Post Office deportment, Ttiomas C. Miller-Publisher A del* F roeh I ich-Editor Stoarti Spinning ihtoapaper MTMIEK NATIONAL NCWSPAPFT ASSOCIATION I Y« In McHenry County susscnmoN SATES SU M I *« Outside McHenry County -PerCarton Rebate, directly from Armstrong, on every carton of Armstrong Ceiling Tiles or Panels you purchase... When you also buy enough Armstrong Grid or Armstrong Easy up Kits to install your ceiling! S9~pe»" Carton Rebate on every carton of Armstrong « Ceiling Tiles or Panels...even if you purchase just ceiling materials - - OFFER ENDS NOVEMBER 12, 1983 MAXIMUM REBATE 15 CARTONS PER HOUSEHOLD STMK •HIT! LEXANDER LUMBER CASH A CARRY ONLY 909 Front Street, McHenry 815-385-1424 Hrs: Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:00. Sal. 1:30-3:00 ' \ County archeology subject for historical program people through their ar tifacts. ; Indian history and pre history have been topics of interest for area residents since the first settlers came into this county in the 1830's. Early accounts document encounters with Indians and, in one particular case, go into detail about a village of Indian wigwams, built of bark, in» Coral Township. These associations with historic Indians, however, were fleeting and often chance encounters; but ar cheological research un dertaken here does snow evidence of pre-historic Indians as early as 12,000 to 8,000 B.C. This program provides an excellent opportunity to see what things have been un covered in McHenry County, what is being done to f> reserve Indian sites, and earn about this important aspect of McHenry area heritage. ---- Just heard this one and it gave me a good chuckle: * "If you stay on that phone much longer, you are going to have to have it surgically removed." would have been frost on them. , Wayne Gay lord, although disappointed, says the Sox gave us a lot of excitement. With that, I agree. Talk about "astute baseball men", the new manager of the Cubs says the team needs pitching. That's a real revelation. •n. passed right w Mem< So I Hear by Earl Walsh On Tuesday morning, we arose and found there was frost on the pumpkins. Of course, we don't have pumpkins, but if we did there Mrs. Gus (Agnes) Freund awaj after a hard with illness. [emories always take me hack down the trail. Agnes was my first secretary, friendly and popular with the public. She left this earth too soon. We have never had enough shelves for books in our house. Guess I will have to get out my saw and hammer. "Old j Sayings" helo is coming in from readers. Various contributions are welcome to a struggling, young columnist. Oct. 15,1*83 "Dear SIH: "The following reasonable explanation was gleaned from the morning Trib. "Quote: 'I couldn't let him lie there and bleed to death so I shot him.' "Couldn't resist getting this to you. "K. Brown "4018 Kane Ave." Dear K: You don't miss very much. Suppose that was com passion for a fellow man. Never heard of such a thing before. I do remember that when a horse broke a leg, they shot the poor animal. S.I.H. Little boys who tell lies travel half-fare. Anonymous Predictions are that ws will have a long, hard winter. Don't tell me it is time to put on the snow tires. Must get the snow shovel ready (for somebody). The Ulini football players are smelling roses. I was i of knocking off JoAnn "For The West nod thwest" Nor- dreaming Michigan, then reminded me they have to get past Purdue first. She and I will hold a private little prayer meeting. AilI have to do to be thank ful for wakins up each morning is to look at our birthday book and see how many names have to be scratched off the list. We can always depend on Fred Bienapfl to come through with help. This week Fred brought us a booklet giving the program of the 2Sth anniversary of "A Church University" founded in the year 1852 and named Racine College. This college was founded The college covers M acres of land with several! buildings. The program states the property, without counting a! 830,008 endowment, is worth about one hundred and fifty! thousand dollars. MA huge sum in those' days.) The total cost enrollment was 8427. Tuition, board, light, fnet and washing cost M00. Care of room cost 815. Another 812 was added for library, gymnasium and games. for Another 820 was added for. those enrolled in the Scientific School. Parents sending students off to school can compare then and now. OLD SAYINGS: Handsome is as handsome- does. Don't measure my corn by* your half bushel. If you can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything. Chasing slid away: Put an egg in your shoe and beat it.- IF IT DOESN'T SNOW WETX RETURN TOR DOUGH AND YOU KEEP THE SNOWTHROWER! Buy a Tor© Snowthrower before December 10, 1983. and if it snows less than 20% of average this season. \TXJ get all your monev back and you keep the Toro. If it snows less than 50- of av erage you get 50% of your money back. And you stiD keep the Toro. If it snows more than that youll really be glad you bought a Toro snowthrower. Ofier includes S-M0. S-200R, ,, S-200E, S-620E, and aO two stage models. Come in for full details. •ffS&C 8&(.P0ftMEr Haven't you done without a Toro long enough?® THE HOUSE THAT SERVICE BUILT" CEO. P. FREUND, INC 4102 W CRYSTAL LAKE RD. McHENRY (815)385-0420 Scott Stauffer, left, of Cary, plays the doctor/ and Jdft Miklavcic, AAcHenry, the sexton, in The Good Doctor ncw ̂ playing at AACC. The Good Doctor in last weekend The Good Doctor Neil Simon's comedy offering a light-hearted look at turn-of- the-20th century Russian life, is now playing in McHenry County College's intimate Black Box Theatre. Per formance dates continue Oct. 21 and 22. The show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets can be reserved by calling 455-3700, extension 234. Tickets may also be purchased at the door if seats are available. The theatre is located in room 104 of the Applied Science building on the MCC campus. - I- See, The World's Most Efficient Gas Furnace Best Buy Rating Consumers Digest Magaz>ne Jan Feb 1983 Issue REPLACE YOUR OLD GAS FURNACE WITH A NEW LENNOX PULSE AND RECEIVE A FREE 19" COLOR I.Y.I OFFER GOOD TILl DEC. IS. 19*3 ALTH0FF INDUSTRIES MECHANICAl/ClECTRICAt CONTDACTOaS 809 N. FRONT ST. McHENRY 815-385-5700 Maggie's Srish Jmports * * * GRAND OPENING in our new home October 20th - October 23rd Come Celebrate with us! Register to win a Waterford Crystal wine carafe * * or a Hand knitted Fisherman's Sweater of your choice * 20%*30% off selected items * Taste our Fresh Baked Irish Soda Bread * Enjoy Live Entertainment- Music and Irish Step Dancers Saturday and Sunday Afternoons. Mon.-Thurs. Friday Saturday Sunday Hours: 10:00 A.M. to5:30P.M. til 8:00 P.M. 10:00 A.M. to5:00 P.M. Noon'til 4:00 P.M.1 Crystal Lake Plaza (Rt . 14) Crystal Lake, IL 815-459-1800