• Cat:, H »•! \l\l>h \l * K HER ALU. FRIDAY . JA3LARI 23.IKS Speaking of Soaps: - rft . ' ; mm Beautiful Witch - Linda Anderson of NBC's "Days of Our Lives" raiy be tempted to think more than twice if it came to choosing between power and her daughter To the contrary, Elaine Princi, who plays the beautiful Linda, goes out Of her way for fr iends without eipecting anything in return Princi plav3 Linda Anderson In NBC's "Days of Our Lives." Her character is the less than-devoted mother of Melissa, who after years of abandoning her offspring for a more ad v enturous life, returns to the fictional town of Salem under the guise of the mysterious Madame X, a vindictive and calloused businesswoman manipulating her way to power. Recap Preview l/28-t/l RITUALS -- Taylor investigates Clay spast and Christina suggests a cunning plan to Carter. Diandra pours her heart out to Taylor and Dakota makes a critical choice with Brady's help. Julia ignores all warnings about her new suitor and Carter plays what may well be his final card. THIS WEEK: Nancy is heart broken Noel gives Diandra a warn ing. AS THE WORLD TURNS - Craig tells Lucinda that his contact, Ed- mundo. has just been shot. Cal agrees to work undercover to Jail mobsters rather than he be put in prison. Kim plans a trip out of town. Lisa wants to help Marry investigate the Stratford Arms. Spree tells Jay that Chuck beat her up. Craig agrees to go to Montega to search for Sierra. Tucker bristles to Otis' suggestion that Tucker become Heather's manager. THIS WEEK: John exploits his latest discovery Chuck and Jay con front each other SEARCH FOR TOMORROW - Suii and Cagncy decide they have to go outside the law to investigate on their o»vn T.K. gets a wig from a hookei and narrowly misses detec tion by a pimp. Liza learns Kentucky is facing serious surgery and decides not to tell hint she knows. Cagney and Suzi find Brett s negatives and believe his he's in cahoots with Lloyd, within inches of tJL. is beaten ap. Chase and Alee go look ing for him. Warren enconrages Wendy to panne a friendship with Suzi Brett refuses to help With plan for her. THIS WEEK: Wendy about Warren. Cagney and Sosi con tinue their investigation. DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Alex calls Linda Madame X. Melissa overhears and has a flashback of Pete tolling her he wasn't with her mother, be was with MadameX. Bo continues to work on Megan, pretending to Chris and Eugene that die suits him better than Hope. Don tells Liz and NeB that a famous agent, Lou Stanley, is in terested in taking ever her career. They are excited, not knowing that Geoffrey and the syndicate are in back of it, and they intend to get revenge on Nell by destroying Liz. Barry is arrested trying to skip town, and Abe interrogates him, and Barry blames everything on Melissa. Kimberly is determined to let information out of Bronsky without having to sleep with him, THIS WEEK: Hope worries about Melissa. Mariena is In danger. LOVING ^ Lorna is more in terested in Line when she finds out he is wealthy. Vfoile Curtis wonders what his business in Corinth is. Cafeot warns him to keep an eye on Line. TriSh and Steve share a fun evening ice-skating. Gwyn is on the ship, shocked to see Philllpe, who she embraces. THE GUIDING LIGHT - Beth is concerned for Lujack, she doesn't like the idea of his confronting Andy Alex doesn't want Lujack to know aaything about the tape, he would hate • Phillip even more than he already does. Vanessa is a bundle of nerves. Andy knocks Phillip unconscious. Andy takes the money, keeps the tape and makes a run for it. India and Phillip kiss. Andy freezes when he sees Lujack waiting for him. THIS WEEK: Rustem has news for Claire. Phillip curses himself. ANOTHER WORLD - Perry agrees to help Sandy in his search for Carl. Donna asks Emily not to drag 4 Peter i up. When Emily lefts Piter she should break off their relationship he balkslat the idea, vowing to stay at her side. Carl arranges for Emily to be given the opportunity to attempt suicide from her Jail cell, die does so aad is rushed to the hospital in critical condition. 4 THIS WEEK: Cass has his hands tall. Sandy and Donna grow closer. GENERAL HOSPITAL - Jimmy Lee gets information out of Audrey about helping "arts" leads him to make contact in New York to buy the gallery for his plan to put on a show of Celia*s works. Grant aad Celia make up after a week of armed truce: be promises to trust her more. Meanwhile, Jimmy Lee entertains Percival Diamond, owner of a small, prestigious art gallery in Manhat tan. Jimmy Lee buys the gallery. Scorpio is still looking for an unknown party who might have come to the tower while Bobbie was unconscious. Holly continues her analysis of the anagram from Brock's office. Jake, Bobbie's attorney, tries to prepare her for the worst but she says she has nothing to fear. She is innocent. The D.A. thinks otherwise and insists Scoripio take Bobbie into custody preparatory to seeking an indictment. THIS WEEK: Frisco reaches out to Felicia. Bobbie Is worried. SANTA BARBARA - The strangler continues to terrify the town, leaving a carnation at the body of his last victim - Summer. Again, the police pick up a suspect, however, they decide be couldn't be the kfllerand release him. Ted aad Lakin are torn apart about her father's affair with Sophia. Sophia comes back to town making the Capwells very uneasy. Eden is abducted. Pete may be los- iag his mind. THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS -- Traci is pressured in to letting Lauren off the hook for destroying her nightclub debut. Jack is determined to undermine Victo's new authority. Nikki feels threatened by Victor's unusual interest in Ashley. Jared . warns Traci to keep on her guard around Laaren. Jazz looks out for his brother's welfare as he does under cover work. RYAN'S HOPE -- Jacqueline gets the incriminating tape of Max aad Sidaey before Stobhaa caa get her hands on it. Jacqueline has Rick drive her to an Inn in Connecticut which violates his parole. Their aagry encounter ends in a pas sionate kiss. Frank is assigned to prosecute Max which puts Jill, as Max's defense attoraey, on opposite sides with her husbud. Ryan plans to leave school to live with her hus- baad. Siobhaa is accused of having a i motive against Max. WEEK: Frank and Jill have aa aagry confrontation. Siobhaa eontiaues 'to investigate against Max. ALL MY CHILDREN-Tad woos Dottie for money to pay his fine aad promises to be faithful to her. Together they move out of Edna's house to start a new life with one Palmer discovers Zach giving Daisy a massage, he demands aa immediate divorce and fires Zach. Brooke and her camera crew shoot footage of Murray, the loan shark, speaking with a councilman. They ap-stage Brian by showing it on the Mark's celebration with Brooke is cut short when they learn that Mur ray has been killed. Phoebe defames Erica to keep her out of elite society. THIS WEEK: Brooke finds she Is falling in love with Mark. Yvonne's feeling for Jesse are questioned. ONE LITE TO LIVE - M.L., Asa's friend, pulls a gun and screams that Asa ruined him finan cially through the price war. But MX. has a heart _*.aek instead. Delilah tries to reconcile her dif ferences with Bo, but he still has trouble trusting her. After an argu ment with Tina, Vicki has a blinding headache and flashes back to when Victor Lord raped Irene. Working with Dean, Tina decides to do a secret expose on Victor Lord. Rob tells Cassie it's not wise for her to live with him on the yacht and he advises her to live at the dorm in stead. THIS WEEK: Jenny questions David's actions. Vicki is taken in by Tina. Committee begins study of airport needs • • i.J 4; By Jiu»Nasfc PlainO««let-HtTatd HewaServkw . . . .. , ... The 15-member McHenry County Airport Advisory Committee assembled for the first t inie this week at the county courthouse Over tiie next year, officials estimate, the group will meet six times to provide grassroots input into the $100,000 McHenry County Airport Feasibility Study^ I The committee will be helping Ralph H. Burke lac., a con sulting firm in Park Ridge hired by the county. It is hoped the two groups will determine what type of airport the county needs and where it will-be. District 2 county board member Dean Cunat opened the meeting with a review of the study's progress to date. The meeting was designed primarily Program set oh heart care "Taking rare of your heart" will be the topic of a health education program to be held at 6:30 pin on Tuesday, Feb. 12 at tl»e Woodstock Day Care Center, Woodstock. the program, sponsored by the McHenry County Heart Association, is aimed at teacliing students, fifth grade through high school, and their parents the fundmentals of heart care. It will emphasize good tiabits and lifestyle choices tHat will help youngsters reduce (.lie chance of developing car- djovasculai disease during their l^ves What is "heart disease" ;ifid related fac tors such as diet. smoking and exercise will be discussed. Dr. Paul Christensen said the program ia being produced, in part, in response to the public's growing interest in preventive health care. Dr. John Hill, McHenry County Heart Association president, initiated the program as "a basic step in introducing the care of the heart to kids." For more information about "To Your Heart's Health," contact the community relations office, St. Anthony Hospital Medical Center, 226-2000, or McHenry County Heart Association, 1-943-5151. to orient the committee and to bfegifrYte flow of cdmmufiity * inSfe Many of the committee members are private or com mercial pilots. At least two are farmers, one is a computer consultant, another is a bank executive in McHenry, and one is a village clerk. Committee member Buck Hillbert, a retired United Airlines pilot, spoke to the group about the importance of good public relations. "With the opposition we're getting today ... it seems the 'in thing' is to hate airplanes," Hillbert said. If an airport project is to be successful, he said, the com mittee must convince county residents an air facility is needed. Hillbert apparently hit a common nerve among com mittee members. One after another, they stood up to ask for, or suggest, ways to sell the idea The Rick Saucedo Show 'Voted the Best Rock & Roll Show lit the Country" by Rolling Stono 45 SEEM 0H"-"AS | •Dick Clark •Phil Donahue Show l*AM Chicago I •ABC'S 20/20 SEYEM ACRES FEATURED JUT New York Post Las Vegas Sun People Magazine Billboard Magazine Star of Broad*a» s "Elm, The legend LiwsOn" ANTIQUE ?£? M MMM M ImIMI YILLAGE 55.00 &. MUSEUM Rte. 20 & So. Union Rd., Union 815/923-2214 WOODSTOCK T H E A T R E PR INCHES M \ I N •> I IU M Ju«t < >f f Thr >qtiar>- lull" 12; II A I n.Url! .VIMntin.-.•« 11 <><l 81". U8 8.j.V> ST \H I "x V H II) V > v-$oio 13H" -Tiwfrm .A,.----. no ii 2010 Fri&Mon-Thurs:7&9 Sat: 1,3.7 & 9:10 Sun: 1,3,749- (PG) EbertltSiskel <PG-i3> MICKI& MAUDE Fri: 7:1049:10 Sat 4 Sun: 1:10,3:10.7:1049:10 * Mon-Thurs: 749:00 OPENING FEBRUARY IS, 1985 WESTLANE BOWLING CENTER AND DARK CRYSTAL LOUNGE CORNEROF RT. 176& RT. 14 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS McHENRY OPTICIANS 1301 R IVLRSIDF . DR McHENRY. I LL . A C R O S S F R O V T H E F O X H O L E S i 3 3 8 5 - 9 2 - i C GLASSES MADE WHILE YOU WAIT! (SINGLE VISION PLASTIC ONLY) SEN. CIT.-FREE FRAMES LENSES OVER 1,000 FIRST QUALITY : METAL OR PLASTIC S1A FRAMES £N KIDS FRAMES METALOR PLASTIC '15 NOrtORGANIZING SUMMER t FALL LEAGUES' CALL. FOR INf0RMAT40N *55 6633 or 315 3701 BE AUTIFUL MODERN DECOR & LATEST EQUIPMENT EMERGENCY RF.PAIT fT&FRAME REPLACEMENT (815)385-9240 DAILY R 30-5:30 SAT R. 3 0 2 WED 8:301 NISRA to close program registration on Jan. 25 The Northern Illinois Special Recreation Association (NISRA) has begun registration for the winter-spring IMS is a confmunity-based agency serving the recreational needs of special populations. Among the youth programs til mZm tm ttm • • 1 IkU Dang offered tnis season are. Parent and Toddler, Racquet ball, Indoor Soccer, Cross-Country Skiing, Bowling, Swim Lessons, Gymnastics, Weightliftihg and Special Olympics training programs. Adult urograms running this season include: Physically Handicapped Swim aad Water Exercise, Card aad Table Games, Wauconda Drama, Cooking Creations, Volleyball, Adult Club, and Special Olympic j training programs. • • 1 The deadline for ugleiraHun < is Frfctay. Jan. ». lor more in formation, call the filSRA Of fice at (81ft) 45*07*7. Singer deadline Jan. 28 Monday, Jan. 28, is the deadline for special assign ments in the spring program of the McHenry Choral Club. Chorus membership will be beyond that date. There are openings in all voice classes, with a particular need for altos and tenors to assure a balanced chorus. Anyone over high school age is welcome Is The dub, now ia Us forty- fourth year, wffl present Us mat program May 4-5. mkm. the Women. Selections from "Sound of Music" will taidiHght one segment of the sprmg of- • - « • (ering. to the public! "I think we ha veto realize we art a minority. We have to show the public thereto a need for ah airporf,**' said committee member Dick Doss. One suggestion made was that the committee stress the chance for increased business and in dustry in McHenry County and, lust as important, the need to keep expanding business and industry in the county. Gerhardt Khitke, a committee member who owns an area machine tool firm, told the group his 50-employee outfit might be forced to move to another county if a larger air port were not built. Another group member, McHenry bank executive James Marinangel, said he thinks resistance to an airport in the county will be stiff. Marinangel said he is sur prised by the number of McHenry County residents who tell him they moved from the Chicago area to flee noisy air ports. mmm • FLAMINGO KIDN.,, MIT U!f SHOW HM. 1 Ml. im THE PERILS GWENDOLINE MtT2:IM:1S*IS4« * uiatvausM.** THE COTTON CLUB. MIT 2-4JS4J0&45 UltSNOtMK tSAT its* TOMBOY. OUT 2.15474 URSMOilKIUttMS BEVERLY HILLS COP« rn.NM.aas.? tt SAIASM23M PINOCCHIO. m .NN KMB 7*45 SA1. ISM. 115-7445 1 'ROTOCOLpe \NAKEDWCE!^I m, mumm tattf SAT. AS* 2:15415*30145 RL.MMMS.74 SAM SM 2*4*74 I nvY»ipirrT«oMT -- pnCTN fcOUSE N. 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