Joan Riven" guest is Selmo Dio mond. How* Monde! ond Opro Winfrey. (60 min.) • O Twttnfiw In NeshvMe America: MeiylaaJ Q Regis Philbin's Lifestyle* 1:30PM O Mm*. © MOV* Reels'An aging 'Negative Reocfioo.' A lucctil- . movie actor, who H trying to find tul photographer plant the *4a o meaning to hi* life, meets o borate kidnapping of his YOeng woman and Wis in love, domineering wile, (It) (90 miti;) ' Katharine Ross, Jason Robords, David liHlww Tonight's guest is Joe FronkSn. (ACTwin.), £Q © Jfawwy f̂ Wi--art O MOVft: Yam UMfS' In fg) o NH* Q«Uery this original film. BiKy Jack faces o town tuM of motorcycle bums, ® Saint 12:15AM 0 MOV* Lougnlin, CMXOOtm jom*s, Jtr- A ntantn|fy ratofdid •my Slate, Jane Russell. 1W7 ̂ ̂ ̂Q CB NHONtL 'Away AM scientific experiment in brain sur- Beets' An untried ship and her gery. Cliff Robertson, Claire green crew get 6 baptism of Dm ' Maom. 1968. - in World War It's Pacific cam- »$*>*»» • m ® ffl) 9 ® Bloegrasi fm , ©®®TW*OM Haeie (CC) 68 MOVIf: Hp" fHa (E) MOVIf: 'A MMummt's CD Year of the Fi O Cf*»by,' i*hh bt Concert 8:00PM 0 6 ^^MOMfe "Gunf. 0b»* Thh b the story of British miKtory ac tion in the mountains of Nortbem India. Douglas foirfaonkv Cory Grant, Joan Fontaine. 1939. 2:Y5 AM ® MOVR: HW UD Winning Ooff I AAAAIAISI Amm{M UF M"wfrl̂ nT CBmOVH: YigM Approach' A seH-seeking, ombitiou* .man destroys his friends in a push fat success. Juliet Prowse, •frankie Voughan, Gary Crosby. 1961. QDOoadSaxI ffi MOVIfcTko Oaten' / Bono's the Missis- ») By LHlian Bono • »***»«»*« *•#»• »»»»••»»«.* ***•»1 attempt la end the war without niiilAa, r̂ g I# liUhnal DCIny ODitiCioTcu. iVtl\nOCl Came. Donald Suthtrimd* ert Duval). 1977. 8:30 PM 0(D 63 Sara © MOV* High Seasons' ©(£$ intra Amiga* (£| Bast of Saturday Night €D <39 Voice of Faith 1. Nam* the only European player to score 50 or mora NHL goals in a season. 2. Which major league baseball team will John Fataka manage in 1969? 3. What player* did the Oakland A's receive when they traded Bid CaudeH to the Toronto Btae Jays? '4. In which sport does Erika Hess excel? 5. What is the nickname of the Wake Forest football team? 6. Who is the youngest NHL defenseman to score 30 or more goals in a season? 7. Who was the only San Diego pitcher to win a game during the 1*4 World Series?? 8. In which track and Held event did Roger Kingdom win a 1084 Olympic gold modal? 0. Who to the dMy NBA player bom in Paris? 10. What la Dominique Wife ins' drat namp? t<opi»0*»Z '£>"' C0 iftlw 'rfgilrf "»to." (April 21-May 21) Don't pack loo much in lor this week. You will leel an unusual amount of anxiety that wi* begin mid-week and last unM about-Friday. A weekend in the great outdoors wiH be arWjdeal answer lor relaxation MINI - , 1ft (May 22-June 21) You will led by miBweek that too many people are expecting too much Irom you Your performance at your |ob will slacken Keep trying to think positively. CANCER (June 22-July 23). Your agitation over a work related prob lem will be transferred onto a close Iriend Watch yourself. Financial gains will occur late in the week LEflL (July 24-Awg. 23) Your tendency to locus on one thing at a time will become stilling Look at the overall picture before setting to work on any one thing A friend wiH oiler badly needed support at the end of the week VIRGO & (Aug. 24-Sopt. 23) Unusual aches and pains wiH Be a con cern ai the beginning ol the week Examine your past week and look lor tension producing factors Use evenings lo catch up with close friends UBRA ' • ; (Sept. 24-Ocl. 23) Your unwillingness to concede to e colleague's point due to your own stubbornness wiH lead lo internal strife. Your home life will leel tense and uncomfort able 5CQBPIQ (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) The alienation you leel at the beginning ol the week goes on. You will lind your sell included in many events Don't neglect your career oriented goals iAfiimmm #) (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) Your eagerness to advance will be noticed by a superior Do t hesistate to make your demands known Accept a challenge even if you leel thai it may be a little above your head CAPIMCQWM & (Dec. 22-Jen. 20) Your easy-going demeanpr wiH be taken for granted this week if you don I watch out. Set limits for yourself Your love life wiH seem anti-climactic until the weekend AQUAIMIIB (Jan. 21-Feb IB) Your involvement in s friend s problem will detract from your own relationship with your mate at the beginning of the week Draw the line between your lover and Iriend (Feb. 20 Merch St) Your craving for excitement wiH hinder your concentration at work Save daydreams lor your commute, not on work time Share your feelings with your mate % A PASSAGE TO MOM. (PG-Cotwnbia Pictures) Starring Peggy Ashcrotl. Judy Otyts aod Victor Banerjee + * * * ByJ T. YURKO © 1SS6 Compt*og Times ol Transition" would be an accurate title Ipr a film retrospective concerning the collected works ol director David Lean The Ifequent tran sitions faced by aD men and women, and. by extension, the liuid lates of countries and political ideologies, are what bind Lean's films together into a formidable, and with ' few exceptions, popular oeuvre. Think ol his great films "Or Zhivago " which was sel dur ing the turbulent times of the Russian Revolution. "Law rence ol Arabia." which also presented a country during a state ol upheaval, and "The Bridge on the River Kwai." set during World War II. It is the people who are most important m Lean's movies And the same is true m "A Passage to India " Based on the novel by E M Forster. the 74-year-old Lean has written, directed and edited the lilm with characteristic style and grace Here, the ven British Ade'a Quested (Judy Davis I tom- neys to India She gradually realizes ner caikred ans are mere upper-class trappings When she seeks to learn about and know the real India ̂ she is confronted by an awakening sexuality The lilm is tilled with prime val images.' ancient erotic sculpture governed by a horde of protective monkeys, the largeldflSidding full moon and the caves of Marabar What happened m the caves forms the center dl this tale, but the caves are the furthest distance Miss Quested has come from ovihrafion. and it« he*e <n the darkness that she-must face tierseff. Like Socrates Myth of the Cave, she sees only her st̂ adow -- but cannot lace that reakty For allots superb cinematog raphy. exotic locales, and lush scenery. "A Passage to India" is far irom a travelogue Each shot ol moonlight reflected m me nver a vast sunset sh- tv.->uette exists tor a reason, as part of the whole of the Mm. Such shots are stertlingly t>eautitui. but m thew beauty tnev are as eiobueffi as they are grand Ttv eloquence of tne visual poetry m "A Pas sage tc India ' may not make :ns Lean's most popular film, rut n is easily one of his best C IMS Cemeuteg •ot suftwiM enbfupuoo 8 seipjmi jeieuMM I '0 suwmeHApuy i omtns AeienoH MMd S suooeeg uouteg *g Sums eufdfy y >uW«o oaoo iugiMO opeiiiv C llmill I •9 ••nino %» lunMMer l SJ3MSUV ® 1985 Campulog SMOOTH A GENTLE MinraUTHMOF TNESMK&JOMTS IWUW6.SVHII0J. MNAMTN 10307 MAIN ST. RICHMOND. ILL. 9? HAS