Page 10 - PLAINDEALEK-HEKALD, FRIDAY, MARCH 1,1985 53% Woman takes back seat to boyfriend's daughter DEAR ABBY: I've been going with a wonderful man for a year and a half, and I am hoping to marry him. We usually get along beautifully, but there is one problem. He's divorced ana has a 6- year-old daughter, "Lori," who lives with her fnother in an ad joining state. "Peter" getb Lori every third weekend and on occasional holidays. Peter recently acquired a new car with bucket seats, and when Lori is with us, she insists on riding in front with her daddy. That means I have to sit in the back alone. I say that as an adult, my place is in front with Peter. He says he sees more of me than he sevs of Lori, and I should sit in the back and not make a big deal out of it. I refused to go along with this, but the last straw was when Peter suggested that Lori and I "take turns" sitting in front with him. How would you handle this? CAMEL'S BACK DEAR BACK: If I wanted to land Peter, I'd quit pompeting with Lori and quietly plant my bucket in the backseat. If you make a fuss, you'll force Peter to make a choice between you and his daughter. Then you'll find that blood is thicker than water. DEAR ADBY: I am a widow, 60 yexrs of age. I recently met "Mr. B.,'5a gentleman, 82, w7o offered me a job in his home as a live-in homemaker. I accepted the position and have been vely satisfied. Mr. B. hab been married twice. Both wiws died. He has asked me to marry him and I have accepted. The stepchildren from Mr. B.'s second marriage have been coming to his home and taking furniture, dishes and other valuables, saying that these articles were the property of their mother! Mr. B. said, "The things they took from this home belonged to my first wife, and those stepchildren have no right to come in here at all!" Is there anything I can do to stop this aggravating situation? His stepphildren have told me that I am only the "maid" and I should mind my own business! Mr. B. said that everything accumulated during both his marriages is his-that neither wi home. What should be done? ANXIOUS IN CANADA DEAR ANXIOUS: Mr. B.'s stepchildren have no right to enter his home without his perm$sion, nor do they have a right to remove any valuables from that home. Ownership of said valuables should be established, and if they are indeed the property of Mr. B., his grasping stepchildren should return them immediatelf. Canadian law is the same as U.S. law in this regard: "He who takes what isn't his'n, must give it back or go to prison." DEAR ABBY: My problem? Painful rheumatoid arthritis in my hands and fingers. I'm 38-year-old female executive medical secretary in a large medical center, and in rity job I greet salesmen and others on a daily basis. I am expected to offer my hand when introductions are made, and therein lies the problem. Most of the men who shake my hand have such firm grips that I men SQUEEZED IN SPOKANE DEAR SQUEEZED: What's the matter with the truth? A pleasant smile and a warm, "How do you do; no handshake, please. I have arthritis." (Doyou hate to write letters because you don't know what to say? Thank you notes, sympathy letters, congratulations,how to decline and accept invitations and how to write an interesting letter are included in Abby's booklet, "How to Write Letters for All Occasions." Send your name and address clearly printed with a check or money order For $2.50 (this includes postage) to: Dear Abby, Letter Booklet, P.O. Box 38923, Hollywood, Calif. wife brought any valuables to his Home damaged in fire A structure fire broke out Tuesday morning in a home at 3406 Werth Trail, Prairie Grove Village, causing an estimated $15,000 to $18,000 worth of damage, according to Jerry Birch, spokesman for the NUNDA Rural Fire Depart ment. Birch said the fire was con fined to a second floor bedroom, and put out in 20 minutes by the NUNDA and Crystal Lake fire departments. The owners of the home, Charles and Diana Herb, were not injured, and the origin of the fire is under investigation. TAXES! Nobody Likes Them! Everybody Hat To Deal With Them HELP! Now la The Time To Prepare With Profeaaionai Help YEGGE ACCOUNTING INCOME TAX SERVICE Call YEGGE ACCOUNTING for expert, all year-round aaalatance and / or consultation. OPEN TO SERVE YOU TWELVE MONTHS A YEAR i,,rfi ii 385-7957 14 YEARS PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE i£ i* :* :* if 5 J * VOTE FOR FRANK S. McCLATCHEY FOR MAYOR LAST DAY TO REGISTER FOR THE APRIL 2nd ELECTION ISMARCH 4th. REGISTER AT McHENRY CITY HALL. (ADV PAID FOR BY McCLATCHEY FOR MAYOR) Voters say no to area schools By Mark Baus Plaindealer Herald New* Service Nine school districts in McHenry and Kane counties asked taxpayers for an increase in their educational fund tax rates, and, in seven of those cases, the taxpayers answered at the ballot box with a resounding k'no" on Tuesday. In McHenry County, only Fox River Grove School District 3 was able to pass a referendum, 349 to 243. In Crystal Lake, voters who were asked to increase their education tax by 79 cents per $100 of assessed valuation overwhelmingly defeated the District 47 referendum by more than 800 votes - 3,755 "no" to 2,920 "yes." The defeat means District 47 will be facing a projected $2 million deficit for the 1985-86 school year. The Harvard District 50 school board witnessed the defeat of both an education fund referendum and an operations, building and maintenance fund referendum, 1,275 to 813 and 1,285 to 799, respectively. District 50 Superintendent Dr. Robert Cassidy declined to speculate on the reasons for the defeat, except to say that "the taxpayers had their say." Cassidy said the District 50 school board will address the matter at *the next board meeting on March 19. "The board will get together tomorrow night to go over the results, but I really dont have any comment at this time," C a s s i d y s a i d . "We would like to commend everyone who exercised their privilege and voted," District 47 Superintendent Bob Blazier said. "The majority of voters selected the path for the district to follow. The main objective we all must pursue is to provide the best education that finances will permit for each child that at tends District 47." District 47 Director of Per sonnel and Instruction Rick Bernotas said district ad ministrators will have to sit down with the school board and go through the district's proposed list of cuts. Bernotas said about 40 certified staff members will be laid off. About 20 non-support staff, including custodians and learning center aids, will have to be eliminated. "We've never had to release that many (personnel)," Ber notas said. The closest school contest came in Cary School District 26, where a referendum was defeated by only one vote, 1,128 to 1,129. District 26 Assistant Superintendent Tim Kelly said the administration and school board are going to look into the possibility of a recount. "We're going to look into it. Based on the close vote, we will probably ask for a recount," Kelly said. Kelly said the defeat "doesn't mean we're dead" and said the school board will have to sit down with their referendum steering committee to decide whether to run the referendum again and discuss budget- cutting options. Kelly said he was personally pleased with the large voter turnout. "It think that's a good indication. There was no organized opposition, so we really had no way of knowing how the vote would turn out," Kelly said. "I think the voters who voted no were voting their pocketbooks. I don't think they were saying that the school district doesn't need money or we're not in trouble. It was just a matter of money." The Dundee School District 300 referendum passed with 5,033 votes to 4,708. The Hawthorn District 17 referen dum was defeated by a two-to- one margin, 210 against to 108 in favor. The referendum for Marengo District 140 was defeated 725 to 441; Riley School District 18 saw the defeat of their referendum, 316 to 209; and the Union school district referendum lost by 125 votes, 233 to 106. New fitness programs at YMCA The Lake Region YMCA will begin its new program session March 4. New classes added for this session include Early Bird Fitness 5:45 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday; Fit 'N.Firm 5:45 p.m. on Monday and Thursday; Tuned up Fitness at 5:45 p.m. Wednesday; Men's Fitness at noon on Tuesday and Thursday; and Fitastic Aerobic Fitness at 7 p.m. Friday. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT! 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