* Page 8- PLAIMJKAtKR HKH \U>. WKI)NKSI)A V M\\ ft. 1983 Life today MR. AND MRS. ALFRED OEFFLING Celebrate fiftieth anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Oeffling of McHenry will celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary Saturday, May 18. A Mass in their honor will be offered at 3 p.m. in St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Johnsburg, and the festivities will continue at an Open House, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Johnsburg Community Club. The couple was married May 15, 1935 in St. John's church. Attendants were Hank and Joe Hiller, Hilda (Oeffling) Frett, Lorraine (Stilling) Pitzen, Georgia (Schmitt) Bauer and Ellen Comstock, now deceased. They have six children: Mrs. Janice Tonyan, Tom (Andy), Ron (Ardelle), Bill (Debbie). and Phil (Cindy) Oeffling, and Julie Oeffling; and 16 grand children: Mike, Tom, Cindy, Beth, Laura, Tommy, John, Dan, Tim, Chris, Colleen, Holly, Billy, Katrina, Nicholas and Brad, The Oefflings are members of St. John's church and the Johsburg Community Club. He is a retired carpenter contractor and belongs to the Catholic Order of Foresters. She is a member of St. John's Blessed Virgin Sodality; a National Catholic Society of Foresters field representative and past director; and has done catering for many years at the com munity club. BPW sets meeting May 20 The next regular monthly meeting of the McHenry Business and Professional Women will be held Monday, May 20, at Grumpy's Taste '0 Italy restaurant, 3910 W. Main St., McHenry. A time to socialize will begin at 6:30 p.m. and dinner will be served at 7. A highlight of the evening will be the installation of new of ficers for 1985-86. All members are urged to show their support by attending. The theme of this month's get- together will be a birthday party, complete with a decorated cake, in com memoration of the group's fifteenth year in existence., All working women in the area are invited to attend any of the McHenry BPW meetings. For more information at any time, and to make reservations for the dinner, call 385-0258. <Z) Happy foursome uncoupled by hurt feelings over past DEAR ABBY: Five months ago I found a wonderful man I'll call Joe. We are perfect for each other in every way. Joe in troduced me to his best friend, "Jack," who is married to a girl I'll call Joyce. Well, Joe and I and Jack and Joyce became a regular foursome. I sensed a definite closeness between Joyce and my Joe, so I half kiddirfgly asked Joe if he had ever been to bed with Joyce. He said yes, but that was before he met me. Well, I just freaked out! I refused to socialize with Joyce, and I told her why. Joe thinks I'm being childish and selfish, but I can't help it. Every time I look at Joyce I visualize her in bed with my Joe, and I can't handle it. The foursome is broken up, and Jack doesn't know the real reason. Joyce told him that she and I had a falling-out. (He doesn't know what happened between Joe and Joyce before he married her.) I realize that what went on between Joe and Joyce happened before he knew me, but I still resent the fact that she once shared the same kind of special relationship with my Joe that I now have. Whose fault is this mess? It's not my fault that I can't look at Joyce without wanting to cry. Is there a solution? ANONYMOUS IN OHIO DEAR ANONYMOUS: For openers, you shouldn't have asked Joe if he had ever been to bed with Joyce. (It's none of your business.) And Joe shouldn't have told you. You are childish and unfair to refuse to socialize with Joyce, thus breaking up the foursome. The solution would be to take a more realistic and mature attitude about something that happened before you were even in the picture, then bury the hatchet. But not in Joyce's back. DEAR ABBY: Thanks for running the letter from "All Choked Up," complaining about people who practically bathe in cologne and perfume. I have a close friend who really needs to read the letter (I clipped it), but I don't know how to get that irfessage to her without hurting her feelings. She may have read it, but most people never see themselves in your letters. I've been trying for a long time to think of a diplomatic way to tell her that her cologne is killing me! When we're in a restaurant, I try to sit on the other side of the table. When we talk, I try not to get too close, but when I'm riding in a car with her, I'm trapped. If I open the car window, she says, "The air conditioner is on." Then she rolls the window up! I wish perfume counters sold bottles of "Fresh Air." SUFFOCATED BY SCENTS DEAR SUFFOCATED: What's wrong with the direct ap proach? No friend worth having would intentionally offend. It would be a kindness to tell her. DEAR READERS: Have you been racking your brain about what to give your niece or nephew for graduation from high school or college? Or maybe there's a Bar Mitzvah or con firmation coming up. Do I have an idea for you! It's a brand-new book titled "The Great Thoughts" by George Seldes (published by .Ballantine Books). This is a collection of thoughts, quotations and ideas that have determined the intellectual history of the worH-short passages in the original words of the men and women who have conceived them. It covers more than 2,500 thinkers, from Abelard to Zola- from classical Greece to contemporary America - arranged alphabetically by author and indexed by subject matter. "The Greit Thoughts" is not only a great gift that will last a lifetime; it's a fine addition to your awn library. It's only $12.95 in the United States and $17.50 in Canada, so be good to yourself, and buy two. • Ladies guild elects officers St. Patrick's Ladies' Guild closed the 1984-85 year Monday, May 6, with the election of of ficers for the 1985-86 term. Unanimously elected were Edna Fanning, president; Regina Green, vice-president; Dorothy Ryan, secretary; and Barbara Haffner, treasurer. Father Edmund Petit is the guild's spiritual advisor. President Fanning and the other officers will be appointing various committee chairmen and co-chairmen during the summer recess. Chairmen for the meeting were Catherine Miller and June Mueller. Serving on their committee 'were Helen Prine, Harriet Pfister, Claire Miller and Pat Miller. Jan Walker also assisted. The calendar of events for 1985-86 was adopted ahd the new year will begin Monday, Sept. 9. A Day of Recollectiojfi is planned for Sept. 18, with Father Patrick Corbally officiati Another important date will be the Fall Cam Party, Oct. 24. New next year will be a Mardi Gras Luncheon and Card Party Feb. 11 (Shrove Tuesday);^a change from the usual Valentine Luncheon and Card Party. Guild members and friends will be traveling to Shady Lane soon for their annual luncheon- theatre party. On May 24, at 2 p.m, guild members will be hostesses at their yearly birthday party at Royal Terrace Nursing Home. All members are invited to join in this fun celebration and any contributions of cakes will be appreciated. Legion Post*80 to host convention Downers Grove American Legion Post No. 80 will host the annual convention of the 11th American Legion District Sunday, May 19, starting at 1:30 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to hear reports of the various committees of the district and the foiu: county commanders, and to\elect of ficers for the ensuing year. Each post shall be entitled to one delegate and one alternate, and an additional delegate and alternate for each 25 members or major fraction thereof above the first 25. Each delegate shall have one vote, and the vote of any delegate absent and not represented by an alternate shall be cast by a majority of the delegation from his post. In the absence of both an accredited delegate or alternate from a post, the vote or votes of said absentees may be cast by a majority of delegates from said county. Anyone having resolutions intended for support from the 11th District and second division must have them presented at this time. v Please come Piiiwuiiw Herald photo by Anthony Oliver V.J The Montini Parents Association is sponsoring its third annual Ice Cream Social for all area families Friday, May 17, from 7 to 9 p.m. in St. Patrick Catholic Church hall, 3500 W.. Washington St., McHenry. Pictured above at the Primary Center, from bottom to top, are kindergartners Jessica Meyers and Jace Sayler, and first- grader Richard Keil. They are displaying posters and ice cream cones to tempt everyone to attend. This refreshing summer evening will feature cones, sundaes, balloons, candy, pop, and fun for all. Community calendar MAY 16 / UMW Gen. Mtg. 9:30 a.m.-First United Meth. Ch.-Priscilla Circle Host-"Swords Into Plowshares' Exploring Visions of Peace. MAY 17 NAIM-St. >.-Fish Fry 5 p.m.-Amer. Leg.-Mtg. 7 MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM LINGL Observe golden wedding William and Rose Lingl, 1004 W. Hayden Dr., Whispering Hills, McHenry, were married May 18, 1935 in St. Clare of Montefalco on the southwest side of Chicago. In commemoration of their fiftieth wedding anniversary, a Mass will be celebrated at 11 a.m. Sunday, May 19, in St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Johnsburg. Later, a dinner at a restaurant in Des Plaines, 111. will be hosted by the couple's children, Richard, Ronald and Geraldine, and seven grand children. The celebrants moved to the McHenry area 12 years ago, when Mr. Lingl retired from the Chicago CTA, and Mrs. Lingle retired from Illinois Bell Telephone Co. They are members of the Senior Citizens Club; participate in that group's bowling league; and belong to the Moose lodge, PLAV, and Whispering Hills Community Center. MAY 17-18 JV Flea Mkt.-Book Sale-McH. Nunda Library-9 a.m.-4 p.m.~Rt. 120 & Lily Lk. Rd.-2 mi. E. of McH.-Sponsor Friends of McH. Nunda Library Volo Rummage Sale-St. Peter School-4 Blks. W. of Rt. 12 on Rt. 120-9 a,m.-5 p.m. MAY 18 McH. Area Jaycees Recycling Drive-McH. Hi. West Campus 9 a.m.-l p.m.-Info. 344-0195. McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice & League Shoots 1 p.m.-Public Welcome. 6th Ann. Garage & Bake Sale-Fox Ridge Women's Club-9 a.m.-5 p.m.-50 Garages-Fox Ridge Subdivision. THEOS Meet 5 p.m.-Busy Bee Rest. dinner-Fun & Fellowship. MAY 18-19 Community Block Sale-Sponsor Hidden Valley Acres Assn.- Columbus Dr. & Lily Lk. Rd.-9 a.m. MAY 19 _ McH. Sporitsmen's Club-Registered Shoot 8:30 a.m.-Doubles 9-10 a.m.-lOO 16 yds.-lO a.m.-Noon-Afternoon 100 Handicap Shoot- Awards-Spectators Welcome. Briefs SQUARE DANCE CLUB McHenry B'N'B Square Dance Club invites single dancers and couples to the Annual Box Social Dance, Friday, May. 17, at the John sburg Community Club, 2315 W. Church St., Johnsburg. Ladies are requested to bring a box lunch for two, which will be auctioned off to the highest male bidders. Round dancing begins at 8 p.m. with Tim and Sue Lippold; squares ̂ at 8:30 with Jack Berg. No partner necessary. For more in formation call 344-4014 or 312- 526-0147. SPRING LUNCHEON The Spring Luncheon of the Whispering Oaks Woman's Club will be held at the McHenry Country Club Wednesday, May 22. A social time will begin at 11;30 fi.m. and lunch will be served at 12:30. Mrs. Robert Sisson, president of the Fourth District, General Federation of Woman's Clubs, will be present. Robin Irwin, a well-known local talent, will entertain with a delightful musical program. RULES OF THE ROAD The McHenry Senior Citizens Club, Inc., in cooperation with Secre ary of State Jim Edgar will sponsor a "Rules of the Road" coursr for senior citizens and others wishing to renew their drivers' licenses. The sessions will be held May 23 and May 30 from 9 avm. to noon at the McHenry City Hall. They are free and one need not be a member of the club to attend. For more information call Jim Jansen, 385-7475, INSTALL OFFICERS Members of the Wauconda Masonic Lodge announce their public installation of officers Thursday, May 16, at 8 p.m., and extend an invitation to anyone interested in learning more about the historic activities of the Masonic fraternity. Refresh ments will be served following the ceremony. The lodge is located at 220 Brown St., one- half block north of Route 176. BANQUET-STYLE SHOW Hie Spring Mother-Daughter Banquet and Style Show sponsored by the Zion Ladies Guild will be held Tuesday, May 21, at 6:30 p.m., in the social hall of Zion Lutheran Church, located at 4206 W. Elm St., McHenry. Fashions will be modeled from a local women's apparel shoppe and a children's shop. Tickets can be purchased at 385-0859. MAY CROWNING St. Clara Court No. 659 of the National Catholic Society of Foresters will meet May 23, at 7:30 p.m. in the Oak Room of Montini School. It is the Dog & Suds night, right after the meeting. A car trip to Shady ' Lane is scheduled Aug. 22. Call Barbara Hansen at 385-2174 for more details. \ » President Dave Dicker, on the left, administers the oath of office to his newly elected board of directors at the McHenry Area Jaycees Annual Installation Banquet. From left to right, they are Jean Wood, community development vice- p.esident; Roy Chamberlin, individual development vice-president; Chuck Peck, ad ministrative vice-president; John Roth, secretary; Bill Gilger, treasurer; and Pat Dicker, state director. Not in the picture are Rick Bronars, management development; and John Vlcek, chairman of the board. Hold installation-awards banquet The McHenry Area Jaycees held their annual Installation- Awards Banquet April 26, and 48 attended to enjoy a "New Year's Party." Mayor Busse was this year's guest speaker, and he gave .an inspiring speech which re- addressed his goals for change in McHenry. John Vlcek, outgoing / president of the Jaycees, presented awards for Jaycee of the Year, Most Outstanding New Member (Brownfield award), Outstanding Member (Arm- bruster award), and Duane Winn^Mftmosifrl- I<£ftder&hip award. After the presentation, the new officers took their, of fice. The McHenry Area Jaycees is an organization of young people- building leaders. They are people working with people trying to improve themselves and their community while having fun. .Anyone interested in learning more about the Jaycees can call 344-0195 after 5 p.m., or write McHenry Area Jaycees, P.O. Box 163, McHenry, IL. 60050