HEiGHBORHOOD SUPPLY DEALER ' \ CIT. OISCOUSr Ktp/iicflC 4450 W. BULL VALLEY RD ACROSS PROM N ! ¥ C McHENRY, ILLINOIS (815) 344-3000 or* drawn to Moko by on MM- trie mMonoire who UioBsnges rtwn to wIm a murder. (R) (40 ©Cdf®iMMI/Ukiw :30AM BAAk<Mc*|i w»ed doctor arodwlngrodtaats 9:15 PM O" M |g&||||̂ VIDEO GCCN Sr--- rSmrngmnrn Godley, Creme cross over the other Way O CD ®Mm« CCC) By Barton WOleo Tlw A-Teom ttapi in whan o power-hungry mobster tries to «yM1 ?- « • gjk U#J LahUM V,WB# gam coniroi or in* tvcoi uoxing scene. (R) (60 mh.) Hv.e.b.ita. Lot* 01 recordlm stars Smm* . have directed their own *tTLl videos, bat video directors help from Mr. Bradford. b*gm> Godley and Creme are the to question how successful he is first to cross over the other ofttr .Vicky g«t» on- increase. (R) way and record (heir own O MpVRi tlwyi m *°°f "Cry." owijw>'» taUMT Tlw ship- The "Cry" video consists wrecked gong decide to turn - 0f a long series of black- l^:u>Zr'BT^L.irt0Jim and-wfcite closeups of faces Backus. NatuB* Schcrfer. 1079. lip-iynching the song. Bat Bin.,. ,cev even -- tmen ehange, 5* J?. . . . the eyes stay in the exact Hb IncrediMe Mna Machines. ' .. ~"cl Dr. Harold E. Edgerion's latest same spot. After five faces, invention, o device that aRows it becomes eerie. the human eye Mir view what was The real genius to the onco unsoon, isoaplorod. (R) (60 clip, however, is the way SSL;*:.- 1 - •• **ch face melU into the ® w,*# 1*wWiiii«i next, changing feature by w Hot. wHh feature. In fact, some of MAaii^sis* ;;-v . the in-between faces are ® ̂ oye-lNr OwmNf' V, far better than the real (S MOVK: -OfM' ones. st ro w*mn*wm ftl WE BILL MEDICARE \k I FOR YOU! MM • HOSPITAL BEOS •WHEELCHAIRS • BATHROOM SAFETY AIDS HB • INCONTINENCE SUHWS R&i • WALKERS • CANES • REHABILITATION NEEDS I wM • SELF- HELP AIDS NtW«USED»TBW-BtSI mtorc local m Video Mask Festival" la accepting aU hinds of tapes in all formits/Write City Movie Center, 4727 Troost, Kansas dty; MO 64116. The Sooond Annual Visions M< Contest, i pom or ad by Sony and The Movie Chppnel and admin istered by the American Film Institute, welcomes musical and non-musical video entries. Write Visions of U.S., P.O. Bos 200, Hollywood. CA 90078. And each month this column will feature reviews of videos submit ted from readers. If you have a clip that you would like considered, send it in either 3/4 or Beta to Video Scene, c/q Barton Weiss, 4721 Coles Manor Place, Room 407, Dallas. TX 75204. Include a picture from the video and your address. Unless specified, tapes will not be returned, so please don't send your only copy. (TilMSComeulog Prince had wanted his "Raspberry Beret" video to be all animation, but the final result includes some performance footage. The animation looks like a cross between the films "Magical Mystery Tour" and "Yellow Submarine" -- but it's not nearly as compelling as the perform ance footage of the royal one himself. (Doc. 22-Jan. 20) Don't lose sight of your career goals. Be flexible yet sensible. Be understanding of your friend's moods. Take Hme out to listen to another's problems. (Jan. 21-Feb. it) Make plans this week that wiN insure your future. FIB out appropriate forms st the beginning of the MMBk Aflk Bvnsrtt (at --' a! 7:30PM QO@i MOVIE: •SkoMe' (CC) Mem bars of the Notional Socialist Party of America attempt to de monstrate in Skokie, a city whose residents number many • survivors of WW II concentration camps. Danny Kaye, Carl Reiner, EK Wollach. 1980. (Fete. 20 March 30) Your anxiety may be the source of unnecessary conflicts with a very close friend. Try to find your rational side end let H dominate over your Irrational Opportunity knocks Aspiring video artists, take note: The "Mid-America