HANSFORD CHEVROLET Goodwrench Service All GM Cars & Trucks Service toaner by Apoointment TRUCKS! SAVE UP TO '6000 ON BRAND NEW CONVERSION VANS 587-4200 SANDY McKIE'S 90 S. Route 12 C L O S E D S U N D A Y f O A A B E T T E R D E A L O N M O N D A Y '71 STARCRAFT: Executive pop-up. stove, sink, shower, toilet, heater, canopy. All cam ping cookware, new 6 gallon hot water tank, sleeps 6, exc. cond. $1500. 815/459-5261 PARTING OUR 1970 Chevy suburan, 454, turbo 400, trans, 6 hole mag wheels. 815/385-0352 atterSp.m, '72 BUICK ELECTRA, good cond., many new parts. Call Mike, Sl,000/best, 815/338-7287. '79, HONDA, 750 K, touring, matching helmets, many ex tras, exc. cond., 815/338-2526, 6 to 10 p.m. '84 KAWASAKI GPZ 550: Like new, 51650., 815/338-0360 '81 EUROPEAN YZ80, just rebuilt, exc. cond., (extra parts), $400.815/385-0543. '77 THUNDERBIRD: Very good condition! No rust, 50,000 miles, $2,000 or best, 815/923 2220 '78CHEVY CHEVETTE, blue 2 dr. hartchback, AC, new tires & batf, $1500 firm. 312/639-6861 '82 YAMAHA Maxim 750. exc cond., sow miles, must sell, $1800/best. 815/344 3060 1976 GRAND PRIX, good cond., am/fm stereo, a/c. ps, pb, hw tires, runs great, $2100 or best offer, 815/344-4507 after 5:30p m, weekdays. '77 CHEVY CAPRICE Landau, loaded, 350 eng., $l.200/best. 815/455-5918 HONDA CB 550, mint cond.. set up for touring, $900 or best of- fer. 815/385 6482 '81 HARLEY FXS, low rider, bags, pipes, chrome, exc. cond, $5.000,312/428-6903 '81 YAMAHA Seca 550: Black, many extras. Moving, must sell, SIQOO/best. 815/338-1992 '82 HONDA NIGHTHAWK 650cc, garage keoL low miles, $1500/best. 815/38^5696. 1981 MERCURY Zephyr station wagon, exc cond., low mileage, $3200 or best, 815/338 7985. 1977 924 PORSHE, exc. cond.. silver & black, rebuilt engine, 15,000 ml., sun roof, am/fm radio, $7,000/ offer. 815/459-1657 Or 815/459-3222 after 5 pm '83 HONDA 750 Shadow. Only 1800 miles, $2000 . 815/459-5954, after 7 pm. 1981 TOYOTA COROLA wagon, 5 spd., exc.. cond., am/fm stereo cassette, $4500, 815/455 1638. '75 HONDA CB125 Good cond. $225 815/923-4321 8am-4pm 73 HONDA CB360, good cond., $325 firm. 815/385-9064 after 8 pm. '82 HONDA V45 Magna, garage kept, 800 miles, $2.200/best. Call 312/639-2088 '68HARLEY DAVIDSON FLH, original, good cond.. $3100. 815/648-4557 after 4:30. '85 200 X. HONDA 3 wheel, 5 months old, extras, $1500, mint, 312/639-3232. 1977 SUZUKI GS 750, excellent condition, low mileage, $800/ best. 815/459-4918. '85 HONDA MAGNA: w/engine guard, 3 wks. old. Must sell! $2950/offer. 312/639-7166 '83 HONDA SHADOW 750: low miles, adult owned, extras, $2100. 312/658-6190 '78 FORO GRANADA, new tires 8> battery, rebuilt eng. 8i carb., int. & body good, a/c, am/fm stereo, needs brake job, shocks Si power steering pump Asking $2,450,312/658-5733. 1952 MGTD Replicar: yellow convertible w/soft top, tonouh cover, spare tire, luggage rack and many extras. Priced to sell. Call Jerry. 312/658-9140 '63 CUSHMAN TRUCKSTER, good cond., new tires. $1000 or trade for motorcycle or small farm tractor. 815/728 1280. '78 AUDI : new eng., new tires, needs body work, $750, 312/639- 5544 before 5 p.m. or 639-4703 after 5 p.m. '81 SUBARU, 4 whl. drive - hat chback, approx. 17,000 mi. $5,500'best, 815/459-6198 HONDALINE, saddle bags, in d. locking mounting brackets, never used, $350/best. 815/344 4535. '79 VAMAHA 750 Special, runs well, custom painted, new tires, 14,000 mi., $1000 or will trade for car. 815/653-9979 after 7 pm. 1961 YAMAHA 650 Special, 7200 miles, runs great! First $550 takes it! 815/385 9421 after 5 p.m. 7* YAMAHA XS 750 Special, shaft, 1 owner, exc. cond., $1500,312/428-5564,6 p.m. SUZUKI, 250. 1976, good runn ing cond.. asking $350 or best offer, call Bob 815/455-3932. '83 RENAULT Fuego: white, leather interior. Loaded! $10,500 or best offer; 815/455- 6371, or 312/658-8036. '78 HONDA 750K, w/fairing, very good cond.. low miles, orig. owner, $900,815/344-2755. '85 HONDA XR80, must sell. 10 hrs. use, list price $800 - asking $650. Will deal, Call 5 pm to 9 pm, 815/653-9992 '79 KAWASAKI LTD 1000, ex cellent cond. adult driven, many extras, $2000 or best of- fer. After 6 pm. 815/653-4217 *75 CHEVY CAPRICE Conver tible: Good condition. Loaded! $3300. or best; 815/459-9535, after 5:30 pm. 1981 YAMAHA, 400 cc special II, 7000 miles, $700. 815/568 8190. 1981 HARLEY DAVIDSON Sturgls. Exc. cond., most chrome, low miles, $4500/best. Steve, 815/344-4723. '82 ESCORT, a/c, rear wiper, sun roof, cruise, 52,000 mi., $4,000,815/728-1366. '83 HARLEY DAVIDSON Wldeglide. 1340 ccs, 2,600 mi., mint, dark blue, $5,600,815/455- 2547. '84 MERCURY TOPAZ, auto., ps/pb, air, extended warranty, $6,750,815/455-1352. '84HONDA IOWA Spree Motor Scooter, 50 CC, like new, $325. firm., 815/455-3904, Route 47 In Huntley (312)669-5155 NEED A good used car? Call Ray'at Reichert Chevy/Buick. 815/459-4000. '76 HONDA 500 ccs, $450/best 815/338-5774 '79 CORVETTE, very good cond., loaded ind. glass tops, $10,900. McHenry. 815/344-1876. '82 HONDA Passport 70, 3 speed, auto., like new, $350/best. 815/338-6917 '77 TRANS AM, black, t-top, 54,628 miles, call 815/459-8755. '77 OLDS 88, ac, ps/pb, exc. cond. 9000 miles on rebuilt engine. S1750. Call 312/639-7151 after 7 pm.- weekends anytime. '82 HONDA CR125 Dirt Bike, exc. cond., many extras, $600, 815/455-3534 14 ft. FIBERGLASS boat, 40 h.p. Johnson, exc. cond., must sell, $850.815/728-1830. '69 SILVERLINE, 16', tri-hull, 80hp, 4 cyt., I/O, Merc, cruiser, Wttllt trailer, $1.000/besf, 815/728-1776 after 5:30 pm. 1979 CORVITTE T-TOPS 1979 PRINDLE , 16ft. Cat-tamaran, used 3 times, must sell $1,600. 312/639-0549 or 312/525-4772 Automatic, till, c.uita, air, 31,260 CMliind iiiimi 18 ft. CROWNLINE fiberglass, trailer, 70 h.p. Merc., exc. cond., many extras, $2500 1979 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME COUPE V8. automatic, tilt, i<ut>«. an Evinrude motor. Trailer, ft coyer Included, SS00.; Extri trailer avail, for $35.; Can be seen only by appoint menl on Sunday afternoons. 815/653 7236. \ . H A.P.R. ONF-150 PICKUPS IN STOCK WHILE THEY LAST 1979 CADILLAC 13 FOOT ALUMINUM Fishing boat, $200/ best offer. 312/63* 6359 , (FUN BOAT) 29 ft. deluxe Crest Pontoon Boat. 70 HP Johnson, fully equipped, must sell at only $5900.! Lift also available; 115/385-8371. • STARCRAFT, 15 ft., 30 hp Mer cury, w/trailer, depth finder, trolling motor, runs 8i looks good, $U50,815/459-2531. V-HAUL: 15 ft. fiberglass with trailer, 35 HP Johnson, very good cond.! Motor not running, $1050.; 312/658-4188 1985 CHEVY SUBURBAN SILVERADO 4x4 e i , a.lmmmI.Wit.cml--.«lr.pm»r SI H Ifs worth the drive to Fox Lake to deal with Lakeview Ford 8i Get the truth 19M CHEVY'/«TO» 8600 GVW PICKUP tea va, mimmhc, ac 1984 CHEVY K-IO 4*4 SILVERADO BRAND NEW 1985 MUSTANG LX AM/FM stereo, premium sound system, speed control, power lock group, styled road wheels, power steering, power brakes. kRK, 14 ft. alum. Jon like new, $425, 312/639- 1984 CHEVY S-10' PICKUP V6, 4 ipetd, 1600 lb. puylooH, I owner OLD WOOOEN Boat w/75 hp Evinrude, 8500. Call after 5 pm, 815/455-0929. 12V* FT. SAILBOAT- AMF Put for w/trailer, both used once, $1,600.-815/455-7095. SHORE STATION. 3600 pounds, canopy w/ electric motor, $1500.815/385-7388 --5 1974, 18 FT., I/O with new 140 H.P. engine & crank, only run 15 hrs., 3 props, Gator trailer, seats need to be recovered, canvass top needed. $4,000 or Offer, 815/344-5646. 5.8 liter V6 engine, luxury trim, light group digital clock, interval windshield wip ers, tilt steering wheel fingertip control, bumber rub strips, rear window defroster, air conditioning, am-fm stereo, power win dows, power steering, power brakes, luxury wheel covers, tinted glass. No. 5159. including freight & dealer prep. BRAND NEW 1985 RANGER PICKUP NOW ONLY 1983 CHEVY V« TON CONVERSION VAN flit, Cfllll8i pCWff WIMMWIi flffll W. pmmmf 4--9 locks, 4.2 *•••* 1983 CHEVY S-IO BLAZER 4x4 Or No Money Down CABIN CRUISER, 22 ft. aluminum, 65 hp Mercury out board 81 frailer. $1,800/ best. 815/455-5211. per mo. 17' ART TRAVELER, 60 H.P. w/traller. Good cond., $900. Call anytime. 815/728-0747. 1983 CHEVY S104x4 LONGBOX PICKUP VA, 4 ip««</, local an* oww 1983 CHEVY V4 TON SHORTY PICKUP V8, 4 »p>«d, with cap 1983 CHEVY S-IO SHORTY * 21 FT. HUSTLER MONTEGO, 260 h.p., OMC, i/o. fm/cassette stereo, loaded, 1985 E-Z loader trailer, low hours, asking $10,600. 815/385-2763 or 312/634 4929. 75 SPORTCRAFT, 25 ft. hard top, side curtains 81 rear can vas, head, sink, 2 way radio, grath depth sounder, 8 rod holders, 2 electric, 2 manual down riggers, swim platform, trim tabs, 188 h.p., Merc cruiser I.O. + misc. extras. Tri-axle custom trailer. $11,995 or best offer. 815/385-7568. Including freight & dealer prep. Or No Money Down including freight & dealer prep. Or No Money Down $133« 1982 CHEVY 4x4 ' SILVERADO PICKUP 6 2 d*Mt, outomotic, ok, ciwm, 8600 GVW, block brauty 1981 MUSTANG Full power, air, AM/FM, automatic. 1981 MAZDA GLC WAGON 4-cylinder, 5 speed and more. ViO Sterling Silver. Ornm 1979 MERCURY COUGAR XR7 Air conditioned, sun root, AM/ FM m stereo tape, bucket seats. USED Snowmobile* YAMAHA 340 GPX/74, w/ cover, needs track; $350/ best. After 6-pm, 312/639-4782. $4495 CARS 1981 FORD GRANADA 4 door, full power, automatic, radio. white walls, extra clean. 1980 CHEVY VA TON 4x4 PICKUP 8600 GVW, V8. automatic, 1 o«rm 1979 CHEVY ¥* TON SILVERADO PICKUP 4 > 4 , l i l t , c r u i t a , V 8 , a u t o m a t i c , o i r 1978 CHEVY BONAVENTURE VAN V8, automatic, oir, hit, cruit* EXERCISE Roller Bar Machine: Like new, paid $200., asking $50.; 815/455-4929. 85 Camper* & Traitors 1979 CAMARO BERLINETTA Extra sharp, full power and air. $0 t One Owner. Low miles. Wi 1980 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREM 2DR, full power, air, automatic, SO CM AM/FM stereo, sport wheels. 1978 BUICK SKYLARK Full power, automatic transmission, air conditioning, 4 door in colonial bronze. TRAVCO Motor Home, alj lux urious int., completely customized, mechanically like hew, financing avail., $19,900, 815/jB9 6060. •_ 34' 1983 PACE ARROW: sleeps 8, exc. cond., low mileage, dual a/c, completely self- contaned. $29,000. 815/338 7950, daytime. 815/728-1257. eves. 1974 FORD ton truck w/1111' camper on truck, 815/385-5519, anytime MIDAS, 1976, self contained, sleeps 6, exc. cond., low mileage, $8500,815/459-2608. PLEASURE MATE pop up camper, sink, heater, stove, refrig., & more. Sleeps 6, ask- Ing $750,815/728-0231. CAMPER SHEL' 'its import or short-bed domestic, sleeper w/cabinets. $150., 312/426-8694. *1995 1979 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS Luxury 4 door, air conditioned, automatic, full power, AM/FM stereo tape, vinyl roof and many more options. 1983 DODGE B300 One ton cargo van, full power, automatic, radio. Lime green, 4 door with matching velour interior. Loaded with every option. *6195 *3195 9 A.M. -- 9 P.M. Monday-Fridav koute 47 in Huntley (312) 669-5155 •••TMf liclimc COURT** 0I8LII f=S Auto Parts & NORTHWEST HERALD Section C Friday, July 26,1985 Page 9 Aviation 85 Campers Bi Trailers ^ Accessories 92 Motorcycles 92 Motorcycles 93 Automobiles for Sale 93 Automobiles for Sale