/ 93 Automobiles for Sale 93 Automobile* for Sale 93 Automobiles for Sate 93 Automobiles for Sa.« ; 93 Automobiles for Sale 96 NORTHWEST HERALD Section B Wednesday, August 14.1965 " age 19 Trucks T 96 '81 BUICK REGAL Limited. Loaded! 33,000 miles, best offer i • over $5,000.815/338 8610. | '81 PLYMOUTH RELIANT, 4 | door, 4 cyl., exc. cond. i $3800/flrm. 815/728-0893 '82 PONTIAC J 6000 : 4 door. I ' Loaded! $5900. Pfaff Auto I Sales, Huntley; 312/669-33W. '82 TOYOTA tercet, 2 dr., 1 52,0000 miles, new brakes, no rust, $3600,815/455-6233. 78 CHEVETTE, 4 door, air, .am/fm, 4 speed, high mileage, .runs good. New exhaust and brakes, $800.312/658-8717 ,'75 FORD Mustang. 4 cylinder. .Runs good. $850/best. 815/653- 5924. *'81 DATSUN Maxima Wagon: =air, auto, ps/pb, cruise, am/fm stereo cassette, tilt, roof-rack, $5600.; 312/428-2738. •'75 OLDS CUTLASS SALON, -full power, auto., sporty look, $1500. 815/455-6631 eves. '72 OLDS DELTA 88, good work ,car, $250 or offer, 815/459-5274. '78 FIAT X-19, convertible, [Mitsubishi stereo, with Infinity speakers, mag wheels, BF Goodrich radial tires, just painted, no rust, exc. cond., $3,650, or best offer, 815/344- 1973. 1978 MUSTANG auto., stereo, Tear window defog., 4 cyl., 64,000 miles, no rust, in exc. cond., $1,700. 815/338-7674 after 6 or leave message. )V> PLYMOUTH VOLARE 4 (jr., 6 cyl., air, ps, pb. cruise, am/fm radio, 63,000 actual miles, very good cond., $2895, 815/648-2134, after 4 p.m. '81 CHEVETTE, very good cond., am/fm stereo, 75,000 mi., $l,950/best, 815/338-7943. '71 OLDS CUTLASS. New exhaust crane cam. Must Sell $700. 815/455-2180 '65 DODGE CORONET, 4 dr., little rust, *6 cyl., everything original, $500 FIRM, 312/639- 0568. '81 CHEVETTE, 4 spd., runs good, good body, new front brakes, shocks, 8. springs. $1750. 312/639-4151. '72 ELCAMINO runs good, $450, 815/385-5006. '75 AMC Matador: Man. trans., w/snow tires, $300. or best Offer; 312/639-3398. '79 OLDS TORONADO, exc. cond., $5,250, Call 9 am to 6 pm, 815/344-3201, ask for Mike. '79 PONTIAC Sunbird: Must See! 4 speed, runs great, very good condition, no rust. Only $1950. After 6 pm, 312/658-8164. '76 MERCURY WAGON, good cond., $500. Call 815/459-8721, after 4. '78 PONTIAC SUNBIRD, V-6, auto., 53,000 orlg. miles., good cond., $1400/best offer. 312/639- 0435. '70 VW Sq'uareback, new brakes, generator, brand new tires, best offer over $300, 312/639-0174. 1981 RIVIERA, loaded, 37,000 miles, diesel, new tires, $6995. 312/669-5001. '84 FIREBIRD, auto., air, ps/pb, tilt, am/fm, extras, exc. cond., $9,000. 815/455-7095. 1977 Thunderblrd. 2 dr., auto., air cond., metallic brown. Runs good. Best offer. 311/741 -2738,; , • VOLVO '83 DL wagon. Low m i l e a g e . L i k e n e w cond.,$10,500/best offer. Call days 815/455-2003. 815/385 6849 eves. '81 TOYOTA COROLLA wagon, 5 spd., exc. cond., am/fm cassette. 815/455-1638. '83 DATSUN STANZA XE: 4 dr., exc. cond., 4 cyl., FWD, 28 mpg, Auto., ps/pb, stereo-tape, $6300.312/639-8673, after 6 pm '77 CAMARO, ps/pb, a/c, runs good, low miles, $1950/best 815/455-1415. 1983 CHRYSLER LeBaron, 2 dr., 5 speed, excellent cond., air, am/fm stereo, cruise, wire wheels, radials, rust proofed, many extras. $7000. 815/344- 1386. '83 DATSUN Stanza, 5 speed, power s/r, am/fm stereo. Like new $4900. '82 DATSUN 200 SX, 5 speed, A/C, am/fm stereo cassette, low miles, mint condition. .$5800 '79 PLYMOUT Champ, 4 speed^ cloth interior, am/fm stereo. Great economy, runs strong. $1900. '78 DATSUN 210, Runs great! Only64,000cert, miles. ..$1900. SCHMIDT NISSAN 312/381-7991 1978 TRANS AM, blk., air, pb, pb, am/fm cassette, new tires, 815/344-3022. '71 VW, 46,000 original miles, new engine, $650. or best offer; 815/455-3338. 1968 FORD GALAXIE 500, low mileage, no rust, must see to appreciate! $1,500 or best offer. Call 815/338-6337. '74 Pontiac station wagon. 9 passenger. $350/best offer. 312/683-2627. '81 FORD THUNDERBIRD, exc. cond., most options, 66,000 miles, rust proofed, must sell, $4300,815/338-0807. '75 TRANS AM, only 1500 miles on new engine, trans., tires, brakes, new paint, H.P.- over 425, $4500, serious inquiries only. 815/344-0410, Mon. thru Fri., 8 to 5. '71 PONTIAC WAGON, runs, needs work, $125 or best, 815/455-7196. '82 MUSTANG GT: Black, 4 new tires, $7000. or best offer. Call after 5:30; 815/385-1565 ' 8 3 T O Y O T A C e l i c a Hatchback: 5spd., am/fm, air, tilt wtieel, ps/pb, door locks, excellent condition! $7200.; 815/344-0310, between 9 8. 5. '84 COUGAR: Loaded! Only 11,000 miles, $9000.; 815/385- 1427. '73 PLYMOUTH Duster: 6 cyl. Good beater! $425. or best offer; 815/943-3422. 1976 PONTIAC SUNBIRD, 5 speed, V--6, sunroof, $425/ best. Call 815/338-6673. 1980DIESEL RABBIT,4speed, am/fm radio, new tires & exhaust, $2,950.312/658-4855. 1980 AMC SPIRIT DL, 53,000 miles, 6 cyl. auto., ps/pb, exc. cond., $2,400/ best. 312/551-1123 after 6 pm. '75 PACER, needs work, $450, 815/344-2046. '74PONTIACCATALINA: 4dr. hardtop, loaded, mechanically exc., clean Int., $645. 815/455- 3022 ( 9am-9pm) '84 RABBIT DIESEL, like new, 4 spd., am/fm, 34,000 mi., $5,200/best, 815/653-4623. .BBITDII „• a/c, am/fmV"37300 mi., $5,795/best, 815/653-4623. '79 OLDS Starfire. V6, 5 speed, low mileages, black with red velour interior. Excellent cond., 312/658-5471 after 5pm. LeRoy Guy General Manager |I Mtaiur J Wtmt c 1 <-ALtMQgm COMPETITION We love it... . No Hassle or Fuss - JUST GOOD PRICES & GOOD SERVICE...In a Friendly Atmosphere. DRIVE A LITTLE & SAVE A LOT!! FREE LIFETIME RUSTPROOFING ON ALL NEW CARS OFFER GOOD 8/14/35 • 8/24/85 PRICES SLASHED ON PRE-OWNED COUNTRY FRESH 30 MO - 3000 MILE WARRANTY 1982 OLDS 88 ROY ALE - 4 Dr., A.C„ Tilt Wheel, Cruise, P.W., P. Locks, Split Seat, 32,000 Miles, Local Car... EXTRA SHARP 1982 FORD ESCORT. '3095 Air, AM/FM ^ 1981 DODGE ARIES WGN 946*T'4295 Air, AM 1981 PLYMOUTH RELIANT *44*1 *4195 4 Door, Air, AM/FM, Cruise, Tilt, 37,00 Miles 1979 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX *444$ •4195 2 Door, Air, AM/FM, Tilt, Power Windows 1979 CHEVROLET CHEVETTE 9?Mf5 *2695 4 Door, Auto., AM, 38,000 Miles 1979 CHRYSLER LeBARON..... cO^- • *2895 Auto, AM 1978 CHEVROLET CHEVETTE '$391'3095 4 Door, Air, AM/FM, Auto, 33,000 Miles **AS IS SPfCIAL .'795** ; One Owner - 1961 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE -- ! MUST SEEII JOHN MITCHELL CHEVROLET & OLDSMOBILE SALES, INC. 044 W. Grant Highway, Marengo -- 815-568-8007 Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-8, Friday & Saturday 9-5 '80 PONTIAC GRAN PRIX, good cond., CB, $1800, 815/455 j 1272 after 2:30p.m. '76 FORD PINTO hatchback, 4 spd., clean, good running, $395. 815/344 2620. NO MONEY DOWN '80 CITATION, show room clean, 6 cyl., auto., 2 door j hatch, a/c, new exhaust, no I rust, selling below loan value, '. call eves., 312/658 9674. i '78 NOVA, ps/pb, a/c, runs good, body in exc. shape. ' *1950/test.815/4S51415. , '79 CHRYSLER LEBARON ! Town 8i Country station wagon, ( 1 air, am/fm stereo, 8 track, new i •i tires & shocks, very good mechanical cond., best offer. I | 815/675-6336. | , '82 CHEVY CAVALIER I Wagon, like new, am/fm, | $2,495/best. 815/653-4623. | | '79 CORDOVA, clean, 1 owner, I ! auto., air, power, am/fm, i i $2500,815/675-2730. i '81 PONTIAC Bonneville, 2 | door, V-8, ps/pb, air, cruise, p o w e r w i n d o w s , a m / f m cassette, 54,000 miles, $5,495 or ; best offer; 312/742 8882. | '83 CHRYSLER, 4dr., air, front ! wheel drive, power, 4 cyl., $7500,815/675-2730. ' 1982 PLYMOUTH GRAND Fury. Four door, 6 cyl., power j steering, power brakes, automatic, a/c, rear window defroster, recent tires, brakes, 81 shocks. 312/497 3367. '84 Dodge Charger 2.2, maroon, sunroof, am/fm cassete, 13,000 miles. Stored in winter, must sell. Mint. $7300/best. 815/459- 3707 '79 TRANS AM, gold, 6.6, auto., t-tops, a/c, tilt wheel, cruise control, power windows 8. doors, $4300. 815/455 0241 after 4. 1979 Monza hatchback. V6, auto.. Good cond., $1900. 312/639-5761 CONVERTIBLE ' 72 Buick Skylark. Air., p.w., silverblue, white top 81 interior. $2500. 815/459-7263 '74 OLDS Omega. Moving In 7 days. HELP. Must sell! $358/best. 815/455-3735 6-9pm '73 OLDS TORONADO, 2 door, all power. Tires, exhaust, battery, 8> alternator less than 2 yrs. old. Steering rebuilt, dependable. $675/best offer. 312/658-3396 '76MONTE CARLO, 53,000 mi., exc. cond., new tires, no reasonable offer refused. 815/459 1769 Dave. '74 MUSTANG 2, low mileage, good shape mechanically, some rust. 312/658-3868 '78 PLYMOUTH FURY III salon, original owner, recent tires, brakes, exhaust, $1000 or trade for row boat w/out board motor, snowmobile, or what have you of equal value. 815/385-0062 after 6. '76 FORD GRANADA: 4 door, 6 cyl., ps/pb, auto., 90,000 miles, runs well, $350.815/459-5914 '62 BUICK LESABRE, 4 door hardtop, all stock, runs beautifully. Some surface rust, but body solid. Great cruise car, $1200/offer. Call 312/658- 5564, before 4 pm '76MERCURY MONTEGO w a g o n $600 : 815/336-7977 after a w. " 1978 KAWASAKI KZ 1000, fully dressed. Beautiful bike- Only $1,400! Getting married next week 81 need extra cash! Call 815/459-9121. t I 1984 CORVETTE silver, 19,000 ; milPs, a-jto., excellent cond., $18,000 815/338 5833. '78 CAMARO: 350 V-8, 4 barrel, auto, ps/pb, new tires, sun roof, $3,500./best. 815/338 7986. '78 PONTIAC LeMans: 4 door, 88,000 miles, $1,395. Call before 9 am or after 5 pm; 815/459- 0063. 1979 CAMEROZ28, air., auto., t-tops, stereo cassette, good cond., $4000/best offer. 815/459- , 7256 or 815/455-6447 j 1983 MERCURY LYNX w/ j extended service contract good up to 60,000 miles, 4 speed, | $4,800. 815/943-6432 or 943-6433. '80 FORD PINTO, auto trans. Extra low miles! $1995. FAULCHEVROLET " Trucks 96 Trucks 97 Vans 312/381-2500 LOCATED HERE HCHMONO SPRING fttOtfC ! Boone Coun '76 TRANS AM, runs good, needs body work, $1200 or best offer. 815/338-0709, after 4 '77 CORVETTE . 4 speed, .low mileage. Must sell. «8800/best I offer 312/658-4754 r 1967 LINCOLN Continental, i Like new. $2000/firm 815/385- j 1658 after 5pm 1 '80 CADILLAC DeVille, exc. cond., fully loaded, $7000/t>est. Contact Mike eves, at 815/385- 9207 '80 DATSUN 510, 4 dr., 4 cylinder, 5 speed, am/fm cassette. California car. No rust. 815/455-2688. 1974 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE Sfebring, runs good, $500/best offer. 815/385-8725 '85 OLDS CUTLASS LS, pb/ps, tilt, air, am/fm w/cass., V-8, cruise, clean, $3500. 815/455- 3172 eves. '75 FORD LTD, ps/pb, ac, good cond., make offer. 815/385-7318. '85 PONTIAC Flero SE: 4 cyl., 5 speed, am/fm, aluminum wheels, GT radials, luggage rack, red with grey interior, 7,000 miles, $8,700. Going to school. 312/497-3881. '78 CHEVY MONZA Spyder, 76,000 miles, V-6, 4 spd., sun roof,-815/455-2951. * '79 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, orange, am/fm cassette, no rust, Tonneau cover, new top, tires, brakes, shocks 8< exhaust, $3,100/best, 815/568 6060. ECONOMICAL "78 Ford Fiesta, 4 spd, mechanically sound, little rust, $800 or best offer. 815/385-5303 after 6. '76 CADILLAC DEVILLE Sedan, 4 dr., little rust, good cond., $650/best, 815/338-5409. '78 PLYMOUTH HORIZON: 4 speed, no rust, $1700.; 815/455- 2279. 1973 VOLVO WAGON, good cond., one owner. Best Offer!. Call 312/658-8139. 1979 TOYOTA CELICA, new tires, new brakes, runs great. 312/639-9164 '74 CHEVY Luv Mikado. New clutch. New tires. Call 815/459- 6751 after7pm 1977 VW RABBIT, am/fm cassette, 4 speed, front wheel drive, blue, good cond. Asking $1,080. Call 815/455-1454. 1975 AMC HORNET, low miles, needs work. $200 or best offer. Call 312/658-6002. '84 CAMARO, V6, 5 spd., .charcoal .«*!.,»<totho Into* Tops, fm stereo cassette + many more extras, $9,300/best, 815/338-3081. 1977 PONTIAC Grand Prix, auto., ps/ pb/ pw, A/C. Prlvate- $1,750. Call 312/639-1200. 1983 FORD ESCORT wagon, am/fm, 37,000 miles, $4600. 815/653-9015 ' 7 5 C H E V Y C A P R I C E convertible, loaded, good cond., $2500. 815/459-7951 '77 MONTE CARLO: engine 8, trans, excellent condition, body has rust, $500. or best; 12 ft. Fiberglass boat, $150.; 815/344- 3594. '74 RENAULT R12, looks good, runs excellent, exc. mpg, $800. 312/428-6355 1980 CHEVETTE, 4 speed, new brakes, exc. cond., great mpg, $3,000,815/338-1945. ROBIN'S REPAIRS Auto & Truck. The One Stop Shop. Quality Work at the Right P r i c e ! W e l d i n g . H i g h Performance Work! 312/697- SHOP. "81 AMC CONCORD, ps/pb, am/fm, air, positraction, good in snow, asking $2,500, 815/338- 1535. YOUR CHANCE to own a Mercedes - selling a 1971 220D, clean inside 8. out, 815/338-1535. '80 BUICK Century: 4door, air, ps/pb, am/fm, wire wheels, 48,000 miles. Exc. condition, $3850, 312/658-8358. '75 GMC Pick-Up with topper, 112/658-9506, after 7 pm. '76 DODGE, eng. and ext. in great shape, ps/pb, air, am/fm cas. $1400. 312/639-4988 1979 CADILLAC, Sedan 1 Deville, exc. cond., 57,000 miles, Florida car, loaded, must sell, $5,500. 815/338-9177 ; '76 PONTIAC SUNBIRD, auto, i 81,000 ml.i runs well, new radials, brakes, $700/best, 815/385 8512. '81 MERCUTYY LYNX GS. 2 door, 4 speed, ps/pb, moonroof, new tires, recent tune-up. Extras. 34 mpg. Very clean. $2900, 815/648 2808. '80BUICK REGAL AIR COND., automatic, stereo, 60/40 seats, extra low miles! $4,995 •FAUL CHEVROLET• Barrington 381-2500 '84 CAVALIER Automatic, power steering, rear defogger, excellent condition! $4,495 •FAUL CHEVROLET• Barrington 381-2500 '83 FIREBIRD AIR COND., 6-cyl., automatic trans., stereo, like new! $7,995 •FAUL CHEVROLET• - Barrington 381-2500 1984 Cavalier 4 dr., auto., air., am/fm radio, rear window defog., 2,300 miles, $7,600 Call after 6pm 312/669r3734 1975 MERCURY COMET $200, Needs some work. 312/658;7177 1976 CADILLAC EL DORADO, ps/pb, tilt wheel, air, am/fm stereo, tape deck, $2350. 815/385-1342. '77 FURY SPORT 318 . Stripping for parts. 815/344-4854 '78 HONDA CVCC, 5 speed, exc. shape, $1700. 815/385-1224 '84 MERCURY Topaz LS, ps/pb, tilt, 5 speed, am/fm asking $6800. or best offer; 815/338-0382, after 5 pm. '80 OLDS CUTLASS LS: 4 door, V-6, ps/pb, air, am/fm stereo, mist wipers, cloth interior, mint condition, $4100.; 815/459- 8229. '78 DATSUN F10 hatchback, FWD, standard trans., runs well, Call 312/426-3465 1979 FORD Country Squire 10 passenger wagon, loaded, new tires, $1,950.815/653-9786. 1970 MUSTANG, 302 Engine, auto., exc. for parts. Best offer. 815/385-8230. '84 FORD F150 4WHEEL DRIVE 3 speed overdrive trans., power steering, stereo, lots of extras, extra clean! $8,995 •FAUL CHEVROLET• Barrington 381-2500 '82 CHEVY VJTON P/U V8, auto trans., power steer., 2 tone blue and white, excellent condition! $6,495 •FAULCHEVROLET* Barrington 381-2500 '78 CADILLAC SEDAN deVILLE Full power, leather upholstery, 425 V-8, like new! $5,195 4 •FAUL CHEVROLET• Barrington 381-2500 94 VehldM for Rent LEISURE VAN For vacations or weekend trips. After 5 pm, 815/338-0905. 95 * Tractors/Trailers FORD BACK HOE 4500, $7200. F600 Dumptruck w/plow 81 spreader, $3200.815/728-0131 ' '75 DODGE MAXI VAN, 360, ps/pb, $500/best offer. 815/344 I J132 t '83 CHEVROLET Suburban, , 454 V-8, auto trans., air, 3/4 ton Silverado, trailering special, i $11,795. FAULCHEVROLET I j 312/381 2500 1979 CHEVROLET BLAZER, 4 speed, 4 wheel drive, Lock Out 1 hubs, ps/pb, 35,000 Original miles, $4,500 312/426-8517. 96 Trucks 1978 FORD F250 4X4: exc. cond., new engine, new brakes, radial tires, tool box, snow blow. $4800/best offer. 815/344- 3685, evenings. '84 FORD F-150 Pick-Up, 4 wh. dr., 4 spd., special tires 8. wheels. Like new! $8995. FAULCHEVROLET , v»t- 1984 NISSAN TRUCK w/cap, am/im stereo cassette, equalizer, low miles, $4,875/ best. Joe- 815/344-5232 until 1 pm.or 653-9400 eves. '85 TOYOTA 4x4, mint, grey w/chrome whls., am/fm cassette, split rear window, cloth int., many more, $10,800/best or trade, 815/728- 1677-MUST GO! '83 CAVALIER, front wh. dr., auto, ps., rear de-fogger. Excellent condition! $4495. FAULCHEVROLET 312/381-2500 1976 JEEP CJ5, like new, low miles, am/fm cassette stereo, 6 cyl., 3 speed, extra's, First $3300/besfoffer. 815/943 5200 '76 GMC Plck-Up: % ton, good condition! Runs excellent! $1750.; 815/338-9176. '76 CHEVY V2 Ton: V-8, auto. Clean! $2500. Pfaff Auto Sales, Huntley; 312/669-3381. '77 FORD VJ Ton V-8, auto. Sharp! $2800. Pfaff Auto Sales, Huntley; 312/669-3381. DODGE 1 Ton with utility box, 46,000 actual miles, $3300. Pfaff Auto Sales, Huntley; 312/669- 3381. 1983 CHEVY S-10 Blazef, loaded, 4 wheel drive, 4 speed, Tahoe Pkg., A/C, am/fm cassette, low miles, $8,500. Call 10 am to8 pm. 815/455-0050. 84 TOYOTA PICKUP, 13,000 miles, white with sunroof, and Pioneer sound system. $4,500 312/428-7832 '84 FORD F150, 38,000 mi., manual 3 spd. w/overdrive, 302 V8, clean inside & out. $6,500, 815/338-5129. '84 DATSUN PICKUP King Cab, like new, a/c, am/fm, 5 s p d . w / c a p , 4 9 , 0 0 0 m i . , $5,700/best, 815/653-4623 1979 Ford Ranger. 4 wheel drive pick up with brand new cap. Low miles. Asking $4500. 815/385-7477 '83 CHEVY S-10 BLAZER, two tone, 2 or 4 wheel drive, a/c, am/fm, Tahoe, luggage rack, 36,000 miles, $9750. Call Kevin 815/459-3786, after 6 pm or weekends. HANSFORD CHEVROLET m Mr- fj Goodwrench PER HOUR Service All GM Cars & Trucks Service Loaner by Appointment Route 47 In Huntley (312)669-5155 •nan thc iictittu coumt»t ouut • 1 1̂ pjHANSFORGPS^PJ '73 WHITE Twin Screw, 13 speed, 290 Cummins, $6500. , Entertain offer. Call after 5:30 1 pm; 815/385 1797. , '77 DODGE 3 quarter ton. Auto., 88,000 miles, $1100/best , 815/728-0679 i 1959 FORD F600 Cabover, ! w/1977 Owens gooseneck, equip i trailer w/ramps, $4500.815/385 ! 1342 1947 IH TANKER truck, runs i good, $650/best offer. 815/385 1342. '77 FORD 250 pick-up, air, good shape, extra fuel tank, low mileage, $1650. 815/923 4289. 97 Vans ' 1W3 CHEVY CONVERSION 1 Van: Extrasharp! towing pgk., j loaded! $13,200,815/385 7792. '71 DODGE TRADESMAN 200 1 van, 4 mags, 2 snowtires. I am/fm cassette, good work jan. $700 or best, 815/459 5043. '70 FORD ECONOLINE van, rebuilt 6 cylinder, auto, $295. 815/344 2620. '78 DODGE MAXI Wagon: good condition. Fully equipped, asking $4000. 312/658 8260, after 6pm. '76 CHEVY VAN: Good work truck! New brake system, shocks, good tires, runs great, $800.' or best offer; 815/459 2225 '78 CHEVY VAN 20: like new. 25,000 miles, $5,800; 312/639 5654 ®Heta 0AS&INEDS CLASSIFIED IV. i ..lftfc V Qftv AUTOMOTIVE MARKET! 1 --A is iff *• & SS> We have the right car at the right price. In today's classified you'll find hundreds of models to choose from, both foreign and do mestic. It's the best place to shop or sell. Call a friendly Classified Advertising representative now...you'll be, in the driver's seat. 1-800--ADS-WORK