---- = coll 6 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1918 = Winnetka Weekly Talk ISSUED FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK by ' The Lake Shore Publishing Company 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette, Ill. Classified Ads FOR SALE Ea Business Telephone. ..... Wilmette 1821 Rditorial Telephone. ..... Wilmette 1920 Winnetka Office Telephone. . Winn. 388 SUBSCRIPTION.........$1.00 A YEAR Strictly in advance ps Address all communications to the nnetka Weekly Talk, Wilmette, Ill onymous communications will be passed to the waste basket. The same applies to rejected manuscript unless return postage is enclosed. Articles for RB iblicaton should reach this office by Tuesday afternoon to insure appear- ance in current issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of ks, obituary poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admittance charge will be made or x on taken, will be charged for ular advertising rates. in the postoffice at Winnetka, as mail matter of the second under the act of March 3, 1879. FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1918 -- Universal Military Training For nearly a year now we have been secing upon the streets, in the shops, in the trains, in the theater, everywhere that men congregate at all, manhood, wearing the khaki of the army or the blue of the navy. We splendid specimens of young have seen these boys blossom out into a physical perfection of which we should never have dreamed had their ways continued in the old lines. Camp life, military drill and disci- pline, the thought great duty to be discharged, the new dignity which was assumed because of the uniform and the cause in which they had enlisted to fight, have made of our boys men of the very finest type. Eyes look straight ahead or into the face of the person addressed. Feet no longer shuffle, shoulders no longer droop, chests are thrown out and the lungs filled with the fresh air which has the healthful effect of the tonic. It has become almost a habit with those who reluctantly see our boys enter into the dreadful scenes which are a part of the war to say: "If it constant of a physical only ended with the training camp, how worth while it would be!" This is precisely what would fol- low the institution of universal obli- It would end with the training camp, because gatory military training. the very fact that so great a nation as the United States stood ready to establish its rights or those of any smaller nation which was threatened, would serve as a very effective de- terrent to an over ambitious power. If the United States had been as ready for war as France, for instance, there would have been no twentieth century Armageddon, for Germany would never have under- taken the task of world subjugation had the arrayed against her had she known that she United States and ready to apply that force al- most at a day's notice. As a preventive of war universal military training would be a power- ful factor. As a health measure it would have no rival in effectiveness. We have seen men made over in a few short weeks of life under inten- sive training. We may, if we choose, see every succeeding generation en-{ | joy the same advantages without the | necessity to lay that increased] efficiency upon the altar of American ' freedom. It is in these two ele- ments of the universal training poli- cy that the strength of the argument lies. Nothing more should be neces- sary. There ought to be no doubt of the passage of the universal military training measure, the Chamberlain bill, but, unfortunately, there is. Pub- lic opinion is so indefinite that Con- | gress fears to commit itself. If Son | believe in keeping the boys fit, tell your Congressmen so. FOR SALE--MENS READY SUITS We also buy and sell second hand clothes. 1321 Emerson Street. Phone 4274 Evanston. ~25-Tte FOR SALE--PIANO, CHEAP. PHONE Winnetka 565 or call. 799 Foxdale ,avenue. T-1te FOR SALE--SEVERAL PORCH chairs with cushions, also Tables for porch, all in fine condition. Phone Winnetka 1101 T-1te FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD FURNIT- ure. S809 Lincoln avenue. Phone Win- netka 907. 7-1te FOR SALE--2nd HAND GAS RANGE. M. K. Armstrong, 796 Pine street. Phone Winnetka 692-7. T-1te FOR SALE--SETTING EGSS. R. IL Reds, Plymouth Rocks, Wyandotes, Anconas, also three coeks. Telephone Wilmette 195. 18-123-9-t-c FOR SALE--LATE MODEL PAIGE, six cylinder, seven passenger with glass sides; in perfect running eon- dition. Will demonstrate. Call Wil- mette 118. 14-123-tfc | FOR SALE--TWO STORY FRAMED garage 21x25; in excellent condition; would make ideal cottage. Call Wil- mette 118 14-tfe FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS IN private home for summer, close to elevated station; housekeeping if desired. Phone Wil. 641. 2412tp FOR RENT--FURNISHED BEDROOM and small sitting room, use of porch, good location on Forest avenue. Tel. 2199. 24-2tp FOR SALE--USED AUTOMOBLES, overhauled and beautifully refinish- ed, $200 to $900. Winnetka Motor Co. Phone Winnetka 166 25-123-1te FOR SALE--REBUILT 6 CYL. 5-PASS. Chalmers. Original paint, in good condition; mechanical condition per- fect. Two spare tires and rims, $75 worth of extras. Car should run en- tire season without tire or. repair expense of any kind. Splendid buy at six hundred dollars cash. Will demonstrate. F. E. Plowman, 321 Linden, Winnetka. 6-2te FOR SALE--REBUILT 6 CYL. 5-PASS. Chalmers. Original paint, in good condition; mechanical condition per- fect. "M'wo spare tires and rims, $75 worth of extras. Car should run en- tire season without tire or repair expense or any kind. Splendid buy at six hundred dollars cash. Will demonstrate. F. Plowman, 421 Linden, Winnetka. 6-2tc REAL ESTATE EXPERT KNITTING AT REASON- able prices; ladies' and childrens' sweaters and Tams; socks knitted at $1.00 a pair. Tel. Glencoe 576 14-1tc Seize Merchandise Consul General Thackara, at Paris, cables: "A decree of Aprii 3, pub- lished April 6, gives notice that all merchandise prohibited from im- portation by law of May 6, 1916, will be seized and sold for profit of the state unless a regular import author- ization be presented within five days after arrival. For first 30 days after SINGER ELECTRICS Best Electric in the World $37.00 up Electric Motors for All Sewing Machines, $15 Used Machines, $5.00 up Repairing on All Machines PATTERSON BROS. 1522 SHERMAN AVE., EVANSTON Open Tues., Thurs., and Saturday Evenings promulgation of this decree requests for derogations from its provision can be addressed to the minister of finance, in case particular circum- stances justify an exception." Potato Corn Meal Muffins 1 cup mashed potato, 1 cup corn meal, 4 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoons salt, 2 tablespoons fat, 1 tablespoons sugar, 1 egg, well beaten, 1 cup milk. Painters & Decorators J. F. ECKART 22273 Phone 484 IMPORTANT SERVICE CHAGEN Beginning May 1st PLEASE DO NOT ASK THE OPERATOR FOR THE TIME OF DAY We answer the question: "What time is it?" HUNDREDS OF TIMES A DAY. Notwithstanding this service--iurnished without charge--has always been a severe burden we have gladly given it as a convenience, especially to the school children, who have used it most. But Now We Must Discontinue The Practice In Order To Save Time, Labor and Apparatus. War conditions are producing increasing demands upon our switchboard and other facilities for important domestic, com- mercial and governmental messages, therefore, Beginning May 1st PLEASE DO NOT ASK THE OPERATOR FOR THE TIME. OF DAY. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY FOR RENT--ROOM. 924 LINDEN ave -1te FOR RENT--ROOMS WITH OR WITH- out board. 443 Linden street, two blocks from transportation. 1-tp FOR RENT-- FIVE ROOM APART- ment, sleeping porch. 545 Lincoln avenue. Ayres Boal, 122 S. Michi- gan avenue. Telephone Harrison 1046. ? So Ym 50 WANTED--LARGE ROOM WITH bath, east of tracks in Winnetka.' Breakfast desired. Address Winnet- ka Talk A-45. 7-1tp FOR RENT--FIVE ROOMS FIRST floor flat. 989 Ash street, Winnetka, for twenty dollars a month. Phone 3203-R, Evanston. 1-tfe FOR RENT--FIVE ROOM COZY FLAT hot water heated, bath, electric lights, fire-place; one block from In- dian Hill Golf Club. Phone Winnet- ka 638-R. 2-tfe FOR RENT--5-ROOM COZY FLAT, hot water heated, bath, electric lights, fire place; one block from Indian Hill Golf Club. Fred Corvinus, 752 Sunset road near Ridge. T47-tfc FOR RENT--FIVE ROOM APART- ment, sleeping porch. 545 Lincoln avenue. Ayres Boal, 122 S. Michigan avenue. Telephone Harrison 1043. 2-4tc | FOR RENT--FOUR SPLENDID FUR- nished rooms, with housekeeping privilege. Call up Delebeque 747 Elm street, Winnetka. 2-tfe FOR RENT--TWO SPLENDID FUR- nished rooms with housekeeping privilege. Call at Delebeque, 747 Elm St, Winnetka. 2-tfe FOR RENT--TWO CONNECTING OF- fices and one single office in the Prouty Building. Rent ten dollars per room, including heat, water and light. Carlton Prouty. 6-4tc FOR RENT--LARGE FRONT ROOM, also combination sleeping porch and bedroom next to bath in attractive North Shore home. Use of sun par- lor and living room. 3reakfast op- tional. Reference given and required. | Address Winnetka Weekly Talk 21 19. 6-tfc WANTED TO SELL AND, BUY-- | household goods. Call 1641 Maple Ave. Telephone Evanston 103. 23-123-4te FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS | with light hous®keeping, bath. 969 | Spruce St. Winnetka Telephone 1455. | 25-123-tfc RAZOR BLADES--ALL KINDS OF razor blades sharpened while vou wait. Satisfaction guaranteed. Chandlers, 630 Davis-st., Bvanston. ..6-123-tfe WANTED--BICYCLE REPAIR MAN at once. H. E. Chandler & Co. 630 Pavis street. Telephone Evanston 123. 20-123-tfc SITUATIONS WANTED PRACTICAL NURSE DESIRES POSI- tion by week or day: best references; | reasonable. Tel. Winnetka 513-W. = T50-tfe LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR | dressmaking and alterations. Phone | Winnetka 911 before 8 a. m. _T29-tfe | WANTED--GARDENER DESIRES PO- sition or work by the day. Phone | Winnetka 557. 7-1tc HELP WANTED = WANTED--EXPERIENCED CHAUF- | feur to drive Packard car. Address | Winnetka Talk A-55. T-1te | Wanted EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR | general housework; good cook; no | washing; $10.00. Definite city or | suburban, definite references requi- | red. 640 Blackstone road. Phone | Winnetka 986, 7-1te | WANTED--COMPETENT MAID. Re- | ferences required. Mrs. W. H. King, | 672 Maple avenue. Phone Winnetka | 506-R. T-1te | --t MISCELLANEOUS MR. A. B. COLLINS OF THE NEWS Agency has the Glencoe News at his stands and subscriptions. is also the agent for | D.-H.-tf N\ \ \ \ 7 7 272% and Milwaukee. 10:28 P. M. 6:45 A. M. until 8:45 P. M. NORTH SHORE \3 Zs ; \ Residents of Winnetka will be interested in the following detail- ed information regarding travel to Waukegan, Kenosha, Racine, Hourly Train Schedule Limited trains leave Winnetka every hour from 7:28 A. M. until Return trains leave Milwaukee every hour {from A late south bound train leaves Mil- waukee at 11:15 P. M. and arrives in Glencoe at 12:53 A. M. NN AN SA 7 77 % 7. 7/4 7777272777777 77% 7% 77777777 Racine ..:... Milwaukee .. Winnetka to fare running time' . Waukegan'. /........ Al... ...... 0... 0037 mn Kenosha 70. iii ee, 53 min. wee Se we . min. Parlor and Dining Car Service Parlor cars are attached to trains leaving Winnetka at 9:28 A. M. and 2:28 P. M. Returning, leave Milwaukee at 9:45 A. M. and 2:45 P. M. Seats 28c¢, including war tax. Dining cars are attached to trains leaving Winnetka at 12:28 P. M. and 5:28 P. M. and to trains leaving Milwaukee at 11:45 A. M.and 5:45 P. M. NORTH SHORE LINE MILWAUKEE TICKET OFFICE : 187 SECOND STREET Phone Grand 1136 CHICAGO TICKET OFFICE: 137 SOUTH CLARK STREET Phone Central 8280 Nz 272% V2