6 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1920 DOUG AND CHARLIE AT WINNETKA SEEKING THIS BOY SCOUT MOVIE SHOW CALIBRE OF CITIZENSHIP steve fri of ii ia Ifit were forhis office your Losing Fim Comedians On Bill HE MNGi and fami, formery 1] , Here For Wednesday Afternoon 0 ' ] b d and Evening i Loxton. cod Supastin walks QuscOHDaAnd Wou McNeill was formerly a star in Lewis Institute athletics. He says Douglas Fairbanks and Charlie Tie 1 foi pm bun f i s going to take an active interest Chaplin, outstanding figures in the in local politics and believes Herbert realm of film comedy are to be in H : : a ¢ oover is the choice of the north Winnetka Wednesday, May 26, in a : sq: 2 / P . " y Yc shore for president. Mrs. McNeill is Jouble Riiracuih 8 Community a talented musician and has fre- ouse under auspices of the Winnet- t1 d ital Ra Boy monte quently appeared in recitals. "Doug" will be seen in his latest INFANT DIES SUDDENLY comedy hit, "When the Clouds Roll Burial by". This production is touted as xy ir services for little Mary Jane the best characterization of the ver- M O€p eral day old Junghier of satile screen comedian. There will I.can rs. Martin K. Kloepfer of be 2. matinee performance at 4 Winner, were held at Sacred Heart o'clock and the evening show at 8 ygshay afternoon, at 3 o'clock. o'clock. e child died suddenly Monday evening at 6 o'clock, shortly after returning home with the mother from the Evanston hospital. Charlie Chaplin will perform some acrobatic capers in his hit, "The Floorwalker". He will appear only at the evening show. Mr. and Mrs. John Nash Ott of he | Music accompaniment is by Miss | Indian Hill will entertain with a EA Jean Martin who has repeatedly dancing party this evening at the ef assisted the scouts with that feature Winnetka Woman's club in honor of | of the entertainment, their daughter, Mary. not only sweeps but cleans E knows that every modern office is exclusively in the world: I can make no ! cleaned by suction-- progressive ~~ mistake in buying the OHIO-TUEC | OAKLAND OWNERS REPORT RETURNS OF FROM business men today will not tolerate the home suction cleaner, made by this i REE aa makeshift cleaning by broom and duse company! v) pan in their offices. And your husband would be right! | : He probably knows, too, that three out of The OHIO-TUEC cleans more quickly, ar] Em a every five office buildings, hotels and clubs, more thoroughly, more sanitarily and | : cleaned by vacuum suction, use the TUEC with positively no wear on your furnishings. ! -- because it is the best. It has a far wider field of practical useful- ; ness in the home. Its greater suction Your husband would reason this way-- power, carefully controlled by special TUEC people build the best big suction tools, cleans drape ries, uphols teri ng, cleaning machines--they are the largest bedding, walls and clothing as thoroughly manufacturessef cuctioncleaningapparatus as it does rugs and carpets. Let vs (emonstzate in your own home how much this suction cleaner will save . 1 Y . . you in hours, wer end money-- Simply phone when you will be home. e ~~ i : Telephone FA. DARBY 1104-06 Davis St. | ECOMING acquainted with the new Evension 2280 FILE >TRIC 'SHOP EVANSTON 4 ! Oakland Sensible Six four door Sedan is "is simply a matter of reaching for the telephone. sR Hil IH il : If you are too busy to come to our sales- \ room to view the car, we will upon appoint- ment send an Oakland to call for you. You will find the new model the good 3 |! Oakland of years past, although appreciably ; improved through heavier construction and : gdvaliced-design. FOUNTAIN SQUARE : EVANSTON t Still scientifically light in total weight, but endowed with increased strength and serviceability, it offers maximum utility at - minimum cost. . si 9 The cars we are now showing preserve Oakland's traditional high power and com- plete economy, in combination with a stronger chassis of longer wheelbase. Figured Voiles No other automobile in the market offers a like measure of value, in performance, reliability and low maintenance cost. OAKLAND SE. NST BLE 81X Reasonably Priced TOURING CAR $1235, ROADSTER $1235, FOUR DOOR I At | ) 5 A Yard | [J : SEDAN $1885, COUPE $1885. F. O. B. PONTIAC, MICH. ADDITIONAL FOR WIRE WHEEL EQUIPMENT, $85 ; | | [ OAKLAND-PHILLIPS MOTOR CO. TE etm te i design are two other important ones. In weave i 5 4250 ture and g p 1013-17 Davis St., Evanston. Ill Phones. 6020-425 it closely resembles an imported fabric, and the color combinations and patterns are the same as those used on costly printed georgettes. Critics of fashion foretell a great popularity for the dark 9 3] S OW B a Y n ard S background, brightly figured stuffs such as these. Con- | sidering the satisfaction one is warranted in feeling in 2 being clever enough to anticipate the fashion, why not oo S E E D S do it yourself with this positive "tip" insuring your ; success? | FOR THIRTY-FOUR YEARS ALWAYS RELIABLE | | Half the Knack of Success in Gardening is in! uvsirg| gccd seeds | i r Seed. Shrubs. Bulbs, Trees, Earl | PLANT NOW yt Bi Se) i Call ih send ly THE W. W. BARNARD CO., Seedsmen ' rh 231-235 W. Madison Street, CHICAGO! } 1 il "On the Way to Northwestern and Union Stations; also! Market Street and | : ..... Other ' L" Stations. Phone Franklin{635 34 ITE