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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 14 Aug 1920, p. 7

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ook > WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1920 7 | Classified Advertisements JE per line for first i sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, nsertion. Each succeeding in~ Copy must be in by | 10c per line. a) HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN'L. HOUSE- work; $16.00 without, $18.00 with washing; no upstairs work; also want mothers' helper or nurse girl for children. Harvey, 730 Linden avenue, Wilmette; 4 blocks from "1; Phone Wil. 2334. LTG38-3tc WANTED--Young women married or FOR SALE--A FEW VERY LARGE Peony plants, named varieties, $2.50 to $5, according to size. Mrs. C. W. Hubbard, 849 Foxdale avenue, Win- netka. T22-1ct FOR SALE--46-INCH SIMPLEX IRON- er; good condition; will sell at reas- onable price. Phone Win. 44. LT40-1tc single, desiring good, steady posi-| FOR SALE--BOY'S BICYCLE; GOOD, tions; liberal salaries; pleasant condition. Phone Winnetka 1009. | work and chance for rapid advance- T22-1te ment. Apply at once, 3rd floor, Ros- enberg's, Evanston. LTG40-2te WANTED--TO BUY HOUSE WANTED--GIRL TO WORK IN WIL- WANT TO BUY SEVEN OR EIGHT mette cafeteria; good hours and good wages. T. L. Welch, Wilmette Cafe- teria, 1101 Central avenue, Wilmette. T22-1te room house on North Shore. Com- municate with Dr. George Thompson, 821 Marshal Field Annex, Chicago. LTG40-1tc | WANTED--FROM 4 TO 8 P. M. EACH day, young woman to assist with general housework; will pay accord- ing to ability. Tel. Winnetka 666-J. TG22-1te WANTED--Two girls for dining room. Winnetka Home Restaurant;. $15 a week. Tel. Win. 1055 LTG40-1te HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--EXPERIENCED BOY TO WANTED--T0 RENT--HOUSE WANTED--TO RENT--SMALL HOUSE or bungalow, furnished or unfur- nished; occupancy September or Oc- tober. Phone "Win. 913. T16-tfc WANTED SMALL UNFURNISHED house by family of three. Address A-12, Winnetka Weekly Talk. T22-1te WANTED--TO RENT--SMALL HOUSE water lawn, $12 a week; hours 8 to flat or furnised or unfurnished 5, 540 Washington; phone Glencoe rooms. Call Winnetka 765. T22--tp 52, LTG40-1tc FOR SALE--FLATS SITUATION WANTED--MALE FOR SALE--TWO FLATS, 7 AND 3 WANTED _DPAINTING, DECORATING,| rooms, at Wilmette, TIL; two blocks calecimining, paper, hanging, floor re- i depot; also 5 acres, one-half finishing; all work guaranteed. Thilo est of Wilmette, Ill; for in- Chester. Decorating Company. Phone Jopmal jon write to Herbert J. Evanston 6988. 2000 Maple avenue, eo , Gross Point, Ill, P. O. Box Evanston. LT21-tfc 2 LTG40-4tp WANTED -- BY EXPERIENCED FOR RENT--HOUSES chauffeur, position in private fam-| FOR RENT--A 6- ~ ily. Address Lake Shore News, G-16. ly By er ROOM COMPLETE: LTG40-1tp bungalow in 1 Glencoe; possession October 1st; n' t steam heat; west of track; no garage; $75. é = 2 ! Ad- STPUATION WANTED--FEMALE dress H. S. M., Box 218, Highland SITUATION WANTED--BY House- Park, JI. LTG40-1tc | keeper with two _ children, $15 a, = E = week. Call Monticello 10249. OR SALE--AUTOS T22-1tc | FOR SALE--1916 PATHFINDER; IN SITUATION WANTED -- GENERAL Food condition; good reasons for work around house. Address Kenil- oe ng Call between 1 and 5 oni worth, Box 51. T22-4tp Rang LE Ld Wilmette avenue. "hone HIGH CLASS DRESSMAKING. TOR | FOR SALE FO =--Taaite appointment phone Wilmette 2332. | = ¢o¢ 0); JE--FORD TOURING CAR. ; LTG3S8-tfe| Sus Oak street, Winnetka. Phone Ee | Winnetka 1212. T22-1te FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS | FOR SALE--LOZIER TOURING ( | FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD bought and for sale. GOODS Excelsior twin D CAR; | 1d paint, tires, Winnetka 532-17. good running condition; new top; $600. motorcycle, pony cart and harness, TG22-1tp cow and goats, large combination FOR SALE--ONE SECOND-HAND stove, pool table, dresser, dining set, Chevrolet; excellent condition "Call | gas heater, ice box, gas stove, oid Wilmette 966-R. T22-9tp twin beds, one show case. 808 Oak | GOR SAT = sin street, Winnetka. Phone Winnetka |= ai; ALE--FORD SEDAN; A-1 CON. | 1212 and Evanston 1727. T22-1te dition: $800. Call Win. 1263. T22-1tc | FOR SALE--FLEMISH OAK DINING table, chairs and china cabinet, one golden oak dining table, one iron bed and springs, four pair of new cretonne window curtains. Phone Glencoe 818, 262 Maple Hill Road, Glencoe. LTG40-2tc FOR SALE--THOR WASHING MA- chine, $50; Thor mangle, used for demonstration, $110; also 10 vacuum cleaners, $5 to $15; guaranteed. Pat- terson Bros., 828 Davis street, Evan- ston. LTG40-tfe FOR SALE--CHEAP--FOUR BURNER gas stove with warming oven; also combination four-burner gas and electric fixture. Phone Winnetka 1323. T22-1tc HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND CLOTHING bought and sold. Call N. Fell, 1644 FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT--GARAGE 1077 C "RF by. rE. 7 CHERRY street, rear. Tel. Winnetka Sahm T22-1tp LOST AND FOUND LOST--A DAVIS CUP TENNIS . \ VIE D} S RAC- ket in Winnetka; finder please call Winnetka 657-W. T22-1tp LOST--BLACK AND GREY ANGORA cat, about four weeks ago. Notify Glencoe 848. Reward. T22-1tc FOUND--CANOE; OWNER MAY HAVE Same by identifying. Phone Wil. 510. LTG40-1tp OFFERS CHANCE FOR RED BLOODED AMERICANS Maple avenue, Evanston. Phone Ev- anston 103. LTG39-tfc FOR SALE--ATTIC GIFT SHOP, OAK (fitted for immediate dut side book board, case, dining room range, table, gas old desk, hair. c fe Phone Win. 58. Ti2-tf Kano, Gilmore, Humphreys, Fox and BOON SYPHON 150-LB. | Overton. FOR SALE porcelain lined refrigerator; $40; good condition. 52. price Phone Glencoe LTG40-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 503 Willow street. Mahongany furni- ture, dishes, canned fruit. Tel 500-J. LTG40-tfe FOR SALE--ROUND WALNUT EX- tension table, enameled bed, plush davenport. Call Winnetka 500-J. T22-1tp TOR SALE--A HEATING BOILER steam: 1300 sq. ft. radiation. Apply 677 Valley Rd., Glencoe. . LTG40-1tc WANTED--TO RENT YOUNG BUSINESS MAN DESIRES pleasant furnished room convenient to transportation; permanent; Sept. 1st. Address A-10, Lake Shore News. LT40-1tp WANTED--TO RENT--5 OR 6 ROOM house or first flat. Call Highland Park 1405, or address M. Howard, | Highwood, Ill WANTED -- TO or unfurnished three. LTG40-1tp RENT -- FURNISHED rooms by family of T22-1te RENT--OCT. 1, SMALL WANTED TO modern house; 3 adults; no chil- dren. Phone Wil. 1462, LTG40-1te WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS HIGH PRICES PAID FOR JUNK-- Buys paper, rags, magazines, iron and all kinds of junk. Max Weim- man, Ridge avenue near Lake ave- nue, Gross Point. Phone Wil. 1734. LT35-tfe | WANTED--LADIES trunk; good netka 697-J. MEDIUM-SIZED condition. Call Win- T22-1te FOR SALE--AUTOS FOR SALE--OAKLAND SENSIBLE six touring car; 1918 model; run only 7,500 miles; engine recently over- hauled; in excellent condition; price right. 1011 Greenleaf avenue. Tel. Wil. 2249. LTG40-1te FOR SALE--1919 OLDSMOBILE TOUR- ing; winter top; excellent condition; owner leaving town. 425 Provident, Winnetka. LTG40-1tp FOR SALE--OVERLAND, COMPLETE- lv overhauled, at cash offer. Phone Wilmette 983-R. LTG40-1tc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--AN ASSOUSTICAN IN- strument; in perfect condition; this instrument gives the deaf perfect hearing; price $50. 1105 Lake ave- nue. Phone Wil. 2101. LT39-2tc FOR SALE -- PONY-WAGON. 1017 Cherry street, rear. Tel. 552-R. ; T22-1tp Address B 22, Winnetka Talk. | The following destroyers are being y in Europe- an and near eastern waters: Brooks, i There is required diately - the following ratings: Six Boatswains mates - first class. Six Boatswains mates second class. Six Coxswains. Twelve gunner's mates (Ordinance). Forty gunner's mates (Torpedo). Six Quartermasters (Sig- nal). Eighteen Quartemasters (Navi- gation). Forty-two Seamen. Forty- eight Seamen second class. Nine | Electricians (General). Twenty-four { Electricians (Radio). Five Carpen- Lter's mates. Five Storekeepers. For- |ty-two Machinist mates. Seventy-two Enginemen. Thirty Water Tenders. | Six Boilermakers. Six Blacksmiths. Six Coppersmiths. Sventy-eight Fire- men. Nine Yeomen. Six Ship's Cooks. Six Officers' Cooks or Stew- ards. Six Mess Attendants. Ex- service men take notice and make immediate inquiries at the nearest Naval Recruiting station. imme- FORD SEDANS POPULAR ON THE NORTH SHORE North | among shore residents counted the recent purchasers of | Ford sedans and coupelets are an- | roynced as follows by R. D. Cunn- | ingham, north shore distributor: | H. D. Hill, Hubbard Woods; D. L. | Friestedt, Winnetka ; Dr. Cummiskey, | Wilmette; R. T. Brackett, Winnetka; J. B. Beardslee, Winnetka; Hattie Peterson, Wilmette; G. Hill, Winnet- ka; E. Meierhoff, Glenview; FB. Hall, Wilmette; E. S. Picher, Win- netka; J. T. Watson, Wilmette; W. M. Hoyt, Winnetka; P. E. Connor. Winnetka. 'A firm advertises 'We have taken a new partner into the business. His name is Advertising." No partner can build up the business more, in com- parison with his salary and expen- ses." --_------ A slovenly job of printing is an eyesore to the patron and a snare and a delusion to the printer.--G. W. Tuttle. SIX CHAMPIONSHIP POSSIBILITIES IN ELGIN ROAD RACE Standing of leading drivers in A. A. A. championships. Rank. Drivers Points 1--Gaston Chevrolet ......... 1015 2--Tommy Milton ..... 5s 670 3--Jimmy Murphy ............ 665 d-Tetie Thomas «cosssss sieves 520 5--Joe Thomas ....... Sigs vo x00 6--Ralph Mulford ........... Sei 7--Eddie Hearne ....... ere 200 8 Tra Valls .. corsets noes wis 140 9--Ralph De Palma ......... «105 10--Ira Goodson ...........e.v.n 61 Chicagor--Six of the first ten drivers in the contest for the Amer- ican automobile championship have already entered in the Elgin road race, August 21, which is being staged this year by the Chicago Motor club. Included in this number are the hold- ers of first, second, third, sixth, seventh and ninth positions and the six are the men who are generally considered the real contenders for titular honors. Of the four who are now missing from the Elgin entry, Rene Thomas, who holds fourth place, is back in France and will compete in no more American races while Joe Thomas, fifth, Ira Vail, eighth, and Ira Goodson, tenth, have been unable to secure cars which will qualify within the Elgin limit of 183 cubic inches piston displacement. The men entered in the Elgin race, however, are the half dozen men who are generally considered the men who are in the fight for honors, They are Gaston Chevrolet, Tom- { my Milton and Jimmy Murphy, hold- ers of first, second and third place; Ralph Mulford and Eddie Hearne, sixth and seventh and Ralph De Palma ninth. Their standing is based on points made in the speedway races at Los Angeles, Indianapolis and Tacoma, respectively, the only con- tests which have so far been desig- nated championship events. Gives 500 Points Elgin carries 500 points toward ' championship to the victor, so the struggle for this race will be more than ordinarily keen. Gaston Chev- rolet, who holds first place at present, has a good lead by virtue of his vic- tory Memorial day at Indianapolis which brought him 1,000 points, but either Tommy Milton, victor in the 1919 Elgin race, or Jimmy Murphy can easily pass him by winning the road classic this year. ; The complete list of point awards for the Elgin is, first, 500; second, 260; third, 140; fourth, 80; fifth, 50; sixth, 35; seventh, 25; eighth, 13; ninth, 10; tenth, 5. Due to the demolition of the Cin- cinnati and Sheepshead Bay speed- ways, there remain only a few races this year before the title is divided. Uniontown and Beverly Hills have both carded championship contests, but if Chevrolet manages to win at Elgin, it will be an almost 1mpos- sible task for his rivals to overtake him in these two events. Coming in Rapidly Entries for the race are coming in more rapidly now and by closing date. August 14, officials' of the Chi- cago Motor club expect to have from 12 to 15, an ideal number of starters for a course such as Elgin. Every machine in the lineup will be a brand | L t | A | --1 0 =------mI0EI0T new car this year, in contradistinc- tion to those of last year which were, the machines of four or five years serv- ice on the track. for most part, antiquated "It is love of virtue and not fear of law that makes civilization." "Our grandfathers and our grand- mothers knew that the right place for knocker is outside the door." PNG PP [-- om EL) We pay losses promptly. We give 100% Insurance on new cars the first six months. We give 80% Insurance of list price second year. We pay from $1.00 up on collision, no deductable. We pay from $1.00 up for fire and theft. We pay for hitting any moving or stationary object. We are legally bound to furnish Insurance at cost. We pay dividends at end of contract period from surplus of loss fund, after all losses are paid. We charge an annual deposit, and have never issued an assessment. We charge rural rates for Woeds and Glencoe. H. A. McLAIN, General Agent A. R. Eddington Local Agent for Wilmette 1341 Scott Ave. HUBBARD WOODS Wilmette, Winnetka, Hubbard 00100 Ten reasons why the Wittiam Penn Motor INDEMNITY EXCHANGE OF PITTSBURG, PA. is a good Auto Insurance Company. [NET Telephone WINNETKA 567 2 -- {e) -- {) ---- =I OLX O O10 ry O EX O EI O EI O eel O EI O E 0 E LIABILITY Phone Winnetka 165 trip. ed its o 1] a 1] 5} Introduced a little over ° 1] o 1] 3 Upon the reliability of the guidance you use depends the comfort of your motor a year ago Mileometer, the mechanical road- guide for motorists, im- mediately demonstrated its value and establish- favor with motor- ists. No books or maps to follow. It guides as you ride. ws DAY or NICHT: 0 / [EOMET = NOWS THE ROAD Illustrated booklet furnished free upon request. Write or call today WINNETKA MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Avenue August FIVE DAYS A COMPLETE LIVE KANKAKEE INTER-STATE FAIR STOCK AND AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION 16,17, 18, 19, 20, 1920 FIVE EVENINGS Magnificent Farm Display Excellent Draft Horses. Pure Bred Cattle Shows. Sheep, Swine and Poultry. Brilliant Horse Show 75 Wonderful Classes. Thoroughbred Harness Horses. Beautiful Riding Horses. Afternoon and Evening Shows. Speedy Horse Races Five Days of Racing. Hotly Contested Heats. Big Purses, Large F ields. The Farmer Candidate for Governor of Illinois, for 25 years Secretary of this Mammoth Agricultural Ex- position. Day. Big Republican G. O. P. Gathers on Wednes- day, Aug. 18. Rally Great Political Republican Chieftains Invited. Al Ruth Law Leading Aviatrix, Plane to Plane in Midair. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thrilling Aviation Wilson Jumping From Thursday Only. LEN. SMALL World's Each Afternoon and Evening. A Wonderful Entertainment. Qutdoor Attractions Leading Productions This Fair is the World's Greatest Outdoor Entertainment hrong, 150,000 Strong--August 16-20. Reduced Rates On All Railroads Come to the Fair--Mingle With the T )

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