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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 21 Aug 1920, p. 3

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1920 15 assified Advertisements me -- Riri per line for first insertion. Each succeeding i in~- Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore sertion, 5c per line. News, Winnetka Weekly Talk > for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. Copy must be in by and Glencoe News, 20c per line A HELP WANTED--FEMALE FOR SALE--EXPRESS BUSINESS; WANTED--COMPETENT GIRL JOR 11-2 ton Republic truck; office fur- general housework; $16 without; $18 niture. Bartz Express. Phone Win- with washing; four in family; every netka 126. TG23-1te convenience. References required.|{ FOR SALE -- HOUSEHOLD GOODS Baumann, 279 Linden street, Win- netka. LTG41-2te WANTED--Young women married or single, desiring good, steady posi- tions; liberal salaries; pleasant work and chance for rapid advance- ment. Apply at once, 3rd floor, Ros- enberg's, Evanston. LTG40-2tc WANTED--EXP. MAID FOR GEN. housework; 4 in family; no washing; room and bath; nr. elevated and Catholic church. Phone Wilmette 1475 or call 707 Linden avenue, Wil- mette. LTG41-1tc WANTED--NURSE GIRL FOR LIGHT housework, or mother's helper for 2-year-old child. Apply 1294 Scott avenue. Tel. Win. 260. LTG-411te WANTED--MAID FOR GENERAL housework; 3 adults; $20 a week; ref. required. Phone Win. 803. 352 Linden street. T23-1tc WANTED--COLORED COUPLE; COOK and houseman. 525 Elm street, Win- netka. Phone for appointment, Win- netka 1535. 23-1te WANTED--GIRL FOR CLERK IN grocery store. Apply John Smith, 819 Oak street, Winnetka. LTG4llte WANTED -- GOOD SEAMSTRESS; light up-stairs work; best wages. Telephone Winnetka 58. T23-1tp WANTED--WOMAN for washing and cleaning two days a week. Bau- mann 279 Linden street, Winnetka. LTG41-2tc WANTED--MODEL FOR STUDIO; EX- perience not necessary. Address H 16, Winnetka Weekly Talk. LTG41-1tp WANTED--GOOD LAUNDRESS, white; by day. Call Winnetka 36. LTG41-1tc WANTED--NURSE FOR LITTLE BOY 20 months old. Tel. Winnetka 1557. T23-1tec HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--A NIGHT MAN, CAPABLE of washing cars and waiting on cus- tomers; references required. Win- netka Motor Co. Tel. Winnetka 165. LTG41-1tc SITUATIONS WANTED--FEMALE HIGH CLASS DRESSMAKING. FOR appointment phone Wilmette 2332. LTG38-tfe SITUATION WANTED--WMALE SPECIAL LARGE RUGS CLEANED on your floors to look like new, $1.50; windows, 20c; wall paper and paint- ed walls cleaned, $3.50 and up per room; rooms calcimined $5; all kinds cleaning done by job or hour; $1 per hour; honesty our policy. New Way Rug Cleaners. Phones Evanston 6689-1803. LTG41-1tp WANTED--PAINTING, DECORATING, calcimining, paper hanging, floor re- finishing; all work guaranteed. 503 Willow street. Mahogany fur- niture, dishes, canned fruit. Tel 500-J. T23-1te HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND CLOTHING bought and sold. Call N. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue, Evanston. Phone Ev- anston 103. LTG39-tfc FOR SALE--350 PLAYER ROLLS; practically new; two for a quarter. Phone Winnetka 682. LTG411te FOR RENT--COTTAGE FOR RENT--SUMMER COTTAGE ON bluff overlooking lake; 10 miles north of South Haven; 7 rooms, running water, 2 fire places; September, $35. C. W. Washburne, R. F. D. No. 1 Fen- ville, Mich. LTG41-2tc FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--TWO FLATS 7 AND 8 rooms, at Wilmette, Ill.; two blocks from depot; also 5 acres, one-half mile west of Wilmette, Ill.; for in- formation write to Herbert J. Schwall, Gross Point, Ill.,, P. O. Box 108. LTG40-4tp '. AFTER CORN RECORD Several hundred Buckeye farmers are trying to raise an average of 100 or more bushels of corn per acre on ten acres. Yields are reduced to a uniform moisture content and are determined by crop specialists of the Ohio State University, which con- ducts the contest. The enrollment in the "Hundred Bushel Corn Club of Ohio" 13 50 per cent larger than any previous year, and includes many of the top-notch farmers in twenty- seven counties. FRINT GEORGE'S AJESTI THEATRE WAUKEGAN SUNDAY ONLY Matinee . 3:00 P. M. Evening 7:306 9 P. M. WANTED--TO RENT WANTED--TO RENT--A medium-sized furnished house in Winnetka from September 15 to October 15 or No- vember 1. Address 43, care Winnetka Weekly Talk, giving location, rent, number of rooms, etc. 22-1te WANTED--TO RENT -- FURNISHED or unfurnished house in Winnetka; 6 to 8 months, beginning Oct. 1. Buckingham Chandler, 889 Sheridan road, Winnetka. T23-1tc WANTED--TO RENT--SMALL HOUSE or bungalow, furnished or unfur- nished; occupancy September or Oc- tober. Phone Win. 913. T16-tfc WANTED-- TO RENT--OFFICE WANTED--TO RENT--OFFICE AC- commodations, Winnetka; forenoons and evenings; residence or office building by osteopathic physician, Sept. 1. Phone Glencoe 43. T23-1tp FOR SALE--HOUSE FOR SALE--SMALL HOUSE, 2 BED rooms; tile bath; sun porch, 100 ft. grounds; beautiful shrubs and flow- ers; 2-car garage; good garden; small greenhouse. Address Winnetka Talk, aT. T23-1te FOR SALE--ATTRACTIVE FIVE- room stucco bungalow. H. W. Heat. $8,250; terms. Northrop & Co. 556 Center street. Phone Win. 1467. TG23-1te SOLONIAL near lake; five bedrooms, two baths; $25,000. Northrop & Co. 556 Center street. Phone Win. 1467. TG23-1te FOR SALE--GREENHOUSE FOR SALE--SMALL GREENHOUSE; hot water heat; good condition. Call 199 Linden street, Glencoe. TG23-1tc FOR SALE Only High Class Vaudeville Between Chicago and Milwaukee 0YBUR 615 Davis St., Evanston MATINEES 2 and 4 Eveninis 7 and 9 Saturday August 21 BILLIE BURKE '""Away Goes Prudence' Universal Screen Events Rolin Comedy WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS Chester Decorating Company. Phone Evanston 6988. 2000 Maple avenue, | HIGH PRICES PAID FOR JUNK-- Evanston. LT21-tfc Buys Japer, Fags: LiL I SITUATION. WANIED----DY MAN; and al kinds of Junk, Max vein. general housework around house. man, Blige sys pear Lake HAA Address Kenilworth, Box 51. nue, 'Gross roint. One 1. (35, : T22-4tp LT35-tfo WANTED -- BY EXPERIENCED FOR SALE--AUTOS chauffeur, position in private family. | FOR SALE--OAKLAND SENSIBLE Address G-16, Lake Shore News. six touring car; 1918 model; run only LTG41-1tp 7,500 miles; engine recently over- NTED--WORK BY THE HOUR: hauled; in excellent condition; price WANTE and gardening; refs. Tel. right. 1011 Greenleaf avenue. Tel. 'Wil 1912. Call mornings. T22-1tc| Wil. 2249. LTG40-2tc = FOR SALE--RAUCH AND LANGE FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS electric car batteries and tires, new; FOR SALE--FLEMISH OAK DINING also Lincoln motor charg. outfit. table, chairs and coping eabjnet, one Call Glencoe 577. LTG4l-1tc golden oak dining table, one' iron | fFop--gaT mn T.GCOMOBILE SPEEDER. beq ond Shringe fouls rs of Phone Winnetka 399 or call 848 Lin- Glencoe 818, 262 Maple Hill Road, coln avenue. T23-1tc Glencoe. LTG40-2tc | FOR SALE--ONE SECOND-HAND = 3 "hevrolet; excellent condition. Call FOR SALE--ATTIC GIFT SHOP, COM- Che 2 munity House, Winnetka, Weathered Wilmette 966-R. T22-2tp oak dining table and chairs; an olc 5 = painting; rare necklaces in coral; i FOR AL NISCELLANPOUS Amethyst and turquoise-matrix; bar-| FOR SALE FI IRLS TRICYCLE; gains in hats. T23-tf good condition, $10. Phone Win- FOR SALE_THOR WASHING MA- | _netka 1072. T23-1tc chine, $50; Thor mangle, used for demonstration, $110; also 10 vacuum cleaners, $5 to $15; guaranteed. Pat- terson Bros. 828 Davis street, Evan- ston: LTG40-tfc FOR SALE --A CHAMPION GAS AND coal combination range, $60, good condition. Phone Winnetka 1586. Call 856 Oak street, Winnetka. TG23-1te ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Marx -E. Oberndorfer takes pleasure in announcing Miss Marion Lasier as his assistant in the teaching of children. Studios 721 Lincoln avenue; phone Win. 250. 520 Fine Arts Bldg.; phone Kenwood 5366. Adv--T23-1tc Next Week Mon. and Tues., Aug. 23 and 24 "Silk Husbands and C lico Wives" featuring HOUSE PETERS Wednesday August 25 BLANCHE SWEET "The Girl in the Web' Thurs. and Fri., Aug. 26 and 27 KATHERINE McDONALD ( "Passions ayground"' Saturday August 28 MacLEAN and MAY in "Let's Be Fashionable' COMING CONSTANCE TALMADGE in "The Perfect Woman" CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "The Soul of Rafael" HE EEE EEE EEE EEE E EE EEE EEE ENEEN EEE EEE EEEEEN NS Warble Storage and Furniture Co. 1217 Wilmette Avenue J. P. Warble, Manager - 'm Fireproof Storage : =® = u L] | - = - = . = : - in : = Packard Motor Van = w Crating, Packing and Shipping = = = = Household Goods bought | v and sold. Upholstering Refinishing Furniture Repairing : Phone Wilmette 32 Chairs rented The various engines of war which made success possible in the great conflict were airplanes, passenger au- tomobiles, motor trucks, tanks, trac- tors and submarine chasers. FALL MILLINERY Miss M. Spurlock wishes to announce to the ladies of Winnetka that she wilk 4 be prepared to show the latest modes of fall millinery at her store, 557 Lin * coln avenue, Tuesday, August 24. --Adv.T23-1tp a phonograph. structive. It was you lik a free copy? Tel. Ev. 654 It has a most significant title: Look For in Buying a Phonograph." Its pages outline the vital points to be taken into consideration before purchasing Its language is simple. Cosmopolitan School of Music. is a Book YOU Should Have "What te Its message in written by Henry Purmort Eames, L. L. B., Concert Pianist and Lecturer, Director ot Pianoforte Dept. Wouldn't The Brunswick Phonoeraph--which plays the records of a// makes--invites the most rigid application of the tests Mr. Eames says should govern phonograph purchases. Come in for the booklet #day. PATTERSON BROS. 828 Davis St., Evanston 1ime Payments OEXOIX CLIO OI OE OE OJ OL RELIABILITY S83 (a) of] "Upon the reliability of the guidance you use depends the comfort of your motor trip. Introduced a little over a year ago Mileometer, the mechanical road- guide for motorists, im- mediately demonstrated ef A li Ea A YH CA its value and establish- | ed its favor with motor- ists. No books or maps A to follow. It guides as o i you nde. ] -] ' =u 0rY OM No -- Bd Illustrated booklet furnished free ~ M '\ uponrequest. Writeor calltoday 8 ILEOME y 1} o i "SEE THE MILEOMETER NOW ON DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOW" i WINNETKA MOTOR CO Phone Winfetka 165 562 Lincoln Avenue | Sor= 10:10 10EI0X somo ome} kd Ri mi RETR SENS Re Ye a TE TI a

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