x rnd y ---- J ZANT: hp w : : fh 10): : If i " Winnetka.s Hubbard Woods. I by Ruth Risley = Lr iu hf] ngs 3 wan] wali | | TERE =a i ll i TC THITHT 1 ut HT I TTI If Zr ve, we Zoe An eS WO short plays, "The Florist Shop" and "The Marble Arch" will be presented under the direction of Mrs. Laird Bell, by ) evening, the teachers of the Winnetka Public schools, under the auspices of the Parent-Teacher association on Monday February 7, at the Winnetka Woman's club. A sketch in interpretative dancing will be given by Mr. Clarke, Miss Schaefer and Miss Loudenback. Many of the teachers are busily engaged in designing and mak- ing favors for the cotillion which is to follow the entertainment, led - by Mr. Nathaniel H. Blatchford, Jr., and Mr. John Reilly. Tickets may be secured from Mrs. Charles Howells Coffin, Mrs. Laird Bell or Mrs. Frank Crawford, members of the committee which sponsoring this affair. is Mr .and Mrs. Samson J. Eisendrath of 527 Cherry street, have issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Edna, to Irving B. FE Eppenstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eppenstein of Elgin. The wedding will take place on Monday evening, February 7, at 6:30 o'clock at the Drake hotel, to be followed by a dinner and reception. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bartleman of Green Bay road, Glencoe, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Ethel, to William C. Heinrichs of Milwaukee. No date has been set for the wedding. A Regional Conference will be held by the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union on February Ist and 2nd at the Edgewater Beach hotel, commencing at 9:30 a. m. In the forenoon addresses will be made by Mrs. Frances P. Parke, national secretary, on "Organization" and by Mrs. Culla of Vayhinges National Director of Americanization. The af- ternoon session will include addres- es by Mrs. Minnie B. Horning on "Prison Reform"; Mrs. Elizabeth A. Perkins, national director of Child Welfare; Miss Mary B. Irvine, gen- eral secretary of Loyal Temperance Legion. The evening service in the Edge- water Presbyterian church will-con- sist of talks by such interesting peo- 'ple as Edward J. Brundage, Attorney General of Illinois on "The Eight- eenth Amendment" and "Law En- forcement" and by Mrs. Deborah Knox Livingston on "The Nineteenth Amendment and the Woman Citi- ? There wiil be three sessions on Wednesday at the Edgewater - Beach hotel with full and interesting programs. The public is cordially in- vited to any and all of these meet- ~ings. , i rn The second visit of Mrs. Edward ~ MacDowell to Wilmette, this season is significant of the tangible awaken- ing of the north shore to the great "art development in this country which Mrs. MacDowell represents. Her visit in December was in the nature of an illustrated lecture-tre- cital at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. Arrowood. Mrs. MacDowell returns tothe same homeon the night of February 5 to organize the North 'Shore MacDowell society at the re- quest of those present on the previ- ous occasion, augmented by many others who were unable to express 'themselves then. Mrs. MacDowell will give a short musical program of her husband's works and the re- mainder of the evening will be given over to organizing and getting ac- quainted with the honor guest. ~The art itself knows no limitations so this movement knows none and anyone who believes art is a good thing for this old world of ours and who wishes to further it, is welcome to become a member. Further in- formation may be obtained through Mrs. Milton Arrowood. -- af -- "A most interesting as well as in- structive talk on the subject, "The Church and the Community" was given by Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber at the meeting on January 26th of the Woman's society of the Congrega- tional Church, in charge of the Mis- "sions committee. A large percent- 'age of the membership list turned out for this meeting, and incidental- ly to enjoy some delightful songs by Mrs. William A. Thrall. The hos- tesses, Mrs. Norman K. Anderson, ~ Mrs. Arthur Dean, Mrs. Theodore ~ Coyne, and Mrs. Frank Root added much to the social enjoyment of the occasion. --p-- One hundred Winnetka men will canvass every home in Winnetka on Sunday afternoon in the interest of Community House. The purpose of the canvass is threefold; to solicit subscriptions to Community House; to seek volunteer Community House workers; to invite suggestions, crit- icisms and opinions concerning the work at Community House, with a view to obtaining valuable ideas on the general improvement of the work at Community House. Com- munity House commands the active 'interest and support of scores of Winnetka social leaders. Of interest to the older village residents is the announcement that the Misses Ysobel and Maxine Arn- old, daughters of Mr. and' Mrs. Victor H. Arnold, of 70 Scott street, Chica- go, formerly of Wilmette ,and grand- daughters of Mrs. R. M. Buckman of that village, left on Wednes- day of this week for California, where they will join Pavlowa and her troupe. Until recently these attract- ive young women have been appear- ing in premiere roles with Pavley Oukransky in opera ballet. ws Wf Among the prenuptial parties which are being given for Miss Rachel Embree, daughter of Mrs. J. R. Embree of Evanston whose mar- riage to Donald Scott will be an event of February 1, was a luncheon and bridge given by Miss Frances Kent, of Winnetka, at the Woman's Athletic club on Monday afternoon of this week, and a buffet supper and dance on Monday evening of next week giver by Mfr. and Mrs. Morris K. Wilson, 429 Sheridan road. rt The Musical department of the Winnetka Woman's club will present the next program on February 17, with Mrs. E. C. Andrews in charge. Among those who will participate are Mrs. L. O. Starbuck, of Winnet- ka, soprano, Miss Julia Marshall, violinist and Miss Mary Marshall, pianist, of Evanston, Mrs. Harold Knox, wife of Professor Knox of Northwestern University, harpist, and Mrs. N. W, Harris pianist. -- fp Mr. and Mrs. John Borino enter- tained at dinner on Friday evening of last week at their home, 859 Elm street, in honor of Maestro and Mrs. Marinuzzi, who left this week for New York, where the Maestro will continue his work with the Grand Opera company. Among the. guests were Dr. and Mrs. E. Cupera of Edgewater, Mr. Valerio, editor of the Italian Tribune, and Mrs. Valerio, and Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Pagliarul. Fa The regular all day meeting of the Woman's Guild of the Congregation- al Church will be held Wednesday, February 2nd, at ten o'clock, Mrs. Frederic Dickinson will read. The subject of the luncheon program is "Making Lent a Ladder." The so- ciety is obliged to call attention to its rule that only children accom- panied by their mothers are eligible to come to the luncheon. a rv A benefit dancing party for Wil- liam Haines, one of our own Winnet- ka boys, who is ill with tuberculosis, in the Evanston Fresh Air hospital, will be given on Thursday evening of next week at the Winnetka Womans' club. Members of the Preparedness club, and the Thimble club are sponsoring the affair, which promis- es to be most successful, both from a social and financial standpoint. ---- An announcement of interest in university circles is made by Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hagle of Evanston of the marriage of their daughter, Frances Irene, to Harold Dittman of Chicago, on Saturday, January 15. Mrs. Dittman is a member of the Chi Omega sorority and a graduate of Northwestern University in the class of 1918. ---- Mrs. Edwin Price, 699 Walden road, has returned from Bryan, Tex. where she was called by the death of her father, Dr. Fountain. ---- Mr. and Mrs. E .B. Friedlander have moved from 351 Lincoln avenue, to 3816 Grand boulevard, Chicago. "Horace M. Folsom, who is on his way to Dallas, Tex., where he will en- gage in business, from his home in Minneapolis, Minn., is spending the week-end with friends in Winnetka. Mr. Folsom was formerly stationed at Great Lakes naval training sta- tion, and attended many of the dancing parties at Community House during the war. ------ "Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, al- umnae chapter, will give a benefit card party on Wednesday, February 9, in the parlors of the Evanston Womans club. The proceeds will be devoted to a fund for the erection of a new sorority house. --p-- The choir of Christ church will give a concert on Monday evening, Feb- ruary 7, in the parish house, for the benefit of the Camp of Boy Scout Troop No. 2, which will be in session on Herring Lake the last two weeks in August. , I gt] Mrs. Merritt Starr of 695 Prospect avenue, and her daughter, Mrs. Fletcher Dobyns of Chicago left this week for a two month's stay in Prosi, Ariz., and Los Angeles, al. ® ns ene The Sigma Alpha Iota sorority of Northwestern School of Music will hold a formal dinner dance at the Winnetka Woman's club Friday even ing, February 11. A Mrs, M. S. Michaelson, 936 Spruce street is confined at the Evanston hospital, suffering with a broken arm, the result of a fall, early this week. -- Mrs. Frank Fuller and her daugh- ter, Miss Phoebe Fuller of Indian Hill are spending the winter in their home, Vine Cottage, on Loma Lane at Coronado Beach, Cal. rss eh Mrs. Warren W. Shoemaker open- ed her home in Hubbard Woods yesterday afternoon for the second of a series of talks on current events by Mrs. Anthony French Merrill. a J Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Schultz of Wilmette, announce the engagement of their daughter, Rose L., to Alfred Schempp, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Schempp of Kenilworth. sm Mrs William D. Beall has returned to her home, 399 Ridge avenue, from the Evanston hospital, where she underwent a serious operation. ---- The Four Corner Dancing club will hold one of its series of enjoyable affairs this evening at Community House. eA emiew The Indian Hill Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Charles Anderson, 178 Myrtle street, next Tuesday af- ternoon at two o'clock. iii Mrs. Harold Ickes of Hubbard Woods is at Fairhope, Ala. for a. fortnight's visit with her sons, who are in school there. tf Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. MclIn- nerney of 355 Lincoln avenue, are at the Virginia hotel, Chicago. ifm Mr. and Mrs. C. F. M. Miller have just returned from a six week's visit in Rochester, N. Y. fi Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Shoe- maker, 188 Myrtle street returned Monday from Asheville, N. C. a The small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Busscher, is recovering from an attack of pueimonia, Mr. and Mrs. George Knox Owsley, 720 Prospect avenue, have gone to Castle Hot Springs, Ariz. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Horace Kent Tenney, 640 Pine street, are leaving about February 15 for Nassau. FRANKLIN Sales and Service The car everyone would like to own Gage Motor Sales Co. Phone 5700 1639 Orrington Ave., Evanston PAINT LARGE AND SMALL CANS PAINTING Ask for our Free Service on all your Paint Problems. Telephone Winnetka 344 PAINT STORE RASMESEN"S dan road has charge of the sale of boxes for a recital to be given by Benna Moiseiwitsch at Mandel Hall on February 8, for the henefit of Bethlehem Day nursery. |: Mrs. George D. Smith, of 411 Sheri- Mrs. Thomas Taylor of 'Hubbard Woods and Del Monte, mother of Captain Thorne Taylor, the well known aviator, has been visiting Mrs. Fuller and her daughter for sev- eral weeks. ie America's Leading Player Piano The Gulbransen Was $595, Now Special at $495 Your Baby Can Play It TWO YEARS TO PAY 828 Davis Street We Do Piano Tuning :: PATTERSON BROS. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings EVANSTON, ILL. Trade In Your Old Piano Discount on 20 O All Sittings For 30 Days Only EVANSTON, 1 Telephone Evanston A 0 > Photographer HOYBURN BUILDING for this high 743 Elm Street = A OB A A A A A A SA NN A A NT OO Phone Winnetka 142 for appointments thi rade portraiture, views or artificial -- light pictures at your home. Our finishing department is turning out work for the mostcritical amateurs who know good photography. Leave one roll of film and we will "convert" you. Cameras, Films, Supplies and Picture Frames Why Not Support a Winnetka Institution When you can also Save Money, Time and Annoyance? es -------------- rT TT TTT LL DEL LL DEL DLE LLL LL LL Dhl hdd ¥ id i #34 Phone Win. 142