Tn. ee a WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1921 Classified Advertisements ATES--10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in- Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. sertion, 5c per line. for first insertion. Copy must be in by J RIVAL ESTATE FOR RENT--STORE : A REQUEST If you do not want to sell your home, perhaps you do want to sell vacant. We have buyers for either and our business is to get Mr. Seller and Mr. Buyer together. Will you list your property with us today? 'The next 30 days are the most active of the 365. P. W. BRADSTREET 520 Linden St. Phone 162 T3-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSES STORE FOR RENT IN A GOOD BUSI- ness location; corner Prairie and Wilmette aves. Phone Wilmette 1879 or call at residence, 1245 Wilmette ave. LTG21-1te FOR RENT--OFFICES OFFICE FOR RENT--BANK BUILD- ing, 545 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Ap- ply Ayres Boal, 122 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago. T3-1te FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT CEMENT GARAGE; heated; electric light, running water, work bench; $9.50 per month. Also Carriage house, electric lighted; use- able as garage; room for two or more cars, $6.50 each per month. Chestnut near Oak. Phone Win. 1245. T2-2te FOR RENT--GARAGE AT $7.00 PER month. 872 Pine street. Phone Win. 1657. T2-3tc FOR RENT PRIVATE GARAGE. Call Winnetka 519-W. T3-1tc WANT A HOME? SEE THESE Cozy and attractive bungalow in splen- did East location; nearly new; newly decorated; hot water heat; 2 glassed porches; fine lot; reduced to $13,500. Nearly new 9 room stucco near: lake; a tasty and artistic home, in splen- aie condition; a real bargain at $16,- Owner gone East. must sell. Fine 8 room stucco in finest location; in beautiful condition; glass sun and sleeping porches; double garage; beautiful wooded lot; $17,500. Owner leaving; will sacrifice 9 room & stucco in finest location; splendid finish; hot water heat; a clever, at- tractive home on wooded lot 75x200; garage; $25,000. Make offer. Beautiful colonial stucco home; won- derful 'trees, lawn, shrubs; 5 bed- rooms; 2 sleeping porches; 3 bath rooms; 3 extra lavatories; immense plastered attic with 4th bath room; roughed in ; double garage; Spencer boiler with vacuum vapor heat; in- stantaneous water heater. Can be bought $10,000 under cost to build. Going to Detroit; $32,000. M. E. BARKER & CO. End of "IL" 405 Linden. Tel. Wil. 484 ! LTG21-1te HOME BARGAINS WE HAVE A DOZEN OR MORE homes in Winnetka, Hubbard Woods and Glencoe that must be sold this month; prices range from $7,000 up as high as $60,000. If you are look- ing for -a good buy it will pay you to see us before deciding; reasonable offers will be seriously considered. Will show property week days after 6 p. m. by appointment. HILL & STONE . Winnetka Office West of Depot. » TG3-1te FOR SALF--IN SOUTH-EAST WIN- netka, attractive 2-story, 6 room stucco; Colonial interior; two screen- ed porches; shaded lot, 70x165; fine oak trees; convenient to Northwest- ern and North Shore electric; built one year. Phone owner, Win. 1687. _T3-1tc FOR SALE--IN HUBBARD WOODS, colonial house, large living room, porch, four large beautiful bedrooms, garage; pretty location; ideal home, for the price of $15,000. Phone Win. 1300. LTG20-2tc FOR SALE IN WINNETKA A HOMEY seven-room house, east of railroad; 4 bedrooms, large living room, gen- erous pantry and clothes closet / space. Price $11,500. Phone Win. 1300. LTG20-2tc FOR SALE--IN GLENCOE, NEARLY new T7-room red brick house; hot water heat; lot 66x400; business transferred; for quick sale $10,500. Phone Win. 1689 LTG20-2tc FOR SALE--IN WINNETKA, DANDY 9-room bungalow; 2 baths; 3 porches; beautiful high lot; immediate pos- session; for quick sale $10,000. Phone Win. 1689. LTG20-2tc FOR SALE--IN GLENCOE; MUST sell cozy new brick bungalow; 5 rooms; corner lot; for quick sale, $8,000. Phone Win. 1300. LTG20-2tc FOR SALE--5 ROOM STUCCO BUNGA- low; terms. Piano, first class condi- tion. Inquire 898 Ash street. T3-1tc BUNGALOW ; FOR SALE--5 ROOM HELP WANTED--FEMALE A BOOK AGENT To SEE You MR. FLIP. INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CON. ¥. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN 1295 nd UM VERY BUSY, BUT SHow HIM IN ANY How! {fo SRE WANTED--YOUNG WOMAN TO DO soliciting by telephone from own home; good proposition. . Toloff Studio, 1623 Orrington Ave. Phone Evanston 2178. LTG21-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN'L. housework; best wages. and no laun- dry work. 175 Hazel avenue, Glen- coe. Phone Glencoe 373. TG3-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE girl for general house work; to be in Glencoe after May 1st. Phone Evanston 6319. LTG21-1te WANTED NURSE MAID; GOOD home; wages $8; stay or go home nights. Phone Win. 1613; 121 Bert- ling Lane. T3-1te WANTED--GIRL CAPABLE OF TAK- ing care of Winnetka office. Apply Parisian Dye House. Phone Wil- mette 727. LT21-1te WANTED--COMPETENT WOMAN BY the day; good .cook; light housework; 2 in family. Phone Winnetka 1271. T3-1tc WANTED--GIRL TO HELP WITH housework 2 or 3 hours daily. Call Winnetka 1474 « T3-lte HELP WANTED--MALE SALESMEN WANTED--TO SELL THE Stransky Automatic Self-Regulating Vaporizer. Easiest selling Ford ac- cessory on the market. Every Ford owner is a buyer; must be capable of earning $40 or more per week; com- mission. Apply by letter, North American Supply Company, Highland Park, Il. T3-1tp WANTED -- EXPERIENCED, RELI- able man to drive taxicab. Call Win. \ 1507. LTG21-1tc SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WASHING TAKEN HOME; ROUGH dried or ironed. Phone Glencoe 171. White. TG50-12tc SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED -- WORK, BY RELIABLE man; exprienced in gardening and housework; also handy with penter's tools. "Phone Win. MARRIED COUPLE DESIRE POSI- tions in private family; best of ref- erences. Address Winnetka Talk B-30. LTG21-1te FOR SALE--ONE ROUND DINING room table in good condition; very reasonable. Call Winnetka 522-1]. T3-1te FOR SALE--EDEN WASHING MA- chine; good condition; price $75. Phone Winnetka 44. LT21-1te KOR SALE OR RENT--UPRIGHT PI- ano; mahogany. Phone Winnetka 1603. LTG21-1te LOUIS PANTLE, LANDSCAPE GAR- dener; work by contract or hour. Phone Win. 549-M. LT20-tfc WANTED--TO RENT OR BUY PAINT- ers extension ladders. Phone Win- netka 1127. LTG21-1te GET YOUR WOOD CUT BY POWER and save money. Phone Win. 549-M. T52-tfc FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY DINING- room set. Phone Win. 11. + LTG21-1tp FOR SALE--HIGH GRADE, ALMOST new furniture; sacrifice. Phone Wil. 243. LTG21-1te FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--RUGS, STOVES, TABLES, chairs, mirrors, pony, bathtub, sink, cases, beds, sewing machine and com- bination cook stove. We buy, sell and exchange. 808 Oak street, Win- netka. Phone Win. 1212. LTG14-tfe FOR SALE--ATTIC GIFT SHOP, DIN- ner chairs, tuxedo coat, coral beads and amethyst necklace, infants' em- broidered caps, old paintings. Open to five. Community House, Winnet- ka, Ill T33-tf FOR SALE -- USED TYPEWRITERS Underwood $50. L. C. Smith $55. Remington $62. Also other makes. We do repairing. Patterson Bros. 828 Davis St. Evanston, Ill - LTG-17-tfc FOR SALE -- PRACTICALLY NEW embroidered serge dress; size 36; also new spring hat worn twice. Phone Wil. 2258. TG3-3te FOR SALE--FROM OUR PEDIGREED cup winners S. C. W. Leghorns; 15 eggs $3.00; guaranteed. Phone Wil. mette 708-M. LT21-4tc FOR SALE--GUARANTEED STRICTLY fresh eggs and fresh dressed poultry. Skokie Egg and Poultry Farm. Phone Win. 852. T50-tfc LOST AND FOUND FOUND--PEARL NECKLACE; OWNER may have same by identifying it. Office Dr. D. W. Poff. T3-1tc FOUND--GENTLEMAN'S GOLD RING with ruby stone. Phone Win. 11. T3-1tp Kangaroo grass is the most es- teemed fodder grass in Australia and is much relished by cattle. °* PRIVATE SALE Household Goods We are moving away and will sell mahogany dining room set, Adam design, piano, electric washer and vacuum cleaner, chairs, rugs and other articles. Quick sale, APRIL 5 and 6, Tues. and Wed. 918 VERNON AVE. GLENCOE Phone is out of order. Call to see Goods HAYNES MODEL 50--$2095 EVANSTON JANS-LAMKE MOTOR CO. 1013-1017 Davis St. Phones: Evanston 4250--6020 'Mayestic Underground Garbage Receiver Sanitary garbage disposal-- underground -- is accomplished with the Majestic Underground Garbage Receiver. Dogs can't upset it as they do the ordinary unsightly garbage can. Flies and vermin can.not get to it. It is sanitary and odor-proof. A MAJESTIC UNDERGROUND GARBAGE RECEIVER Is Sanitary Convenient Odor Proof Fly Proof Dog Proof and Saves Money LET US SHOW YOU Angert Wire and Iron Works Phone Englewood 7498 6024-32 Grove Avenue CHICAGO Yo 7 ig ; arnards ceeds Ask Your Dealer or, Write for Catalog The W. W. Barhard Co. : SEEDSMEN + » W. Madison St.,Chicaq: FOR SALE--PONY BARN AND SMALL chicken house. Address 794 Rose- wood ave. Winnetka. Tel. Win. 1525. LTG21-1te FOR SALE--ELEVEN STORM SASH; 2 ft. 6 by 4 ft. 6, and other household furniture. Phone Win. 317. LTG21-1te A. McKAY, FORMER WINNETKA news agent, wants work as jobber, house cleaning, etc. Phone Win. 770. T3-1tp EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS GAR- den or housework 1 or 2 days a week. Phone Winnetka 387. T3-1tp FOR SALE--CHINESE CHOW; WON- derful blue male chow, 1 year; pedi- greed. Phone Evanston 1169 LTG21-1te FOR SALE--LAYING HENS; ALSO Buff Orpington eggs for setting Telephone Wilmette 1302. LTG21-1tc MAN WANTS HOUSE AND GARDEN | FOR SALE--18 LAYING CHICKENS; work. 8S. Brychta, Box 51, Kenil- Rhode Island Reds. Frank Otto, 953 worth. T1-4tp Windes St. forenoons. T3-1tp MR. J. A. HORAK WANTS LAND-| FOR SALE scape gardening work by contract or BARRED ROCK ROOST- er; also hatching eggs. Phone Wil- hour. Phone Win. 1119. T2-2tp mette T07-W. LTG21-1te WANTED BY YOUNG MAN---GARDEN | FOR SALE--POWER LAWNMOWER; or housework. Phone Win. 736. T5H1-tfe in first class condition. Phone Win. 1505. LTG21-1te FOR SALE--~HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--DOUBLE SPIRAL SPRING for a single bed; mahogany table; medium size girl's bicycle; Hurley No. 4 vacuum cleaner. 775 Sheridan road, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 99. LTG21-1te WE HAVE FOR SALE THREE GOOD stoves, Al condition. We have in- stalled a Holland heating system and have no further use for them. Mr. sun porch; near transportation. Call : BE u02: Oak mirost . Owner. T-1le |. Sohlums. 933 Cherry streeh, Winnetka FOR RENT--HOUSE FOR SALE--COUCH AND LARGE FOR RENT -- IN WINNETKA FOR rocker, both upholstered in genuine summer months, 8 room furnished black leather; good condition; very house; 3 screened porches; conveni- reasonable. 887 Spruce St, Win- ent to station and Municipal Golf netka. T3-1ip course. Phone Winnetka 542-M. FOR SALE--MAHOGANY FOUR POST- T3-1te er bed, mattress and springs; two = other beds; reasonable. 483 Haw- WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE thorn lane, Winnetka. Phone Win. RELIABLE MIDDLE AGED COUPLE, 244. T3-1te no children, desire small house or unfurnished rooms for light house- keeping intending to build and locate permanently when possible. Phone Central 2641. TG3-3te WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED bungalow, house-keeping apartment or small house; married couple and child; excellent references; Wilmette preferred. Phone Wil. 1253. T3-1tp WANTED TO RENT--8 ROOM HOUSE; north shore; must have 2 baths; will make two or three year lease; pos- session May 1st. Phone Win. 1643. LTG21-1tp WANTED--TO RENT SMALL FUR- nished house for two months, July and August. Call Win. 46. T3-3tc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF all kinds; mahogany, oak and maple. Call Sunday 830 Sheridan road, Win- netka. Phone Winnetka 133. LTG21-1te FOR SALE BED DAVENPORT, early English dining room set, brass beds, springs and mattress. Tel. Win. 657-7. T3-1tc FOR SALE--FURNITURE FROM 8 room home, at 925 Greenwood ave. Wilmette. Call Friday, April 1, and Saturday, April 2. LT21-1tp FOR SALE --54 INCH OAK DINING + rooms table and six chairs to match; also small round Stickley oak table. Glencoe 775 evenings. LTG21-1tp FOR SALE--BROWN LEATHER DAV- WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD enport pedestal figure lamp; baby WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED bed; reed and leather buggy. XKenil rooms (2 or 3) with private bath, 2099. LTG21-1te with breakfast only if convenient; | FOR SALE--COOK STOVE, GOOD CON- married couple and child; Wilmette dition and also gas stove. Call Sun- preferred. Phone Wil. 1253. day 936 Spruce St., Winnetka. T3-1tp T3-1tp WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD FOR mother and child for July and Aug- ust. Address Weekly Talk, B-16. : T51-tfe FOR SALE -- UPRIGHT PIANO good condition. Wilmette. Ae IN 1115 Elmwood ave., Phone Wilmette 956-R. LTG21-1tp WANTED TO BUY SHECUND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices paid for.same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston Ill. Tel. 189. LTG19-tfe WANTED--AN ICE CREAM FREEZ- er; no less than 1 gallon. Phone Kenilworth 331. LTG21-1te OLD BOOKS BOUGHT. SIMON, 719 Oakton street, Evanston. LTG20-4tp WANTED--TO BUY REFRIGERATOR, 50 pounds capacity. Phone Win. 1609. LTG20-1tp TO BUY--CHILD'S REED Call Winnetka 1474. T3-1tp WANTED go-cart. MISCELLANEOUS NORTH SHORE CEMETERY -- ON Green Bay road and Eighteenth street, North Chicago; a highly de- veloped modern necropolis; perpetual care for entire area; special individ- ual lot development; accessible Steam, Electric and Auto roads. For information call Owen Tenant Smith, 1157 Wilmette avenue, Wilmette. Tel. office: Wil. 640; residence, Wil. 777-M LTG13-tfe RESPONSIBLE COUPLE, NO CHIL- dren, desires to take charge of home in absence of family intending to be away during the summer months; first class references furnished. Ad- dress Winnetka Talk B-31. TG3-1te MAGAZINE AGENCY -- NEW SUB- scriptions and renewals solicited. Wm. A. Hadley, 913 Oak St, Win- netka. Phone Win. 323. T47-tfc I BUY HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND clothing of all descriptions . Phone Evanston 103 and I will call. N. Fell, 1644 Maple avenue . LTG17-tfe HAYNES Motor Cars of Jans-Lamke i; o Vier J guundant OLDSMOBILE merica's First Car , 80 sound mechanica bi and of such refinement as rd 28rd Year give the owner the constant, satisfying service to which Phones: his investment entitles him. 1013-1017 Evanston 4250-6020 DAVIS STREET Motor Co. C.H. JORDAN ESTABLISHED 1854 & COMPANY FUNERAL DIRECTORS FOR 67 YEARS 612 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON, ILL. 164 N. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO PHONES RANDOLPH 1346-1347 PHCNE EVANSTON 449 A very Sensible Car Arlington Heights Sales and Service HUPMOBILE Sales and Service GAGE MOTOR SALES CO. 1629 Orrington Ave., Evanston Telephone Evanston 5700 for Sensible People Telephone Arlington Heights 9 2 A CONSULT SSS SLLLL SISAL LASS IIIS Frames, Sash, Doors A AA A LAA 2 ALLL A LAA SAL LLP LAA FLA LTS AAI A AA SAY AA A LAr R. W. BARTELMANN CO. and Interior Finish VACUUM CLEANERS REPAIRED. WE repair all makes of vacuum cleaners Patterson Bros. 828 Davis St. RBv- anston. . LTG-18-tfe PHONOGRAPHS REPAIRED--WE RE- pair all makes of talking machines. ton. LTG-18-tfc Patterson Bros. 828 Davis St., Evans- ' Near North and Phone Lincoln 7012-3 » 910-912 Weed Street, CHICAGO ll 2 rrr Ql idiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iii aiid Clybourn Aves.