WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1921 There will be an informal Buffet-Supper Dance on Saturday even- ing of this week at the Indian H ill club. Reservations should be made by Friday evening at the club. Plans are now in preparation for a delightful affair to be given on Decoration Day. o The usual Thursday evening dinner-dance took place at the North Shore Golf club this week. pleted recently at the final meeting of the prokram committee, A thou- sand delegates from all parts of the state are expected. "Service to the Community" is to be the theme for the three day con- ference. Special emphasis will be laid on this phase of club work. An open forum on "American Citizenship," with Mrs. Percy V. Pennybacker, a former president of the General Fed- eration of Women's Clubs, as leader, will be one of the features of the program. She will also speak at the banquet on the opening night, at which Mrs. Willia mH. Hart, state president, will preside. At the "District President's eyven- ing," on May 25, Mrs. Edward S. Bai- ley, first vice president, will be toast- mistress. Plans for the twenty-sixth annual convention of the Illinois Federation of Women's clubs, to be held at the Drake hotel May 24 to 27, were com- On Saturday, April"30, the Dramatic committee of the Kenilworth club presented two one act plays, "The Twelve Pound Look," a comedy by James Barrie, and "The Pot Boiler", a satire by Alice Ferstenberg. The characters in the first play incldued Mr. Percy Eckhart, Mrs. Mark Cresap Miss Isabel Lovedale, and Mr. Ogden Cook. The characters in the second play included Mr. P. B. Eckhart, Mr. Robert Dyar, Mr Roy Jarrett, Mr. Ogden Cook, Miss Florence Pease, Mr Clive Taylor, Mrs. Claude Burn- ham and Mr. Alexander Lovedale. Each member of both casts played his or her character like a profes- sional and the plays were voted easily the best ever presented by the com- mittee. 5 The Bureau of Nutrition Service of the American Red Cross is send- ing out dietitians to women's clubs, church and community organizations to give talks and demonstrations in food work. The following topics have been quite extensively used: "Planning the meals at a Minimum Cost", "Feeding the Child of Pre- School Age", "A Wider use of Fruits and Vegetables", "Infant Feeding", 'What our Food does for us", "Milk, he Indispensable Food", "Preparing he Invalid's Tray", "Diets for Spe- cial Diseases". : The North Shore Golf club gave ne of a series of Thursday evening linner dances this week at the club- 10use. JORTH SHORE PIONEER DIES AT GLENCOE, AGED 92 YEARS August Beinlich, Sr., 92, said to 1ave been one of the first inhabitants of the north shore, was buried Mon- day, and his "best friend," George Diettrich, 93, too feeble to walk, was carried to the funeral. Beinlich is survived by three sons nd a daughter, twenty-nine grand- shildren and twenty-six great-grand- children. He died Saturday in his old home in Glencoe. Services were held at the Sacred Jeart church in Hubbard Woods. Beinlich settled in Glencoe as a armer in the late '30's. Diettrich cultivated a farm near ESCAPES FLIRT--PINCHED Miss Theresa Gross, 1100 Ridge avenue, Evanston, was fined $5 and costs in Magistrate Mickey's Wil- mette Speeders' court Monday. Stop- ped on Sheridan road driving a car at the rate of 38 miles an hour Miss Gross insisted she had driven at a fast pace to escape the unwelcome at- tentions of a motorist-flirt. 5 ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN Miss Winifred Bright, of Evanston, has been appointed assistant librarian at the Wilmette Free Public Library. Miss Bright began her duties May 1. "Should a girl marry for love or money?" "Well, it's a question. You get fooled on both propositions." -- Louisville Courier-Journal. $5 for Your Vote HARRY MITCHELL |X YOUR 1120 will allow you FIVE DOLLARS that of Beinlich, who was a widower. His sons and his daughter are Au- gust Beinlich, Jr., Julius, both of Glencoe; Joseph Beinlich of Evan- ston, and Mrs. George Beck of Texas. "Then you don't care for this futur- ist art?" "No, let the people of the future enjoy it."--Louisville Courier- Journal. > > g + Osm ¥ WELL TELL YoU 7 G) ~ i WATCH FOR VANS MOVES ' We are now located in our new warehouse and can give you better ser- vice than ever in our Uwholstering, Repairing And Refinishing of Furniture Phones: Yilmelle- a2 i -- Estimates Furnished gladly without any obliga- tion to you EDWARD HINES LUMBER CO. Church St. and Maple Ave. Evanston, Ill Evanston 42 Wilmette 132 Cornell Wall Board Ei, for it, off these prices. SUITS Made to Order '39, *49, *59 | Extra Trousers FREE | WRITE FOR SAMPLES or come in. Just tell me the kind of a suit you like. I'll send samples, fashion plates, tape-line, self-measuring blanks, and complete in- structions. I will FIT YOU as perfectly as I FIT hundreds of well-dressed men ail "over the United States."I Pay all shipping charges. You will pay no more than Chicago men. I GUARANTEE to satisfy you or refund your money. I take ALL the risk. COUPON It's Worth $5 to You Send or bring this coupon to my store with your order before May 24. I will allow you FIVE DOLLARS off the price, which will make your MADE TO ORDER suit cost you only $34.00, $44.00 or $54.00--with EXTRA TROUSERS FREE. HARRY MITCHELL 16-18 E. Jackson Blvd. W.T. DINE AND DANCE AT THE NEW Chateau Maxim LL TE EE TT CL LL A place for father, mother, son and daughter GREEN BAY ROAD and COUNTY LINE One Block West of Braeside Station Watch this Space for the opening announcement of our $20,000 Dance Hall, the most beautiful in the middle west. Chicken dinners, restaurant service a la carte and refreshments. Last year we served 9,000 chicken dinners. Special attention to private parties and picnics Over Two Million Singer Sewing Machines oy Sold each year BUY AT HOME You Need Service WE REPAIR ALL MAKES OF MACHINES PATTERSON BROS. 828 Davis Street EVANSTON Phone Evanston 654 e '* EN TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS. _ CHICAGO COACH & CARRIAGE CO. Designers and Manufacturers Special Automobile Bodies, Tops, Etc. Body Rebuilding, General Repairing "and Painting 1223-31 South Michigan Ave. Telephone Calumet 424-5-6 Chicago DY Know 1 That the FRANKLIN car was one of il the first to recognize the efficiency of the very popular valve-in-head type of motor? H That FRANKLIN cars carry a reserve supply of gasoline which can only be used when the main tank is empty? OAC. MOTOR SALES Co. 1629 OnniNcTON AVE Evanston 5700 - N 3 Y N N N N 3 N N N 3 N N N N \ > WZZZzzzziiriiiiiiiidiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii addi rrr rrr QL LLL LLL LL LL LLL LLL LLL LLL LL LALLA LL ASI LL LL LASTS LLL LLL LLL LL LL LLL SLL LLL SASSI LLL S SA ASS 11 A AF 771 AAA Jarl £. Sterner Cn. INTERIOR DECORATORS Draperies, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY SUBMITTED Phone Wil. 2491 1215 Wilmette Ave., WILMETTE, ILL. ZLLILLLISLL LLL ISLS LILI IS SSSI ILLIA SIAL SAS S11 SASF Li iiziiiiiiaiiiiiaiiiiaiiciiidiiiiiiiiiiii dr CONSULT R. W. BARTELMANN CO. FOR] Frames, Sash, Doors and Interior Finish 910-912 Weed Street, CHICAGO Near North and Clybourn Aves. Phone Lincoln 7012-3 V1 LI ILI LIL LILLLLLL LS LLLLLLLLLLS LLL LLL LL LLL LLL LLL LL LLLL LL LL LLL ILLS SSA LL SILAS LISS ISIS III I SS I IIIS S77 700 A dd i 22 £2 2772077777 TheSmartest and Best Dressed Women in Chicago have their For 26 Years STANLEY CARS Sport and Week Have been entirely controlled by one End Skirts throttle lever, without any starter, any Such, or any Seuss pL is simpli- city. t r MADE AT ae aanr a doeitr or steam car THE WILSON i The Easiest Car to Drive) and Understand. PRICES RANGE FROM $1500 UP WILLIAM N. SCHNEIDER . HUBBARD WOODS, ILL. Tel. Winnetka, 956 t SKIRT SHOP "made with your own material" Suite 1 418 Stevens Building Randolph 3219 17 North State CHICAGO 16 North Wab as