WINNETKA I~ WANTED--RELIABLE YOUNG WOM- an to go to Michigan for summer to help with care of two year old child and light house-keeping. Phone Win 679. TG11-1te WANTED--LAUNDRESS TWO DAYS a week, washing machine and mangle, first class. Phone Glencoe 52, or call 540 Washington street, Glencoe. TG1l1l-1te HELP WANTED--MALE A LIVE REAL ESTATE ORGANIZA- tion with offices in loop and branches on North Shore has opening for a manager with an auto for one of its branch offices. Prefer man with an acquaintance and one living on north shore. Address Lake Shore News B-85. LTG27-tfc i FOR SALE--PITTSBURGH INSTANT- aneous hot water heater; water boiler. 1020 feet radiation. Phone Win. 744. T11-1te FOR SALE--GUARANTEED STRICTLY fresh eggs and fresh dressed poul- try. Skokie Egg and Poultry Farm. Phone Win. 852. To-tic FOR SALE--12 INCH WESTINGHOUSE electric fan. Mrs. Case, 39 East Schiller street, Chicago. Phone Sup. 3102. LTG29-2te FOR SHETLAND PONY, BAS- ket phaeton, harness, saddle and bridle. 703 Walden road, Winnetka. Phone Win. 906. LTG30-3tc SALE also hot Fruit and Vegetable MARKET PHONE 1251 WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1921 RANDOLPH MEAT Next to Rosenberg's FOR SALE--235 FEET USED WIRE fence and gate; Tl.c a foot. Phone Win. 1275. T11-1tp SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WILL TAKE CARE OF CHILDREN, do sewing or waitress work by day or hour. Phone Win. 1240. LTG30-1tp TUTORING GRADES 1-7; BIRD HUNT- ing; 2 hrs. daily; July. Summer re- sort. Phone Austin 2889. Best ref. LTG30-1tc PRACTICAL NURSE MAKES SPECIAL- ty of confinement cases; can give refs. Phone Win. 746. LTG29-2te FOR SALE--SMITH MOTOR BUCK board+«or Junior car. Phone Wil. 564. LTG30-1tc FOR SALE--GIRLS BICYCLE; GOOD condition. Phone Win. 1071. TG11-1te WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS WANTEL TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St, Evanston, Ill. Tel. 189. LTG19-tfc WASHING TAKEN HOME; ROUGH, dried or ironed. I'hone Glencoe 1Ti. White. TG9- Le SITUATION WANTED--MALE MISCELLANEOUS BUY HOUSEHOLD GOODS clothing of all descriptions. Phone Evanston 103 and I will call. N. Fell, 1R44 Maple avenue. LTG17-tfc I AND WANTED -- WORK, BY RELIABLE man; experienced in gardening and housework; also handy with car- penter's tools. Phone Win. 1549. T9-tfc CEMENT WORK BY CONTRACT, ES- timates cheerfully given. Reason- able. Inquire 1827 Wesley ave. Ev- anston. Phone Evanston 2421. LTG27-tfe WANTED -- WORK AROUND HOUSE or lawns. Paper hanger and paint- er also. R. R. Robinson, Highwood, Ill. References furnished. - T9-4tc EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND RE- pairing. All work guaranteed. Thom- as Lockervie, 711 Linden avenue. Phone Wil. 1515. LTG28-tfc FOR LANDSCAPE GARDENING BY contract or hour; men for housework and building wire fences. Phone Winnetka 329. LTG24-tfc SITUATION WANTED--BY RELIABLE experienced gardener, several days in week. Phone Wil. 708-M. T11-tfe LAWNS TAKEN CARE OF, GARDEN and house work. Fhone Win. 859. T9-tfc LAWNS MOWED AND HOUSE WORK done. Call Win. 529-R. T11-4tc == --------------mn FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--SLIGHTLY USED ELEC- tric washers and vacuum cleaners, cheap and guaranteed. .F. A. Darby Electric Shop, 1104-6 Davis St.,, Evanston. TG11-1te FOR SALE -- BRUNSWICK BALKE refrigerator, porcelain lined; 100 lbs. Perfect condition. $40.00; easy terms. Phone Win. 564-M. LT30-1te FOR SALE--BALKE-COLLENDER RE- frigerator; porcelain lining; 150 1bs. capacity. Phone Wil. 549. LTG30-1te FOR QUICK SALE--A BUFFET, A dresser and other household articles. 898 Ash street. T11-1te LOST AND FOUND LOST -- BLACK PATENT LEATHER hand bag at Winnetka N. W. station Wednesday morning at the 8:24 train; contained small amount of money and valuable material. Finder keep money and return bag and other contents. Mrs. B. F. Langworthy, 832 Bryant avenue, Winnetka. Phone Win. 600. T11-1te WILL THE PERSON WHO, BY MIS- take, took a case containing a pair of tortoise shell spectacles from the office of Community House Tues- .y evening, May 81st, kindly return the same to Miss Mary Williams, Community House. Reward. Til-1te LOST--PEARL NECKLACE, IN KEN ilworth or on North Shore Electric, or in loop. Liberal reward and no questions asked. Phone Mr. Geo. Hicks, Central 1072, or call Room 201, Heyworth Bldg., Chicago. LTG30-1tc Millenery Designing As a Profession you will find the work fascinating, positions paying from $25 to $75 a week. We will teach you quickly. Day and Evening In- struction. Send for Booklet. FASHION MILLENERY SCHOOL 109 N. STATE ST,. STATE & LAKE BUILDING CHICAGO FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ONE MERCURY ARC rectifier, for either 110 or 220 volt circuit. This machine is suitable for charging automobiles in your own garage. Reasonable in price. Win- netka Kxide Battery Co.; 3 Prouty Court. Winnetka 1387. TG10-3tc FOR SALE--FURNITURE, RUGS, FIX- tures, lumber, stoves--(anything-- bought--sold and exchanged. Pony carts). 808 Oak street. Phone Win. 1212 T11-tfe 826 DAVIS STREET PHONE 7340 Big Saturday Sale of Fruit, Vegetables, Fancy Meats SPECIAL a 32¢ Meat Bargains. FANCY NATIVE RIB ROAST Pork Xendetloin 5. 0... iin 65c Ib. Rolled Beef Roast ................... 35c Ib. pixie Bacon Squares ................ 25c¢ 1b. Native Pot Roast: ................... . ative Pot Roast ---15¢ 1b No. 1 Reg. Hams... ....... ..0 LE] 30c 1b. Legof Lamb ...0 0.0. omic] 38c 1b. No. 1 B Roll Lamb Roast... ................. 30c Ib. > Sa eR es Heb TRY OUR FANCY HOME DRESSED CHICKENS 35c Ib. Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. EXTRA FANCY WINESAP APPLES, Cucumbers . ............c.cnc-e. 10c and up By the box | ii lo cation $3.00 | Tomatoes, low price Green Beans"... ... ........1..coniromi 15c qt. New. Potatoes. ...... 0... 50c peck Fresh Spinach ............ 0. .c.0ii. 24c pk. | Imperial Valley Cantaloupe .......... 10c up Home Grown Asparagus .......... 10c bunch | Michigan Strawberries, Low Price. Head Letttice >... Sc, 10c, 15¢ | California Blue Goose Oranges 40c, 60c 70c doz. Green Onions, Beets, Green Peppers, Celery, | Lemons, Low Price. Carrots, Cabbage, Dry Onions, Parsley, Grapefruit ...::..... 05. ..10c and 2 for 25c Watercress-- LOW PRICE Watermelons, Low Price. WE DELIVER IN WILMETTE AND KENILWORTH L] A Trip Around the World AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R. Continental Motor $1695 F. O. B., FACTORY C. H. BRIGGS Evanston 140 1549 Sherman Avenue brought to each tract. surroundings. MEADOW FARM ACRES For Fine Homes A new sub-division in southwestern Winnetka lying north of Hill Road and west of Birch St. from 2 to 10 acres, each tract having view across Skokie. City water, sewer, pavement, electric light and gas Surrounded by fine country estates. sirable purchasers who will erect homes in keeping with See Murray & Terry or Call Wilmette 218 Laid out in tracts Will sell to de- Exclusive Agents 40 No. Dearborn In One Day at the new Field Museum of Natural History In the new Field Museum of Natural History you will find one of the largest and most interesting col- lections of exhibits ever gathered under one roof. A day spent in this beautiful building on the Lake Front will prove a source of pleasure and interest. NORTH SHORE TRAINS leaving Wilmette regularly, take you direct to the "L" station at Randolph and Wells streets, where Teaming, Grading, Excavating Sidewalks and Driveways Constructed Trees, Shrubs and Flowers of All Varieties Work Done by the Hour or Contract All Work Guaranteed LOUIS PANTLE Landscape Gardener Telephone Winnetka 549-M 886 Pine Street WINNETKA, ILLINOIS you can get an "L" train to the Roosevelt Road sta- tion without leaving the platform. A short walk east brings you right to the entrance of the building. GR CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE RAILROAD Winnetka Ticket Office Elm Street Phone: Winnetka 963