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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 25 Jun 1921, p. 7

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adi WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 25, i921 7 Classified Advertisements = sertion, 5c per line. 1 News, Winnetka Weekly Talk B..... per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in~ Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. Copy must be in by and Glencoe News, 20c per line a et, A i= AR ol per Call for answers: B-16, B-33, B-43, B-45, B-62, B-71, B-76, B-85, B-91, B-96, B-99, C-30. : FOR SALE -- REAL ESTATE. FOR RENT We have for rent several furnished homes for the summer months. FOR SALE -- Exceptionally fine 7 room, house; two large screened porch- es; extra lavatory on first floor; large living room; spacious center entrance hall; $14,000. WILMETTE REALTY CO. Exclusive Agents A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 513 - 4th St. Phone Wil. 1304 LTG33-1tc WINNETKA HOME Just the home for the newly mar- ried couple; a superb residence recent- ly come onto the market which cannot be described in any advertisement; you must let us show you this home and judge for: yourself. It residence as homes go, but perfect in appointentent; the price and possession can be given in Septem- ber. Phone appointment. - HILL & STONE 524 Linden _St. Phone Win. 1544 TG15-1te FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE 7 ROOM home in best east section, in tine con- dition; large wooded lot; Cut to $12,500. Must sell. 'Make offer. IDEAL, NEAR: NEW STUCCO IN choisest loc; h. w heat; 4 master bed rooms, maid's r.,- two baths; double garage; deep wooded lot; owner leaving; reduces to $20,000. SOME REAL BARGAINS IN LOTS. M. E. BARKER & CO. 405 Linden Ave. Phone Wil, 484 isn't a large is $35,000.00, our Winnetka office for HELP WANTED--FEMALE FOR SALE -- BRAND NEW VICTRO- la, never been used. Plays all re- cords. Can be seen at 425 Chestnut | St., Winnetka. LTG33-1tc FOR SALE--DISHES, PICTURES AND old walnut furniture. Phone Wil- | mette 369. 117 Broadway, Wilmette. LTG33-1tc 9x12, DOMESTIC; pattern; good con- Phone Win. 698. LTG35-1te OWNER HAS SOLD HOME. HOUSE- hold goods must be sold at once. Reasonable. Call Wilmette 1248. 4 LTG33-1te FOR SALE--EXTRA DOUBLE WHITE iron bed, box spring, felt mattress, $25; 6 extra size sheets, $5.00. Phone FOR SALE--RUG, small oriental dition; $20. with housework, mornings, in small home. Call Win. 620-J, after one o'clock. LTG33-1tc WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housewark; .exp. white. Family of two, Phone Wilmette 849-R. LT33-1te WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; no washing; best wages. 833 Greenwood Ave. Wilmette. oz LTG33-1tc 'Win. 383. T15-1tc WANTED-RELIABLE WHITE WO. FOR SALE, -- WIITE ION onin man for cleaning one day a week. child's Gloucester hammock with Must be good worker. . 1229 Scott sides; 1 small go-cart. Phone Win. Ave., Hubbard Woods. Phone Win. 1534 T15-1te 1540. LT33-1te 2 WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES housework and assist with care of two children; good home; good wag- BIG BARGAIN es. 1025 Ashland. Phone Wilmette 1918 STUDEBAKER 7 PASSENGER 170. LTG33-1te WANTED -- GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework; no washing. Phone Kenilworth 1558, 24 Warwick Ave. Winnetka. T15-1tc: WANTED--WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST; touring car, in unusually good shape. Body, fenders and leather upholstery in perfect condition. Motor and transmission just gone over. Bat- teries almost new. Will let go cheap for quick sale. Phone Win. 725. LTG33-1te FOR SALE--APPERSON JACK RAB- bit, in first class condition. This car has five good tires and two bodies, $350.00. John Bleser, Ridge and Washington, Gross Point, Ill LTG33-1te FOR SALE--FRANKLIN ROADSTER in good condition; cheap; demount- able rims and spare tire. Can be seen at 1124 Greenleaf Ave. Phone 'Wil. 158. LTG33-1tc WANTED--YOUNG GIRL 15 OR OVER to care for 4 yr. child one day a week. 469 Maple Ave., Win. Sweet. LT33-1tc WANTED--MOTHER'S HELPER, GO home nights. 1036 Elm St. Phone Win. 525-W. T15-1te WANTED--WHITE MAID; GENERAL housework; 3 in family; no laundry; good wages. Phone Win. 1026. TG15-1tc HELP - WANT ED--MALE A LIVE REAL ESTATE ORGANIZA- tion with offfci:'s in the loop and branches on Noth Shore has open- ing for a manajier with an auto. for one of its Dbrarch offices. Prefer a man with an acquaintance and one living on the north shore. Address Lake Shore News B-85. Ltg27-tfe FOR SALE--COLONIAL HOMES. WE will buidd for yeu a real home in North Kvanston: on our large lots, and you can pay for it like rent if you carr show us that you are in earnest 'and want to stop paying rent. Answer this ad. Curiosity seekers please do not answer. This is not a fake ad. Address C-36, Lake Shore News. LTG32-3tp - . FOR SALE--DUPLEX STUCCO HOUSE 5 room apartments; sun parlors; sleeping porches; 75 ft. lot; perennial gardens and fruit of all kinds. E. R. Nourse, 1716 Forest Ave. Wilmette. LTG33-1te SALESMAN WANTED«-Must be high grade man of integrity; none other need apply. Unusual opportunity. Address Lake Shore News, C-30. " Ltg32-tfe SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE LADY, EXPERIENCED AS SUPER- vising housekeeper, 'desires position. Graduate of Home Economics. Ad- | dress Lake Sore News C-39. An- swer at once. LTG33-1te WANTED--WORK BY DAY BY RE- | liable colored laundress 4510 Evans i Ave, Chicago. Phone Kenwood 7427. T15-1tp , FOR SALE--TWO FRAME BUILDINGS suitable for remodeling into small residences. chaser, Address Winnetka Park Dis- trict, H. L.. Woolhiser, Park Manager. Phone Winnetka 54. LTG33-1te FOR SALE--4 Hh. BUNGALOW, $2750, I" $750 cash, balance like rent; bath; sink; C 'toilet; electric; nne well, Pavlik, 1 block west Ivy Court sta- tion, Kenilworth. { WANTED TO BUY--VACANT WANTED ---- VACANT LOT IN *WIN-"~ netka or Hubbard Woods. Have 5 passenger auto and cash. tox, Win- netka 599-W. __LT33-2tc FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--ROOMS, JULY AND AU- gust, with breakfast; men. Leices- ter Hall, North Shore Country Day School. T15-1tc 3 ENT -- 4 ROOM FURNISHED FO Rw in Glencoe till Sept. 1st. No children. Phone Glencoe 564. FOR RENT -- COMFORTABLE ROOM, suitable for two, employed. Christ- i Sci ists. Phone Wil. 874-M. ian Scientis LTGBs tp FOR RENT -- LARGE PLEASANT room in private home. Phone Wil. 1924. LT33-1tp FOR RENT--1 OR 2 NICELY FURN- ished rooms. Phone Winnetka 614- W. T15-1te TOR RENT -- OFFICES, "OR RENT --- GLOVER BROWN HO 1159 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette; elegant office for physician or den- tist, also large ey basement, Mall Fi arti d entertainme . for parties an Rn ite WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED--IN WILMETTE, WINNET ka or Glencoe, a pleasant, desira- ble small house, with enough ground to make it a home, by fam- ily mow of Evanston, four adults and an infant. Someone who will have a vacancy on their hands some time this summer and sees the fal- lacy of high rents can be benefitted by this lease. Will take 1 or 2 year lease with option to buy and will pay any reasonable rental, but none of the fancy figures agents are agl- ing. Address Luke Shore News C27. Ltg32-tfc WANTED TO RENT -- HOUSE Sid flat, not over $35 8 gponth pons res ho ews -38. dress Lake Shore SA tD WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS REFINED, HIGH-CLASS YOUNG CcOU- ple would like room with private bath, and breakfast, in strictly pri- vate, high-class family on north side or in any north suburb. Address Weekly Talk C-40. T15-1te 3 Tr S WANTED TO RiuN T--2, 3 OR 4 ROOMS furnished or uniuraished, tor houges pi . No children. one v ded LTG33-1tp WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD YOUNG CARPENTER DESIRES ROOM with bath and board, near "L'. Ad- Must be moved by Ppur- | T16-1tp LTG331tc | WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN OR help with dinner from 5 P M., in re- ~tarn "for room and board; colored. i Box 234, Evanston. TG15-1tp MASSEUSE; SWEDISH MASSAGE treatment at your home. Mrs. An- derson, 939 Ash St. Phone Win. 352. T15-4tp SHAMPOOING, SCALP TREATMENT facial massage and manicuring. Will g0 to: homes Ph. Win. 1657. Te LT31-tfc | POSITIONS WANTEIN -- NURS B- 'maids; two sister8." Phone Win. 200. T15-1tc ROUGH WASHING TAKEN HOME; dry or wet wash, _ Tr rwhitg, TT TG15-tfc PRACTICAL NURSE MAKES SPEC- ialty of confinement cases; can give references. Ph. Win. 746. LTG29-Stc FOR SALE--1920 WESTCOTT; GOOD condition; driven little over 3,000 miles; price $1,650. Win. 1546. LTG33-1tc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--SMITH'S MOTOR BUCK- board, $50, or will exchange for row boat motor. Phone Wil. 564. LTG32-1te FOR SALE--GUARANTEED STRICT- ly fresh eggs and fresh dressed poul- try. Skokie Egg and Poultry Farm. Phone Win. 852. T9-tfc WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods Highest prices paid for same. Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Tel. 189. LTG19-tfc Crost |. K. of C. MEETING The Ouilmette Council, Knights of Columbus, hold a regular meeting Tuesday evening June 28, in Jones Lodge hall. The Afternoon Bridge club met at the home of Mrs. William J. Taylor, Tuesday afternoon. Petroleum Paste. A Frenchman has invented a methe od by which petroleum and petroleum products can be made into a non-exe plosive paste. Equal portions of soap and water reduce the oil to a semi= solid condition. The oil can be brought to its original state by the use of alcohol and other solvents. Reduction in Prices of Ice Cream Hydrox Brand Brick 50c Hydrox Gurnsey Brick 65c¢ Hydrox Gurnsey Bulk 75c qt. Adams Pharmacy 782 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 2 I BUY HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND Clothing of all descriptions. Phone Evanston 103 and I will call. N. Fell, 1644 Maple Ave. Ltgl7-tfc WANTED TO BUY--DROF LEAF KIT- chen table in ood condition. Ad- dress Weekly Talk C-41. T15-1tec MISCELLANEOUS HAVE YOUR UPHOLSTERY CLEAN- ed in your own home. We can eith- er do this or call for and deliver. We have years of experience and can do satisfactory efficient work. The North . Shore Upholstery Cleaners, 1026 Emerson St. Evanston. Phone Evanston 5721. Ltg3l-1tc WILL EXCHANGE MAINE + CANOE good as new, for flat-Lottomed row boat. Phone Winnetka 42. WANTED -- INSTRUCTIONS ON A tenor banjo. Call Win. 457. T15-1te LOST AND FOUND Phone . Glencoe LOST RING, SINCE JUNE 15th, with large oblong diamond surround- ed by small rubies. encircled by lit- tle diamonds. Reward. No ques- tions. asked. . Phone. Win, 93: TG15-1tc LOST--"31x4" GOODYEAR TIRE IN vicinity of Oak St, Winnetka, Sat- urday, June 18. Reward for return -to E..A. Rummler, 965 Spruce St. T15-1tc LOST--LADIES' GRAY CLOTH CAPE Monday evening, Elm St. Electric 523-R. T15-1te | | SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED TO RENT--HOME I PUT UP GALVANIZED IRON EVE troughs and pipes, and paint gutters Io) at reduced prices. S. Price, Sheet Metal Worker, 220 Nanzig Ave., Wilmette. Litg32-2tp. EXTERIOR PAINTING, PAPER hanging and all kinds of interior decorating neatly done by C. H. Wil- liams, 1210 Central Ave. Ph. Wilm. 887-M. LTG32-4tr | EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND RE- pairing. All work guaranteed. Thomas Lockerbie. 711 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 1115. LTG28-tfc WANTED TO RENT -- FURNISHED or unfurnished house; responsible. Address C-43 Winnetka Talk. T15-1te Happiness in Adaptability. He is happy whose circumstances suit h's temper; but he is more excel. lent who earn suit his temper to any circumstances. --Hume. Comfortable Shirts with the collars and cuffs fastened by their own buttons. weight but good in material $2.50 Light in Bathing Suits All sizes, materials 'and colors---- with the prices right. 786 Elm St., Winnetka J. H. DETHLOFF Gents' Furnishings and Shoes Phone Winnetka 1077 FOR LANDSCAPE GARDENING BY contract or hour; men for house- work and building wire fences. Ph. Winnetka 329. LTG24-tfc YOUNG STUDENT OF FRENCH birth wishes to act as traveling com- panion. Address Lake Shore News C-38. LTG33-1tp WANTED -- WORK, BY RELIABLE i man; experienced in gardening and | housework; also handy with car- | penter's tools. Phone Win. 1549. T9-tfc CHIMNEYS CLEANED BY RELIABLE party; satisfaction guaranteed: rea- sonable price. Phone Win. 524-R and 535-7. T15-10-te SITUATION WANTED--BY RELIABLE experienced gardener, several days in week, or for the entire season. ! Phone Wil. 708-M. T15-tfe WANTED -- BY RELIABLE MAN work by day or hour; garden and lawns. Phone Win. '281. T15-1tp WANTED -- BY EXPERIENCED young man, garden or house work. Phone Win. 736. T15-1tc LAWNS TAKEN CARE OF, GARDEN and house work. Phone Win. 859. T9-tfe | YARD OR HOUSEMAN. PHONE EV- | anston 6608. Ask for W. B. Flagg. ° LTG33-1te FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE -- INFANT'S LAYETTE, also water power washing machine; 1 grass rug; Wilton rug 9x12; gas laundry stove; coal water heater; porch chair; folding table; awnings; and miscellaneous household eoods. Phone Win. 156. TG15-1te FOR SALE--ELEGANT 3 PIECE MA- hogany over-stuffed parlor suite, big bargain; also 9x12 fine Wilton i = nlain. taup rug. Pr Tin, i dress Winnetka Talk. T15-1te w pe rug hone Win, Sis FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR SALE -- TURNITORE RUGS fixtures, plumbing, - lumber; -stoves, FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR CAR OR storage of furniture; $10.00 month. Phone Win. 1511. T14-2te (anything bought; sold and exchang- ed. Pony-carts). 808 Oak St. Phone Win, 1212, T11-tfe Big Stores 1559 Sherman Ave. EVANSTON, PALACE Cash Meat Market ILL. Phone Evanston 2720 Big Stores 1526 Greenleaf Ave. MEATS ARE DOWN DIXIE BACON 17%%c Sliced Free STRICTLY FRESH Fancy "Small EGGS, 36¢ Pork Loins, 19%4¢ SUGAR CURED BONE.- Whole| ™'| FSS RUMP CORN BEEF, 25¢ the Best Meat. Buying in Quantity and Sell- ing for cash, doing away with deliveries, brings our prices down to the Lowest Levels for Fancy Legs of Lamb, lb. ... .38c Very Best Sirloin Steak, 1b. Very Best Porterhouse Steak, Ib. Very Best Round Steak, Ib. ........ Cre Ra nae Strictly Fresh Calves Sweetbreads, Ib. { Brookfield Breakfast Sausage, I «sia avis sahatindBC ET TA Jeena 350, 400c REG igs al patties, lb... ...28¢ Peacock Rib Bacon, Ib. ....35%c Bost Pacos, Yikes, ib. emi vw oisis nit +300 amb Patties, lb. ......... wn i» BE eT hb ADOC Very Best Peacock Hams, 1 Fancy Rib Lomb Chops, 1b. +... = SEU Sere 406 Pound... .. oe rin. 33V%¢ A : F R 4 Chickane. Fancy Legs Milk Fed Veal, Ib. .....................24V5c ao sling ickens; 3914 We dress all our chickens every day. ..... ..... ... .. 3, CR SN Ee PE, 0] Pickled Bef Tongues, Ib... 321s FRESH DRESSED BROILERS, Ib. yan siete DOC Hind Quarter of Spring Lamb, Swifts Premium Bacon Swifts Premium Ham. Pound ....i..00.0....0% 381/ac 38V/,c 1b. 29%/c 1b.

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