8 i WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1921 -- --------. Classified Advertisements =) FOR SALE--A WICKER SUN PAR- lor set--table chair and large settee, $40. 491 Fir St, Winnetka. Phone Win. 840. LT34-1te FOR SALE--1 GAS AND ONE COAL range. Phone Win. 107. 556 Chest- nut St., Winnetka. LTG-34-1tc Copy must be in by FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS | Areticr Story Of Adventure, In. Re. Our Water Gypsy FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--INDIAN motorcycle; nearly new tires; $40 or ATES--10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in- sertion, 5c per line. Minimum 3 lines. exchan 2 ¥ L > 3 ge for canoe. Phone Gle S| Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore 155. LT34-2¢h News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line TOR SALE--PONY CART AND HAR- for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. ness. 315--14th St, Wilmette. Tel. 'Wil. 730-R. LT34-1te L oh WOR SALE ALLASKAN SEAL SKIN coat, size 36. Phone Wil. 988-M Call for answers -- B-15, B-33, B-43,| A LIVE REAL £STATE ORGANIZA- | LIE) LTG34-1te B-45, B-62, B-71, B-76, B-85, B-91, B-96, |. tion with officss in the loop and | 'OR SALE--3 NEW 32x4 GOODYEAR B-99, C-30. C-36. branches on North Shore has open- tires, $45. Phone Wil. 98S-M. ing for a manajyer with an auto. for LTG34-1te FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE one of its brarch offices. Prefer a MISCEL, ! ; SCELLANEOUS Beautiful wooded corner lot, 91 ft. man with an acquaintance and one 5 3 : 3 frontage, in one of Wilmette's most living on the north shore. Address an oR Pn ST nY CLEAN. exclusive east side streets, $7,000. Lake Shore Mews B-85. Litg27-tfe hm 6 can eith. Make offier Reasonable terms. 661% or 133 by 298 ft.,, Chestnut av- enue south front at $115, in a section where owners are asking $150. Trees in abundance. 611% by 166 ft. on Chestnut Avenue, near the lake, at $105; $45 per ft. un- der the market. 100 or 200 by 280 ft. on Michigan with reparian rights at only $205 ft. Nothing else left like it at price. 50 by 125 ft. lot, only Northwestern Steam station, $27 per ft. ' 50 by 156 ft.,, about 4 blocks west of Northwestern steam station, at $28 per It. M. E. BARKER & CO. 405 Linden Ave. Tel. Wilmette 484 LTG34-1tc FOR SALE -- Beautiful 8 room stuc- co corner home; 100 ft. lot; 3 baths; 2 car garage; 4 sun rooms; elegantly finished; price only $30,000 for quick sale. WILMETTE REALTY CO. Exclusive Agents A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 513 - 4th St. Phone Wil. 1304 LTG34-1tc HILL & STONE BARGAINS IN WINNETKA, HUBBARD WOODS & GLEN- COE, PROPERTIES WINNETKA 524 Linden St. Phone Win. 1544 TG16-1tc FOR SALE--COLONIAL HOMES. WE will build for you a real home in North Evanston on our large lots, and you can pay for it like rent if you can show us that you are in earnest and want to stop paying rent. Answer this ad. Curiosity seekers please do not answer. Thi§ is not a fake ad. Address C-36, Lake Shore News. LTG32-3tp FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOME FOR RENT--COMFORTABLY FURN ished 6 room home for tHe month of August, east side Wilmette; conven- ient to transportation. References required. Phone Wilmette 1938. . : LTG34-1tp FOR RENT--FIVE ROOM COMPLETE- ly furnished bungalow, in Glencoe, near Hubbard Woods. Immediate possession. Call after 6 p. m. 510 Woodlawn avenue, Glencoe $60. Phone 557 Highland Park or write H. S. M,, Box 218. LTG34-tfc FOR RENT--HOUSE, WILMETTE; 6 rooms, sleeping, and living; porch. $125 mo. July and August. Keith, 222 Ninth St.,, Phone Wil. 1505. LTG34-3tc Av. per the 2 blocks from at but RENT--FURNISHED ROOM FURNISHED ROOM. T16-1te FOR FOR RENT Phone Win. 415. WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED--IN WILMETTE. WINNET ka or Glencoe, a pleasant, desira- ble small house, with enough ground to make it a home, by fam- ily mow of Evanston, four adults and an infant. Someone who will have a vacancy on their hands some time this summer and sees the fal- lacy of high rents can be benefitted by this lease. Will take 1 or 2 year lease with option to buy and will pay any reasonable rental, but none of the fancy figures agents are ask- ing. Address Lake Shore News C27. Litg32-tfe | | WANTED TO RENT--FURN. HOUSE | RESPONSIBLE PARTY WANTS furnished house July, Sept. | Phone J. Solomon, Wil. 2070 34-1te | | WANTED TO RENT--ROOM YOUNG LADY, EMPLOYED, DESIRES | furnished room, west side, near | Northwestern station. Phone Win. 1609 T16-1tp WANTED TO RENT --3 OR 4 UN- furnished rooms by refined young couple. Address Lake Shore News C-50. T16-1tp FOR RENT -- OFFICES. FOR RENT GLOVER BROWN bldg., 1159 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette; elegant office for physician or den- tist, also large dry basement, Hall f arties and entertainments. ony Ltg29-6tp WANTED TO BUY--VACANT WANTED VACANT LOT IN WIN- netka or Hubbard Woods. Have 5 passenger auto and cash. Fox. Win- i netka (99-W, LT33-2tc WANTED--ROOV AND BOARD BACHELOR WANTS ROOM AND PRi- vate bath, breakfast and dinner with uigh class family, near lake, Win- netka to Highland Park. Address Lake Shore News C-49. LTG34-1tc HELP? WANTED _FEWALEK WANTED -- A NICE YOUNG LADY : for general office work mn our nice new. store. One wit: bookkeeping experience preferred. MEAT. TISTER - Wo any ; C( 4; § /ilmette Avenue, Wilmette 1148 Wilm yee WANTED -- WOMAN TO DO SMALL washing, ironing and some cleaning one 'day each week. Phone Win. 139. # T16-1te WANTED--YOUNG LADY AS _CASH- ! jer. National Tea Co. 623 WwW. Tail- i road Ave. Wilmette, LTT354 ipt i HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED -- COMPETENT CHAUF- feur to drive Packard car Phone Win. 565, or apply 605 Lincoln Ave oo Ti6-1tp SALESMAN WANTED---Must be high grade man of integrity; none other er do this or call for and deliver. We have years of experience and can 1 do satisfactor effici need apply. Unusual opportunity. North a Tat Work he Address Lake Shore News, C-30. 1026 Emerson St. Evanston. Phone Ltg32-tfc Evanston 5721. LTG31-tfc SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- or . vy paired. 5 vears experience. Call PRACTICAL NURSE WILL TRAVEL your home tuner and avoid deli with party for summer as compan- and high prices Phone Wi 509-. ion. Reference. Phone Wilmette p ec yo. 300-9, 369. LTG34-1te oe i r@silte SHAMPOOING, SCALP TREATMENT SALEGUARANYEED STRICT facial massage and manicuring. Will go to homes Ph. Win. 1657. LT31-tfc WANTED -- DAY WORK BY RELI- able laundress, colored. 4402 Dear- born St., Chicago. Phone Kenwood 7225. TG16-1tp MASSEUSE; SWEDISH MASSAGE treatment at your home. Mrs. An- derson, 939 Ash St. Phone Win. 352. T15-4tp WASHING TAKEN HOME; ROUGH dry or wet wash. Phone Glencoe 171. White. TG15-tfe PRACTICAL NURSE MAKES SPEC- ialty of confinement cases; can give references. Ph. Win. 746. LTG29-Stc SITUATION WANTED--MALE EXTERIOR PAINTING, PAPER hanging and all kinds of interior decorating neatly done by C. H. Wil- liams, 1210 Central Ave. Ph. Wilm. 887-M. LTG32-4tr WANTED WORK BY RELIABLE man experienced in gardening, grad- ing, pruning and trimming; also housework. M. J. Sullivan, 882 Pine St. Phone Win. 1549. T16-tfc CHIMNEYS CLEANED BY RELIABLE party; satisfaction guaranteed; rea- sonable price. Phone Win. 524-R and 535-J. T15-10-tc SITUATION WANTED--BY RELIABLE experienced gardener, several days in week, or for the entire season. Phone Wil. T708-M. T15-tfe FOR LANDSCAPE GARDENING BY contract or hour; men for house- work and building wire fences. Ph. Winnetka 329. LTG24-tfe EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND RE- pairing. All work guaranteed. Thomas Lockerbie. 711 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 1115. LTG28-tfc LAWNS TAKEN CARE OF, GARDEN and house work. Phone Win. 859. T9-tfe YARD ORi HOUSEMAN. PHONE EV- anston 6608. Ask for W. B. Flagg. LTG33-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS GOING TO CALIFORNIA! COM - mencing July 5 will sell at private sale contents of well furn. cottage, 903 Elm St.,, Winnetka; living room. dining room, bedroom, kitchen and porch furniture, large gas range, large refrigerator, a very fine Viec- trola, new Hoover Electric Sweeper. All of this property is in good condi- tion and prices are very reasonable. The Berkie and Gay dining room set is especially attractive; also a Ford coupe, starter. wire wheels, just painted and looks like a new car. Having been away each summer and winter since purchase, this car has had little service. T16-1tc FOR SALE FURNITURE, RUGS. fixtures, plumbing, lumber, stoves, (anything bought, sold and exchang- ly fresh eggs and fresh dressed poul- try. Skokie Egg and Poultry Farm. Phone Win. 852. T9-tfc WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods Highest prices paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Tel. 189. LTG19-tfe BUY HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND Clothing of all descriptions. Phone Evanston 103 and I will call. N. Fell, 1644 Maple Ave. Ltgl7-tfe LOST AND FOUND FOUND -- LADIES' PURSE AT LEC- ture in Seventh Church of Christ, Scientist, Friday, June 17. Call Sun- nyside 5734. T16-1tc LOST -- ALPHA PHI FRATERNITY pin; name on back, Lillian Park. 826 Hamlin St., Evanston. T16-1pt FOUND --A SMALL BUNDLE OF laundry, Sunday night, on Prospect Ave. Phone Win. 111. T16-1tc LOST--35x5 TIRE, RIM AND COVER, between Hubbard Hill and North Av.. on Sheridan Rd. Phone Win. 754. TG16-1tc THE PHANTOM SHIP A lake tragedy failed to material- ize Monday when a report that a canoe was floating in the lake off the Water Works led to an examin- ation by the police who found no trace of the derelict' craft. It may have been a mirage or a phantom canoe, said one of the policemen with a perchant for the mystic. 'WANTED TO RENT" ADS GETS YOU THOSE ROOMS North Shore Baths NORTH SHORE HOTEL BU:LD!NG Reducing Treatments a Specialty PHONE EVANSTON 6424 The little Water Gipsy, with her gay paint of only two weeks ago duller and obscured by the mud and slime of the Desplaines and Illinois rivers, and her sides and bottom dented and chafed by the rocks and ledges of the Fox, came safely to her dock at the Prouty cottage near | McHenry at 9 o'clock last Sunday evening, after a twelve-day journey of over two hundred miles from Wil- mette to Ottawa, thence up the Fox river to her home. Mr. Prouty and his eleven year old son are back in Winnetka, as bad- ly battered as their boat, nursing skinned knees and shins, and rub- bing cold cream on sunburned arms and backs. The water in the Desplaines and Illinois was deep and dirty, while that in the Fox was clean and shal- low. Both conditions work evil to boating trips. Why Chicago is per- mitted to send its filth down the IlI- inois, to poison the principal river 'of a great commonwealth, is a mys- tery. The evil increases each year, and is ten times worse now than in 1909, when Mr. Prouty last. navigat- ed the stream. Because of the lack of sufficient water to float even the Gypsy (her | Plymsoll Mark shows about seven inches) to the foot cf any of the big Fox river dams. it became necessary to portage the boat and cargo for long distances -- at Carpentersville, for instance, for a quarter of a mile. At many other places the fishways-- stairways made to assist finny folks to climb the dams--being dry and out of water, served as inclined planes by means of which the Gypsy, crew and cargo crawled up ond over the obstructions. There were six- teen of these cheerful obstacles to be overcome. | Although it clouded up and thun- dered many times, not a drop of rain fell en the expedition, but within an hour after it reached port the floods descended. Food was plenty and cheap; good, eatable beefsteaks be- ing repeatedly purchased for twenty- five to thirty cents apiece, while eggs were twenty cents a dozen. Every- body met with was friendly and help- ful and interested in the voyage, al- though quite prone to express a mild surprise that any two individ- uals, apparently sane, should leave a comfortable home in order to eat rough, sleep rougher, and push a row boat up dry cement dams in the hot sun. It does seem queer, but the summer is the season of inconsisten- cy. Sell Through Want Ads oT of ode ode oie ode odo oF ode of of fe ode oo of ode ode oe oe oe oe oo oo oe oe Be LJ Chocolate Brazil Nuts In Cream of o3¢ of oo oe obo oo of oe oJ fe of oo Be oe of oe Be oe oe oe oe of of oo fe ofr ode oe oo fo cll oo Chocolates Sold Exclusively by The Sweet Shop Right Next to the Post Office of of of fo fo oe oF fe ode ode ooo odode odo ob obo cf od ol Bo fo ol Phone Winnetka 1094 CETTE TEE TELE TELE TEL ETE TX Bod oR ode ob oko ode ob ob oe ode ob Bo oe ob oof of of oe oe of First Church of Christ, Scientist OF GLENCOE Holds regular services Sunday mornings at 11 O'clock Wednesday evenings at 8 O'clock Sunday school convenes at 10:00 A. M. The services are held in Masonic Hall, corner Vernon and Hazel Avenues THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO BE PRESENT South Water Fruit Market ed. Pony-carts). 808 Oak St. Phone in. 1912. T11-tfc 13 ' BE NER RELA LY BUY HERE AND SAVE MONEY ras range; cheap. 200 Maple i . . Road. Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 2 | || 561 Lincoln Ave. WINNETKA, ILLINOIS Phone Win. 392 FOR SALE Ex RS DOLE ERIE ° . 5 ' sree ai | Big Sale on all kinds of Fruits and FOME GROWN Win. 383. T15-2tc You can know when your car comes here for storage; it will be well watched and taken care of. HOSTETTER'S GARAGE Day and Night Service 806 Oak Street Phone Winnetka 188 This is the season of the year when green things are the best. VEGETABLES Blue Goose Melons 10c and up Large New Potatoes 45¢ pk. 'GREEN BEANS 10 cents qt. Calif. Sweet Plums large basket 59c BLUE Red Raspberries, Black Raspberries, Black- THE VERY FRESHEST VEGETABLES Cucumbers ....... Kili «siete in Sc, 10c, 15¢ Carrotsiand' Beets ........... .. Sc bunch Tomatoes ..... GE a a PE NE BR 20c 1b. Lettuce ....... aoe a a 5c, 10c, 15¢ head Egg Plantes i 15¢, 20c Fresh Asparagus -....;;.......... 10¢c bunch Celefy: .. 0 0. ol aw nun 10c, 25¢ bunch Green Onions ............ 0... = Sc bunch Caunliffower. >... .... .. ... 15¢ 20c head Fresh=Spinach: ................... Low Price Apricots, small California Blue berries, Blueberries ............ Low Price SRR ATR Eh 35¢c, 40c 50c, 60c doz. Sweet Cheryies of, ois, ovo vain ins 35c Ib. Cooking Apples ................ 2 Ibs for 25c Large Cherry Currants .......... Low Price: Bananas... ..............cou-u iad 30c doz. up THE VERY FINEST FRUITS Honey Dew Melons baskets Goose Oranges BUY HERE and SAVE MONEY ORDERS OVER $2.00 DELIVERED