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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 16 Jul 1921, p. 12

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1921 Classified Advertisements | sertion, 5c per line. Wednesday. Rates for same ad News, Winnetka Weekly Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. ATES--10c per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in~ Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by vertisement in The Lake Shore i -- REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED--FEMALRB WANTED--R ELIABLE GIRL, OR REAL BARGAINS IN HOMES woman to care for two children 3% Artistic 9 r. stucco home in splen- years and 6 months; one day a did east location. H.W. heat. Im- week, 10:30 to 5:30. 873 Cherry St. mense living room. Fireplace. 3 Phone Winnetka 1416. T18-1tc glass pchs. 2 baths. Deep wooded | WANTED--SECOND MAID; WILL- lot. Dble. gar. Reduced to $18,000. ing to assist with two children, Make offer. ages six and ten years. Phone Win. Splendid brick residence in finest 565 or apply 605 Lincoln Ave. Win. east location, huge liv. r: 3 glass pchs; 3 baths, 4 master bedrooms. Maid's room. Wooded corner. Brick gar. Owner gone; must sell; $27,500. Make offer. New six room colonial; fireplace; fifty foot lot, convenient to both steam and "L." Only $9500--1Iess than cost. New Ideal Brick Colonial; fine east location. Immense living room, beautiful dining room and sun porch. Three master bedrooms and glazed sleeping. pch. and tile bath. Large wooded lot. Brick garage. Extra toilet and lav. Reduced to $21.000. Owner must move quickly. Make offer M. E. BARKER & CO. End of "L", Wilmette 405 Linden Ave. Tel. Wilmotta 404 LTG36-1tc WINNETKA SPECIALS Attraetive 4 bedroom stucco with 2 baths in choice location; fall poss. $12,500. New Colonial of 8 bed- rooms and sl. pch., hot water heat; ready soon, $14,000. A wide selec- tion of modern homes around $15,- 000 price--see our list before buy- ing. A oy 6 room Dutch Col. home, 2 baths; new and modern; garage. Fall poss.; $16,000. 7 R. Modern Stucco, Hubbard Woods; $18,000. R. Stucco Col. East Winnetka, 2 B. $19,500. Owner leaving; will make and large $25,000. buys in around close price on 8 room brick stucco, 3 baths; garage; wooded lot in best section, 'We have several exceptional larger properties; prices $60,000. 'HILL & STONE Winnetka, West of Depot. Tel. 1544 TG18-1tc. FOR SALE WINNETKA CHOICE COR. FOREST & GARLAND--WOODED 122X200 feet VACANT frontage--204 feet ON GARLAND ON ELDER LANE In frontages of 60 or more feet FREE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Street improvements completed. GEO. S. EDDY EXCLUSIVE AGENT, Main 4162 30 North LaSalle Inside Street. T18-2tc Wanted for a Customer 58 OR 6 ROOM BUNGALOW OR house im good repair; must have hot water heat; can pay $2,000 cash, $100 per month; prefer within walk- ing distance of "L" station. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 513 - 4th St. Phone Wil 1304 L.T.G.36-1tc. FOR SALE--VACAN'T VACANT zh BEAUTIFUL LOT ON SPENCER AVE. 50x160 ft.; cheap. L. P. Schafer, 1501 T18-1tc. YOUNG GIRL TO HELP WITH CHI Es = ---- i I BUY HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND Clothing of all descriptions. Phone Evanston 103 and I will call. N. STANLEY Fell, 1644 Maple Ave. Ltg17-tfc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- SPEEDY RELIABLE long distance, pedigreed and regis- tered homing pigeons. Trained and untrained. Edw. W. Sperber, 1520 Highland Ave., Wilmette, Ill. Tel. Wilmette 966-W. LT36-1tp. FOR SALE--GUARANTEED STRICT- ly fresh eggs and fresh dressed poul- try. Skokie Egg and Poultry Farm. Phone Win. 852. T9-tfc FOR SALE--AIRDALE PUPPIES, 7 weeks old; reasonable. W. O. Fray, Libertyville, Ill, Route 1, Box 31. T18-1tc FOR SALE--WELL BRED AIRDALE dog, 3 months old. 520 Linden St., Winnetka. T18-1tp FOR SALE--BRIGHT TALKING parrot with cage, $20. Phone Ken- ilworth 1558. T18-1tc FOR SALE -- ORIOLE GO-BASKET, $5. Phone Win. 545-W. T18-1tp LOST AND FOUND DISSAPPEARED FROM FRONT porch or front lawn of 952 Pine St. The dealer in any line of merchandise is the logical source of information ahout t (goods he is handling. Do you want to know somthing about the Safest car in the world? The easiest to drive? Has only 37 moving Parts. WILLIAM N. SCHNEIDER STANLEY sales & service HUBBARD WOODS, ILL. Tel. Winnetka, 956 Always in Stock Roofing material and Wall Board dren and upstairs' work. Pleasant last Tuesday blue silk umbrella. EDWARD HINES home; no experience necessary. Tel. Large reward for return. Phone Winnetka 1261. Tis-Ite.| Winnetka 1692. T18-1te LUMBER CO. ND a YR FOR GENERAL LO SINC HAM DRESS ON ousework; sma ouse: 3 in Lincoln, oxdale, Eldorado, Raijl- family; no laundry. Phone Highland road or Vine Aves. Phone Win. 155. Chuien S: and Wanle Ave. Park 471. ____ LTG36-1te. a mrad vanston, lL WANTED -- GIRL. FOR GENERAL| FOUND -- WEDNESDAY, IN NORTH Evanston 42 Wilmette 132 housework; best wages. 833 Green- Evanston, new tire complete. Owner wood ave. Wilmette. Phone Wil- may have same by identifying. Cornell Wall Board mete 281. LTG36-1tc. Phone Win. 1145. LTG36-1tc Exclusive Distributors WANTED EIR Fon GENERAL FOR SALE--AUTOS ousework; no washing; go home| = 9 g = nights. Phone Winnetka 634. a -- 5 PASSENGER BUICK, : Latte | BA re der ST Sell Th h Ad WANTED--A MAID FOR GENERAL heh : i 4 NG 18-1 W boris PAID FOR. SENERAL 1 Chetry 'Si, Winnetin. TG18-1te e roug ant S Wilmette 1056. LT36-1tc. SITUATION WANTED--FEWALE RELIABLE WOMAN; MIDDLE AGE: would like position assistant and companion to elderly person or mother's helper; reference. Win- netka Talk C61. T18-1tp. Phone Glencoe LTG36-2tc. SITUATION WANTED--WALRE EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND RE- pairing. All work guaranteed. Thomas Lockerbie. 711 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 1115 LTG2R-tfe FOR LANDSCAPE GARDENING BY contract or hour; men for house- Highest references. 438. work and building wire fences. Ph. Winnetka 329 LTG24-tFe WANTED WORK BY RELIABLE man experienced in gardening, grad- ing, pruning and trimming; also housework. M. J. Sullivan, 882 Pine St. Phone Win. 1549. T16-tfc CHIMNEYS CLEANED BY RELIABLE party; satisfaction guaranteed; sonable price. Phone Win. and 535-J. T15-10tc SITUATION WANTED--BY RELIABLE experienced gardener, several days in week, or for the entire season. Phone Wil. 708-M T15-tfe HOUSE CLEANING, LAWN MOWED and shrubbery attented to. Phone Winnetka 770. A. McKay T18-1tp WANTED -- GARDEN, HOUSEWORK or automobiles washed. Phone Win. 614-W. T17-2tc YARD OR HOUSEMAN. PHONE EV- anston 6608. Ask for W. B. Flarg. LTG35-tfc EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES ____ All Kinds of Household Help of All Nationalities Cooks, chamber maids, general maids, cateresses, governesses, nurses, practical nurses, chauffers, machin- ists, mechanical engineers, janitors, porters, housemen, waiters, wait- Washington Ave. Wilmette. Tel. Wilmette 969-W. L.T.86-1tp. FOR RENT--HOUSE FOR RENT--HOUSE; WILMETTE; 6 resses. Several couples with best refer- ences capable of doing any kind of housework; several good men fer all around work. rooms, sleeping, and living; porch. n mplovmen Vv Ee a ions pone "Wayne Employ t Agency 222 Ninth St, Phone Wil. 1505. Mrs. C. E. McElroy, Mgr. LTG34-3tc Tel. Evanston 4889. 1000 Chicago Ave. -- LTG36-tfc. oR a Soon FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS OR RENT -- ATTRA For suite of 2; in comfortable Win. BOR in LEST UMED Oak, BOUND re kl a ] y py > Retin hone. "Address dota chairs to match, $40.00. Natural 3 Oak China Cabinet, $20.00; also FOR RENT--ROOMS; JULY AND chairs, bookcase ,library table, 9x12 August, with breakfast; men. Lei- grass rug. Call Glencoe 777. cester Hall, North Shore Qounery i TG18-1tp Day Zonoel, 21 FOR SALE FURNITURE, RUG - S ge -- JRNITURE, RUGS FOR RENT -- FURNISHED DON fixtures, plumbing, lumber, stoves, 930 Elm Street. Lady Preferred. (apvthing bought, sold and exchang- Phone Winnetka 12489, evening, 1t ed. Pony-carts). 808 Oak St. Phone ens | Win. 212 _T11-tfe WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS BOR PA LE RASS ia DR reless cooker, assinet, electric WANTED TO RENT~YOR Balances | lamp, morris chair, sanitary couch of summer, large furnished room| ;,43%:.0ver. Phone Glencoe 681. with two beds; near lake, conven. | LTG36-1tc. ient to cafe. Mrs. F. T. Johnson, 8 FOR SALE -- SIMPLEX TRON Sid] W Nevada Street, Urbana, IIL LTG35-2tp machine 42 Inches, used 3 mos. $100, time or cash. Phone Glencoe 743. WANTED--ROOM AND BOARD LTG36-1tp. FOR SALE -- SMALL COOKING A ED ROOM ND Goan ni] range and hand coal heater. Phone i hs Nore C-62. LtG86-1te Winnetka 770. T18-1tp ahh TO RONT--HOUSE | WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS -- WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND-HAND WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE Responsible, reliable party | will lease for 2 or 3 years, 7 or | 8 room modern house, 2 baths, Wilmette or Winnetka. Pos- | session Sept. 1st or 15th. Tel. Wilmette 27. WANTED TO RENT--SIX, SEVEN OR eight room house for one year or L'T36-1tc. | furniture and other household goods Highest prices paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Tel. 189. LTG19-tfe J. E. SWIFT TEAL Representative New York Life Insurance Co. 1017 Central Ave., WILMETTE, ILL. Phone Wilmette337 six months; furnished or unfurn- ished; occupancy around Sept. first. LTG26-1tc. | WANTED TO RENT -- 5 OR 6 ROOM bungalow for Oct. 1st. Address Lake Shore News C-60. L36-1tc. WANTED--SMALL COTTAGE OR_3 or 4 unfurnished rooms. Tel. Wil- mette 1351. LT36-1tp. MISCELLANEOUS PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired. 35 years experience. Call your home tuner and avoid delays and high prices. Phone Win. 509-J. AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R. Continental Motor $1695 F. O. B., FACTORY C. H. BRIGGS Evanston 140 1549 Sherman Avenue LTG34-tfc MASSEUSE; SWEDISH MASSAGE treatment at your home. Mrs. An- derson, 939 Ash St. Phone Win. 352. T15-4tp WASHING 'TAKEN HOME; ROUGH dry or wet wash. Phone Glencoe Ta. White. _Tais-tfe WANTED -- 1st CLASS LAUNDRY work; colors and silks a specialty. | joining park. lake in Winnetka. LAKE FRONT LOT FOR SALE A BARGAIN We are agents for owner of fine lot 100 x 450 ft. at south- east corner of Elder Lane and Sheridan Road, Winnetka, ad- Must realize on it quickly and have cut the price to $185 a feet. This is $50 a foot cheaper than any other lot on the SEE MURRAY & TERRY, 40 N. DEARBORN - or Call Wilmette 218, H. P. Brown Angert Wire and Iron Works Phone Englewood 7498 6024-32 Grove Avenue CHICAGO NORTH / C4 NORTH SH Limited trains, leaving Winnetka 5:54 A. M. to 12:54 A. M., take you direct to the North Shore Terminal Station, Milwaukee---convenient to hotels and transportation lines. : CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE RAILROAD SHORE TRAINS to Milwaukee Connections for Wisconsin and Michigan Resorts Whether your trip is to or through Milwaukee--whether for business or pleasure---take a North Shore Train. A quick, cool, comfortable ride takes you right into Milwaukee's business center, within easy reach of connections for Waukesha, Watertown, Oconomowoc, Delafield, Pewaukee Lake, Lake Beul- ah, Sheboygan, Sheboygan Falls, Port Washington, Plymouth, Crystal Lake. Also daily boat line connections North- ern Michigan points. Pere Marquette Line Steamers from Milwaukee to Lud- ington, Manistee, Frankfort and Onek- ema. Learn the luxury of summer travel on the North Shore---the road of service ICAGO and satisfaction. Winnetka Ticket Office = ' Elm Street Phone: Winnetka 963

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