12 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1921 Classified Advertisements WANTED--COMPE TENT NURSE, maid or mother's helper for girl 3; boy school age. Phone Win. 1604. TG19-1tc WANTED--EXPERIENCED SECOND maid; white. Phone Win. 82. T19-1tc EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND RE- pairing. All work guaranteed. Thomas Lockerbie. 711 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 1115. LTG28-tfc SITUATION WANTED -- MALE AND IEMALE sertion, 5c per line. News, Winnetka Weekly Talk for first insertion. Each succeeding insertion, 10c per line. Biv... per line for first insertion. Each succeeding in~ Minimum 3 lines. Wednesday. Rates for same advertisement in The Lake Shore FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE We have a splendid list of vacant in the choicest sections. Several ex- ceptional bargains. Nr. new 7 r. stucco artistic home. 7 sunny rms. sleep. sun and dining prchs.; H.W. heat; title bath; dble. garage; lot 556x200. Must sell. Cut to $15,500. New brick colonial near lake; H.W. heat. 6 fine rms.; tile bath; glass sun prch. Easy terms. A wonder- ful buy at $16,500. Ideal 8 r. home, near new; H.W. heat; 2 baths; artistic throughout. Large lot, like park. Reduced to $20,000. Owner going east. M. E. BARKER & CO. End "L" 405 Linden. Tel. Wilmette 484 LTG37-1te WINNETKA BARGAIN Exceptional buy in modern stucco home clse to the lake; here is a real buy; 8 dandy rooms, large liv. rm, with open porch; 3 delightful bed- rooms and sl. pch. on 2nd (East br. is immense and has view of lake) and 2 light airy bedr. with bath on 3rd; hot water heat, attached gar- age; Oct. 1st poss. reduced for cash, $18,000. HILL, & STONE Winnetka, West of Depot. Tel. 1544 TG19-1te FOR SALE--A 5 ROOM COLONIAL house center hall, red tile, sleeping porch, dining porch and open ter- race porch. Large living room, fire place, separate shower and garage. lot 52 x 202, wooded. Will sell at less than present price of construc- tion; $4,000 cash will handle; shown by appointment only. Phone Win- netka 1354. T19-1tc $3,500 WILL PURCHASE EQUITY ON old Evanston home in fine condition and excellent location. Give phone number. Add. Weekly Talk C-T1. TG19-tp 200 FT. WOODED LOT ON GREEN Bay Rd., cor. Harbor St.; small house, suitable for small family, but easily enlarged; terms. Tel Wil. 1473. TG19-1tp FOR SALE--STUCCO HOUSE, 6 rooms and glazed porch. Can be seen by appointment. Phone Win. 71. TG19-1te HELP WANTED--MALE MAN AND WIFE WISH POSITION together as maid and houseman, or FOR SALE--PONY, CART, HARNESS; $125. Van Horne, 757 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods. Phone Win. 1096. LTG37-1tc FOR SALE--GUARANTEED STRICT- ly fresh eggs and fresh dressed poul- try. Skokie Egg and Poultry Farm. Phone Win. 852. T9-tfe WANTED--AN EXPERIENCED, odd jobs for either one; temporary | ANYONE WISHING TO BUY A PER- Co must bein b competent butcher to take complete or permanent. Tel. Win. 759. Ask sian kitten may inquire of Win. 237. Py mu € 1n by charge of meat department in large for Mrs. Younker, LTG37-1tc T19-1tc north shore grocery and market. :. To ov NN re and Glencoe News, 20c per line State experience and references. WANTED--MAN AND WIFE DESIRE | FOR SALE--_--BENGLISH BABY CAR- Add. Winnetka Weekly Talk C-66.| position together as maid and| riage; used very little. Phone Wil. LTG37-1tc| houseman. Phone Wilmette 1417. 1873. TG19-1tp SES Se LTG3 -1te | === WANTED MAN od SL OER. IN En ale WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS work, answering phone, taking or- ENP OYME NT YACUNCIDS A I BY Soop HAND WANTED 10 BUY--HOUSE ders, etc. Winnetka Garage & Auto 1 A P : : 3 Livery. Phone Winnetka 1507. All Kinds of Household Help Highest prices paid for same. Crost Wanted for a Customer TG19-1te of All Nationalities Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., 5 OR 6 ROOM BUNGALOW OR |WANTED --EOY OVER CF RY Evanston, Ill. Tel. 189. LTG19-tfe house in good repair; must nave hot water lawn 4 hours daily: 25c¢ hour. | -©0KS, chamber maids, general maids, |I BUY HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND Wales Toate ' 2.000 Hy 540 Washington St. Phone Glencoe cateresses, governesses, nurses, Clothing of all descriptions. Phone $100 per Ee riry yo Sao 52. 5 t TG19-1te| Practical nurses, chauffers, machin-| Evanston 103 and I will call. N. 3 a th; Pre Wl Pi in walk- - a. ists, mechanical engineers, janitors, Fell. 1644 Maple Ave Ltgl7-tfe g e station. SITUATIONS WANTED--FEMALE porters, housemen, waiters, wait- WANTED TO BUY --OR RENT FOR WILMETTE REALTY CO. WANTED -- 1st CLASS LAUNDRY he couples with best refer- 6 months a Gordon motor crib, or A. J. Woodcock, Prop. work; colors and silks a specialty. similar contrivance. Phone Win. 51 & 3 ; Highest references. Phone Glencoe| ¢0CeS capable of doing any kind of 9 3 - 4th St Phone Wil. 1304 | og « I TG36-2te housework; several good men fer T19-1te LTG37-1tc SOL5EE0 WONER WANTS LCAUN- all around work. WANTED -- VELOCIPEDE FOR 3 - i - vear old child. Phone in. 38-J. Will pay $40,000 dry work. Phone Evanston 6479. Wayne Employment Agency yn ro Tie For a modern home in Kenilworth or LTG37-1tp Mrs. C. E. McElroy, Mgr. FOR SALE RE E east Winnetka. Must have 5 master | WASHING TAKEN HOME; ROUGH | Tel. Evanston 4889. 1000 Chicago Ave. AS CARS bed rooms, 3 baths, servant's quar- dry or wet wash. Phone Glencoe LTG36-tfc. 151 BARGAINS Ny USED CARS ters, garage. Address Lake Shore| 171. White. TAS tC = 7 Studebaker 4; new paint; good News C-68. LT37-1tc | =----------c---- A FOR _SALE---HOUSEHOLD GOODS mechanical condition; $500.00; Ford WANTED TO BUY -- MODERN 6 & HELP WANTED--MALE OR FEMALE | FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS touring; motor rebored and over- house in Winnetka; possession Sept. WANTED--YOUNG MAN OR YOUNG fixtures, plumbing, lumber, stoves, hauled, $300.00; Packard 4, truck, 15th. H. W. Dietrich, 780 Pine St. lady with telling experience for (anything bought, sold and exchang- $300.00. Hubbard Woods Garage. Winnetka. Phone Winnetka 293. permanent position in local bank. ed. Pony-carts). 808 Oak St. Phone Phone Winnetka 617. TG19-1tc T19-1tp Address Winnetka Talk C-72. Win. 1212 T11-tfe LOST WANTED TO PURCHASE HOME IN LG19-1tc | NEW LAMP SHADES; SIZES 24, 16 | LOST_DUNCH OF KEYS GOLD Winneile or Hubbard Woods, 5 or SITUATION WANTED--MALE 34 Inches) in Tabhness, peacock and chain and tag bearing name F. H 6 rooms. an make reasonable cash = a z 4 = other colors; silk; moderate prices. Lumbard; liberal reward. Ph 5 payment. Address Lake Shore News enon oBR LIAB E Address Winnetka Talk C= iu 2t Win. 1626. Tosa jeward. TE CS L37-1tc| ing, pruning and trimming; also i 3 = 22° | T7OST--2 MONTHS OLD COLLIE DUD. WANTED--TO RENT HOUSE housework. M. J. Sullivan, 882 Phe FOR A ED OAR, i Sul Lay answers to name of Chester; re- SG A RTI I TR TN po je St. Phone Win. 1549. T16-tfe a €, eather Seale Sy ard. Ph Vi 4 oa IBV. 72 | eTrey CLEANED FY RELIABLE! brary table rug, hall seat and| "&™ rrr six months; furnished or unfurn-| party; satisfaction guaranteed; Jen. oA hone Colones hip TG19 1te MISCELLANEOUS ished; occupancy around Sept. first. sonable price. Phone' Win. '5i4-R| FOR SALE DINING ROOM St | PIANOS NED Address Lake Shore News C-f1 and se. LER annE, ane rary opie and paired ™™ BD ESULATED, iH LTG37-1tc | STTUATION WANTED--BY RELIADLE | EO ar rin. 614-W } : id WANTED--TO RENT, AT A REASON- experienced gardener, several days| andseurtaing fel. XWin, i Jarome June Siva delve able rate; Hubbard Woods or Win- in week, or for the entire Season. | me ------ ee i ; LTG34-tfe netka preferred; 6 to 8 room house; | Phone Wil. 708-M T15-tfc | FOR . BA ELEC RN REL o possession about Sept. 1st. Address | STTUATION WANTED--2 COLLEGE cooker, w c mn. 44 B J £ 1 2 < 2 LJLE c Y 5.00. Lake Shore News C-67. LTG37-1te men; experienced house painters Seek, Siaohment, SELLA LL More Modest, Perhaps. rill ak york y contra r by --~ pe . + FOR RENT--ROOM Filleiake work hy contract 2 OD (FOE Try TU ARIIURE RUGS Men, of course, are prouder of their FOR RENT--2 BEAUTIFUL FUR- > e Wi 600 TG19-1te other household goods; garden tools, | of TOO ' y « witnes Phone Win. 1600. ; college degrees than women; witness nished rooms; 1% block from cafe- u = = rE etc. Phone Winnetka 94. LT37-1tp 4 teria; 1 block "from Northwestern | FOR LANDSCAPE A DN as EE the fact that male college graduates stati a il. Bw contrac or our; mé r - S 4 Hi-- ) J 8 Ln i ila 5 ; ion. Phone Wil. 935 NY TGre1te work and building wire fences. Ph. | FoR SALE COLUMBIA GRAFONO- of the class of 90 like to sport the FOR RENT --ONB NICELY FUR. | Winnetka 329. i LTG24-tfe | © ja; twelve records; good as new; figures after their names, and women nished rom in Winnetka with pri-| YARD OR A Wo DL BV- $8 Mes Haast, 273 Ligden Street, | go not.--Boston Transcript. vate family; lady preferred. Add. anston 6608. Ask for W. B. agg. innetka. P . . Weekly Talk Coq8. bo Cpygilte LTG35-tfe prion. FRONT BEDROOM FOR RENT-- call at 1035 Willow St., Winnetka. 4 T19-1te HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--YOUNG LADY TO LEARN tpyewritting, billing, shorthand and other office duties in exchange for part time work. Address Evanston FOR SALE--VACANT FOR SALE WINNETKA CHOICE VACANT COR. FOREST & GARLAND--WOODED | 122X200 feet Inside frontage--204 feet ON GARLAND ON ELDER LANE In frontages of 60 or more feet FREE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Street improvements completed. GEO. S. EDDY EXCLUSIVE AGENT, Main 4162 30 North LaSalle Street. T18-2tc FOR SALE--4¢ ACRES IN ACRE LOTS on Park Ave, Gross Point, 15 min- utes walk to Wilmette depot. $1,000 acre. Phone Wil. 715-W. LTG37-3tp FOR SALE -- TWO LOTS, 2eXie near Maywood, Ill.; 15 min. walk from Chicago, Aurora Elec. , Price $130 each. Phone Winnetka 245. LTG37-1te FOR SALE--LOT 52X155 COR. OAK and Provident; $38.50 per foot. Ad- dress Weekly Talk C-T73. T19:1tc | News Index D-484. LTG37-1te WANTED--MIDDLE AGED WOMAN to assist elderly lady and help mother; good wages. Call Win. 849. LTG37-1tc COMPETENT MAID FOR HOUSE- work; one fond of children; good references necessary; protestant. Phone Wilmette 1234. T19-1tc WANTED -- GIRL __ FOR GENERAL housework. 730 Forest Ave. Phone Wilmette 67. LTG37-1tc WANTED--2 GIRLS; WHITE; COOK and second girl; good 'wages. 734 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Phone Winnetka 1184. LTG37-1tc WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; good plain cook; own room and bath. Phone Win. 1199. LTG37-1te AUBURN BEAUTY-SIX 7-R. Continental Motor $1695 F. O. B., FACTORY C. H. BRIGGS Evanston 140 1549 Sherman Avenue Palmer & Wisdom REAL ESTATE Kenilworth - Winnetka - Glencoe We have several determined buyers for property from $15,000 Telephone Winnetka 83 2 Prouty Annex Just East of Winnetka Depot to $30,000 family, On Between 10 ride tickets, - - - - - - - 60 ride monthly commutation tickets, - Winnetka Ticket Office Elm Street Phone: Winnetka 963 Commutation Rates The North Shore Line innetka and Chicago 25 ride tickets, good for any member of the 25 ride tickets to other points on the line, 2 Y2c mile 1000 mile books good to all points, including war tax - North Shore Trains operate to and around the loop of the Chicago Elevated Railroad, convenient to all theaters, department stores and hotels, and connect with Elevated Trains to all parts of the city. CHICAGO NORTH SHORE & MILWAUKEE RAILROAD - $7.40 - $3.39 1 Y2c mile $27.00