ps - WA 8 : WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1921 Classified Advertisements Ro. per line for each insertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday at 4:00 P. M. Rates for the same advertisement in THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK and GLENCOE NEWS, 20¢ per line. Black face type charged double price. i REAL ESTATE. HELP WANTED--MALE AND LE FOR SALE -- WILMETTE--OWNER|__________ . FEMA leaving, must sell; attractive 8 room | WANTED -- RELIABLE COUPLE, house in hoicest North East section; cook and general housework. 8 room only $11,000. house; family of 4. Tel. Winnetka Remarkably well built 9 r. ste. in 176. 860 Burr Ave. H. W. best North East location, fine sleeping TG42-1te and breakfast pchs.; beautifully wooded lot; a sacrifice at $15,500. SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND " FEMALE RELIABLE MARRIED COUPLE would like to take care of home dur- ing owner's absence. Can furnish best references. Address Lake Shore News E-29. LTG7-3tp SITUATION WANTED--MALE MASSAGE AND MEDICAL GYMNAS- tics, residence treatments given. Hugo A. Lundstrom. 555 Provident Ave, Winnetka. Phone Win. 937. LTG6-4tc WILL DO ALL KINDS OF BRICK work, pointing, repairing fireplaces, Excellent value in 7 room ste. in No. Evanston with huge sun parlor; own- er already gone; must sacrifice for quick sale; only $10,500. E Z terms. Vacant--finely wooded lot 50x124 in N. E. section at only $48 per ft. A wonderful site for a nice bungalow or small residence. Also beautifully wooded lot on Park Place in No. Evanston at $65 per foot. M. E. BARKER & CO. Bnd "L" 405 Linden Ave. Tel. Wil. 407 LTGS 1te FOR QUICK SALE. VERY DESIRABLE 6 ROOM STUCCO new fireplaces, brick floors, ete.; house, choice location, hot water work done by myself. Otto Otten, heat, large living room, 3 good bed Kenilworth 1307. T39-4tc rooms, bath with tiled floor, extra lavatory; house recently decorated FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS throughout. Easy terms. $12,500 OVER $20,000.00 WORTH OF OUR sample stocks of talking machines, pianos, player pianos, vacuum clean- ers, sewing machines, motors, man- gles, and a few records, were dam- aged by water when a fire started in the next store to us. On every article on which we were made an allowance by the insurance adjust- Exclusive agents. WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. Woodcock, Prop. 513 4th St. Tel. Wil. 1304 FOR SALE--6 ROOM STUCCO AND shingle house; living room 15 x 30; brick fireplace; glassed in sleeping orch; extra basement toilet: lot | rs we will make discounts of fron STi xi6: rear fenced; garden space;| 9% to 331-39, Our regular guaran- cement garage platform; house sur- tee goes with every purchase. Easy rounded by young oak trees. Phone terms if desired. Patterson Bros., owner, Win. 1023 for appoinment. 828 Davis St.,, Evanston. Phone Ev- T49- Itc | anston 654. LTG5-tfc FOR SALE -- JUST COMPLETED, FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS, beautiful 6 room and heated din- piano, fixtures, plumbing, lumber, ing porch, brick and stucco resi- stoves, (anything bought. sold and dence; h. w. heat. 115 Sixth St. Wil- | §Xchanged. Pony-carts) 808 Oak mette, Choice east location. Phone | Street. Phone Win. 1212. LTG1-tfc Wilmette 1935. | FOR SALE -- ATTRACTIVE MAHOG- LTG4-tfe 3 Sh -- = -- any living room table at a reasonable FOR RENT--HOUSE. =: |o price. 'Call Win.; 685, T42-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE IN | FOR SALE--PRINCESS DRESSSER. Winnetka, east of tracks, 3 blocks | oak finish. Call Win. 725. T42-1tc from station; seven rooms on first | FOR SALBE_FINE KIMBALL PIANO and second floors; maid's quarters | Will sacrifice; also Murphy Folding with bath on third floor. Handsome- Red for outdoor sleeping or closet. IN furnished. Hot water heat with | Phone Win. 1349. T42-1tc 'No ol" burner. ouble garage, | r = RB large grounds. Rent, $150 monthly | ROR oo PIANO: se Ean from Feb. 1 to May 1 with possession | January 20th. Appointment by tele- | _ bhone; Lake View 8026. LT8-tfe | 1 | 1 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILE FOR _SALE--A BEAUTIFUL MARMON FOR RENT--FROM JAN. 1 TO FEB. 15th, 6 room furnished house in No, Sedan: A-1 condition; 5 passenger. Evanston; 3 bedrooms; fully equipped | -- Lel: Wil. 1297. LTGS8-1tc with all conveniences; $150, including | FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS coal and phone for entire time. FOR SALE--_TWO THOROUGHBRED Phone 'Evans. 6960. LTGS8-1te FOR RENT--UNUSUALLY ATTRACT- ive 5 room newly furnished home for cockerels, one Plymouth Rock, one Buff Orpington; from splendid win- ter laying strain. Also newly laid six months, beginning January. Tel. | eggs. Phone Glencoe 557. owner at once, Winnetka 139. : LTGS-1te LTGS-1te | i I WANTED _T0_BU '--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO RENT--HOME. ANTED TO BUY -- SECOND BAND furniture and other household goods. WANTED TO RENT--SMALL HOME or apartment on North Shore. Fur- | Highest prices paid for same. Crost nished or unfurnished. Wil. 1920. | Furniture Store. 1004-6 Emerson St., LTG7-3tn Evanston, Ill. Tel. 189. LTG19-tfc WANTED _TO RENT--HOUSE. : __ MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO RENT -- FURNISHED | BLECTRICAT, HOUSEHOLD APPIi: house from May 1st for 1 year or | ances repaired. sold and exchanged. good rental. T42- 1te | | PIANOS TUNED. REGULATED, RE- paired: expert: best references. Fos- longer; Phone willing to pay Win. 151. FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--TWO FURNISHED OR | y unfurnished rooms suitable for light | | ter. Phone Win, 509-J __ LTG50-tfc housekeeping. 1627 Forest avenue, LOST AND FOUND, --ll ete T42-1t0 | 1,09T TRAVELING BAG DECEMBER FOR RENT -- LARGE FU RRISHED 25, from auto, Glencoe to Chicago. front room; near transportation. 54 | Reward. Phone Glencoe 745. Linden avenue. Hubbard Wonds. LTGS- 1te T42-1tc | [OST CAT MALE ORANGE PER. R. I. Adams. Phone Wil. 2345. FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM: | sian. Reward. C. R. Perry, 272 hot water heat. Phone Winnetka | Svlvan Rd. Glencoe. Phone Glencoe . 814-7. T42-1tc| 697. id LTGS-1te FOR RENT---ROOM IN PRIVATE | LOST -- LARGE OLD FASHIONED family; gentlemen preferred. Phone| brooch between Schells and Commis- Win, 1686. T-42-1tc | sion House, Christmas Eve. Reward. FOR RENT--FURN. ROOMS; HOT AND | Phone Win. 220. _ -- T42-1tc cold water. 629 W. Railroad avenue, | LOST--SEAL SKIN MUFF ON PINE, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 1080. LT47-tfc east of Maple, Sundav evening. Re- -- rar a Ti 51.G- "FOR RENT GARAGE ward. Phone Win. 516-J. te FOR RENT--SPACE IN GARAGE. $6.50 | 1 oon ™ 9 WEEKS AGO. OLD FASHION- a month. 467 Chestnut St. Phone ed, large sized, gold brooch. Phone Win. 1245. T42-1te Win. 220. T43-1te HELP WA NTED--FEMALE A REFINED WOMAN IN THIS ¢ SUB- | "IC PRYZW urb, genuinely interested in estab- Thursday. lishing herself in a well paying, per- | Wilmette. manent business where she can also render service to others will read about Spencer Corset Designing Service in the Januarv Ladies' Home Journal and Dec. Woman's Home Companion. Then write or call on BUSINESS FACTORS Manager, 724 Marshall Field Annex Bldg. at once for information. Ex- | In predicting a gradual betterment ceptional business Ls Oe lof business, the Guaranty Trust Com- LADY ~ WoULD™ LIKE comprRTENT Pany of New York says: laundress to take medium sized| "The scope of the light and power family washing into her Fons Ad- | industry and the significance of its dress Winnetka Talk E-32. T42-1tclin,rovement is evident when we con- sider that-- WANTED--_YOUNG LADY WITH TRL- "The total number of electric light and power plants in the United States ephone and typewriter to do work at home. Tel. H. B. Watson, Kenil. 1522 after 6 P. is 6,478 and represent an investment of four and one-half billion dollars. "The 4,558 commercial T42-1te WANTED -- RELIABLE BXPERI- have nine million customers and total gross income of more than nine hun- enced nurse for child 314 years in Hubbard Woods. Phone Win. 722. dred million dollars and their securi- ties are held by more than 1,400,000 T42-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED MAID; investors. : "The light and power companies general housework; fine position; consumed more than 37,000,000 tons waees $20. Phone Win, 58. T42-1te WANT WHITE MAID FOR GEN- of coal and 13,000,000 barrels of fuel oil last year. eral honcework. No washing. Phone "The public utilities are making Win, 1137, LTGS8-1te NURSE--MAID TO CARE FOR 3 YEAR many phases of our social and indus- trial activities more economical, effi- old girl; stay or go home nights. cient and convenient. 240 Essex Rd. Phone Ken. 1885. "But, widespread as their service is, MASQUERADE Januarv 19. at Jones' Hall, bv the TDellwood (lub. Tverybody welcome. Prizes galore. LTS-1tp LTGS-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--A NIGHT OFFICE AT- tendant. Phone Wil. 1711. LTGS8-1tc SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WANTED -- HIGHLY ae Ye vast possibilities for expansion lie 402. T42-1tp | ahead of them. The field of trans- WASHING TAKEN HOME; ROUGH | portation, distribution, communication, dry or wet wash. Phone Glencoe |ijjymination and power must be de- 17. white. ke veloped as the business and popula- WANTED--DRESSMAKING AND RE- | tion of the country increase. Rotelns. Ehgze, win, 1639. Tiuen "Prosperity in these activities raping 1, 2332. | means expansion, greater service and DRESSMAKING. PHONE Wikis better business in general." LTGT7-tfc companies | SMALLPOX DANGER IN SMALLER COMMUNITIES Officer of State Department of Public Health says vaccination keeps Chicago out of danger Springfield, IlIl,--The general pul- lic, no doubt, is unware of the de- plorable conditions which exist thro- oughout rural Illinois insofar as vaccination against smallpox is con- cerned. An officer from the State Department of Public Health recent- ly visited DeKalb. * Concerning his visit, the Chronicle, of that city, re- marks : "For years past the State Depart- ment of Public Health has urged vac- cination as a prevention for smallpox, and it ceems that each year Chicago has vaccinated to even a greater ex- tent while the smaller cities and will- ages have paid no attention to the matter. "The state officer going through this vicinity stopped at a little country school and stated his errand, asking permission to give the children a hurried examination. He found that out of 29 pupils enrolled, of which 25 were present at the time, but one child had been vaccinated. This con- dition exists all over the state with tlie exception of cook county. Danger of Epidemic "The officer said that when one stops to consider the size of Chicago and considers the fact that there has been very little smallpox contagion there this year, it is indeed deplor- able that small communities should suffer an epidemic. He also staied that under conditions as they exist mm DeKaib county at this time, should one or two cases of smallpox break out, there would be an epidemic. "The health officer also comment- ed on the apparent disregard of warn- ings regarding diphtheria. He said that if children were given toxin-an- titoxin, the chances for a diphtheriz epideinic in this community would he reduced to a minumun. As it is, no one knows when several cases may be found and then the epidemic." The conditions above named are by no means local; they exist broad- cast throughout the state. Co- ~0perr ation with local boards of health: where they exist, and the prompt organization of such boards where they do not exist, or at least where they are not functioning, will prevent much sickness and many deaths in lilinois. ANNOUNCE EXAMINATIONS FOR WEATHER MAN'S AID Springfield, Ill--Examinations for the position of Assistant Observer in the Weather Bureau will be held on January 11, February 15, and March 22, according to an announcement made here. The examinations will be held at the following places: Decatur, Effingham, Quincy, Spring- field and Urbana. The subjects cov- ered are: Meteorology (elementary) Penmanship, English composition up- on some meteorlogical subject, ele- mentary physics, mathematics (arith- metic and algebra), copying and cor- recting 'manusdript, geography of the | Washington or to the secrctary of United States. the local examining board at any of Applicants are advised to apply to! the above named places. the U. S. Civil Service Commission at Subscribe For Your Local P~per Nr New Year's Greetings TO ALL OUR PATRONS, WE EXTEND THANKS FOR THEIR PATRONAGE IN 1921. FOR 1922 WE EXPRESS A HOPE OF MORE AND MORE SATISFIED Men's and Ladies' Tailor Cleaning - 599"Fir'St Dyeing - Repairing .Winnetka 1492 il CUSTOMERS. EMIL SOUKUP LLL rr rrr, Just As Home Is the Best Place for a man to go to, so is this garage the best place for your rotor car to come to, when it can't go any place else. A GARAGE IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED and your ailing car will be given a friendly reception at this garage, and be accorded friendly and efficatious treat- ment. DAZE WR (0111385) 33474 (%) of Je) "" EXPERT REPAIRING ° 7" RELIABLE SUPPLIES-DEPENDABLE ACCESSORIES -- GASOLINE-- PT OILS = FOR AUBURN BEAUTY SIX GARAGEMOTOR| PHONE 1446 PLL Fra od Vegetable MARKET PHONE 1251 Fresh Turkeys Geese Ducks RANDOLPH. Next to Rosenberg's ULL LLL EL Za LT ZZ E7777 7 77770 EVERY DAY IS SALE DAY Chickens FOR NEW YEAR'S DINNERS. : = 277707777 Zara Add ZL ddd ddd ddl ddd ddd dlddaiddditdiidin dll ddlldldidilddllidii iz, We Soltver in Wilmette and Kenilworth. 7 MEAT Market 826 DAVIS STREET PHONE 7340 Finest Vegetables Apples Grapefruit Oranges. Cider EVERYTHING AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Roasts D000 i