WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 27, 192 FTHSHRE NLU JUNHO ALY Banquet at Winnetka Wo- man's Club, Burn Candles Candles were burned and the prais- es of Alma Mater sung in all parts of the world Friday, May 19, in celebra- tion of Northwestern University Day by alumni. It was a renewal of the time-honored cusiom of lighting the tallow wick and singing again the old campus songs from Nanking, China, to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; from points in India to New York, Chicago and St. Louis. Chicago alumni gathered both downtown and in suburban places to shout, sing and speak of "Good Old Northwestern." President Walter Dill Scott framed the following telegram which went to Purple alumni clubs at numerous points: "In the name of our common Alma Mater, I send you greetings on this, her day. We hope we may maintain a closer contact with one another that her inspiration may continue in us and that we may together serve the better." Message Throughout World Rev. George Craig Stewart of Ev- anston, liberal arts, '02, president of the general alumni asociation, also sent a message--one of congratulation upon the revitalization of Northwest- ern university spirit throughout the world. In Chicago the celebration was opened by about 200 alumni who met Friday noon at luncheon at the Hamilton club. Dr. Allen B. Kanavel, Northwestern university Medical School graduate, 1809, president of the Chicago Club of Northwestern uni- versity Men, hosts of the day, presided and speeches were made by President Scott, liberal arts, 1895, Judge Harry Olson, Northwestern Law School, 1891, and Charles Ward, secretary of the Evanston Chamber of Commerce, a liberal arts graduate. In the evening about fifty north shore-alumni met at the Winnetka Woman's club, at a din- ner and candle-lighting frolic. Pres- ton Boyden, a recent graduate of Northwestern Law school, presided and addresses were made by President Scott, Rev. George Craig Stewart and other alumni. ITIXXXIIXIXIIXIXIXIXI XXXL AA This Smart Sport Oxford with smoked elk vamp and dark brown saddle for women and chil- dren. Note Prices Sizes 814 to 11 $4.50 Sizes 1114 to 2 $5.00 Sizes 214 to 714 $7.00 Plenty of Socks for the Children S. POOL Shoes and Hosiery for Women and Children 1608 Chicago Ave. Evanston, Ill. tS SN Ee ee EE ER 1990000000000 0000000000400004049140400000000900000900140000000000 0003 0 0006 ee ee 0090000000000 00000000000000000000000000440009939° 0 3033 00 03 03 030003003 I White Cashme- €).25 NEW TRIER SENIORS PRESENT 'DISRAELY "Disraeli," the Senior play to be presented June 3, by the students of New Trier High school, is rapidly rounding into form under the direction of Miss Stanwood. If early rehearsals are any indication of the finished pro- duct, this play will go down in the annals of this school as one of her greatest triumphs. The cast is a well balanced one of "experienced amateurs" and the play promises to be one which will please an audience and hold its interest un- til the end. The plot strays slightly from his- torical facts, but portrays the gen- eral political life and ambitions of the famous statesman, and the interest centers around one of his greatest achievements, the vancement of the British Empire and brought to the Queen the title of Em- press of India, one of the dearest dreams of Disraeli, the Premier. purchase of the] Suez Canal, which resulted in the ad-| DURANT SEDAN Immediate Delivery. $1365---F. O. B. Lansing EARL - COAL - MOTOR - CO. 1019 Davis St., Evanston Phone 578 MAIN FLOOR--EAST ROOM LORD'S CHILDREN'S SHOP MAIN FLOOR--EAST ROOM FOR White Flannel 1.25 ette Kimonasat 2 =-- Have little tailored cuffs and shell Stitch edging the neck, and front opening--the best quality of flannel makes them. re Kimonas at k= these are such dainty garments and so well made, we suggest them for gifts. S tk z Crepe De Chine Coats For Babykins Fo rd From Head to Toe And Skin Out We Outfit "Wee Thingums" QUIET little room, free from noise and confusion -- cream h white, and sparklingly clean, just simply filled with EVERY d\( NECESSITY and dainty thing for babies, is the BABY ROOM of our CHILDREN'S SHOP -- It is here, unhurried, comfort- ably seated, Mothers and Expectant Mothers are invited to come and make their selections. D For Hot Weather Cotton Shirts 55¢ very fine soft and silky are these hirts--they come in three styles. LONG SLEEVES, HIGH NECK SHORT SLEEVES, DUTCH NECK NO SLEEVES, LOW NECK Very Fine Cotton Bands are 35c CUNNING SHOES ~~ + | FOR TINY TODDLERS he ) 142 162 212 Exquisitely made of heavy crepe-de-chine, lined with firm china silk, and interlined with fine cheesecloth are these. All of them have hand smocking and several hand embroidery. A lovely orchid shade, soft tan and white are the colors. Madeira Pillow Cases 135 9% 9% Sheer nainsook the $1.35 styles are made of--one has a scallop and eyelet edge the oth- er a deep scallop. Tiny flower and leaf sprays border the $2.00 styles. Fine linen makes these at $2.95 they have corner designs and flor- al borders. White Pique--One Strap Shoes at 2.00 edged around the instep with real lace--washable they are and very dainty. ONE OR TWO STRAP SLIPPERS 1.25 Patent 1.25 Black suede 1.25 White kid 1.25 Tan kid 1.25 GREY-BLACK OR CHAMPAGNE SUEDE SHOES ..........c... 2.00 WHITE WASHABLE KID SHOES cereus psitsvns eens 2.00 WHITE KID UPPER PATENT LOWER ......c0eveeeeennns «1.73 ARNOLD KNIT GOWNS SUMMER WEIGHT 82 ine = Td tat ae 1.00 S4-INCR or ini serene oe. 1.25 36 Inch oh cins ene dunn in 1.45 RUBBER PANTIES--39c¢ "Tidy Didies" white--slipon style elastic shirred top and legs. Holes for ventilation around the top, Adorable Hand Made BONNETS 3% 43 59 All of them have ruffles which turn back from the face and stand up-- they're tucked or shirred and edged with the finest little lace edgings-- Some havie little roses scattered over the shirring. They're made of sheer imported organdy. Diminutive Combs and Brushes pr 12 and 220 a set painted rose buds trim these $1.25 sets. The 2.50 style has three pieces --the comb, brush and a powder box. Floral wreathes, hand painted trim them. BIRDS-EYE DIAPERING is priced very reasonably 10 yds. Piece or Hemmed AR ei esen 1.65 18x30 ...... 2.50 S07 iene 1.95 20x40. ..... 2.75 i RL 2.15 2x44 ...... 3.00 24" Liiva 2.25 24x48 ...... 3.50 ASE 2.50 27x54 ...... 4.75 Cunning Long Dresses TEER Surprisingly good ma- terials make these in- expensive little dresses. Dainty lace edges neck and sleeves. The better garments have hosts of pin tucks--feather stitching and embroid- ery trimimng. Dainty Cashme- 1 35 re Saques are the edges are shell stitched and dainty lit- tle sprays of embroid- ery in pink or blue trim them. OTHERS PRICED UP aL ba re 3.50 Hand Crochet- 4.50 ed Saques are X= beautifully worked are these--tiny rose buds trim them. FINE NAINSOOK GERTRUDES are 150 90 93 All are made of the same soft cloth-- The 1.50 number is hem- stitched around neck, armholes and - bottom. ruffle and is hem- stitched. The 2.50 has a ruffle is hemstitched and lace trimmed. The 2.00 one has a | { | { | sate SE ier