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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 27 May 1922, p. 15

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ro. WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 2%, 1922 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - REAL ESTATE OFFERS | Rates--10c per line for each in- sertion. Minimum 3 lines. Copy must be in by Wednesday at 12 p. m. Rates for the same ad- vertisements in The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Talk and Glencoe News, 20c per line. Black Face Type Charged Dou- ple Price. REAL ESTATE A. R. EDDINGTON & CO. UNEXCELLED SERVICE TO BUYERS AND SELLERS OF REAL ESTATE We have some very attractive offers in vacant this week. Mich. Ave. 100 ft. frontage and Sheridan Rd. 75 ft. front- age, at $50 per ft. for long term lease with option to buy. 100 ft. on Mich. Ave. with Riparian Rights at $40 per ft. less than market value. 123 ft. on Chestnut Ave. at $125 per ft. Will divide. Several attractive loca- tions, west, at $37.50 to $45.00 per foot. 8-R. concrete house, 3 porches, water heat, garage, lot 50x192, splendid loca- tion, snap at $10,000. 7-R. stucco house, front, sleep. and breakfast porches, ideal location adja- cent to Sheridan Road. Attractive buy at $15,500. 6-R. stucco, sun and sleep. pchs., vapor heat, garage, located in one of the fashionable sections of Wilmette. Beau- tiful lot covered with flowers and shrubbery. Only $20,000. 1157 Wilmette Ave., Phns. 640-1417-2066 Wilmette, Il LTG29-1tc M. E. BARKER & CO. HL "LL" 415 Linden. Pr. Wilmette Offer these splendid bargains: 7-r. stco. in choice east section, h.w. heat, 3 master bed rms., tile bath, maid's r. & bath, glassed sun & slp. prchs., deep wooded lot, gar. Owner gone east & must sell at once, $17,600. Make us an offer. Beautiful modern home in very finest section. Extra well built. 9 lge. sunny rms., h. w. heat, huge wooded lot. A remarkable value at $18,000. Solid prick 9 r. home, tile roof, 2 tile baths, exceptional construction, h. w. heat. Lot 100x190 in most exclusive neighborhood, dble. gar. Owner gone, reduces to $25,000. $2,000 spent in im- provements will make it worth $35,000. Don't miss this opportunity. LTG29-1tc REAL ESTATE--SUBURBAN NORTH. FOR SALE--FASHIONABLE ' LOCA- tion; owner moving soon; must sell 7- room stucco; unusually well arranged modern home, with a beautiful spacious living room, having fine big fireplace © and sun porch off it, with disappearing windows, tile bath with built in show- er, extra lav. 1st floor, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch. Spencer auto feed heat- er and Ruud instantaneaus hot water supply, attractive lot with shrubbery, trees, 1 e no hesitancy "about this proposition; price: $4,500; terms arranged. WILMETTE REALTY CO. 13 4th St. Tel. Wil. 1304 515: ths LTG29-1tc SOME REAL BARGAINS 8-ROOM STUCCO, WATER HEAT, large wooded lot, garage. Some buy. T0ASE Geers + +s sine cwoialosiete sie ev vininee $11,500 6-room new stucco. Cash $1,000..$9,500 5-room stucco bung. Cash $1,000..$8,250 Michigan Ave. lot facing lake, only $115 Maple, near "L" $50 Wilmette Ave., Furnished for summer, 7 Rental, 7 rooms, new, gas M. L. MOODY & CO. 511 Fourth St. Ph. Wilmette 2248 LTG 29-1tc FOR SALE -- WINNETKA -- BRAND new 7-rm. home, 2 baths, sun and slp. pchs.; h. w. ht.; htd. gar.; 60 ft. lot; $15,000; choice location. BUY right now, on easy terms. d W.iJ.M 5 ter, N.W. of N.W. depot. Win. 254. 555 Cen TG11-1tc rooms... . FOR SALE 2 2-3 ACRES, 264.82 FT. FRONTS ON two streets, four blocks west of Ridge Ave. Can be subdivided into 10 lots of over 50x203 ft. North and south fronts. Price $4,000. 92-3 acres, 132.41 ft. fronts on four streets. Can be subdivided into 12 lots of over 44x203 ft. north and south fronts. Terms. $5,000. 5 acres, 184.2 ft. front on Hibbard Road, $3,000. 5 acres on Locust street, $3,000. 131%, acres on Hibbard Road. $10,000. SEE US FOR ACRE TRACTS IN NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP Schaefer & Golbach Investment Securities Real Estate Insurance 434 Terms, Telephone Wilmette LTG29-tfe FOR SALE--BUNGALOW BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW, 5 RMS. breakfast room, tile bath, built-in book cases, fireplaces, 4 closets. Hot water ht., wooded lot 50x145, good neighbor- hood, convenient North Western R. R. electric, 2 hlocks north and 2 west of Hubbard Woods station. Owner, 381 Woodlawn Ave., Glencoe, Illinois. T11-1te FOR SALE--HOUSE MUST BE SOLD--$500 OR $700 DOWN, then $34 or $40 per mo., like rent. New 6-room home; large lot; close to depots. $4,500. Owner Pavlik, 606 W. Ry. Ave., Kenilworth, IIL LTG-29-1tp FOR RENT--HOUSE FOR RENT--FURN. 7-ROOM HOUSE; 3 porches; best location; $185 per mo. Phone Wilmette 1615. LTG29-1te FOR RENT--SMALL FURN. HOUSE; good location; Winnetka. Close to trans. Living room and dining room combined; bedroom, kitchen and sleep- ing porch; furnace heat. $75 per mo. 1 year lease. Hill & Wheeler, 728 Elm FOR RENT--WINNETKA 8-RM. HOME on Lincoln Ave., for the summer. June . 15° to Sept. 15. Winn. 1178 for de- tails and appointment to inspect. T11-1tec e in rear; buyer need have. ----. WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE | WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS LOST AND FOUND Skokie Country Club will hold its WANTED--SMALL HOME, BUNGA- low preferred, furnished, June to Oct. Phone Highland Park 738-W. St., Winnetka. FOR RENT--ROOMS ROOMS TO RENT--LIGHT HOUSE- keeping privileges. 454 Woodlawn Ave., Glencoe, Ill. Tel. Glen. 42. T11-1tp FOR RENT--JUNE TO SEPT. OR Oct., 3 rooms in suite or 5 housekeep- ing rooms for adults. Also one front bedroom. 731 10th St., Wlimette. T11-1tp FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM, NEAR transportation and restaurant; also one large front room suitable for two. LTG29-1te 'WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-06 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTG17-tfc PIANOS TUNED PIANOS TUNED, REGULATED, RE- paired; expert; best references. Foster. Phone Win. 509-J. Ltgl5-tfe FOR SALE--GARAGE PORTABLE GARAGE 11x16 FT. PRO- Slate type; green sides, $235; price, $100. Winnetka Ave. red roof; cost Can be seen at 985 Phone 718. LT29-1tp 306 Elm St. T11-1te MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT--LARGE FURN. ROOM, SKOKIE ELECT. CONSTRUCTION CO. conv. to trans., gentleman preferred.| repair and remodel. All kinds of fix- 0 gre Ave. H.W. Bhone Yin ture supp. mod. prices, estimates furn. 519-M. -1te All kinds of wiring. Tel. Winn. 641. FOR SALE--VACANT T11-4tp Glencoe Lake Front ACRES RIPARIAN RIGHTS, FINE colonial house, half mile from depot. Owner, F. J. Woolley, 69 Park Ave, Glencoe. LTG29-2tp FOR SALE--4 LOTS, 75x300 EACH, ON Wilmette Ave., Gross Point, 15 min. walk to depot. $13.50 per front foot. Tel. Wil. 715-W. LTG27-tfc FOR RENT--UNFURNISHED APART. FOR RENT--4-ROOM UNFURNISHED apt.; also elegantly furnished rooms. Phone Wilmette 1080. LTG27-tfc SITUATION WANTED--MALE WINNETKA LANDSCAPE CO. LET US submit estimates on your landscape work; trees, shrubs and perennials for sale; pruning, trimming and grading; trees and stumps removed; also drive- ways put in; can furnish house-man experienced and competent. M. J. Sul- livan, Mgr., 882 Pine Street, Winnetka. LTG24-tfc NORTH SHORE LANDSCAPE GAR- dener, thoroughly experienced in plant- ing and care of every garden work; estimates on fruit trees, shrubbery, perennials and hardy field grown rose stocks. Edward Sugrosser, 1030 Cen- tral Ave. Tel. Wil. 708-M. LT28-4tp WANTED--ODD JOBS IN PLASTERING and cement finishing; work done rea- sonable. Tel. 5351 Evanston. LT29-1tp CHAUFFEUR WITH DODGE SEDAN wishes position with or without ser- vices of his car. Tel. Lake Forest 467. T11-1tp GARDEN WORK DONE BY THE HOUR 3 or month. Call Wilmette 892-Y4. T11-2tp SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE EXPERIENCED WHITE WOMAN wishes ironing or cleaning by day or hour. Tel. Wil. 984-R. LT29-1tp POSITION WANTED--GEN'L. HOUSE- work in small home, willing to leave town; laundry work. $10. Tel. Winn 620-J. TG11-1te HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN'L_ HOUSE- work with or without laundry. Tel. Winn. 820. LTG29-1tc WANTED--MAID FOR GEN'LL HOUSE- work; also nurse. Apply Saturday or Sunday afternoon at 1171 Oakley Ave. or write Lake Shore News B-25. LTG29-1te WANTED--YOUNG WOMAN EXPE- rienced in handling credits for per- manent position with local organization. Apply in own handwriting. Address Lake Shore News B-28. LTG29-1tp WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GENER- al housework; no washing; permanent or home nights. Tel. Winn. 1213. LTG29-1te WANTED--GENERAL MAID, CEN- tral, Wilmette family of 4, $15 with laundry, $12 without laundry. Address 1044 Forest Ave. Tel. Wil. 1971. LTG29-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GENER- al housework; no washing. Tel. Winn. 1449. LTG29-1te WANTED--WHITE MAID WITH REF- erence; either downstairs and cook, or upstairs work and assist with children. Wages $15. Mrs. Harold Wilder, 508 Maple Ave. Tel. Winn. 1539. LTG29-1te WANTED--MAID FOR COOKING AND general housework; for first 2 weeks in June. Tel. Mrs. Stein, Win. 1383. TG11-1te WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST with children, and light house work. Own room and bath. Tel. Glen. 440. TG11-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN'L housework, small family and small house. Tel. Winn. 1604. T11-1te WANTED--GIRL AS NURSE; GO away for the summer. 351 Linden St., Winn. T11-1te WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework to go home nights. Call Winn. 1285, 799 Foxdale Ave. T11-1te FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE MAHOGANY BUFFET Shereton design, first class condition. Tel. Winn. 1330. LTG29-1te FOR SALE--BABY CARRIAGE, BAS- sinet, Kiddy Koop, new bunting, coat, robes, ete. also dining table Globe- Wernicke bookcases, electric iron, 2 compartment fireless, 9 Victor fox trot records, new wringer, fruit jars, other things. 517 Jackson Ave. Glen. Tel Glen. 681. TG11-1te FOR SALE--CHEAP, GOOD DINING buffet and 6 chairs, bed hall seat and mirror. Odd chairs, two paintings, scythe. Tel. Wil. 1825. TG11-1te FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS room table, davenport, FOR SALE -- ONE SECOND-HAND double camping tent with trailer. Tel. Wil. 1249. LTG29-1te FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS, cart, piano, fixtures, plbg., lumber, stoves, anything bought, sold and ex- changed. 808 Oak St.., Win. Tel. 1212. LTG1-tfe AUTO CAMP TRAILER FOR QUICK sale. In good condition; complete for camping while touring. Two three- quarter beds, ice-box, etc. Cost $500 when new. Will sell to party with best offer. 682 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Tel Win. 89. LT29-1tc FOR SALE--DAHLIA TUBERS FROM choice stock of an eastern grower. 25 cents each. Mrs. D. E. Getman, 1324 Asbury Ave. H WwW. T-1te FOR SALE--BABY CARRIAGE IN good condition, $14. Address 792 Fox- dale Ave. Tel. Win. 1196. T11-1te FOR SALE--OFFICE CHAIR AND 2 rockers. Reasonable. 572 Center St. Phone Win. 549-R. T11-1tp FOR SALE--FEMALE PUPPIES, 6 MO. Prices reason- TG11-1te old; good watch dog. able. Tel. Wil. 1370. FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE--A BARGAIN, WOODS Electric, last model, batteries and tires good condition; slip covers included. Price $650. Address Lake Shore News B-26. LTG-29-1tc FOR SALE--AM OFFERING MY LIGHT Milburn Electric, like. new, with E E rectifier for charging, costing about $8 per mo. Both in perfect condition for $1,100. Cash or terms. Present new value $2,750. Tel. Lakeview 6818. LT29-1tc USED CARS Let us fix you up with just the kind of good used cars you are planning on buying. Our present stock includes: Cadillac Suburban Sedan Dodge Sedan Hudson Enclosed Touring Winton 7-Pass. Touring Ford 5-Pass. Touring Overland 5-Pass. Touring Mitchell Speedster Buick Panel-Body Truck The prices of these cars are based on the latest used car market report. You may have a certain car in mind which is not on our list. If so tell us and we will try to get it for you. Winnetka Motor Co. Tel. Winn. 165. 562 Lincoln Ave. PHONE WINNETKA 110 Cm HARRY PORTER Furniture Moving Expressing i Shipping and Packing SPECIAL TRIPS to CITY MOTOR SERVICE A 845 SPRUCE ST., WINNETKA -- LOST--AIREDALE PUP, LICENSE TAG No. 47. Black and tan. C. A. Weeks. 535 Fir St. Win. Tel. 1620. T11-1tc LOST--SMALL BLACK AND WHITE cameo ring. Tel. Winn. 757; valuable formal opening on Decoration Day, with a dinner dance for members and their guests in the evening. In the morning, the Class A. B. C. D. Medal Play will take place, and in the after- keepsake. Please return to 434 Provi- % dent Ave Reward T11-1tc | noon, there will be a Mixed Four Ball ] LOST--BRINDLE BOSTON TERRIER. Fone ev Dot ears, screw tail Answers to Spooch; suitable reward for return to V.- French, 860 Vernon Ave. Glen. TG11-1te Eating Out? Anchor Inn Ridge Ave. at Sheridan Rd. Evanston, Ill. Bibliophiles James L. Ford's 'Forty Odd Years in the Literary Shop," which the Dut- tons published a few months ago, has brought to its author a most interest- ing mass of letters of appreciation. In- numerable actors, actresses and man- agers have written to him to say what pleasant reminders of their early years they have found in his pages; one of the most distinguished of American historians has sent a letter to say that he has found these chronicles of the lighter phases of metropolitan life well worth reading; a bishop and a half a dozen clergymen have assured him of the interest with which they have read the book; editors and dra- matic critics have borne testimony to the truth of his pictures of Park Row; women of social distinction have expressed their interest in his ac- counts of life on Coney Island, the on Side, and in the haunts of crim- inals. A NOW SERVING Luncheon: Table d' hote, 50¢ and A la Carte Afternoon Tea: 2:00 to 5:00 Plate Dinner, 75c Anchor Inn Special, $1.00 Sunday Dinner: $1.00 and $1.50 DANCING Saturday Nights Beginning June3rd. n a ------ atid Dinner: Some One Has To Pay for inefficiency in any wrganiza- tion. Inefficiency is charged up to overhead or operating costs or something else, but it has to be included in the cost of the article or the service--and the con- sumer pays! One reason our charges are lower is that our business is con- ducted with unusual efficiency -- with a degree of efficiency that 2 makes not only indirectly for lower rates, but directly for bet- ter service! LS | a aan at Phone Winnetka 232 SEU TN EXPRESSING &'MOVING 6 PROUTY ANNEX WINNETKA , ILL. Runabout Coupe 4 Sedan (4 M. P. LOUEN, Sales Mgr. Phone Evanston 4884 THINK OF IT! A 25'/Down Payment on FORD Cars Effective Now! Can you afford to be without one? Touring --Starter--Dem. Including fire, theft insurance and ten-dollar lock R. D. CUNNIGHAM Reliable $ 1 43.57 Down $36.55 monthly $¢ 13591 " 34.40 « be 221.05 % 43.20 " 244.15 " 47.75 -: Dependable Cars 810 CHURCH STREET, EVANSTON Next to Post:Office

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