WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1922 FULLER UAE SOLE OT BY TO ADU Last Lot Placed on South- east Subdivision Time and place: December 13, 1922 --Loop office of Gilbert D. Johnson & Brother. The phone rings-- "This is Tom Brown at the Win- netka office. I just called to let you know that I have placed the last lot in Fuller Lane under contract." "That's fine; then Fuller Lane is sold out. Congratulations." The following is a brief history ob- tained from Gilbert Johnson of the development and sale of Fuller Lane: "In the fall of 1921, the Hoffman Real Estate Improvement company purchased approximately six acres of property lying just west of Sheridan road and the lake and east of the New Trier High school, from Dr. Wil- liam S. Orth and others. Their idea was to build attractive homes on all of the thirty-three lots in the sub- division and, with this in mind, they put in all the improvements and paid for them, at the same time completing two brick homes at the Winnetka ave- nue entrance. This work took them well into the winter and it was too late to start their building program. With their out-of-town business in- creasing they decided to sell out, and we consummated a deal with them in the latter part of February, 1922, Mr. Charles T. Rothermel representing the purchaser, while we represented the sellers." "On March 11 of this year we gave out all information and prices on the subdivision, placing it on the market at a retail price of $75 per foot, with all improvements in and paid for, subject to certain restrictions. Dur- ing the summer, Mr. Woolhiser, the Village Manager of Winnetka, per- sonally supervised the new street lighting system installed on Fuller Lane and also arranged for the Pub- lic Utilities to place their service wires at the rear of the lots, making the street as attractive as any in Win- netka." "Mr. Tom Brown, our Winnetka manager, has had supervision of Ful- ler Lane sales. He states that at the present time there are six houses |! completed or under construction, for private owners. "The total retail sales of the indi- vidual lots amounted to $160,000. "It is believed that this transac- tion establishes a record in the sale of North Suburban subdivisions of this character." START XMAS VACATION Winnetka public schools closed their doors Thursday in order that the children might enjoy the holi- day season. Schools will reopen on Wednesday morning, January 3. THE ORIGINAL ' ALLEGRETTI CHOCOLATE CREAMS 1-2-3 and 5-POUND PACKAGES FOR THE HOLIDAYS : Sold Exclusively at FUE SWEET SHOP Cor. Elm and Lincoln PHONE WINNETKA 1094 SESE RR = Glengables Tea Room 376 Park Avenue GLENCOE QUIET COZY, FAMOUS FOR ITS COOKING New Prices SUNDAY DINNER Ty mks $ 1 00 -~ $1.25 ~ $1.50 Telephone Glencoe 474 Merry Christmas Happy New Year To all our friends and customers ' North Shore Electric Shop JOHN C. WELTER, Proprietor 554 Center St. Phone 44 Winnetka "If Electrical and Good, We Sell It' ["At ECKART'S"] You can get those last minute Gifts. Come in and see our complete line of Cutlery, Electrical Goods, Sleds, Skates, Tree Lights and Toys. Your patronage in the past prompts an expression of thanks, as well as a sincere desire to serve you better in the new days to come. Best wishes for a Bright, Cheery Christmas. J. F. ECKART CO. HARDWARE AND PAINTS 736 Elm St., Winnetka THE STORE THAT SELLS THE BEST FOR LESS MONEY. Tel. WE extend heartiest greetings to all our friends and trust our dealings with them have been such as to deserve a continuance throughout the New Year! So | LEWIS VOLLMANN 796 ELM STREET WINNETKA a