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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 13 Jan 1923, p. 15

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1923 15 Talk or Glencoe News. Rates-- - 1921 or WINNETKA 388. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS H Classified advertisements will be charged only to persons living in the district General Notices from Evanston to Glencoe, inclusive, whose names appear in the telephone directory, or to persons who are regular subscribers to either The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly 10 cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all three papers. (Average of five words to the line). Deadline for Insertions Classified advertisements will be accepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for The Lake Shore News ,or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock for the Glencoe News. -. Telephones WILMETTE 1920- REAL ESTATE FOR RENT--HOUSE WE OFFER ONE OF EVANSTON'S EXCLUSIVE HOMES AT 714 SHERIDAN ROAD This beautiful 12 room stucco residence must be sold, as the owner is moving out of town. The house contains all large beautiful rooms, a massive dining room, three baths, three extra lavatories, billiard room, all plate glass leaded win- dows, an excellent hot water heating plant, automatic water heater and every- thing perfectly modern. It is set on a 200 foot wooded lot with a two car gar- age to match. Shown by appointment only and exclusively by JOHN F. HAHN 1619 Sherman Ave. Evanston 2382 LTG-11-1te FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE FURNACE HEAT from May ISt....c.covoacoivans $125.00 4-ROOM HOUSE, STOVE HEAT NOW to JUNG ASL. ccr. verona ina $100.00 8-ROOM HOUSE, H. WATER HT. furnished, now to June 1st....$175.00 8-ROOM HOUSE H. WATER HT. furnished, Feb. and March ...... $125.00 7-ROOM F. HT. FROM MAY 1ST.$150.00 7-ROOM F. HT. FROM MAY LED 4-ROOM FURNISHED .......... 3 8-ROOM FURNISHED, $175.00; UNFUR- NISHED. ....s0teecaaassdanens $150.00 WILMETTE REALTY CO. A. J. WOODCOCK, PROPRIETOR 204 3 el. il. 513 4th. st. Lie GLENCOE BARGAIN SPANISH MISSION ARCHITECTURE-- 8 rooms and 2 dressing rooms. Sleep- ing porch, sun room, breakfast room, wonderful tiled bathroom and shower. 2 fireplaces. Lot 100x150. T.arge trees. Price for quick sale, $30,000.00, half cash. SEE OUR LOTS 3 BLOCKS TO LAKE; close to "IL choice section--Bargain, 50 per ft. LOT ON SHERIDAN ROAD 50x161. BAR- gain at $130 per ft. M. L. MOODY & CO. "L" 511 4th st. Tel. Wil. 2248 End of "L" 511 SER DO YOU REALIZE This is the time to buy a home for possession in the spring? Phone for our new list of: Exclusive listings Evanston to- Highland Park. HEINSEN AND CLARK forree Wilmette office -- 21 Fourth St., S. W. Linden. Tel. Wil 2760 Winnetka office : 556 Center (West R. R.) Tel. Winn. 254 LTG1l-1te VACANT INESS PROPERTY ON CENTRAL BUS Evanston, ripe for development, stores and apartments. JOHN F. HAHN tos Tel. Evans. 1619 Sherman Ave RLS ane WILL BUILD YOUR HOME FOR CASH or monthly payments. CHARLES BRETHOLD Loans, Fire, Liability, Theft and Auto ae First and Second Mortgages. 545 W. Railroad Ave, Tel. Wil. 65. LTG11-tfc NTED--ABOUT 6 RM. HOUSE FOR wine delivery, east side preferred, must be modern, good condition, Smith 1434 Lunt Ave. Chicago, give full par- ticulars in letter. LT10-2tc FARMS FOR SALE--HAVE GOOD BAR- gains in California, Michigan and North Dakota farms. State your wants. Pet- erson Farm Agency, 3396 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, IIL LTG11-1tp WINNETKA, NEW 6-ROOM COLONIAL on nicely wooded lot, six large rooms, hot water heat, 2 porches, large garage. For quick cash sale §13,000. Inquire at 877 Elm St., Winn. Phone. Winn. 1689. LTG11-1te YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE WISHES to rent small house or light housekeep- ing rooms about March 1st, or would share home. No shidren, Responsible . Address Weekly Talk, A-38. Peone TG44-3te 50 FT. VACANT, NICELY WOODED, brick paved sts. Assess, fully pd. Price $50.00. No dealers. Address Lake Shore News A-51. LT11-1tp HOUSES FOR SALE WINNETKA Attractive English Cottage under con- struction; possession during April;' 6 rooms, hot water heat. Price ....$13,500 New Colonial southeast; 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, ready this spring ......... $24,000 New English type stucco, complete in every detail; 4 B. R. 2 baths, attached Borage, Price ...viiesseedsesavane $30,000 New Dutch Col. Shingle, heated garage, easy terms, 0 cesses sess esennen fi 524 Linden Street, West of Depot. Tel Win. 1544 H. D. HILL WILMETTE 404 Linden Avenue, opp. N. W. Terminal, Tel. Win. 1644 E. R. STONE rEAL HILL. & STONE esTATE NORTH SHORE PROPERTIES T44-1tc op FOR RENT--6-ROOM FURNISHED HSE. one room reserved, furnace heat, until May 1st or longer. Tel. Wil. 688. Sun- days or Mondays. LTG11-1tp FOR RENT--3-ROOM HOUSE WITH bath and porches. Apply at 718 Cen- ter St. : LTGI11-1te FOR RENT---8-ROOM HOUSE AT 432 Prairie ave., Wilmette, Furnace heat. Tel. Wil. 897-Y3. LTG11-1tp FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--FURNISHED OR UNFUR- nished room. Catholic. H. Roberts, Glencoe Post Office, Glencoe, Ill T44-1tc EXCELLENT BOARD, SUNNY ROOM in a private family for a teacher only. Near Horace Mann and Skokie schools. Address, Weekly Talk A-55. T44-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL -- NICE CLEAN outs. rms., steam heat, hot and cold rung. water. Tel. Wil. 1080 629 Main St. Wil. LT5-tfe FOR RENT--WARM BRIGHT COMFOR- table rooms, south windows, east side, near trans, and cafeteria. Tel. Wil 1940. AR TRA SD Th LTG11-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED RMS. ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M. Nr. all trans. LT1-tfc ~ WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED TO RENT--ONE OR TWO furnished rooms by two young gentle- men, bedroom and dining room pre- ferred. Can furn. references. Tel. 'Win. 165. T44-1tc WANTED--TWO FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping. Tel. Win. 455. T44-1tc Fs HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--COMPETENT WHITE GIRL, general housework, family of 4. No washing, must be fond of children. 6- room house. $15 per week. Mathison, 84 Abbottsford Rd. Tel. Kenil. 2190. LTG11-1te WANTED--YOUNG GIRL. OR WOMAN to help with upstairs work, 2 or 3 hours every morning. Southwest part of Winnetka. Address, Weekly Talk A-53. T44-1tc MAID FOR WANTED -- CAPABLE general housework. Family of adults. Swedish or Norwegian preferred, no laundry. Tel. Win. 1819. TG43-1te WANTED--A GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF boy every Sunday afternoon and eve- ning. Tel. Win. 1296. T44-1te WANTED--EXPERIENCED MAID, REF. no laundry, downstairs work only. Tel. Kenil. 1483. LTG11-1te FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS USED SEWING MACHINES TAKEN IN trade on Singer electrics: Davis $12.00; Wheeler & Wilson $15.00; White $16.00; Singer $18.00; Florence electric portable $30.00; Wilson portable $33.00. We also have some Singer electric portables shop worn and used, from $40.00 to $50.00, Easy payments. Patterson Bros., 828 Davis St., Evans- ton, Ill, LTG9Y-2te FOR SALE--BRASS BED, S. T. FULL size; Field's best cotton mattress, new, no-sag springs, mission oak dresser, colonial mahogany library table, a chair, table lamp with shade, $95.00 complete. Tel. Win. 1731. 739 Foxdale Ave. Win- netka, Ill. LTG11-1tc FOR SALE--EDEN WASHING MACH. Swinging wringer, good condition. Tel. Winn. 44. ; LTG11-1te FOR SALE--STEINWAY SQUARE piano. Apply 639 Spruce st. Tel. Win. 1747 or Win. 536-M. TG44-ite FOR SALE--SOLID MAHOGANY SERV- ing table, almost new, $20.00, cash. Tel. Win. 1296. T44-1tc FOR SALE--KIMBALL MAHOG. PLAY- er piano, 88-note, 2 benches, 100 rolls, oak refrigerator, 60 lbs. Bargain. Tel. _Wil. 1234. pe eo TherGadeTte FOR SALE--DINING ROOM TABLE and 6 chairs. Tel. Win. 678-R. 647 Lincoln Ave. LTG11-1te FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--COASTER SLED, WORTH $6.50, will sell for $4.00, also broadcloth colored, tailored suit, size 36, worth $50.00, for $20.00. 556 Cherry St., Win- netka, TIL T44-1tc FOR SALE--LADY'S DARK BROWN suit, fur collar, size 38, Bargain, almost _new. Tel. Winn. 712. T44-1te OR SALE--WHITE SHOMONT COLLIE, 4 years old. Tel. Winn. 822, _T44-1te WANTED TO RENT--MISC. OPRIGHT "PIANO, FOR 6. MONTHS. lel Winn, 300. T44-1tc FOR SALE--CHEAP, 16 BROWN LEG- horns. Call Sunday, 860 Vernon Ave. Glencoe. TG44-1te STORAGE SERVICE STORAGE MOVING--PACKING--SHIPPING HOUSEHOLD GOODS CHAIRS AND TABLES FOR RENT Iredale Fireproof Warehouse Phone Evanston 955 Wilmette 1332 Winnetka 1332 LTG10-tfc COMPETENT WHITE WOMAN FOR laundry and cleaning. Telephone Wil. 1174. LT11-1tc WANTED--GIRL FOR WINNETKA OF- fice, one who can use typewriter. Call Evans. 2334 or Wil. 727. LTG11-ite WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-06 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill, Phone 189. LTG17-tic WANTED--YOUNG WHITE GIRL TO assist geneyal housework, family 3 adults, no laundry. Tel. Glen. 851. LTG11-1tc WANTED--EXP. NURSE FOR CHILD 21% years, and assist with 5 weeks old baby, ref. Tel. Wil. 1314. LTG11-1te WANTED--WOMAN TO ASSIST WITH housework Mondays and Thursdays. Tel: Win. 638-7. T44-1tc WANTED--YOUNG GIRL FOR NURSE, afternoons. 351 Linden st., Winnetka. T44-1tp SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE LAUNDRY WORK BY THE DAY, AND cleaning. Tel. Evens. 3479-W before 7 a. m. or after 5:30 p. m. and all day _ Sunday. y TT rLran-tte EXPERIENCED WHITE WOMAN wishes ironing and cleaning by the day or half-day Phone Wil. 1080. 4 _T44-1tp WANTED--A POSITION BY EXPERI- enced child's nurse with hospital train- ing. Can give ref. Tel. Glenview 37-R2. a Pasha Lu Leonie WANTED--MAID, GENERAL HSWK. small house, 3 adults, good wages, 57 Warwick Ave., Winnetka, Tel. Kenil. 2147. : i Eh LTG11-1te SIT. WANTED--BY FIRST CLASS COL- 'ored laundress, by the day or work to take in home. Tel. Glen. 987. an LTGI11-1te EXPERT PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING. L. W. Foster, piano maker. Call your __home tuner. Tel. Win. 509-7. LTG49-tfe GENERAL HOUSE WORK, WILLING worker, with child 1 year old. Smali salary. Telephone Winnetka 1765. i LTG11-1te COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS SHORT hour work, days or evenings. Tel. Reni]. ML + = el TI LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and alterations. Tel. Win. 911 before 8 a. m. T44-tfc HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--BRICKLAYER TO BUILD chimney, 292 Roger William ave. Ravinia, Ill. Will pay extra wages. Tel. Wil. 2517. TG44-1te SITUATION WTD--MALE & FEMALE SIT. WANTED--BY YOUNG SCANDI- navian couple, doing general housework. Tel. Glen, 60. : LTGI11-1tc LOST AND FOUND 5 LOST--A POLICE DOG, PUPPY, ON IN- dian Hill golf grounds. Return to R. H. Whitney, 99 Indian Hill Rd. T44-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--HOUSE WANTED TO BUY--SMALL HOUSE OR bungalow; will not pay more than $10,- 000.00. Call Winn. 523-R. TG44-1tc WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE DESIRE TO RENT--FURNISHED, FOR sixty or ninety days, for family of four small house or suite of housekeeping rooms. Glencoe preferably. Address, Weekly Talk A-54. TG44-1te WANTED--6 OR 7 ROOMS WITH TWO baths, lease to begin May lst, for one year. Thoroughly responsible tenant. J. de La Chapelle, 130 S. Wabash ave., Chicago, 11 T44-1tc USED PIANOS TAKEN IN TRADE ON our new Gulbransen player pianos, see this new player before you buy. Pianos overhauled and guaranteed. Julius Bauer & Co., $100.00; J. & C. Fisher, $75.00; Reighard, $65.00. Lyon & Healy, $70.00; Conover, $100.00; Kranich & Bach, $95.00; Smith & Barnes, $110.00; Kimball, $125.00. Other bargains, easy payments, Patterson Bros., 828 Davis St., Evanston, IIL LTG11-1te FOR SALE--FURNITURE, RUGS, CART, anything bought, sold and exchanged, piano, fixtures, plbg., lumber, stoves. 808 Oak St.. Win. Tel. 1212. LTG3-tfc NURSERY AM MAKING SHIPMENT, FRUIT trees, shrubs and perrenials. Spring delivery guaranteed stock only; from Brown's Nursery, Rochester, New York. Tedrahn Agt. 2903 Central St., Evans- ton Tel. Evans, 7543. LTGI11-1tp FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES $175 CASH WILL BUY HAYNES 1918 touring car, model 36. Best Haynes motor ever built. Just bought $95.00 worth of new cord tires and tubes, must seel quick, hence the price. Tel. Wil. 1475 or Central 6830. LTG11-1te ~ DODGE ROADSTER 1921 OVERLAND TOURING 1921 DODGE CHASSIS 1921 WERSTED MOTOR CO. Tel. Winn, 165. 562 Lincoln Ave. LTGl11-1te FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS 1 HAVE A LITTER OF VERY FINELY bred Airedale pups for sale. Descended from several champions: Soudan Swiv- eler, Abdey King Nobbler, Briar's Mas- terpiece and others. Prices, Male $50; Female $40. Richard K. Williams. Tel. Glencoe 147 LTG11-2tc FOR SALE--BLACK REED, TWIN stroller, $15.00, in good condition; one high chair, $1.00. Tel. Win. 259 LTG11-1te 'OR SALE--AIREDALE PUPPIES, healthy, registered stock, price reas. Call. Wil. 997-M. LTGI11-1te ROCK AFFORDS STUDY OF PRE-GLAGIAL NAN Unearth Interesting Stone in the Rocky Mountains Make way for pre-glacial man, or memories of him! That's what scientists are doing in temporarily discarding the chro- nologies of Indians, Mound Builders and even the Aztecs of old Mexico in their efforts to establish, if possible, pre-glacial usage of a rock image un- earthed by W. L. Chalmers near Grand Lake, high in the Colorado Rockies. He found the 66-pound stone six feet below the surface while en- larging an irrigation reservoir on his homestead. Mammoth animals outlined in the stone of blue granite are contempor- aneovs with the Cro-Magnon period. The flat nose is generally asso- ciated with a race preceding the Az- tecs, according to J. Allard Jeancon, 'curator of the Colorado Hisforical and Natural History society and at one time special archaeologist for the Bureau of American Ethnology at Washington. "If this stone can be proven gen- uine it is the biggest find in all an- thropological research and antedates anythinz on the American Contin- ent going to establish the remote an- tiquity of man," continued Mr. Jean: con. "I have never seen such remark- able outlines of dinosaurs and mas- todons." The rock image represents early man sitting and holding a tablet with hands that have but three fingers. On the tablet are hieroglyphics which, in a measure, resemble signs of the Aztecs, Utes and Mormons. If the rock image is genuine, then all the others are copied from the symbols made by pre-glacial man; if not, then the imitation is unusually compelling. Who knows? Scientist in New York, Washington and Santa Fe are trying to decipher these characters, accord- ing to Mr. Chalmers. The image through changes in the consistency of the rock has become harder than steel. Geologists who have seen the stone say it would be impossible to make these impressions today by rubbing with flint imple: ments. It is fourteen inches high, nine inches across the tablet and about twelve inches through to the back. Glaciers were still active in cutting down the Rockies as recently as a few thousands years ago, according to T. M. Van Tuyl, professor of ge- ology at the Colorado School of Mines. He has not seen the image, but has found alternate dark and light color- ed banded rocks in the Denver Moun- tain Parks near to where the stone was found which he believes date back to the Archean period, close to the creation of the world. This in- dicates the numerous uplifts in the Rockies, several times nearly worn away, and the contention of certain geologists that the stone may date back thousands, if not millions of years. In the meantime Mr. Chalmers is receiving requests from museums and research societies for the privilege of taking plaster cast impressions to study the rock image under a strong glass, or to borrow the freak stone. GENERAL TIRE G0. REPORTS BIG YEAR Brightest Star in Rubber Firmament--Claim The General Tire and Rubber com- pany which was the brightest star in the rubber firmament at annual meet- ing time a year ago, has repeated in 1922, At the annual meting just held at Akron, Ohio, the balance sheet and report cf General Manager O'Neil showed a condition rather unusual among rubber companies at this time, because of the "hard sledding" they have had since the collapse of the post-war boom. For 1922, General shows earnings of $1,021, 739 on a sales volume of $7, 600,000. Sales were about $6,000,000 for 1921, so that increase in dollars means a very substantial increase in unit sales, the difference to be ac- counted for by the reductions in prices that have been announced from time to time through the year. In 1922 the Company's surplus was built up from $200,000 to $1.21.739. "Two years ago" said General Man- ager O'Neil in his report, "we had to write off what were really losses due to the purchase of high priced ma- terial, on which prices declined after we had made our contracts. All such materials have been used up, long ago. Despite the fact that crude rubber and cotton have recently more than doubled, we are well coverel for the advances, though we cannot 'write on' profits we will make because of our buying, to compensate for our 'writing off' losses due to buying in the flurry. Remarkable Expansion Our business has expanded remark- ably in the past year, and our faith in what is before us is shown by the fact that we are now building three fac- tory additions that will enable us to practically double our output in a month or two." The General Tire and Rubber Com- pany is known as the one company which did not fail to pay a single div- idend on both common and preferred stock, since the formation of the com- pany in 1916. The balance sheet shows that quick assets are sixteen times as large as fixed investment-- a new application of the "sixteen to one" phrase. MILITARY BURIAL FOR SGT. ARTHUR W. AUSTIN Military burial was given Sergt. Arthur William Austin, of the United States Marine Corps, at his home in Pleasanton, Kansas, Thursday of this week. Sergt. Austin died Sunday, Jan- uary 7, a victim of lobar pneumonia. Mrs. Austin, who is remembered in this vicinity as Miss Vida Ambrose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Am- brose, accompanied the remains to Fleasanton. Sergeant Austin was taken ill last October with a stomach affection and was removed to the Great Lakes hospi- tal from his post at Tulsa, Okla. He regained his health rapidly and was able to spend the holidays with his family at Evanston. Early last week he contracted a severe cold, which al- most immediately developed into the fatal pneumonia. Sergeant Austin served three en- listments in the Marines, and was in foreign waters almost continuously during the World war. He is sur- vived by his widow and a small daughter. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the condition of WINNETKA STATE BANK located at Winnetka, State of Illinois, day of December, 1922, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. RESOURCES Loans on Real Estate....$ 77,100.00 [Loans on Collateral Secur- HY onic. or saiiinnaftits hd 35,897.72 Other *Loang:. rh... 108,355.69 Overdrafts :' 0. zo nil 275.80 U. S. Government Invest- ments' =o 3 Sh nea 2,896.31 Other Bonds and Stocks.. 425,360.50 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures... .. cus 47,239.14 Due from Banks, Cash and 2 Other Cash resources.... 162,099.47 Total Resources...$ 860,224.63 LIABILITIES Capital "Stock. .arelerveey $ 50,000.00 Surplus... . le eke. x. 20,000.06 Undivided Profits (Net).. 14,903.17 Time Deposits............ 298 616.57 Demand Deposits......... 469,220.92 Reserve Accounts........ 7,483.97 24.63 I, Sanborn Hale, Cashier of the. Winnetka State Bank, do solo 3 swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the re- port made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. SANBORN HALE, Cashier. STATE OF ILLINOIS | COUNTY OF COOK. [So Subscribed and sworn to before me - this 9th day of January, 1923. JONAS A. MADSEN, (Seal) Notary Public. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the condition of WINNETKA TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK located at Winnetka, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 29th day of December, 1222, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. RESOURCES Loans on Real Estate ..$ 152,350.0C Loans on Collateral Se- CUTILY ©... vives 57,305.00 Other Loans... 2. ..e.., 108,529.70 Overdrafis rom. ths 1,286.12 U. 8S. Government Invest- ents. bona ae 33,836.00 Other Bonds and Stocks.. 417,484.67 Banking House, Furniture and Pixtures ...... 0. 5,649.65 Due from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Re- Sources: Litslison vs 137,056.88 Total Resources ..$ 913,498.02 LIABILITIES Capital: Stock, 2... nnn 35,000.00 SUrDIUS. iL. ce 5,000.00 Undivided Profits ....... 21,746.75 Time Deposits ....d. 0. 446,562.48 Demand Deposits ...... 397,888.79 Dividends Unpaid ...... 700.00 Reserve Accounts ...... 6,600.00 Total Liabilities ..5 913,498.02 I, M. K. Meyer, President of the Winnetka Trust and Savings Bank, do solemnly swear that the above state- ment is true to the best of my knowl- edge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. 'M. K. MEYER, President. STATE OF ILLINOIS] COUNTY OF COOn (55 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of January, 1923. E. DUDLEY BRADSTREET, Notary Public. (Seal) oa

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