ds de SRI... ra MR ll en BB hE aa Phi TA RE leat 1 ni oli oe ian PR ---- Tr WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1923 NORTH SHORE SHELL CNOERGRTEN FU Leaders Endorse National Kindergarten College Fund Drive in This Vicinity WILL RAISE $575,000 School to Be Located on the North Shore With the coming of the New Year the north shore alumnae and friends of the National Kindergarten and Elementary College announce the opening of a campaign for the raising of a fund required to move the College from its present location on South Michigan Boulevard, Chicago, to the new site on Sheridan Road and Ridge avenue, at the boundary between Wil- mette and Evanston. This change of location has been made necessary by the encroachment of the automobile business, and the site in Evanston- Wilmette was selected as the most desirable in the vicinity of Chicago. The trustees plan to erect a large college and administration building including a demonstration school, and a dormitory which will accommodate 350 students, which will necessitate the raising of $575,000, in addition to the assets on hand valued at $189,000. Mrs. MaclLeish, Fund Chairman Mrs. Andrew MacULeish is chairman of the group of north shore residents who are enthusiastically entering into the work of raising their share of this fund. As active partners in the "Business of Childhood," they are en- deavoring to enlist the interest of silent partners who, through the in- vestment of funds may enlarge and make permanent the work of training teachers and mothers of little children, which the National Kindergarten and Hlementary College has been quietly carrying on for thirty-six years. ~The campaign is backed by the high- 8t educational approval and is en- orsed by business men, philanthropic rganizations and individuals, social service workers and people of wealth. The trustees of the college are: Mrs. Philip D. Armour III, Edna Dean Baker, President of the College, Fred A. Cuscaden, vice president of the | Northern Trust Company, Alexander Friend, William W. Gurley, Dr. Elmer E. Jones, Director of the School of Ed- ucation of Northwestern university, Mrs. Henry Phipps of New York, and Rev. William O. Waters, Rector of Grace Episcopal Church, Chicago. North shore sponsors of the remov- al plans of the college include: Mrs. M. E. Corley, Mrs. B. F. Langworthy, Mrs. Andrew MacLeish, Mrs. A. Starr Best, Mrs. E. J. Buffington, Mrs. Dan- iel H. Burnham, Brig. Gen. Charles G. Dawes, Mrs. W. D. Allen, Mrs. Rob- ert B. Ennis, George H. Tomlinson, Ernest A. Smith, Mrs. R. W. Weeks, Mrs. James A. Patten, Walter Dill Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Starr, Rev. George Craig Stewart, Rev. Er- nest Fremont Tittle, Mrs. James G. Houghteling, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby Walling. Evanston-New Trier Tank Stars to Clash Wednesday Evanston and New Trier High schools, ancient rivals in the field of athletics, will clash in their first swimming meet of the season Wednes- day afternoon, January 10, in the New Trier tank. The meet is scheduled to begin at 4 o'clock. Suburban ieague swimming coaches foresee a renewal of last year's feud between the two north shore schools. Evanston holds the championship by virtue of a lone point win over the New Trier boys last season. New Trier recently took second place in the interscholastic swimming meet at the Illinois Athletic club, bow- ing to Hyde Park in that annual classic. IXIXIXIXIXIXIIIIIIIIIIIIIXZIAAL Poultry Broilers, Frying and Roasting Chickens--- Freshly Dressed Mrs. Smith 819 Oak Phone 112 Winnetka IXXXXXXXX XIX XII IXIA X ZEXIXXIXIXIXXIXIIIXXIXIIXIZAAA PO CCG 0000000000000 004 Jurist to Tell K. of C. Men About Ku Klux Klan One of the judges of the Chicago Circuit courts will deliver an address before the Ouilmette council, Knights of Columbus, at a meeting to be held in Jones Lodge hall Tuesday evening, January 9. While the name of the speaker was not known by the council at this writing, the members have the assurance that he would be a prominent Circuit court jurist. The Ku Klux Klan is to be the subject of discussion, it was announced. Arrangements are being made by council officers for a Card and Bunco party to be held shortly before the Lenten season. SELL VIA CLASSIFIED ADS DON'T MISS JACKIE COOGAN IN "OLIVER TWIST" | Community House NEXT FRIDAY \ MLANELE CARACLE &- Lvele © W.T. WILSON Winter Storage For Your Car The Triangle Garage has always been known not only for its storage facilities, but for the care and attention given cars en- trusted to their care. You can store your car at this garage with the absolute assurance that it will come to you in the Spring in as good condition as when it was turned over to us! 555-57 CHESTNUT ST. PROPRIETOR 2 NS YM HHH = Tad Our Aim---Quality and Service 890 LINDEN AVE. Hubbard Woods Grocery & Market HUBBARD WOODS PHONES WINNETKA 1700--1701--1702 Four Deliveries Daily 50c per can, this week per jar, this week, 2 jars SPECIALS FOR NEXT WEEK 5 lbs. new pure strawberry or raspberry jam in stone crock--reg. price $2.00, this sale Plymouth Rock pure strawberry or raspberry preserves, regular price per 1-lb. jar, 50c; this week, 35¢c, 8 jars Libby's Chili Sauce--large size--reg. price 35c, this Columbia River medium Red Steak Salmon, reg. price Plymouth Rock Sweet Pickles, 6-oz. jar, reg. price 25c SPECIALS Gold Ribbon Wednesday Pillsbury, Gold Medal or Ceresota . flour--241; lbs.--1 bag limit to a customer Campbell's Tomato Soup, 3 for.25¢c Assorted Jello, 3 for Kellogg's Corn Flakes Post Toasties 7c Shelled Almonds--reg. price $1.00 --for Gold Ribbon Wednesday sale, Ib. Shelled Walnuts, reg. price $1.00, for Gold Ribbon Wed. sale 1b. Sugar--10 lbs. limit to a cus- tomer--10 lbs. for Lux--10 pkgs. limit to a customer --10 pkgs. for Fancy Baldwin Apples, cooking and eating--12 lbs. limit to cus- tomer--10 lbs. for Extra fancy Florida grapefruit, 46 size--regular price 18c each --for Gold Ribbon Wednesday, 2 for 25¢cs doz... ........ $1.40 Four Deliveries Daily SPECIALS FOR NEXT WEEK Libby's Mammoth Green Asparagus, reg. price 60c per can; this week--1 doz. limit to a customer .. Special Brand Seeded Raisins, regular price 25¢, this weeks, per pkg. «i nn. NTR I AERE Hd 17c Matches--large boxes--86 boxes for Cream of Wheat Richelieu Oats--Ilarge pkg.--reg. price 35c, this week. .25¢c Grapefruit--Florida--small 1 doz. limit to a customer, doz. ............. 75¢ SATURDAY SPECIALS Extra fancy green beans, quart Brussels sprouts, fancy, quart Fancy Illinois Spinach, per peck but a ball of juice. SATURDAY SPECIALS Carrots, 3 bunches for Beets, 3 bunches for Oranges, extra fancy California Valencia, 3 doz. for .. Mushrooms, 1b. ........ . SATURDAY SPECIALS MEATS Prime Rib Beef Roast, 1b. i. coil. in vanes 36¢c th Rib.Beef Roast, Ib. ho. 0x Lainod shlong 30c Leg Of Lamb, 1b, 0.00" 00 ihe i 36¢ Hamburg, fresh ground Three chances to save money. We run three sales a week, almost every week. These mean a big chance to save money. Watch for our Saturday Specials, All Week Specials and our Gold Ribbon Wednesday Sales. 4 Sam: 'n nT el md ah if aa eh a 5