a ------ WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL, 28, 1923 F INTEREST only to our ADVERTISERS We appreciate a man who shows good judgment. That's what a mer- chant shows when he gets a lease on the corner of two busy streets, or when he uses full-page space for his advertisements - Since January 1, 1923, the Hubbard Woods Lumber and Coal company has used six pages. FULL-PAGE ROLL OF HONOR Hubbard Woods Lumber & Coal Co. 6 Hubbard Woods Grocery & Market 5 Winnetka Coal-Lumber Co. Wilmette Building Material Co. .. 2 Ei C. Weissenberg' .......-.... 0... 2 North Shore Bootery ............ 1 Blomdahl & Sundmark ........... 1 R; H. Schell &.Co./......%...700... 1 Wm. Alken... 1 Anthony & Lareau ................ 1 Edinger & Sons .)...0.... 2... 1 Skokie Motor €0. aes ion. os 1 The Winnetka Shoe Store has a sale this week that will interest many of the women of the village. They are advertising Red Cross oxfords at reduced prices. We are going to have a new tea room in town. The Lilac Tea Room and Bake Shop is advertising Open- ing Day this week. The new proprie- tor, Mrs Erickson, has a reputation for making good home made pies, we are told. Miss Herbst's Gift Shop is moving to new quarters in the New McGuire & Orr building on Lincoln avenue. Her many friends and customers will be glad to see her in her new and larger quarters and the strangers in town will all stop and look at her window display, according to Miss Herbst. The Hubbard Woods garage is run- ning an honest-to-goodness sale on high class tires this week. The prices are very attractive too, we are told. Brandl Brothers have some coal news that is real news this week. In fact it is so important that they are taking a full-page ad to tell the pub- lic about it. Taylor's hardware store is adver- tising all the necessary articles for Clean-up week and for the new lawn this spring, also for the home garden. Rasmesen's paint store is adver- tising paint brushes, and everything needed for the spring clean-up or for house cleaning. .~ -~ The Winnetka Exide Battery Serv- ice company is advertising 8-hour and 48-hour battery service. For those that prefer the quick service the 8- hour service was installed. For those who like the 48-hour service the Exide station is still maintaining the oid method of charging batteries. Who Started It Anyway? Sure Made a Nice Story That formal reception held at the A. N. Burnham home was reported with faithful adherence to fact in every respect but one. It was a love- ly story, Mrs. Burnham's comments. but the funny part of the whole thing is, it had no basis in fact. The Burn- hams did not celebrate their wedding anniversary with a formal reception. There was no reception whatsoever. Matter of fact, Mrs. Burnham is the excellent authority for the infor- mation that she spent last Wednesday darning stockings with a friend. The Burnhams reside in that at- tractive "Log Cabin" home on North avenue. Garage Fire Threatens W. C. McNitt Residence What might have been a serious fire at the home of William C. Mc- Nitt, 957 Pine avenue, was avoided late last week when the Winnetka fire department put out the flames in a blazing garage which were scorching the sides of the house. The garage at the back of the McNitt home caught fire from an unknown source. When the department arrived the frame building was a furnace of flames and the heat from the burn- ing garage was endangering the house nearby. Damage to the build- ing amounted to $175. An overheated furnace pipe caused a small fire in the basement of tha G. E. Farwell home at 1088 Elm street. Before the flames were well started an alarm was turned in. The fire was checked without difficulty. There was no damage. Announce Special Music Program at Local Church The music at the Winnetka Con- gregational church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock will include a contralto and tenor duet, "Calm as the Night," by Goetze, mhich will be sung by Mrs. Slade and Mr. Lawlef: a con- tralto solo "Eye Hath Not Seen," sung by Mrs. Slade, and a soprano solo, "Hear Ye Israel" from Mendels- sohn's Elijah, to be sung by Miss Lacey. Mr. Richards will preach, his subject being "In A Mirror." Music Pupils Entertain Parents With Recital The pupils of the Winnetka branch of the Columbia School of Music, with Miss Kathleen Air, Miss Kath- erine Hedglin and Mrs. Florence Breyfogle, entertained their parents with an informal musical last Friday evening. The Olmsted Trio, consisting of clarinet, 'cello and piano, played sev- eral numbers. Janet, Prescolt and John Olmsted were the student artists. Skokie Motor Display Car Purchased by W. L. Benson W. I. Benson. member of the firm of Benson and Rixon, Chicago cloth- iers, purchased a four passenger Lin- coln sedan ofthe latest model from the Skokie Motor company last week. The car, which has all the acouter- ments of the last thing in motor cars, is a gift to Mrs. Benson. The car was the one being dis- nlayed in the Skokie show windows last week. Baptists Conduct Annual Budget Rally This Sunday Stewardship Sunday, the day when the annual budget of the Wilmette Baptist is subscribed, will be observed at the local church on April 29. Every department of the church will be asked to contribute its definite quota toward the general budget and every home in the parish will help in the annual fund rally. Dr. Thorvald Lyngholm OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 946 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods Hours by Appointment Winnetka 301 Dr. Melvin B. Hasbrouck OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN | has assumed the office and | practice of the late Dr. | John I. Ralston at | 353 Park Avenue, Glencoe | Phones--Office and Residence | Glencoe 43 PAINT Rasmesen's SANT PAINT OF ALL KINDS. TUBES AND SPECIAL COLORS A HELPFUL MONEY SAVING SERVICE FREELY GIVEN ON ALL YOUR PAINT PROBLEMS Painting and Decorating 550 Center St. Kenilworth Happenings Mr. James Prentiss, 201 Cumberland road, left Saturday for Asheville, N. C., where he will remain a week and return home Sunday with Mrs. Pren- tiss and Mr. James Prentiss, who have been there for ten days. The Misses Florence and Beatrice Pease, 320 Leicester road, who have been travelling through the south and e2st on a Lyceum tour, returned home Monday. Miss Elizabeth Shipman, 432 War- wick road, who has been the guest of Miss Marie Simonds of Boston, Mass., for ten days, arrived home on Mon- day. Dr. Henry van Dyke, the eminent author and lecturer, addressed the Kenilworth club on Tuesday evening, his subject being. "The Poetry of Na- ture." Miss Mary Elizabeth Gaskell, 224 Sheridan road, who attends Ferry Hall, in Lake Forest, was home for the week-end of April 14. Mrs. Merrit H. Dement, 337 Ab- bottsford road, was hostess at lunch- eon for the members of her bridge club on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leon T. Ellis and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Clark of Ev- anston, are occupying the Grant Ridgway home this week. Mr. Samuel Loomis Hypes, 104 Crescent drive, Glencoe, will arrive home Sunday from a ten week's busi- ness trip in Europe. Mrs. William H. Freudenreich, 314 Abbottsford road, was hostess to her Bridge club at iuncheon on Thurs- day of this week. Mrs. W. J. Taylor, 310 Cumor road, entertained the Afternoon Bridge club at her home on Tuesday after- noon. -- An Experienced Viewpoint MUCH printing would be more attractive if the printer were given greater respon- sibility. For, while you think in terms of oral or written expression, we as printers concen- trate on the question of how to interpret expression in type. And so many factors are involved--what face and size of type, what colors to create the strongest eye- appeal, what paper as the most appropri- ate to the purpose of the printing. In this organization we can relieve you of production of an order and it is our con- stant encouragement that customers more many details and worries incident to the | frequently say, "Print this as you think best." Call us into consultation before you are all ready to have it printed. LLOYD HOLLISTER, Inc. . Printers and Publishers Landscaping Lawn and Garden Work E. F. MEYER Phone Winnetka 533-R Phone Winnetka 388 ----m il 3