WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1923 t 1 i 1 { [Fee k=: Ret] Jo: ses LE Fe pe Loe Et geod fet [ie [20 8d Ee 344 l 441 | A Monolith of Beauty FTER critical study of the most attractive hotels in A America and Europe, the designers of The Orrington selected the Georgian order of Architecture. For richness combined with stately dignity, there is no order of architecture that could have been more appropriate or employed more effectively for Fvanston's most beautiful hotel. The mellow white of Indiana limestone and soft coloring of rough red brick blend the elegant lines of The Orrington into a monolith of beauty--a home in which anyone might well be proud to live. As the hotel progresses, those who view it cannot help but agree that the two years spent in the study and preparation of plans before a single sod was turned, have indeed been time well spent. Renting Office Open Daily Nine A. M. until Eight P. M. EVANSTON ILLINOIS Ready September First LL, rrr rare dll iriiizisiiiud ii eiiiiairziiiiriiiiiiiiiiziziiiaiiiiz [A/S 22727277 2777777 777 72777 777 Zs 72d Zid Ll IIT 7 27 2 27 2 2 lll. Nursery Guide : by Louis W. Sauer, M.D. Written for mothers and nurses. Gives in clear, concise form all essential details in the care and feeding of infants. It does not give hazardous feeding formulas and prescriptions. It tells how to care for the infant in health and disease. The subject matter is systematically arranged with pictures. Price $1.75 at ADAMS TIT LLL LLL dd LIL ddd. 7 LL Led Fd ddd lddldddddid bd LAS IL LISI LIS SILLS SLI SSS L IIIS S SSIS SSIS ISSA SSSA SISAL SD PHARMACY Elm & Linden WINNETKA 2 Maytime Brings Forth Many Very Interesting Betrothals, WeddIngs ISS Elizabeth Webster Duffy, M ister of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- mour G. Park, 379 Jackson ave- nue, Glencoe, has chosen the evening of Saturday, June second, as the date of her marriage to Elisha Gray Stubbs, son of Mrs. William C. Stubbs of Highland Park. The ser- vice will be read in the Glencoe Un- ion church, the Rev. D. H. Cornell, pastor, officiating. There will be a small reception at the family residence following the ceremony. ---- The program given last Thursday eve- ning, at the Wilmette Woman's club, by Helen Ley and George Swigart, pu- pils of Marguerite Fitzgerald and Wini- fred Townsend was, as one music lover among the many in the large and en- thusiastic audience, said, "a truly artis- tic affair," commencing with the D Minor Veracini Sonata for violin and piano and played with astonishing fine interpretation for such youthful artists, down to the Mendelssohn G minor con- certo, which little Helen Ley played with a well developed technique, elasticity of wrist, smooth runs and fine shading al- most. incredible in one so young. Her | two groups of shorter numbers, among them the difficult Liszt Gnomereigen and the Leschetizky: arrangement for the left '| hand only of the Lucia Sextette, were given equally well. George Swigart showed a poise and fine position many older musicians might copy. He exhibited a lovely singing tone in the De Beriot concerto N. 7, 1st movement, and in the Hauser Hun- garian rhapsody gave an astonishing staccato run in the cadenza. In these as well as all his short numbers he dis- played good bowing, adequate technique, and fleet fingers. Estelle Swigart played most of the accompaniments for her brother, with accuracy, and a fine sense of rhythm. A program given by the entire class is announced for Friday evening, May 111, at the Wilmette Woman's club. EO The annual luncheon of the North Shore Catholic Woman's League will be held at the North Shore hotel, Evanston, Tuesday, May 8, at one o'clock. At this luncheon, Mrs. A. E. Tilroe, who has been the president for the past two years will retire, and present and install, the new president, Mrs. W. A. Kittermaster of Glencoe. The principal speaker will be Rev. Wil- liam J. Cartwright, C. S. P. Superior of the Paulist Fathers in Chicago, and pastor of old St. Mary's. Also there will he greetings from the old and new presidents of the Tenth District, Mrs. James A. Campbell and Mrs. Fred W. | Blocki. "Reservations must be made by Satur- |.day evening, May 5, to Mrs. J. C. Wil- liams, 850 Cherry street, Winnetka, or to Mrs. John S. Cook, 1017 Greenleaf avénue, Wilmette. ips "On Fairies' Wings," a group of plays given so successfully by the stu- dents of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college at the Stude- baker theater, a fortnight ago, is to be repeated at the Skokie school in Winnetka, on Saturday afternoon, May 19, at three o'clock. These fascinating plays appeal to children of all ages, including very much grown-up children. The pro- ceeds of the entertainment will be added to the college building fund. Those in charge of the sale of tickets are Mrs. Walter Wallace, Winnetka, general chairman, assisted by Miss Anna Murray, Evanston, Mrs. C. P. Dubbs, Wilmette, Miss Lois Holt, Kenilworth, Mrs. Maurice Miller, Glencoe, Mrs. Allan I. Wolff, Ravinia, and Miss Frances Cutler, Highland Park. --_---- Miss Lillian Norton, 370 Walnut street, and her house guest, Miss Mil- licent Gilder, are leaving May 17th, to spend a week at the home of Miss. Norton's brother, Clif- ford Norton in South Orange, N. J., before sailing on the U. S. S. Man- churia., on the 24th, for a three month's visit in Dorset, just south of England. Miss Norton has spent eleven years as a missionary in Cal- cutta, India, as head of the high school. Miss Gilder was one of the teachers in the school. --(Q-- The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will hold a union meeting wi'h the Woman's Missionary Society of the Glencoe Methodist church in the home of Mrs. William S. Hamm, 270 Scott avenue, Hubbard Woods, on Monday, May 7, at 2:30 o'clock. The meeting will be addresed by Mrs. Robert Nightingale of Chicago, who is chairman of the Missions and Temper- ance Committee of the Methodist church. Mrs. W. V. Merriman will sing. A cor- dial invitation is extended to the women of the north shore. an Mr. Charles Weeks, 610 Ash street, I TE 2 LL XZ | has returned from a business trip to Cleveland, O. Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Lilienfield of 816 Michigan road, Wilmette, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Virginia, to Henry S. Fore- man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Foreman of the Moraine hotel, High- land Park. Mrs. Lilienfield and her daughter were hostesses at a lunch- eon on Saturday of last week in their home, at which time the anouncement was made. --_---- Mrs. James White, 931 Chestnut ave- nue, Wilmette, announces the en- gagement of her daughter, Alice Mary, to Mr. Hugh Paterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morton L. Paterson of Wil- mette. Mr. Paterson graduated from Northwestern university in 1918. The announcement was made at a luncheon given by Mrs. White on Saturday, April 28. --_---- Mr. and Mrs. Merrit Lum and two children, Dorothy and Gardner, who have been residing at the Evanston hotel, are leaving today for the east. Mrs. Lum and the children will visit in New York and Boston, until the latter part of July, when it is hoped they can again occupy their remodeled home. --Q-- Mrs. Hoyt McClain 258 Ridge ave- nue, is planning to give up her home here about the middle of June, and with her children will spend a month or so at their summer home on Trout Lake, in Wisconsin. Early in August they will move to Pasadena, Cal. to be near Mrs. McClain's parents. ---- The Ash Street Circle will hold its annual dinner at Community house on Wednesday evening, May 23. All reservations must be made to Mrs. Carl J. Easterburg, 1086 Cherry street, before the next Circle meeting on May 15. ---- After spending the past seven months in their winter home, St. John's Terrace, Green Cove Springs, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hoyt and Miss Landon of 550 Sheridan road, returned to Winnetka on Sun- day. --_0-- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hendry Galla- gher of Wilmette, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Sarah Dean, to Arthur F. Marqueete of Madison, Wis., son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Marquette of Indianapolis, Ind. --0-- Mrs. James IL. Houghteling with her daughters, Miss Harriot and Miss Leila Houghteling plan to sail for Eu- rope the latter part of this month. Miss Harriot Houghteling is stopping in New York at present. --_-- Mr. Frank D. Fulton, 864 Hill road, and Mr. Thomas Roberts of Evanston, are leaving next week for French Lick Springs, Ind. Following a week's sojourn at the Springs, they will go south to attend the Kentucky Derby. i a5) Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus A. Barr, 530 Sunset road, moved into the von Hof- sten home at 773 Prospect avenue. The van Hofsten's are leaving shortly to spend a year or two aboard. --_---- Mrs. Frank D. Fulton, 864 Hill road, spoke before the Parent Teacher As- sociation of the Norwood Park Pub- lic schools at its meeting on Tuesday afternoon. Her subject was "Thrift." ---- The Foxdale Circle will hold its last meeting on Tuesday afternoon of next week at 2:30 o'clock in the home of Mrs. Edwin A. Meyers, 812 Foxdale avenue. It will be a social afternoon. ---- The Scott Avenue Circle will meet with Mrs. H. C. Ballenger, 1340 As- bury avenue, at 2 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon. A special program is being arranged by Mrs. Ben Phillips. Eo Mr. and Mrs. N. Landon Hoyt, 435 Elm street, and Mr. and Mrs. Percy W. Bradstreet are motoring to French Lick Springs, to spend a short time there. --O-- Mrs. Spencer S. Beman and chil- dren have returned to their home at 147 Birch street, after spending sever- al months in Florida. ---- Mr. and Mrs: Charles Schwartz, 187 Ridge avenue, have purchased re- cently a two-acre tract of land on Hill road, near Locust road. --_--O-- The Woman's Guild of Christ church will hold its final luncheon of the season on Monday next in the parish house. --_---- M. and Mrs. J. Endicott Bradstreet and Miss Ann Dudley Bradstreet have returned to Winnetka. They are oc- cupying their home at 962 Pine street. SiC Miss Josephine Hoyt, 435 Elm street is visiting at the home of her sister. Mrs. E. E. Stearnes in Cleve- land, O. PAS Mrs. A. C. Johnson is spending sometime visiting friends in Minnea- polis, and at the home of her daugh- ter in Watertown, South Dakota.