18 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1923 this. LLL ddd ddd ddl ddd lll ddd ld ll dd PT i dv razrirideziiadidddddddddddddddddd, LATS LI LISS LSS SILLS ISIS ISLS ISS SS ALLS SS SL SS SSL SSIS SLL LS SSS SSL SSS SS ASSIS STIS LASS S ISLS SSS SSSA SALAS SSSA SS LISS SL SAAS 4 pid lH AA HE EL LALLA LL ALLL LLL Lr] The Key to Success And a Master Key at That One of our Bank Books that shows regular deposits is just It is a key to success be- cause it prepares you to meet every opportunity more than half way. How often has opportunity knocked upon your door and gone away again because you were not ready? Do not let it happen again. This bank will help you prepare yourself and will pay you for the privilege of helping you. WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK TLLLLLLLLLL LLL LLL LLL bb bbb lb Llbld dd LLL LLL ELLE LLL Ll LL Ld LL Td ZT ddd ddd 7 2 77 2 2 2227777777777 7 LASS SASS SELL ILIS ISS SSIS IS SIS LLL SL LLL LSS LS SSL LL LISS SLL AS LSS SLL ALLS LS SSS LSS SSS SSIS SILI LS SSS SSS SSS SSS SSS ILS LASS SIAL SSS ASSIS SSS WILLS LSS SILLS SS SLSS ALIS SSIS SLL LS ISLS SSSI SS SSL LLL L SSSI LLL SL LSS SISAL SSIS LS SSS SSS LISS SS SSS SSS LASS SSSA SLL SSSI SILLS LISSA SALE face type charged Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock for the Glencoe News. double price. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ~ . Classified advertisements will be charged only to persons living in the district from General Notices Evanston to Glencoe inclusive, whose names appear in the telephone directory, or to persons who are regular subscribers to either The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe News. R 10 cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all three papers. Minimum charge 3 lines. Black ates-- Average of five words to the line. . Classified advertisements will be accepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for The Deadline for Insertions Lake Shore News or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka Telephones WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 388 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILE CHARLES H. BRETHOLD FIRE, LIABILITY, THEFT AND AUTO INSURANCE First and Sceond Mortgage Loans REAL ESTATE 545 Main Street Wilmette, Ill. Telephone 65 LTG 20-tfc $7,500.00 CASH FOR EQUITY WILL give you a home and income of about $1000.00 per year. Address Winn- netka Talk, A168. T8-1tp HOUSES FOR RENT FOR RENT--FURNISHED, FOR SUM- mer, 8-rm. Colonial, 2 baths 2nd floor; sun and sleeping porches; im- mense wooded lot; garage. For Rent--Unfurnished, year lease; 7-room semi-bungalow, 2 baths, beautifully wooded lot. HEINSEN & CLARK, Inc. 556 Center St. Winn. 254 LTG27-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED 5-ROOM bungalow, large fire place, 16x26 screened sun room, newly decorated; beautiful large grounds and garage, near Skokie Golf club. Six months or longer to responsible tenant. Phone Glencoe 1024 Monday. LTG27-1te TO RENT--ARTISTICALLY FURNISH- ed bungalow, at Skokie Golf Club; 3 bed-rooms, studio-living-room, din- ingroom, large screen porch, $150 a month for six months; $125 a month year lease. 466 Adams Ave. Glencoe 927. LTG 27-1tc FOR RENT---A FURNISHED 7-ROOM cool, brick house, large lawn, trees, 3 to 5- garage; east side. Reasonable from June 15 to Sept. 15. Phone Win- netka 722. LT27-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED 5-ROOM bungalow. Possession immediately; until June 15. Address Winnetka Talk, A160. LT27-1tc FOR RENT--7-ROOM HOUSE, MOD- ern. Hot water heat, double garage. 898 Cherry St. Telephone Winnetka 856. LT27-1te WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED 10 to 12 room house, June 1st to Sept. 1st. Address Lake Shore News, Al64. TGS8-1te WANTED TO RENT -- BEGINNING June 1, small furnished house or apartment by couple, careful tenant. Adress Winnetka Talk, A167. FOR RENT--FLATS AND APTS. FOR RENT--BEAUTIFULLY DECO- rated flat; 6 rooms, sleeping porch; near transportation 344 Park Ave. Glencoe, or phone Evanston 1251. LTG27-1te FOR RENT--4 ROOM FLAT AT 1115 Greenleaf Ave., Wilmette. Can be occupied any time. Arranged for young couple. Phone evenings, Winnetka 1742. T6-2tc FLAT FOR RENT--G. F. GONSALVES, 748 Elm St., Winn. 62. LTG27-1te FOR RENT--STORE FOR RENT--SMALL STORE IN WIN- netka; 2-year lease, east side, to responsible party. Address Lake Shore News, Al61. LTG27-1tc FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT--GARAGE, POPLAR ST. near Willow. Phone Winn. R16; iy C FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT .. 32 HOUSEKEEPING rooms with bath; also store. Phone Kenilworth 2306. 519 West Kenil- worth Ave. LT27-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL -- NICE CLEAN outs. rms. steam heat, hot and cold rung. water. Tel. Wil. 1080. 629 Main St.. Wilmette. LT25-tfc FOR RENT--3-ROOM. AFT. WITH private bath, 2 blocks from Win- netka depot, Address Lake Shore News, Al43. LTG27-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED RMS, ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M. Near all trans. LT5-tfe WANTED TO RENT--ROOM Glenview Northbrook Two Coming Towns with "Real Values Improved and Vacant Attractive Homes on Acre Lots. Modern in all Details. | Homes from $3,700 to $15,000. Lots from $9 to $30 per ft. In these two Villages with all Modern Improvements. ACRES--$300 TO $1000. -- Attractive Terms -- Only five Miles to the Lake, on CM. & St. P. R. R, Affording Good Transportation. WYATT and COONS DEWES ST. & WAUKEGAN RD. GLENVIEW, ILL. Phone 81 : '-- Open Sundays -- Service You Will Like FOR SALE SUBSTANTIAL SOLID brick home; 3 b. r. htd. sun and slpg. porches; all large rooms; tile bath with shower; 2 car heated gar. S. E. Winnetka, $31,500. : 7 rms. frame; fine large rms.; tile bath, large attic; lot 64x150; fine home for only $16,500. 6 rm. stucco; 2 porches, steam ht. large grounds, $18,000. ; Fine wooded lot in Kenilworth, 82x175. Bargain for someone at $11,000. FURNISHED HOMES We have a large number of fur- nished homes for summer, rental from $150 to $1,000 a month. Own- ers desiring to rent their homes for summer, phone us particulars. E. E. Stults Realty Co. LOTS ON SHERIDAN ROAD, CALL FOR list of good bargains. The last lot 'eft in Wilmette at the price of $25 per foot. Cash required $200, HOUSES New and modern 6 room stucco, h. w. heat, large wooded lot, $11,500; 9 room stucco, semi-bungalow, 3 rms. on second floor; large wooded lot, 2 car garage, $12,500. 6 room Colonial, water heat, new and modern, choice east location, $12,500. Choice 7 rm. new stucco Col. near "L"" and R. R., wooded lot, rare bargain, $12,500. We are specializing on some $6,000 to $10,000 homes. Let us drive vou to them. M. L. MOODY & CO. End of "L", 511-4th St. Tel. Wil. 2248 LTG27-1te All My Vacant IN WILMETTE GAGES ADDITION TO WILMETTE, located on Cluestnut, Ashland, Elm- wood, Sheridan Rd. Tenth St., and Seventh ave. comprising Lots 2-7-10 Bl 1-L2 Bl 2 vith Riparian rights L 4 &8Bl15L4BI6L 3-4 B19 L 9-10 & 12 Bl1 10 L5 Bl 13 LL 1 & 3 Bl 11 and L 16 Bl 18, Seven Wilmette Agents to them to you. JNO. P. GAGE, B>x 2639 St. Peters- burg, Fla. LTG20-tfc GLENCOE LAKE FRONT 200x600 FT. RIPARIAN RIGHTS. Fine Colonial house, owner F. J. Woolley, 69 Park ave. Glencoe. LTG23-4tp show REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE A few choice ravine lots left Forest Addition, two blocks from mcludes improvements. You don't improvements and sidewalks. in four years. without improvements. terest. See us at once. 522 Maple Ave., Wilmette \ BEST NORTH SHORE BUY TODAY from C. & N. W. station and North Shore Electric. Surrounding property is selling for 50% more Terms are one-fifth down and balance Buy a homesite and we will build your house as you want it without additional cash, payable 1% a month including in- SHELBY M. SINGLETON, Jr. (North Shore Representative) aN in our beautifully wooded Ravinia lake on Sheridan Rd., two blocks Our prices want vacant without underground Phone Wilmette 850R LTG27-1te WINNETKA OWNER HAS REQUESTED US TO sell his beautifully wooded lot 1 block from the Lake that cannot be duplicated at the price 75x170 for $135.00 per ft. 790 Elm St. Phone Winn. 1800 LTG27-1te W..G. STACEY. &.CO. 336 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 308 INCOME PROPERTY NETS 10% On south side of Chicago. 2 story brick building and 5 car garage, $16,500. Wallace B. Clore, Jr., & Co. 1177 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 1750 LTG 27-1tc WANTED TO RENT--2-3 UNFUR. rms., heated or not, for 2. Win- netka or Wilmette. Address Lake Shore News, A165. TS-1tp FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES CADILLAC'S - SPECIALS CADILLAC TYPE 61--SUBURBAN- Seven Passenger delivered new less than one year age. We have put it in Al mechanical condition and refinished it in our paint de- nartment a dark brewster green The interior does not show the slightest wear. The tires are practically new. Price $3650.00. STEARNS-KNIGHT 1921 -- SPORT Touring Car in exceptionally fine condition. The motor runs so sil- ently that it can scarcely be heard. It is equipped with four practic- ally new cord tires, bumper, mo- tometer, windshield visor and squeege. The dark maroon paint is good. Priced very low at $975.00. REO 1921--SEDAN IN VERY GOOD condition. This is a small and economical car to operate and is priced exceptionally low at our price of $800.00. FORD ROADSTER -- DELIVERED new in November 1922. This car has the slanting windshield and is equipped with demountable rim, cord tires, one extra, and steering wheel lock. We believe it is as good as new. Price $300.00. LTG 27-1te Cadillac Motor Car Co. Evanston Branch 1820 RIDGE AVENUE Ev. 1091 Rogers Park 9810 OPEN EVENINGS FOR SALE--DETROIT ELECTRIC, double drive, rebuilt, newly painted, good tires, car in Al cond., will sell car and rectifier at a bargain. Call Winn. 1027 Saturday or Sunday, or FOR SALE! Nash Coupe Late 1921, six cylinder in ex- cellent mechanical condition; Disc wheels, cord tires and good paint. This car has never been abused and may be purchased cheap. Skokie Motor Co. Elm Street, Winnetka For Sale--Used Cars-- Overland Sedan, 1923. Ford Roadster, 1922. Cleveland Roadster, 1921. Willys-Knight Roadster, 1921 Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave. Phone Winn. 165 LTG27-1te FOR SALE--2 1921 DODGE TOUR- nig, mechanically perfect, good paint, L. and R. auto service, rear of Wilmette State Bank. Open Sun- day mornings, Wil. 684. TGS8-1te DETROIT ELECTRIC CAR IN FIRST class condition, new batteries and upholstery. Leaving city and will sell cheap. Phone Wilmette 313. LTG26-2tc FOR SALE--CADILLAC 55 4-PASSEN- ger sport. In excellent condition. + Phone Winn. 545-W. LTG27-1te FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE -- LARGE MULBERRY wool velour overstuffed davenport, $85; Oriental rug 6x11 ft. 4 in. $135; both in perfect condition, Settee $10. Phone Glencoe 927. 466 Adams Ave, LTG 27-1tc FOR SALE--WONDERFUIL, OPPOR- tunity to furnish bedroom completely with fine mahogany 5-piece suite in Colonial design. Bargain. Call Sat- urday, 525 Sunset Rd. Winnetka, ' LTG27-1te FOR SALE--LEAVING TOWN, FUR niture: bed, chairs, work bench, sua parlor suite, library table, pictures cutt glass, lamps, etc. Phone Wil _2094 LTG 27-1tc FOR SALE--UNIVERSAL,' ELECTRIC Range used two months, $200 value for $150. Fumed oak dinin table and chairs. Phone Winn. BAOW i LTG27-1tc FOR SALE--BROWN MAHOGANY dining table; furnace and pipes; elec- tric light fixture. Phone Winnetka 551M. LTG27-1tp FOR SALE--DINING ROOM SET: 60-inch round table, china closet, buffet, and six chairs. Phone Wil. mette 1961. ] LTG27-1te FOR SALE--WHITE DRESSER AND washstands, 2 tables, upholstered chair, and other pieces. Phone Winn. 628-M. T8-1te FOR SALE--FURNITURE AT GREAT sacrifice. Leaving Winnetka. 545 Provident Ave. Phone Winn. 1475. T8-1tc FOR SALE--3 UNPAINTED KITCHEN chairs, suitable for breakfast porch. Phone Winn. 599-J. T8-1te WILL PARTY WHO BOUGHT RUG please communicate with us. Phone Winnitka 1466. T8-1te FOR SALE--AN OLD ENGLISH OAK dining room set with cane chairs. Phone Winnetka 1225. FOR SALE--ICEBOX, $6.00, 75 Ib CA- badly. Good strong box. 822 Hum- yolt. = Tel. Winn. 198. T8-1tdh FOR SALE--EDEN + WASHING MA- chine. Good condition. Phone Win- __netka 44. TGS-1te FOR SALE--PIANO. PHONE WIL- mette 848. LTG27-1te 'ED TO BUY--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTG27-1te WANTED -- MAHOGANY FLOOR lamp; also table lamp. Prefer trans- lucent shade. Phone Winn. 649-J WAN HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--LADY ENTRY OR BILL clerk. Must be plain penman and accurate, steady position. One-half day a week off. A. S. VanDeusen, 1154 Central Ave., Wilmette. LTG27-1te WANTED--A MIDDLE AGE WOMAN by the week, must stay nights, by a widow who has a nice small house, but who can not live alone. Refer- ences. Phone Wilmette 253. LTG 27-1tc GENERAL in small home, may go nights if pref. Call after Parker, 829 Ash St., Win- Phone Winn 1642, LTG27-1te FOR GEN- family, no 1173 Scott Phone Win- WANTED--MAID housework home Sunday, netka. FOR WANTED--WHITE GIRL eral housework, small washing, $16 a week. Ave., Hubard Woods. netka 1080. LT27-1te WANTED--AN EXPERIENCED MAID for general housework; no laundry. $18 a week. Own room and bath; 1 block from Sheridan Hill Station. Phone Winnetka 1619. TGR-1te WANTED--REFINED MAID FOR general housework, and to assist with four year old boy; no washing; good wages. Phone Glencoe 841. TGS8-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL OR WOMAN for general housework; 2 adults, 1 child, in family; no washing. Liberal wages. Phone Glencoe 949. TGS-tfe WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; good home; children are eleven years of age. Phone Winn. 1158. TG8-1te WHITE GIRL AS COOK IN HOUSE where second girl is kept; no laun- dry. 319 Elm St., Phone Winn. 319. TS8-1tp WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework. Refs. Phone Wil- evenings. TGS8-1te mette 16. LTG27-1te