WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1923 15,000 Bags of Cement Make the Orrington Safe IFTEEN THOUSAND bags of cement were used for the reinforced concrete superstructure of The Orrington. From the foundation footings clear up to the tower surmount- ing the solarium, no expense or effort has been spared to make The Orrington a structure that will endure until time makes it obsolete. Fire-proof, sound-proof, SAFE in the fullest sense of the word, one can dwell in The Orrington not only comfortably but securely. The Renting Office is open daily from 9 A. M. until 8 P. M. Sundays 9:30 A. M. until 7 P. M. Telephone Evanston 8701 EVANSTON ILLINOIS Ready September First Cy >< 74 ee Ae IG EO IEG IOI OS Resources Over $1,000,000.00 WINNETKA STATE BANK Elm Street, East of Lincoln Avenue FraYiivaxivaxil 0 OCIAL Mrs. Arthur Dean Heads Winnetka's Ravinia Committee ITH the Ravinia season at hand, it behooves the Ravinia club and its members to in- terest themselves once again in the support of this lovely out-of-door concert auditorium and park, a most natural setting for the operas in the summertime. Mrs. Williams Sutherland of Glencoe, president of the club for this yeat, presided at a tea given at the Drake on Wednesday afternoon for all members and friends of Ravinia. And on Friday afternoon, Mrs. Arthur R. Dean, new chairman of Winnetka's com- mittee, Mrs. Frank R. Greene, last year's chairman, and Mrs. William Sutherland, were hostesses to Winnet- ka's new and large committee, at the Dean residence, 441 Willow street, at which time plans for the drive for Ravinia funds which opens on Monday were completed. Mrs. Dean, as chairman, is being as- sisted by Miss Josephine Landon, Mrs. Archibald W. Shaw, as vice chairman, Mrs. Chester F. Sargent, as secretary, and the following local women, Mrs. Norman K. Anderson, Mrs, Harry H. Barnum, Mrs. Percy W. Bradstreet, Mrs. Thomas M. Brooks, Mrs. E. V. L. Brown, Mrs. Robert O. Butz, Mrs. John C. Cobb, Mrs. Harry C. Edmonds, Mrs. Frank F. Ferry, Mrs. Howard W. Fenton, Mrs. George E. Frazer, Mrs. Dudley K. French, Mrs. Frank R. Ful- ler, Mrs. I. K. Friedman, Mrs. Neil H. Gates, Mrs. John W. Hansel, Jr. Mrs. Everett I. Harris, Mrs. N. Landon Hoyt, Mrs. C. E. Karstrom, Mrs. Phile- mon, B. Kohlsaat, Mrs. Francis A. Tach- ner, Mrs. Isador Lang, Mrs. John C, Marshall, Mrs. William D. McAdams; Mrs. Samuel N. McCaulley, Mrs. George S. Parker, Mrs. Theodore G. Rockwell, Mrs. Louis G. Schneid, Mrs. Lloyd R. Steere, Mrs. Charles N. Strotz, Mrs. Ezra S. Taylor, Mrs. William A. Thrall, Mrs. William D. Truesdale, Mrs. Arth- ur F. Tuttle, Mrs. John Vennema, Mrs. Ernst C. von Ammon, and Mrs. Ira J. Wilson. The. roster of club officers for the Ravinia club includes « Mrs. William Sutherland, president, Mrs. Ralph Poole, Lake Forest, 1st vice president; Mrs. Annette R. Jones, Highland Park, 2nd vice president; Miss Juliette Brown, Evanston, treasurer; Mrs. Howard Fen- ton, Winnetka, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Arthur F. Byfield, Highland Park, recording secretary; Mrs. Maurice Man- deville, Lake Bluff, Mrs. George S. Parker, Winnetka, Children's Day com- mittee; Mrs. Willing D. Kirk, Glencoe, Rest Room committee. Last year's list of guarantors included Mr. Laird Bell, Mr. A. B. Friedman, Mr. IL. B. Kuppenheimer, Mrs. William R. Page, Mr. Benjamin Reach, Mrs. Franklin Rudolph, Mr. Lawrence Stein, Mr. Charles N. Strotz, Mr. Albert H. Veeder, Jr., and Mr. Harvey S. Austrian of Winnetka. New names added to this committee this year includes Mrs. J: L. Houghteling, Mrs. E. M. Kemp, Frances D. Kemp, Alice R. Butz, Her- bert R. Butz, Mrs. Hermon B. Butler, R. H. Ripley, W. M. Hoyt, N. Landon Hoyt, Henry A. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Elting, Rush C. Butler, Pauline H. Kellog, leroy D. Kellogg, Howard W. Fenton, Warren J. Lamson, Mrs. Frank R. Freene and Mrs. A. A. Shaw. Of special interest are the days set aside for the children, for a great amount of time and energy has been placed on the programes for the tiny tots. --Q-- The Ash Street Circle will be en- tertained by Mrs. J. J. Sauer, 1022 Ash street, Tuesday, May 15, at 2:30 o'clock. A program of interest has been arranged. Mr. William Hadley will give a talk on the progress of his Correspondence School for the Blind; Miss Jean Jack- son will appear in several dances and Mrs. Charles Karnopp will give a read- ing. Everyone is urged to be present as this is the last meeting before the annual dinner at Community House, on Wednesday, May 23, at 6:30 p. m. Mrs. William Fisher will assist Mrs. Sauer on this occasion. ; -- Mrs. Luther Barber is chairman of the Hubbard Woods committee for Ra- vinia this year. Serving on her com- mittee are Mesdames Louis M. Beale, N. Reynolds Brooks, William E. Davis, John M. Frank, Louis Kuppenheimer, Joseph C. Markley, Charles Moon, Ralph Snyder, William C. Van Horne and Lewis Williams. --(r Miss Lucretia Green, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William O. Green of Winnetka, and Miss Katherine Prest, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis: C. Prest of Glencoe, will be among the Junior League members who will go to Detroit next week for the Junior Leagues of America conference, to convene from May 15 to 18. : enti Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Biery, of Wheeling, West Virginia, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Lieber, 468 Ridge ave- nue, recently, on their return trip from Huntington Beach ,Cal, where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Biery (Ruth Lieber). CTIVITIES Arden Shore can use and will be grateful for any of the following articles which may be sent to Mrs. Marcus D. Richards, 806 Rosewood avenue: Furni- ture: dressers, washstands, tables, chairs, costumers, wardrobes, mirrors, folding chairs, kindergarten chairs, baby beds, baby buggies, commodes ; Furnishings : children's blankets, baby pillows, blankets, sheets, curtains of all kinds, bedspreads, sheets, pillow slips, bath towels, pillows, blankets, mattresses; miscellaneous : elec- tric irons, victrola and records, song hooks in quantity for comunity singing, dental forceps for children's teeth, sur- gical instruments (simple) ; hospital sup- plies, scissors, sewing machines, lawn swings, baby bathtub, wire mats for mud protector, dishes, yarns of all kinds, ma- terials for doll clothes; Winter Supplies : boys" clothing, boys' helmets and sweat- ers; Clothing: children's shoes, winter coats, clothing, baby clothes, girls' and women's clothing, sweaters of all kinds, underwear, bathing suits, and bungalow aprons" for little girls. --(Q-- An unusually interesting entertainment is to be given at the residence of Mrs. Landon Hoyt on Fast Elm street, Tues- day afternoon, May 22, at three o'clock. The entertainment is given under the auspices of the Elm Street Circle for the benefit of Dorcas Home. The services of several excellent Chi- cago artists have been secured. Miss Frances Helton Smith will read a group of poems and "The Minuet," a one act playlet. Miss Smith was at one time a member of the Little Theatre group and the Players Workshop. Mr. Ralph Leo, baritone soloist, has appeared in solo work with the Chicago Symphony orchestra and also the Symphony or- chestras of New York and Minneapolis. Miss Elizabeth Dallison, the pianist of the afternoon, is a concert player and a pupil of Madame de Hordrath. Refreshments are to be served at the conclusion of the program. Tickets are on sale at Adams Pharmacy, and the Community House. Posters are being made by the children of Mrs. Burnham's Saturday morning Art class. a The following pupils of the Winnetka branch, Columbia School of Music, ap- peared in recital last Friday evening at the Winnetka Woman's club: Mary Sand, Marjorie Truesdale, Mary Jane Stevenson, Helen Whitney, Virginia Ross, Marian Barber, Patsy Boylston, Jean O'Brien, Betty Maddox, Eleanor Cheney, Susan Miller, Mary Isom, Dick Nolan, Minna Philipshorn, Virginia Loco, Jane Portis, Antoinette Brown, Walter Graham, Mira Lee Benoist, Jean Miller, Diantha Schmid, Jane Younkers, Constance Connor, Jean Ward, Phyllis Ferry, Betty Barber, Elizabeth Dunlap, Jeanette Hill, Irene Coffin, Betty Ed- munds, Rosalie Roach, Barbara Jane Boyles, Virginia Miller, Jean Forrest, Bernice Carlstrand, Priscilla Guthrie, Ralph Burkhardt, Joe Elson, Jane Wil- son, Emma Rummler, Helen Bell, John Davis, Frank Blatchford, Evelyn Bous- caren, Margaret Stultz, Elizabeth San- ford, Ruth Hamburger, Betty Horsman, Hazel Cooley, Jean Markley, Susan Bur- lingham, Dorothy Dickinson, and Janet Olmsted. --_--O-- The Garden Club of Winnetka is pro- gressing rapidly with its plans for the May Market to be held on the Village Green, all day Saturday, May 26, and asks all the neighboring north shore towns to co-operate in making it a suc- cess. The proceeds are to be used for civic work. Plants and vegetables will be sold in exchange. Birdhouses, latices and gar- den seats will be on sale. Luncheon will be served at noon. Mrs. Percy Bradstreet and Mrs. Mon- tague Ferry will have a booth where charming sport * and garden hats and aprons will be sold. There will also be an animal booth for the children. Anyone having plants of any sort to donate, or kittens, puppies, gold fish or little pigs, please phone Phoebe Fuller; Winnetka 197 or Mrs, Ezra Taylor, general chairman, Winnetka 336. Every- thing will be called for and delivered. ~The drive for Arden Shore is on and it is hoped each resident of Winnetka will respond generously to this splendid work. The Winnetka committee is com- posed of Mrs. Marcus D. Richards, chairman, Mrs. Lowell Copeland, Press chairman, Mrs. Hubert Howard, Indust- rial chairman, Mrs. Horace Armstrong, Mrs. Griscom Bettle, Mrs. Ayres Boal, Mrs. Edmund Bartlett, Mrs. Thomas Coyne, Mrs. Kent Chandler, Mrs. J. M. Dickinson, Miss Augusta Fenger, Mrs. Henry Gardner, Mrs. Norman Harris, Miss Ruth Matz, Mrs. Fletcher Marsh, Mrs. August Magnus, Mrs. Arthur Tut- tle, Mrs. Gilbert Scribner, Mrs. Morris Wilson, Mrs. William G. Hibbard, Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. John Montgomery, and Mrs. Buckingham Chandler. z --O-- The Hawthorne Lane Circle will meet Tuesday, May 15, at ten o'clock at the home of Mrs. Hart Edward Baker, 518 Sunset road. The assisting hostess will be Mrs. Willis Stutson. A large at- tendance is especially urged as this is the last regular meeting. The annual re- ports will be made and there will be an election of officers. Many items of in- terest and importance will be brought up for consideration. an, i iii Ww Ey Ti ar -- RS