10 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1923 --y HH. como ool Mee and Mrs. Harry P. Harrison of Kenilworth Happenings Abbottsford road, enterained informally at their home, in honor of Miss Myrna : . Sharlow and Mrs. Sharlow, following N open meeting of the Musicale | the recital given at the Kenilworth As- Guild 'was held at the home of | sembly on Sunday evening... © Dr. and Mrs. Amuel B. Spach, 228 = Leicester road, on Sunday afternoon| Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Berger, last. The Guild is an association of | 306 Kenilworth avenue, entertained music lovers and musicians whose aim | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bentley, form- is to protect and promote the inter-|erly of Winnetka, at dinner on Wed- est of young American artists. nesday evening. | Mrs. Schaussler, one of the found- ; ---0-- d ers of the Guild, gave a short talk on| Mr. and Mrs. John Hicks, 241 Mel- the aims and ideals of the organiza- | rose avenue, returned home Monday eve- tion. Mr. Boza Oumiroff of the Bush | ning from French Lick Springs, where Conservatory of Music gave a most | they have been vacationing the past fort- delightful program of Czecho-Slova- | night. kian Folk Songs, accompanied by Mrs. --0-- Oumiroff. About seventy-five guests Miss Mary Joyce, 703 Greenwood ave- were present. nue, Wilmette, celebrated her ninth birth-| | It is hoped that a chapter of the day by entertaining twelve of her small Guild may be formed on the North friends informally on Saturday of last Shore, the object of which will be to | Week: organize a Chamber Music organiza- Mrs. Robert B rd 336 'E 4 d tion. Already there are plans for oe he pr 0 d brid oat, three Chamber Music programs to be will entertain at dinner an ridge to- given next winter. Any residents of plore evening. There will be covers the north shore who are interested Or" Sixteen guests in this series of programs for next ; ed ¢ . ith Mrs. F. L. Streed and two children, winter are asked to communicate with |; e visiting at the home of Mrs. Streed's Mrs. Spach. parents in Greensburg, Indiana, for . ys several weeks. Mrs. Mark D. Cresap, 239 Essex road, --0-- was hostess to forty alumnae members | The Home and Garden club will of the Northwestern chapter, of Kappa have its next meeting at the home of Alpha Theta sorority, on Wednesday of | Mrs. W. B. Kunkel, 414 Abbottsford this week. road, Monday afternoon, May 21. ---- O Mr. and Mrs. David DeCamp, 615 Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Cherry, 422 Abbottsford road, left Tuesday to at-| Abbottsford road, will leave today on tend the Derby at Louisville, Ken-|a motor trip to Columbus, Ohio, where tucky, this week-end. Later they will | they will make an extended visit. go to French Lick Springs for a few , Se days. Mr. Burt A. Crowe, 234 Raleigh road, --O-- returned to his home on Tuesday morn- Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Joslin, 240|ing from a week's fishing trip at Snow Essex road, and Mr. and Mrs. Merritt| Bank Lake in northern Minnesota. H. Dement, 337 Abbottsford road, will +0 arrive home on Saturday from Virginia] Mrs. E. D. Parmelee, 512 Roslyn road, Hot Springs, where they have been so-|entertained the Winnetka Duplicate journing this past month. Bridge club at her home, at lunch- --_0-- eon, on Tuesday last. On Saturday, May 19, the Village of --C-- Kenilworth will vote on a Bond Issue] Mrs. W. B. Kunkel, 414 Abbottsford for money to be used for an addition of | road, entertained her Bridge club at four rooms for the Joseph Sears school.' luncheon today. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Glencoe, Illinois Announces a Lecture on Christian Science BY FRANK BELL, C.S.B. of Philadelphia, Pa. Member of Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. At Masonic Hall "Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Littell, 322 Wood- stock avenue, were host and hostess to twenty-five guests at a dinner party given at the Pink Poodle on Tuesday evening. ---- Miss Phoebe Hedrick, 304 Melrose avenue, spent the week-end in Genoa, 111, as the guest of Miss Florence Leich. . . » Since the Examination determines whether or not glasses are needed, and also the . kind of lens suited for each eye, this is the MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR when considering the need of glasses. Without a THOROUGH EX- AMINATION a slight strain is easily overlooked, and IT IS THESE LITTLE STRAINS WHICH THE EYE CAN OVERCOME that usually cause the most discomfort and oft- times real suffering. Our examinations are thor- ough. 13 years of success- ful practice. Dr.O.H.BERSCH Optometrist Formerly Mgr. Opt. Dept. C. D. Peacock, Ine. 1177 Wilmette Ave. For Appointment Phone Wil. 2766 or Residence Wilmette 1707 > ® IX ¥ Library Plaza EVANSTON, ILLINONS AMOUS FOR ITS FINE FOOD AND GENIAL LIVING QUARTERS JF OLKS who know this residential hotel praise its attractive accomodations, attentive service and excellent cuisine. There is no other place quite so enjoy- able for a long or a short stay or the occasional dinner out. For Reserva- tions Telephone Evanston 8000 xX > © IX today? Where Are Your Savings? Do You Invest Conservatively'? Do you know that public utility securities are rated among the best investments on the market Friday Evening, Corner of Hazel and Vernon Avenues, Glencoe, Illinois THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED May 25, at 8 o'clock A BETTER Luncheon, 12 to 2:00 Dinner, 6:00 to 7:30 Lilac Tea Room and Bake Shop 576 Lincoln Avenue with the real home made taste 1 SERVING HOURS BAKE SHOP OPEN FROM .10 TO 7:30 PLACE TO EAT Tea, 3 to 5:30 Sunday Dinner 12:45 to 2:45 7/4 rr TI di EZ rrzzzzzzzzzzzizzzzzzziied Window Boxes Garden Plants Get your window boxes filled before Decoration Day. Geraniums, Petunias, Salvia, Argatium and all kinds of spring flowers. F. MUELLER Linden and Scott Aves. Phone Winn. 437 Opposite Hubbard Woods Lumber Co. TRAIT LE a ELLE rrr rzzzzzzzzzizzzaiuppuaiaaiz Zzziiiizzrzizzrriiiiiiid 77 rrr O77 7777 rzrzrrrriirrzzziiz nna TET Five Reasons Why 1 Modern civilization is absolutely dependent upon public utilities. 2 Years of successful operation have demonstrated the stabilitiy of public utility companies. 3 They have become recognized by law and practice as publicly regulated servants. 4 Because they are based upon vital necessities and are so well regulated their securities rank next to National Banks in minimum risks. 5 The development of new uses for their services provide an ever increasing market and an oppor- tunity for added resources and earnings. The North Shore Gas Company 7% cumulative preferred shares offer an opportunity for local investors to make a home investment in a modern well organized public utility. The North Shore Gas Company 7% preferred shares offer special inducement to the residents of the North Shore district. Any of our employees will gladly tell you more about our investment offering. Give them the op- portunity. North Shore Gas Company Operated by William A. Baehr Organization [TTT ES