=A EY xy WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1923 nN Social Happenings ~ The Evanston Garden Market held under the auspices of the Garden Club of Evanston has become an annual affair. From its small be- ginnings some eight or ten .years ago it has grown to such proportions that it attracts and serves, not Evanston alone, but the whole North Shore; 'and no garden-lover considers her garden en- tirely launched each spring hereabouts until she has visited the Market and filled all the bare spots in her winter ravaged bed from its plenty. As usual the Garden Market will be held in Raymond Park in Evanston on Saturday, May 19th. The park paths will be lined with gay booths set forth with tempting wares; the accessories table will be replete with baskets of all sorts, trays and colored napery, every thing to make a luncheon or tea served al fresco a delight to the eye; garden furniture, both wooden and concrete will suggest that out-of-door living which is fast becoming an American habit; the donations table will contain bits from the best gardens in Evanston and all the florists will be there in full dis- play with their best potted plants ready to take home and sink in your garden looking for all the world as if they had always lived there. There will be bird- houses for every bird that likes a house, bird-baths and feeding tables. There will be an information booth where wisdom may be had in large or small doses and where one may rest for a moment and enjoy the scene. The posters which advertise the Mar- ket have been drawn and painted by the children of the Evanston Public Schools as part of their regular art work and do great credit to that course, and their plasticine model gardens will again com- pete for attention with the real flowers across the path. These model gardens of the children have shown such remark- able interest and ability in the past that the Garden Club, with the consent of the school authorities, are offering two sets of prizes in money for the best gardens entered in the Market display. There will be first and second prizes for both Fifth and Sixth, and for Seventh and Eighth grades. The judges will be Mr. Farl H. Reed, Jr., Mr. Meyer J. Sturm and Mrs. Harrison B. Riley. Last and perhaps most interesting will be the booth devoted to refreshments. Americans are beginning to learn the charm of eating al fresco and the tables spread under the trees of Raymond Park and shaded by gay umbrellas will tempt the smallest appetite. The "eats" served at the Garden Market have become cele- brawi on the North Shore; The Garden Club Salad and Spring Salad vie with the corn-beef hash; the coffee is delectable and the ice cream perfect. In short, no one was ever known who could resist the charm of a Garden Club luncheon under the trees served by the ladies of the Club aided by the Girl Scouts. The entire North Shore is invited to come Saturday the 19th and enjoy the Garden Market. The Vassar Alumnae Association of Chicago and the West will held its an- nual meeting and election of officers on May 26, at the home of Mrs. Andrew MacLeish in Glencoe. Luncheon will be served in the garden, weather permit- ting. 'The speaker of the day will be Mrs. Ira Couch Wood, formerly of Win- netka, who will address the meeting on the subject: "Instinct Versus Training in Child Welfare Work." i Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Bournique, of Highland Park, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Ruth Curtis, to Joseph Wilson Rice, son of Mrs. Wilson Samuel Rice of Chicago. Miss Bournique attended Miss Bennett's school at Milbrook, N. Y. and was also a student at Miss Williams' French school in New York. Rh, Se Mr. and Mrs. Ira A. Ketner, of Marion, Indiana, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Miss Elizabeth Stebbins Ketner, to Mr. Thomas S. McKeown, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford McKeown, of Private road, Hubbard Woods. The wedding will take place in the early fall. ? == Miss Alice deWindt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heyliger A. deWindt, of Sheridan road, has returned from a four month's visit in the east. Miss deWindt will accompany her parents abroad, the latter part of June. Speed is Luxury When You Telephone in Sweden Anyone wishing to make a long dis- tance telephone call in Sweden has the choice of three classes of service, his selection usually being determined by how much in a hurry he is to have his call put through by the operator. The first class comprises the usual long distance call which can be made at ordinary rates. Frequent- ly the traffic congestion over the tele- phone circuits is so great that a con- siderable delay is involved. In that case he can make the call at the so- called "urgent" or "express" rate, which is three times the ordinary rate, and which has priority over all ordi- nary rate calls. Tt sometimes hap- pens, however, that even this "ex- press" service is unsatisfactory, and as a last resort the telephone caller may receive a so-called "lightning" service which has absolute priority above all ordinary and express traf- fic. For each call of this class he must pay 100 kronen ($26.80 par value) in addition to the sum of three times the ordinary rate. ORDER NOW and avoid the spring rush Black Dirt Manure Grading and Seeding Lawns Phone Winnetka 1549 Phone Winn. 501-W 4 H. H MEIER CONSTRUCTION CO. | CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Estimates Furnished on New Houses | Jobbing Work A Specialty 134 Linden Ave., Glencoe \ \ N \ N N N N N \ N NE 7 PE, § Order a nice piece of meat--Lamb Chops, Porterhouse Steak, Roast Beef--and your dinner plans are well under way. Please notice that we have three phones. You can always get us. PETERS MARKET A. PETERS, Proprietor 734 Elm Street Phone Winnetka 920-921-922 IIIA IIIA AAAI ALLA ILIA LLL ELSIE LILA SISAL II SAI ULL 727 77 7 7777, LZ AUTOMOBILE WASHING and POLISHING Day and Night Service Have your car The Home of the Well-groomed Car RICHARDSON'S GARAGE 726 Elm Street, Winnetka Phone Winnetka 25 and 841 - High Quality The Little Things You Need For Your Kitchen, Laundry, Basement, Lawn, Low Price Garden-- Whether it's a rolling pin or a lawn mower-- Call up--have it charged--we'll send it right over. You won't have to wait long--our wagon passes your house four times every day. Make use of the telephone, your charge account, and our four daily deliveries. HARDWARE - - PAINTS a | E. B. TAYLOR & CO. WINNETKA Phones 998-999 546 Center St. fl n