WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUN E 23, 1923 NET STARS COME T0 SKOKIE MEET Many Great Players Entered in Illinois State Tennis Championship Tourney PLAY WEEK OF JULY 2-8 Skokie Country Club Offers State Silver Trophy The Western Lawn Tennis association announces all preparations have been completed for the Illinois State Tennis Championship tournament to be held on the clay courts of the Skokie Country club at Glencoe the week of July 2 to 8, inclusive, Leading tennis stars from every part of the country will compete in this great event, which promises to be of nation-wide interest among the followers of the net sport. Included in the events of the tourna- ment will be the men's singles and doubles, women's singles and doubles, junior boys' singles and doubles, junior girls' singles and doubles, and boys' singles and doubles. Tournament Regulations The tournament is open only to play- ers who are members of clubs affiliated with the United States Lawn Tennis association, the Western Lawn Tennis association or district associations, or other subsidiary associations of the na- tional association. Matches will be the best two out of three sets, excepting men's semi-finals and finals, which will be the best three out of five sets. Play will commence at 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. each day, unless other- wise arranged. First and runner-up prizes will be awarded in each event. The State trophy, a silver bowl, put up by the Skokie Country club, was won in 1921 by Walter T. Hayes, and last year by William T. Tilden II. The trophy becomes the property of the player winning it three times. Tournament Officials Officials of the Western Lawn Tennis association, which is sponsoring the tournament, are as follows: President, J. C. Stewart, Chicago; 1st Vice-President, H. C. Wick, Jr. Cleve- land; 2nd Vice-President, J. G. McKay, Indianapolis; Treasurer, W. T. Hayes, Chicago; Secretary, H. S. Walsh, Chi- cago. -e Members oi the Skokla Tennis com- mitte in charge of the tournament are: Col. Horatio B. Hackett, Sherman M. Booth, James S. Pole, Leland K. Neeves, Burt C. Hardenbrook, John M. Hancock, George H. Butler, Harry C. Halloway, Harry E. Kimbark, Burton. T. Duncan, Maurice S. Miller, Chair- man. Committee chairmen for the tourna- ment inclcde the following : Col. Horatio B. Hackett, Official Referee; Entries. Leland K. Neeves; Junior Department. John M. Hancock; Umpires, Charles IL. Frederick; Admis- sions, Burt C. Hardenbrook; Ushers-- Parking--Policing, Burton T. Duncan; Construction, James S. Pole; Grounds, William E. Hmcehliff, Entertainment, Mrs. John M. Compton; Publicity, Sher- man M. Booth; Prizes, Harry R. Kim- bark; Transportation, Harry C. Hallo- way; North Shore Lawn Tennis League --Teland K. Neeves; Maurice S. Miller, General Chairman. On Saturday night, June 7, the Skokie Country club will give a dinner-dance in honor of the visiting players. Many Stars Entered Among the tennis greats who have signified their intention of entering the tournament are William T. Tilden II, world's greatest lawn tennis player; Manuel Alonzo, Spanish star; R. Norris Williams, former National champion; John Hennessey, Walter Weztbrook, Miss Helen Wills, 16-year-old Pacific Coast woman champion and generally considered the greatest potential com- petitor for Susanne Lenghlen's crown; Lawrence B. Rice, a product of the modern school of sound, all-round tennis play who is knocking at the door of the championship, and Philip Bettens, of California, who played at Skokie last KINDERGARTEN SCHOOL BEGINS SUMMER STUDY The National Kindergarten and El- ementary College formally opened its Summer session on Tuesday afternoon. June 19, with a reception to incoming students and a lecture by the president of the college, Miss Edna Dean Baker. Representatives from twenty-six states responded to roll-call, including young women from Texas, Tennessee, Massa- chusetts, Virginia, California and New Mexico. President Baker spoke on "The Ob- jectives for Teacher Training" at the College. "The ability to place the edu- cation of children on a scientific basis is a first essential" said Miss Baker. Progress in school is measured each year by a more scientific yardstick as standardized tests become the tool of every teacher. Such measurement does not disturb the spontaneity and self-ex- pression of the child. If the time comes when we can compute the growth in purpose as accurately as we now weigh a pound of butter we shall not have less but more purposeful children. The ability to maintain health for themselves as teachers and for the chil- dren in their care is no less essential in Miss Baker's estimation. Another objective which challenges today, she said, is the ability to guide the moral and social development of children so that right habits and atti- tudes are formed in these early years. "In this age of the aeroplane, the radio and the automobile," said President Bak- er, "it is increasingly difficult to keep God 'and the great moral principles of our American fathers in the child's world. On every side are signs of moral decay and social mal-adjustment. Our schools need supremely teachers who are alert to the situation and who with un- erring skill meet the subtle inner foe that perils our civilization." Well Known Realtor Back From Auto Tour in East Walton S Bell, north shore man- ager for McGuire and Orr, realtors, has recently returned from a four weeks' tour in the East. Mr. and Mrs. Bell's trip embraced Boston, New York, Atlantic City and Wash- ington, the return journey being made over the famous Lincoln Highway. Except for a few detours, the roads over the trip were in excellent con- dition, Mr. Bell reports. MeTore READ THIS! Owners of Fords, Chevro= lets, Maxwells and Willys- Overlands---do you know Silvertowns are now made in sizes to fit your cars? Come and see them! *BEST IN THE LONGO RUN' Hubbard Woods Garage Phone Winnetka 617 1010 North Ave. Hubbard Woods, Ill. Goodrich Silvertown Coro Tire | NN I NY od ny "ma = TTT 1 { J-- ture on you. Eureka Cleaners. 554 CENTER ST. "If Electrical and The Welcome Breeze! Electric Fans Are you affected by the heat? mercury of the summer season make you pepless and listless? Old Sol's rays will have no effect with one of our Electric Fans blowing a frigid tempera- You will be more than pleased at our complete display, of Eden, Thor and Easy Washing Ma- chines; Simplex and Thor Ironers; Hoover and NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC SHOP JOHN C. WELTER, Proprietor WINNETKA Does the high PHONE 44 Good We Sell It" 554 Arbor Vitae Pod. HOZA Ladies' Tailor WINNETKA Road Telephone 1921 YOUR PATRONAGE WILL BE APPRECIATED Invites inspection of novel- ties in silk sport suits, out- ing suits and skirts. Remodeling Pressing Dry Cleaning "The place where eating is a pleasure" Cameo Restaurant you'll 551 Lincoln Ave. Under New Management enjoy your Come in and Look Over Our Bill of Fare It will give you an appetite, meal so much that you will come again. and Lunch Room we "JEWETT A STURDY SIX" Jewett Sedan delivered .............. $1620.00 Jewett Touring: £5.00. . Son AH, 1170.00 Paige Sedan RIL eh Ceres 3425.00 Paige Touring = evs idles 2595.00 SALES SERVICE TRACY HOLMES MOTOR CO. 1027 Davis St. Tel. Evanston 4903 Where There Is Smoke there must be fire, says the old Indian proverb, and where a man or an organization has the re- spect and good-will of an entire community, there must be some good reason therefor. Our standing here in Evans- ton is, we believe, the reflection of our earnest desire to render a superior service that at the same time would be within the reach of all. PHONE EVANSTON 600 906 PD un CHICAGO . CH = | AVE: RORY P ger um ? FUNERAL SLE SERVICE Whether your needs are one load or a hundred, we are now in a position to make prompt deliveries. 'EDINGER & SONS Dealers in All Kinds of Building Materials KENILWORTH WINNETKA EVANSTON WILMETTE BLACK DIRT and FILLING Lime for the lawn Established 1907 GLENCOE