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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 21 Jul 1923, p. 18

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18 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1923 phone directory, or to persons three papers. charged double price. » CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 3 : Classified advertisements will be charged General Notices-- only to persons living in the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive. whose names appear in the tele- Sither The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe | ws. Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. Minimum charge 3 lines. Average of five words to the line. Deadline for Insertions-- 12 o'clock for the Winnetka We for the Glencoe News. Telep WINNETKA 388. who are regular 'subscribers to 20 cents per line in all Black face type Classified advertisements will be REAL ESTATE WILMETTE CHARMING COLONIAL, 6 ROOMS and sun parlor, very attractive liv- ing and dining rooms, choice light kitchen with breakfast nook, water heat equipped with Klean Heat Oil Burner controlled by Thermostat, double garage with cement drive. $16,000. WINNETKA : 1 Prett 6 rm. stucco, sun plr. slp. pch., ristionlls landscaped, 3 blks. to lake, owner leaving N. Shore, ask to see this and make offer. Exclusive Agents, W. G. STACEY & CO. Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 308 id BUSINESS BUILT ON SERVICE! LTG38-1tc Service You Will Like SPECIAL OFFERING i 6-ROOM DUTCH COLONIAL, NEW, heated, sun and slp. pch. Water heat, tile bath, ex. lav. on 1st. fl, 13,500. $1350. 0 molia brick home, (BW. heat, lot 63x150. 2 car garage, east loc. $18,500. 9 rm. brick, close to lake, 5 bedr., 3 baths, vapor heat, oil burner, large lot, want offer. Price $35,000. Small home in finest loc. on Scott Ave.,, h. w. heat, 2 bedr. and slp. pch., large encl. liv pch., beautiful grounds. $16,000. E. E. Stults Realty Co. St, i tka, Phone Win. 1800 790 Elm St., Winne oo, aso All My Vacant IN WILMETTE .iGAGES ADDITION - TO WILMETTE located on Chestnut, Ashland, Elm- wood, Sheridan Rd. Tenth St, and Seventh ave. comprising Lots 2-7-10 Bl 1-L2 Bl 2 with Riparian rights L 4 L5L4B16L 3-4 Bl 9L 9-10 & 12 Bl 10 L 5 Bl 13 L. 1 & 3 Bl 17 nd L 16 BI 18. BL oD Wilmette Agents will show - these lots; or rite areet io he . P. Gage, neland, fp Dwiier i LTG-20-tfc. A PEACH OF A HOME FOR A FAMILY WITH CHILDREN, in one of the very choice sections of Winnetka. 10-room stucco 1B. R. --1 bath (shower) on 1st. 4 B. R.--2 baths on 2nd. Fire place in master B. R. 2 maid's rooms, 1 bath on 3rd. H. W. ht. (both coal and oil, with oil storage tanks), 2 car garage. Ex- ceptionally large wooded and land- scaped lot--115x150. Price $27,000. Shown by appointment only. HEINSEN & CLARK, Inc. 556 Center St. Winnetka 254 Open Sunday Afternoons i LTG38-1te WE RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT THE opportunity of aiding you in selling your property; and as brokers, ex- cellent for residents and vacant prop- erty along the North Shore, we offer you the local offices. List your prop- erty with us--we have the buyers. E. S. WISDOM & CO. 8 So. Dearborn St. Randolph 6835 728 Elm St. Winnetka 83 LTG38-1tc ' CHARLES H. BRETHOLD FIRE, LIABILITY, THEFT AND AUTO INSURANCE First and Second Mortgage Leases REAL ESTATE 545 Main Street Wilmette, Ill. Telephone 65 LTG-20-tfe. REAL ESTATE BIG BUNGALOW BARGAIN FOR SALE--BY OWNER BEAUTIFUL new 5 room pressed brick bungalow at sacrifice; Modern; Hot water heat; hardwood floors; sleeping porch; lot 40x160 immediately possession all im- prvts. in. Must sell quick. Call Sundays and make me an offer. 1739 Washington Ave. Wilmette. LTG38-1tp FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT from Friday Aug. 3 to Sept. 1 in Hubbard Woods, com- pletely furnished house, practically new, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, on the second floor-- four rooms including sun porch on the first floor. Gar- age for one car. House well located in good residential section, good terms to right party.. Phone Winnetka 247 FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE 7-ROOM house, hot water heat; sun and sleep- ing porch, garage, immediate posses- sion, corner of Locust and Pine Sts. H. F. Ube, 1099 North Ave. Hub- bard Woods, Ill T19-1tc FOR RENT---NINE-ROOM FURNISH- ed house in Winnetka; Jewish prefér- ed. 603 Provident Ave. TG19-1te WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED TO RENT--SMALL HOUSE or furnished rooms, until Sept. 15th Cameron Trient. Tel. Glen. 325-W. TG19-1te FOR RENT WINNETKA'S NEW MASONIC TEMPLE is especially planned to pro- vide modern rooms suitable for lectures, meetings, en- tertainments, dances, etc. For rates and available dates see the chairman of the Temple House Commit- tee. Dr. J. E. Fonda Meyer Bank Bldg. WINNETKA Phone 1211 FOR RENT--OFFICES FOR RENT--OFFICE ROOM; APPLY G. F. Gonsalves, 746 Elm Street. Telephone Winnetka 62. TG19-1tc BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BIG BUNGALOW BARGAIN FOR SALE--BY OWNER BEAUTIFUL new 5 room pressed brick bungalow at sacrifice; Modern; Hot water heat; hardwood floors; sleeping porch; lot 40x160 immediate possession all im- prvts. in. Must sell quick. Call Sundays and make me an offer. 1739 Washington Ave. Wilmette. LTG38-1tp WANTED TO BUY--WE HAVE A client who desires a 7 or 8 room brick or stucco home in good North Wilmette location. Large wooded lot desired. Phone at once. WILMETTE REALTY CO. 513 4th St. Phone Wilmette 1304 LS38-1tc Chicago business man having re- 15 THAT ALL You HAVE Iv AROUND HERE YOUNG MAN ? "The Judge" How moc \ TN Pog 00 YQU GET \ \X A | YY 553IR A WEEK 2 \" 157 © 2 = i Q : | OQ WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1923 19 amor Gets Fined HERE'S YouR WEEks WAGES NOW GET Our OF HERE v WHEN DID wg HIRE THAT LAZY Boy? FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--FURNISHED RMS. ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M, near all trains. LT25-tfc HELP WANTED--MALE A CHANCE FOR FIVE YOUNG MEN to learn salesmanship and earn a generous amount of money at the same time, selling a dignified con- tract line to homeowners. Apply between 10 and 12 A. M. to Mr. Sieben c/o Schaefer & Golbach, 909 Ridge Ave. at Lake Ave. Wil. or Tel. Wil. 364. LTG-37-2tc. WANTED--AUTOMOBILE MECHAN- ic, must be experienced and of good character. Wersted Motor Co. Tel. Winnetka 165. LTG38-1tc WANTED--MAN TO WORK IN GAR- dens, evenings. Tel. Kenilworth 2686 LTG38-1tc WANTED--MALE SITUATION Paul Kruger Builder of Stone Gateways Fountains and Garden Furniture in Stone Wisconsin Flag Stone New York Blue Stone Phone Winnetka 1530 730 Center Street, Winnetka KARL PAPE Painting and Decorating 1632 Central Ave. Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2934 Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers James B. MacFarlane Interior Decorator Formerly with Mandel Bros. 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette cently returned from South America desires meeting respon- sible party with ten thousand dollars; money to be used to suc- cessfully complete large com- mercial enterprise. Money se- cured to be refunded within six months. Lender to secure per- manent executive office as soon as details are completed. Address Lake Shore News, A- 230, or phone Wilmette 919-M. FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL WOODED lot in Winnetka near Indian Hill Club, South East corner Garland and Forest Aves. Call owner, Room 552 North Shore Hotel, Evanston. LT-38-1tc. FOR SALE--CHOICE VACANT COR- ner in Winnetka, 100x167 ft.; ex- ceptional location, beautiful trees and shrubbery, communicate with owner. Address Winnetka Weekly Talk, A-231. T19-1tc FOR SALE--T7-room stucco residence; sleeping and living porch; garage; lot 40x165; nice yard and garden; East side, in good location. Tele- phone Winnetka 1492. TG19-1te ONE HUNDRED =. ACRES -- SIXTY wooded on hard road; suitable for golf club or subdivision; for prices see Wyatt & Coons. Tel. Glenview 81. LTG38-1tc ATTRACTIVE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW; KE. side: suitable for couple. Owner would like room. Tel. Wil. 1750, 1775 Wilmette Ave. LTG38-1tc FOR SALE--50 ACRES ON WAUKE- gan road; good improvement, rolling partlv. wooded. Wyatt and Coons Tel. Glenview 81. LTG38-1te FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--LARGE BED ROOM AND sitting room or smaller bed room; bath adjoining, hot water, one or two people; modern home. Two blocks from Hubbard Woods Station. Tel. Winnetka 1119. LTG38-1te TO RENT--LOVELY LARGE FRONT room, East side, convenient to all transportation, cafeterias and beach. Tel. Wil. 1940. LT38-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOMS and two rooms with sleeping porch; light housekeeping. Telephone Winn. 911. T19-1tc Phone Wilmette 2228 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework where assisting nurse is kept. Phone Winn. 1713. LTG38-1te WANTED--GENERAL GIRL--WHITE; small family; no washing; Refer- ences required. Tel. Winn 498. LTG38-1te WANTED--TWO WAITRESSES; NEAT appearance for Welch's Cafe. Call in person. LTG38-1te WANTED--BOOKKEEPER FAMILIAR with double entry. Wersted Motor Co. Tel. Winnetka 165. LTG38-1tc WANTED--WAITRESS AND SEAMS- tress; experienced; best wages. Tel. Winnetka 58. LTG38-1te WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL housework in family of adults. Tel. Glencoe 689. TG19-1te WANTED--GIRL OR WOMAN TO AS- sist with work. Tel. Winnetka 1428. T19-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS IN Hubbard Woods home, with kitchen privileges if desired. Telephone Winn. 914, TG19-1te FOR RENT---ROOMS WITH OR WITH- out board, kitchen privileges. Phone Highland Park 1812. TG19-1tp FOR RENT--ONE FURNISHED ROOM at 932 Cherry Street. Telephone Winnetka 533-M. T19-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM, near transportation. Telephone Winn. 1921. T19-1te SITUATIONS WANTED--FEMALE College Preparation in French BY TEACHER OF EXP. IN EURO- nean and American schools, senior and junior girls. Special attention ziven to backward- students. Con- versational French by appointment. Terms on apnlication. Miss F. Beryl Sreck, 228 Green Bay Rd. Hubbard Woods. Phone Glencoe 355. LTG38-1tn SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE EXPERIENCED COMPT. WOMAN will take charge of 1 or 2 walking children; temporary or permanently. Tel. Winnetka 1921; mornings 8 to 1. T19-1te SITUATION WANTED--BY YOUNG colored girl; housework by hour, day or week. Tel. Winnetka 692-M. T19-1tc SITUATION WANTED--FIRST CLASS dressmaker, designer; suits gowns; excellent remodeling; $4 a day. Tel. Evanston 1713. T19-1tp RELIABLE HIGH SCHOOL GIRL will take care of children afternoons or evenings." Phone Winn. 1723. T19-1tp FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS, cart, anything bought, sold or ex- changed, piano, fixtures, plbg., autos, and stoves. 808 Oak St., Winn. 1212, TG19-tfc FOR SALE -- FURNITURE, RUGS, cart, anything bought, sold or ex- changed, piano, fixtures, plbg., lum- ber, stoves, 808 Oak St, Winn, 1212. LTG24-tfc FOR SALE--FINE LARGE ICE BOX, inside icing; and gas range, both al- most new; must sell soon. Tel. Glen- coe 960. TG19-1te BABY GRAND PIANO, 1ST CLASS condition. Address, Mrs. J. L. Ham- mond, 815 Gregory Ave. Wilmette. LTG38-1te WANTED--CATERING BY APPOINT- ment. Telephone Evanston 6491. T19-tfe |. WANTED TO BUY--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED--DRESSMAKING AT 746 Elm St. Phone Winn. 1758. Europ- ean dressmakers. T19-1tp SEWING WANTED -- PLAIN AND fancy dressmaking. Phone Wilmette 2785. LTG-38-1tp. NURSE WILL CARE FOR SEMI-IN- valid in own home. Telephone High- land Park 1812. LT38-1tp WASHING TO TAKE HOME. PHONE WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTG27-tfc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--ONE 4 BY 36 INCH, deep well pump--head, mfgd. by American Well Works, Two hundred Wilmette 834-R. LT38-1te dollars; One three ton, four horse roller, Thirty dollars: J. A. Sears, DRESSMAKING WANTED BY THE 417 Warwick Road, Kenilworth. Tel. Day. Telephone Wil. 2829. T19-1tc 163. , LTG-38-1tc. FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE--AMROD RADIO SET, complete, $100. 4 piece sun porch set, $50. Thor vacuum cleaner $5. Do You Own a Ford? Don't forget that we are your headquarters for gen- uine Ford Parts, accessories and service. Skokie Motor Co. 712-714-716 Elm Street Winnetka Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers A CUSTOMER OF OURS HAS GONE to Europe and has left her electric with us for sale, as she wants a gas car when she returns. An ex- cellent Detroit double drive, five passenger car, new batteries and paint, may be bought very reason- able. MOTORS SERVICE, Inc. 721 Main Street, Wilmette LTG38-1tc FOR SALE--STANLEY STEAMER, 1922 touring; has only been driven four thousand miles, has been well taken care of, runs like a new car. Tel. Winnetka 165. LTG-1te Phone Winn. 1727 after 6 P. M. T19-1tp WANTED--WORK AROUND HOUSE and gardens by day or hour. Ex- perience. Telephone Winnetka 1274. TG19-2tp FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL, TAME, young Shetland pony; child's play- mate, priced reasonably. Tel. Winn. 1284. LTG38-1te FOR SALE--TWO FIRST CLASS 2ND mortgages, at a liberal discount. G. W. Slocum. Tel. Winnetka 713. LTG38-1te FOR SALE -- TWO DOZEN FINE thoroughbred white leghorn hens. Best offer. Tel. 1940. LTG38-1te FOR SALE--RADIO SETS, COMPLETE: bicycle; new lamp shade, cheap. Tel. Wilmette 2905. LTG38-1tec PLAIN SEWING AND MENDING. Telephone Evanston 919, T19-1tp LOST AND FOUND LOST--FRIDAY, JULY 13TH; BE- tween Myrtle St., Hawthorn lane, East to the Lake, child's owl shaped purse containing leather strap wrist watch. Call Winn. 993--reward. T19-1tc LOST--A ROLL OF BLUE FRINTS, on the 3:14 Chicago and Northwest- ern train from Chicago, Friday July 13th. Reward. Windes and Marsh, 598 Birch, Winnetka. T19-1te LOST--TWO SETS OF GOLF STICKS, somewhere in Winnetka, last Tues- day night; liberal reward. Telephone Winnetka 685. T19-1te LOST--STRING OF SMALL = GOLD beads; finder please call Winnetka 1013--Reward. : T19-1te FOR SALE--MY TWO CARS, MOON "Chummy" A-1 shape, new enamel, good tires, many extras. Price $500. Chalmers speedster, $100. Tel. Ev- anston 1871. TG19-1te FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--QUEEN ANNE, AMER- ican walnut dining room set. Table, 8 chairs, china closet, side board and serving table; Al condition. Can be seen at John Odh"s shop, 933 Lin- den Avenue, Hubbard Woods. T19-1tc N. FELL--DEALER IN NEW AND used household goods. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston, Phone Evans. 103. LTG16-tfc FOR SALE--ODD PIECES OF FURN- iture; must sell at once. Tel. Ken- ilworth 183. LTG-1te Bill theBarber Says FOR, SALE--HOT AIR FURNACE, good condition; cheap. Tel. Winnetka HY3-M. T19-1tc MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS Equipped to Render the Most Pets Boarded :: :: :: Phone Evanston 363 North Shore Animal Hospital Efficient and Humane Service Electric Clipper For Dogs 1021 Davis Street, Evanston Ra 2 1 rx A Ar % ¢ N. U. ATHLETES GOOD MARKSMEN Among Qualifiers at Camp Custer Shoot Northwestern students at the R. O. T. C. camp at Camp Custer are doing double time trying to capture military prizes and at the same time keeping up with routine work. Thirty-two Northwestern university men qualified as marksmen at the rifle pits. Some did better. Clark R. Pace, 24, captain of the 1924 rifle team and editor of the R. O.. T. C, section of the Camp Custer News, leads the Northwestern men with the high score of 289. This gave him the rank of sharp shooter. Dwight Mills and Stud Ullrick also qualified as sharpshooters. Bill McElwain's marks- men medal, according to jealous camp gossip, came through the aid of friends in the pits, who punched holes in the "bull's eye." The platoon is drilling over time to be in shape to capture the George E. Carlson cup for the best drilled uni- versity platoon. On July 21, the efficiency test for the various university men will be held under the U. A. A. of America. The judges will be Fielding Yost of Michi- gan, George Huff of Illinois, and Mr. Kirkpatrick of Princeton. William F. McElwain of Northwest- ern and Wallace Mcllwain of the University of Illinois are the chief competitors for the medals offered. The three high men for the North- western medals will "be McElwain, Dwight Mills and Frank Noseck. Armenian Boys Secure Home in Old Monnastery The Armenian monastery of St. James on Mt. Zion, since the twelfth century a shrine visited annually by thousands of Armenians from all parts of the world, now houses six hun- dred orphans boys brought from Me- sopotamia by the Near East Relief. Practically every building in the large enclosure except the ancient church of St. James holds its quota of youngsters, including a portion of the residence of the Armenian Patri- arch. The extensive gardens of the monastery are being used in connec- tion with an agriculture school. The monastery hospice has been turned over to Armenian refugees driven out of Turkey so that pilgrims who now journey to the shrine are forced to find other shelter. Another shrine of the Armenian church, which has been put to use in meeting the crisis caused by the forced evacuation of Armenian orph- ans from Turkey is the Holy Cross Convent, several miles west of the City, a thousand years old and stand- ing on the traditional site of the tree from which the Cross was made. Tt provides refuge for 400 children. Both institutions are maintained jointly by the Near Fast Relief and the Armen- ian Benevolent Union, working in co- operation with the church authorities. Will Use Millions of Pounds of Copper Wire Between 125,000,000 pounds and 200,- 000,000 pounds of copper will be used in building electric transmission lines this year, according to an estimate made by the Copper and Brass Research As- sociation. The association estimates that between 900,000,000 pounds and 1,500,- 000,000 pounds of copper wire will be used by the electric light and power in- dustry in building transmission lines dur- the next five years. BUY GLENCOE PROPERTY Herbert G. Rich has sold the resi- dence at 300 Palos road, Glencoe. to Lamont D. Bush and Isabel I. Bush, his wife, for the sum of $16,750. The sale was made by McGuire and Orr. F INTEREST only to our | ADVERTISERS A new business announcing itself in a full-page ad. gets thereby at the very start a reputation for size, and importance. This reputation gives this new business a high aim. Let it live up to the reputation gained by its full-page ad. and its success is as- sured. Hubbard Woods Lumber and Coal Company Winnetka Coal-Lumber Co. ........ 7 Winnetka Chamber of Commerce 6 Hubbard Woods Grocery & Market 5 The Orrington Wilmette Building Material Co. .. 2 Ev'C.-Welssénberg ................ 5 Skokie Motor Co. ...u...i..0 pu. ven 2 Blomdahl & Sundmark ......... ... 2 North Shore Bootery ............. 1 RH. Schello& Co. ..: 5. ......... 1 Wi "Alken: 0. Lo ni. 1 Anthony & Lareau ................ 1 Edinger & Sons '..)M.0 0000. 1 Ll LL a AR A AT ER, 1 Richardson's Garage .............. 1 Frint Gebrge & Co. ........ 0.0... 1 Black & White Cab Co. .......... } | HEnols: Apex Co. &.0.. 07. v0 vis 1 North Side Motors Co. ............ 1 Public Barred from This Little Theater The most exclusive theater in the world,--one where a king's ransom couldn't buy a ticket of admission,-- and the existence of which is known to but a select few persons, is located in Chicago. It's "The Little Chicago," located on the top floor of the big Balaban and Katz Chicago theatre, and it has a seating capacity of less than 250. The public has never seen it-- doesn't even know that it exists,-- and couldn't get in even if the knowledge was general that it does exist. "The Little Chicago" is the work- shop of the specialists and artists who make up Balaban and Katz list of ex- ecutives, and these executives are the only persons ever permitted to see a show in "The Little Chicago." Here every picture is screened first, and every stage production is com- pletely enacted and staged before it is given to the public in the big Chi- cago theatre which seats 5,000,--and later in the other Balaban and Katz theatres. The Little theatre is fully equipped with scenery, lighting ef- fects, stage wings, and projection ma- chines. Nothing has a place on the program at The Chicago, or any other Balaban and Katz Theatre, which in- cludes "The Roosevelt," "The Tivoli," "The Riviera," and "The Central Park," until first "tried out" on the "Little Chicago" stage before the ex- ecutives. Balaban and Katz entertainment is unlike that of any other theatre in the world for the reason that over 90 per cent of it is originated and produced right in "The Little Chicago" and is shelved after being shown only in the Balaban and Katz theatres. LIGHT DECREASES ACCIDENTS A survey made recently in thirty-two cities revealed that from 17 to 50 per cent of all automobile accidents are di- rectly traceable to poor and insufficient street illumination. In a list of the ten principal causes of motor accidents poorly lighted ctreets rank fifth. The tendency in fa- ver of more and better electric street illumination is lessening the number of accidents due to dark streets. WOULD CUT TAXES Congressional leaders now in Washing- ton are mapping out plans for the tax cuts and immigration changes for the consideration of the next Congress. Teaders are in accord with President Harding's demand for reduction all along the line. Climb to Success! "THE stairway that leads to success in these days is built of dollars. It is not built in a day. But the wise man is building all the time, a little each week, regularly. : He starts with a well tended savings account in this Strong Bank. WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK ALEMITE SERVICE We have a com- plete line of AL- EMITE parts and accessories. Lubricate your car properly, the ALEMITE way. The Home of the Well-groomed Car RICHARDSON'S GARAGE 726 Elm Street, Winnetka Phone Winnetka 25 and 841

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