WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1923 ON SATURDAY, September First, THE ORRINGTON will open its doors in- formally to over one hundred families who have taken quarters in this most delightful place to live. The formal opening to the general public will follow three weeks later, on Saturday, September Twenty-second. From the moment guests are received at the Porte-Cochere by the doorman, it shall be our constant endeavor to render a measure of sin- cere courteous service that will justify the confidence displayed by those who have made arrangements to locate with us. Announcing the Opening of The Orrington Saturday, September First Looking through the palm room toward the elevator lobby from one of the recep- tion courts. Visitors and guests will observe in THE ORRINGTON a new departure in residen- tial hotels, singular in beauty and richness of furnishings. The general tone of THE ORRINGTON is that of a most magnificent home, tastefully planned, skilfully managed, and fostered by a genial spirit of hospitality and cordiality. Guests will confer a favor by having baggage and special items, such as pianos, and so on, delivered on or after September First, rather than before that date. THE MANAGEMENT A There are still a number of very desirable apartments available in THE ORRING- TON which will be described and shown upon application. Renting offices diagonally op- posite the Hotel and N, W. corner of Davis Street and Hinman Avenue. Telephones: Evanston 8700 and 8701. EVAN STON} Pree