WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1923 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 3 : Classified advertisements will be .charged General Notices-- only to persons living in the district from whose names appear or to persons who are regular subscribers to either The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe Evanston to Glencoe inclusive, phone directory, News. 10 cents per line in one Rates three papers. words to the line. No black face M This size type charged as 2 lines. This size type charged as 3 lines. This size type charged as 4 lines. o'clock for The Lake Shore 12 o'clock for the Winnetka Wee for the Glencoe News. WINNETKA 388. Minium charge 3 lines. Deadline for Insertions -- Clossifiex od RN HT will be News or all three papers; Telephones: in the tele- paper. «0 cents per line in all Average of five type used. to Wednesday 12 Thursday kly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock WILMETTE 1920-1921 or REAL ESTATE FOR RENT--APARTMENT ! FOR RENT -- OCT. 1 NEW 4-ROOM HOME BUYS MOST ATTRACTIVE RED PRESSED brick home in one of the desirable localities of Winnetka; 6 lovely rooms, heated sun porch and garage, deep wooded lot; owner wants to move away and has given us a rock bottom price for limited time on all cash basis that makes this a won- derful bargain. ; Modern 6 R. Stucco conveniently located as to transp., grade and high schools; beautiful grounds; per- ennial gardens, pergolas, lily pond, croquet court; priced at $22,000. Attractive 5 rm. frame bungalow with sun parlor, reduced to $10,750 for quick sale. Property is clear-- $6,000 cash wanted. Complete List -- All Prices -- Good Vacant. HILL & STONE Winnetka Office, 543 Lincoln Avenue. Telephone Winnetka oi tt -1te Sizes and WANTED TO RENT BY RESPONSIBLE apartment; steam heat; janitor service; 625 11th St, Tel Wil. 2399. LTG43-4tc FOR RENT--4 ROOM FLAT IN NEW building, 2 year lease, $125 a month. E. E. Stults Realty Co,. Tel. Winn. 1800 LTG45-1te WANTED TO RENT--APARTMENTS couple a small apartment in Winnet- ka or Wilmette; possession Oct. 1. Address Lake Shore News, A-304. T26-1tc FOR SALE OR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT OR SALE--CHEAP, 9 room brick house; near station. Tel- JASPER YU * 7 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1923 "The Judge'--Jasper Has Bahn T here Before. sym 5. ARE CHARGED WITH STEALING CHICKENS HAVE YOU A LAWYER HERE \ . VERY WELL THEN ILL APPOINT A LAWYER TO DEFEND YOM NO JEDGE ! AINT GOT NO LAWYER HERE WHY NOT IT WONY COSY YOU ANYTHING UH NO Sun! A PLEASE DONT DO DAT 7 N [WELL JEDGE AWLL TELL YAH, SUH. ISE HED 'SPERIENCE AH WANTS To INJOY DEM CHICKENS MAHSELF FOR RENT ROOMS SITUATION WANTED--MALE HELP WANTED--FEMALE FOR RENT--4 LARGE BEAUTIFULLY furnished bedrooms, % block from cafeteria, 1 block from Northwestern; no small children. 1021 Central Ave. Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 2791. LTG45-1tc FOR RENT_TWO LARGE, LIGHT furnished rooms, single or in suite; east near New Trier H. S. and trans- portation; private bath; kitchen privileges. Tel. Winnetka 1543. LTG45-1te Service You Will Like Special Offering 6 ROOM STUCCO HOUSE IN FINE location, only 21% blocks from lake; 3 bedrooms, living, dining, and sleep- ing porches; near school and trans.; owner moved to New York. $15,500. Want offer. : Many other houses at prices from $8,000 up. Also a few good buys in vacant. Call and see us. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 790 Elm St.,, Winnetka Tel. Winn. 1800 LTG45-te Vacant Bargains CHOICE 75 FT. LOT IN EXCELLENT neighborhood at $90.00. Beautiful 60 ft. lot, east of tracks, at only $85.00 in $100 neighborhood. S.W. Glencoe, beaut. wooded cor. at $2,250. S. E. Winnetka. Wonderful 70 cor. at $115. Heinsen&Clarlk,Inc. 556 Center St. Winnetka 254 Open Sunday P. M. 2 to 5 LTG45-1tce WILMETTE--NEAR LAKE, 8 ROOM stucco, lge. screened front and rear porches, water heat, wooded lot 50 x200, see this, $15,000. Beautiful brick, exclusive and ar- tistic design, 8 rms., 2 baths, ex. lav., lge. built-in slp. pch., lge. sun parlor, gar. attached and htd., cor. lot centrally located. $27,500. We are exclusive agents for the above properties. W. G. Stacey & Co. 336 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 308 A business built on service. LTG45-1tc GLENCOE A SIX ROOM HOUSE WITH SLEEP- ing and open porches and a two- car garage; 3% blocks from station; nr. school; on wooded lot; $12,500. Only $3,000 cash needed. Gilbert D. Johnson & Bro. 352 Park Ave. Tel. Glen. 971 LTG45-1tc FOR SALE--By owner leaving city, house and garage; also com- plete set of household furnishings, oriental rugs, piano, etc. Address Lake Shore News, A-299. L'TG45-1tc V. W. Alling, Lake Forest 133, |FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM suitable for 2; private family; nosr n] i transportation an restaurant; FOR SALE OR RENT --- GLENCOE! breakfast optional. Tel. Winn. 933. Glencoe 338-J. Box 165. T26-1tc LTG45-1tc FOR RENT -- TWO LARGE FURN- FOR RENT--HOUSES ished rooms, single or in suite; FOR RENT--7 RM. BRICK HOUSE; kitchen priveleges. Tel. apse slpg. porch; 2 baths; will rent for 2092. ou year or to May 1, 1924. E. E. STULTS REALTY CO. Tel. Winn. 1800 FOR RENT--FURNISHED RMS. ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M near all trans. LT25-tfc FOR RENT--FROM NOV. 1 TO APRIL 30, partly furnished house, southeast Winnetka; 4 bedrooms; oil heat; $175 a month. Address Winnetka Talk, A-301. TG26-1tc WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED -- TWO SMALL UNFUR- nished rooms suitable for light house- keeping. Tel. Wil. 821-W. or ad- dress Lake Shore News A-268. LT45-1tp Wanted to Rent -- 5 to 7- room house or bungalow, un- furnished, for year or longer. Tel. Highland Park 1314 or 507 Oakwood Ave., Highland Park, 11). TG25-2tp T25-tfc FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE IN Highland Park; 4 bedrooms, 2 baths; sun and slpg. porches; 3rd floor furn- ished: garage; possession Oct. 1; $175 ) ings. Village Chocolate Shop, a month. Address Winnetka Talk, LL 2 LT45-1tc A-203. TG26-1te -| WANTED--MAN TO ATTEND FUR- FOR RENT -- WELL FURNISHED nace and to do odd jobs, vicinity of house, Sept. 15 to April 15. Tel. Glen- Winnetka Health Resort. Address Oe LTG45-1tc | Winnetka Talk A-294. T26-1te LADY WOULD LIKE HOME WITH private family in Winnetka. If de- sired could give private instruction on piano in exchange. Refs. Address Winnetka Talk A-306. T26-1tp WANTED TO RENT--1 OR 2 ROOMS with housekeeping privileges in Win- netka; Oct. 1 or 15. Address Win- netka Talk A-305. T26-1tc WANTED--ROOM BY YOUNG WOMAN Experienced Man WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework by day; small family; good wages. Mrs. Joerns, 455 Oak- dale, Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 1004. TG26-1tc WANTED--RELIABLE YOUNG WOM- feur by married man with 5 yrs. ex- perience; Norwegian. Tel. Winn. 1953. T24-3tc GENERAL WORK DONE BY THE hour. Also furnaces taken care of. Tel. Winnetka 1783. T23-5tp. EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS FUR- naces to take care of. Tel. Glencoe 1095 or Winnetka 430. T26-1tp HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework; 3 adults in family; need not be experienced cook, but must be willing and courteous. Private room and bath. Apply in person. 415 Washington Ave. Glencoe. LTG-42-tfe. WANTED -- RELIABLE MAID FOR general housework; reference re- quired. Call 1520 Walnut Ave. Wil- mette or Tel. Wil. 749-W. Mrs. Souther. LTG45-1te SALESLADY WANTED, ONE WITH some experience preferred, to work WANTS FURNACES TO CARE ay fo stay with 2 children, Mon. for. Call Glance 1008, LTG4S-1c {| Woo 228 Thurs, from J Winds 1579. T26-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- ELDERLY MAN, 25 YEARS EXPERI- eral work and help with two small ence wants care small place; handy, children. Call Winn. 105. T26-1tc all kinds repair work. Ref. Address Lake Shore News, A-295. LTG45-1tp | WANTED--A WHITE MAID FOR general housework. Winnetka 638-W. WANTED -- POSITION AS CHAUF- 245 Ridge Ave. T26-1tc WANTED--WHITE WOMAN OR GIRL to assist with housework. Tel. Winn. 1428. TG26-1te WANTED--GENERAL MAID; NO UP- stairs work; $18. Tel. Winn. 794. T26-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL hswk; family of four; $15. Tel. Winnetka 1481. T26-1tp WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; references. Tel. Winn. 338. TG26-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WAIT- ress; best wages. Tel. Winn. 58. TG26-1te SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE COLLEGE PREPARATION IN FRED NC BY TEACHER OF EXP. IN EURO- pean and American schools, senior and junior girls. Special attention given to backward students. Con- versational French by appointment. Terms on application. Miss F. Beryl man for janitor work; must be good furnace man. No. Shore Country Day School. TG26-1tc WANTED--BOY TO WORK AT SODA fountain afternoons after school and FOR RENT--OFFICES AND STORES Winn. 62. ~ FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT--GARAGE. 474 MADISON Ave. Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 1052. LTG44-2tc Winnetka's New Masonic Temple is especially planned to pro- vide modern rooms suitable for lectures, meetings, en- tertainments, dances, etc. For rates and available dates see the chairman of FOR RENT--OFFICE ROOMS AND pa Adams. Winn. 2. T26-1tc small store, G. F. Gonsalves. Tel. |m -- T26-1te SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED--BOY FOR FORD DELIV- truck and work in store. Tel. 388 Woodlawn Ave. Winn 1931. LTG45-1tc WANTED -- RELIABLE GIRL TO help with general housework; good wages: Winnetka 601R. 1457 Asbury Avenue. LTG45-1te WANTED -- GIRL AS CLERK, NA- tional Tea Co. 623 Main St. Wil- mette. LT45-1te WANTED--GIRL OVER 20 YEARS OF age to work during day in Village Chocolate Shop, Wilmette. LTG45-1te WANTED--MAID FOR GEN'LL HSWK.; 2 adults and one baby; no washing; who will stay with children nights in Wilmette store half days. ° Ad- err EA NH Rf Mt J Re DY ase and garage: conveniently Columbia School of Music. T262-tc LT45-1tc LTG45-tfe located; 2 in family; one or two year : - a Zr ey Senning. ull HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED -- EXPERIENCED, WHITE [| WANTED -- FANCY NEEDLE AND next summer. Tel. Winnetka 1609.3 ROUND HANDY Inala general housework; smalll "orochet work; reasonable prices; WANTED -- ALL AROU ouse; good home, A. J. Weisberg, good work. Telephone Glencoe 237. Glencoe. L'TG45-1tp YOUNG GIRL WISHES TO CARE FOR children evenings. Tel. Kenilworth 816-J. T26-1tc WANTED--LIHT WORK THURSDAY afternoons and evenings. Phone Winnetka 1823. T25-1tp HELP WANTED--COUPLE WILL GIVE NEW 3 ROOM APART- ment with bath, heat, and electric light in exchange for part services around private home; excellent op- portunity for couple otherwise em- ployed; Protestant white. Address 345 Madison St., Tel. Winnetka 1001. LTG45-1tc Winnetka Talk A-302. TG26-1te Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers J.B. MacFarlane Interior Decorator Formerly with Mandel Bros. 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SATE--AUTOMOBILES New Wills-Sainte Claire Tour. New Dodge Bros. 1% exchange body to suit 1922 Stanley Steamer 740 Tour., 4445 1917 Buick 4 cyl. panel del, good condition and repainted WERSTED 562 Lincoln Ave. WI Sale on New and Used Cars Only a few left at these bargain prices. ton truck, 1920 Steward 1% ton truck, platform body, overhauled AS SRL $2700 $2300 express body, can BEE rT 1630 1330 revarnished, mileage a TT TAY. 2975 1350 tires, body and mech. I LR SAN I SR 200 2 EEE SR IRS 450 MOTOR CO. NNETKA Phone 165 HELP WANTFD--FEMALE FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES WANTED--TWO MAIDS OR MOTHER THAvE A Lot oN Tae southeast || the Temple House Commit- ™ and daughter; general housework corner of Linden and Sunset Aves.; tee IR and nurse; white; Protestant. 1171 100 ft. frontage Linden, ana eat Oakley Ave. Tel. Winn. LA ' to make quick turnover; offered a 326-1te 110 a foot; apply S. E. Earle, 922 . . . - - FBZ ook PY ka. TG26-1te Dr. J. E. Fonda Painting and Decorating WANTED MAID GENERAL JHouse- $90 PER FOOT, 75 FT. LOT, % BLOCK ] small family; new comer considered. Fromigteritante bfrovenionts Phone WINNETKA 1632 Central Ave. Tel. Glencoe 836. TG26-1ct in d rs ar: N. : z a or hool. Tel. Winn. 1211 WANTED -- RELIABLE WHITE and grammary sohoe e LTG-1te Meyer Bank Bldg. Wil t nurse maid; home nights Spaereed, 1imette Tel. Winnetka 1137. *45-1tp ALE--LOT 50x150, COVERED -. . Poh bearing fruit | trees: $3,250; (= re WANTED -- IMMEDIATELY CHIL- terms. Tel. Wil. 3370. LTG45-1te FOR RENT--ROOMS Phone Wilmette 2034 dren's experienced nurse. AN dr 03. 20- Y" - SELL EASE ON RANCH TO FOR RENT -- TWO FURNISHED : lL IR Call from 8 a. m. to| TODS: i PR a and YAYTED, MAID FOR GENT, HSWK. i 8. -1t 8 0'. 4 J . 8. Cel. in. 717. LTG45-1te Ee Jecn Iort 274% T26.1t¢| © Wilmette 515. T45-1tp 2 3s N -- SES SITUATIONS WANTED--MALE SITUATIONS WANTED--MALE WANTED 10 Gry ~=HOUSK FOR RENT -- LARGE WELL FURN- 1 En ROOM ished front room; east side; near WANIED 20: el Roh transportation, cafeteria; Tel. Wil near transportation. Address Win: 1940. LTG45-1te Ga Li T5-2P FOR TRENT_ONE LARGE ROOM. PAUL KRUGER WANTED--SMALL HOUSE NEEDING ot and cold water. 554 Lincoln remodeling: good lot; proverty must| Ave, Tel. Winnetka 857. T26-1tp be clear. Address Lake Shore News, -- 5. FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED Ml C Aas Tras Ie room: new house; 603 Provident Ave. Stone asom ontractor ------------------ Hogh da y 2 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS ¥el. Winn, 911, T22-tfe FOR RENT -- UPSTAIRS FRONT FOR RENT--5-ROOM APARTMENT; P sforred.: > . . 3 two bed rooms, large sun room, hot foom, juan preferved: Sena, Builder of Fountains and Stone Gateways water heat: good 100a¢ion, Green 2 £ . 3ay Road, Glencoe. $65 per month.lpoRr ~~ RENT--FURNISHED ROOM. 3 TN Tia erga % large. Tight and comfortable: near WISCONSIN FLAG STONE NEW YORK BLUE STONE HEELER station. Tel. Winn. 415. T26-1tc oa i" : = a W 730 Center Street, Winnetka Phone Winnetka 1530 . FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM FOR 736 Elm St. - Winnetka 142 1 or 2 women; breakfast if desired. LTG45-tfc Tel. Winn. 1013. T26-1te Do You Own a Ford? Don't forget that we are your headquarters for gen- uine Ford Parts, accessories and service. SkokieMotor Co. 712-714-716 Elm Street Winnetka Ford and Lincoln Dealers Authorized FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- IMPORTED GERMAN mantel chime clock at less than wholesale. 211 Franklin Rd., Glen- coe, Ill. Tel. Glencoe 469. L.TG45-1tc FOR SALE--2 TUBE RADIO. TEL. Wil. 873-J. L45-1tp : 4) ' ~ . / A IS ¥ ' « i / » i | J | . vl » FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS 1922 LIBERTY, GOOD PAINT AND mechanical condition, disc wheels, 5 cord tires, driven less than 5,000 miles; will sacrifice this car for first offer. 1922 Overland touring, told from new. $250. 1921 Overland touring; just over- hauled; in good mechanical condi- tion. $225. Geo. W. Slocum 566 W. Railroad Ave., Winn, Tel. 1128 LTG45-1te FOR SALE--MARMON 1921 4 PASS. hardly be sport; good condition; new cord tires in July. 266 Forest Ave. Win- LT45-1te neti Tel. Winn. 1312. FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--MAHOGANY LIBRARY table; enameled steel kitchen cabi- net; andirons, and screen for fire- place; lawn mower; 100 ft. hose; garden tools. 1376 Scott Ave., Winn. 1709. T26-1tc FOR SALE--HUDSON SEAL COAT; large Krimmer collar, bell cuffs; good condition; also solid mahogany living room table; exceptional value; cheap. Tel. Winn. 1919. LT45-1te LUMBER--ALL IN A-1 SHAPE, SUIT- able for sheds, garage, etc. Must sell at once. Leaving town. Ernst Guderyahn Constr. Co., North Ave. and Greenwood, Winnetka. TG26-1tp FOR SALE--CHEAP, ONE OAK DIN- ing room table and € chairs. Also Hudson seal coat, tan caracul collar in good condition; also blue painted FOR SALE--FURNITURE, RUGS, breakfast table and 4 chairs. Glen- and household goods, including| coe 22 T26-1tc swin; Ss, Stoves refrigerator, Federal shing machine, sewing machine,| FOR SALE--BLUE REED garden tools, etc. All at bargain buggy; gas range; 12x15 ft. ri HS prices for quick sale. 1049 Chestnut linoleum; A-1 condition; lavatory: Ave., Tel. Wil. 1198. LTG45-1tc ice-box; reasonable. Tel. Wil. 2536. LTG45-1tc WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, | FOR SALE--RIDING HORSE, STOCK pianos, anything useful. S08 Oak St. LTG45-tfe FOR SALE--TWO UPRIGHT PIANOS at the Winnetka Woman's Club. For information telephone Winnetka 406. LTG44-2tp N. FELL--- DEALER IN NEW AND used household goods. 1644 Maple Ave. Evanston. Phone Evans. 103. LTG16-tfc saddle and bridle. of school. Winn. Must sell because Call between 6 and 7 P. 1312. TG26-1tc LOST AND FOUND LOST--BROWN SUIT CASE, TAKEN Wed. morning from machine on cor- Glen- no questions Glencoe 302-M. TG26-1tc ner south on Greenleaf Ave. coe. Reward offered, asked. Tel. FOR SALE--DINING ROOM SET IN LOST--LAST SUNDAY, BLACK LACE Going out or ~~ Coming in' Which way is your money moving? Any of it coming in? If so, you know what a real income is. Should a young man or woman save money? WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK good condition, $45. 859 Elm St., scarf near Sacred H t - Winnetka. Tel. Winnetka 1325. bard Woods. Tel Winn. "555; fib LTG45-1te T26-1tp FOR SALE--1 LEATHER COUCH, $20; | LOST AIRD 3 ; , ; -- ALE China cabinet, good size, $8; both muzzle or collar; Doda ano in good condition. Tel. Glencoe 363. Kenilworth 88. Reward. LTG45-1to TG26-1t6 : ; CLLRS FOR SALE--1 WHITE KITCHEN CAB- INVESTMENTS inet, excellent condition, 12. 457 Grove St., Glencoe. Tel. { Glencoe 83. TG26-1tc LARGE French beveled FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL marble top dresser, glass; cost $100; will sell for $10. Tel. Winn. 1934. T26-1tc WANTED TO BUY--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTG27-1tfe WANTED--A CLOTHES WRINGER; must be in fairly good condition. Tel. Winn. 83. TG26-1te WANTED -- SIDE-BOARD, WILLIAM and Mary Jacobean oak. Tel. Glen- coe 431. LTG45-1te WANTED TO RENT OR BUY--HOUSE- HOLD GOODS WANTED TO RENT OR BUY--UP- right piano in good condition. Tel. Winn. 1163. T26-1tc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS SECOND MORTGAGE LOANS One, two or three year loans on suburban improved real estate Fair and Uniform Rates. Builders and Owners wish- ing to realize cash, on real estate sold on terms, see us. North Shore Mortgage Ioan Co. ported Coverings at a tremendous reduction due to our wide expe- rience in the making of Covers, en- abling us to give you superior quality. GOLIIN BROS. Formerly With Mandel Bros. Call or Write 713 MAIN ST. EVANSTON Phone Evanston 6121 (Not Inc.) SP COVERS COMPLETE SECOND MORTGAGES Sm Davenport 520 Linden St, Winnetka, IIL Satis- $11.00 Phone 162 faction Chair uar- teed $6.50 -- -- -- hag wonderful selection of im- BIG JOB A health detective is a man who looks ] upon a case of contagious disease as a He can recognize the tracks of disease with uncanny accuracy, usually works for the state and has con- siderable difficulty in persuading folks to help him help them. crime. germs FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS at STARTING TUESDA TERMS BIG SALE ANTIQUE FURNITURE Lindwall's, 508 Linden St. WINNETKA Y, SEPTEMBER 11 CASH 2222272777272 0777777, 720022 22 rll rr Zire Zriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidiiidisiiiddiidiidddidiiiiddiddcsiddd Adams' is not merely a drug store! NILSSSSLSS ITS SS ILS ISLSIS SSS SLL S SSS SILL SSSI SSS S IS SSIS SSIS S SSS ILS SSSI SS SVS SES S717 It's a department store 77 specializing on those YL Ld FZ 2 ZZ 7 7 7 72d idddizdrziir ize zidiiiiizidiizizizidiiiidddd didi ddd, things usually not sold in a dry goods store. PHARMACY Elm & Linden WINNETKA 2 ADAM ddd Ld 2 ZZ Ld Zi dizi idids ddd dds LLL LLL TT TZ Zr 7d 27 27 2rd. IRs SILT SLISSSLIL ELLIS SSS SSIS SL SSS ISLS SSL SYSSSSSSS SSSI SST SSS SSLL SLL SS SSIS LIL LSS SILL LL SS SSS LSS SILL SSIS SSIS SSS SS SS LASS SSSI SSS SSS SSS SS 4