18 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1923 | Evanston to Glencoe inclusive, phone directory, or either Wilmette Life, three papers. words te the line. This size type charged as 2 This site type coe News. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS J 2 Classified advertisements will be charged | General Notices-- only to persons living in the district from whose names appear in the tele- to persons who are regular subscribers to Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe News. 10 cents per line in one paper. Rates-- Minium charge 3 lines. No black face type used. lines. charged as 3 lines. Deadline for Insertions-- o'clock for Wilmette Life or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock for the Glen- Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 388. «0 cents per line in all Average of five This size type charged as 4 lines. Classified advertisements will be accepted up to Wednesday 12 REAL ESTATE--FOR SALE REAL ESTATE--FOR SALE BEST BUYS IN NORTH SHORE VA-| FOR SALE--KENILWORTH: LOTS cant. RAVINIA, 2 blks. to lake, 3 to station; all improvements in and paid for; owner needs cash; will sac- rifice for $20 per ft. under market value. GLENCOE, Sheridan Rd. 200x150. 3 blks. to station. Will di- vide, $100 per ft. KENILWORTH, choicest E. Side location, 100x175; just off Kenilworth Ave.; convenient to lake and transp. Reduced for quick sale to $115 per corner near station. Low price. Easy terms. Last chance to get vacant at low prices. Address Wilmette Life, A-365. LT3-1tp FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--UNFURNISHED HOUSE; 9 rooms; 2 baths; near transporta- tion; nice location. Tel. Wil. 2908. LTN3-1tc "The Judge"--And Thereby H WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1923 By M. B. GENTLEMEN HAVE YOU ARRIVED AT A VERDICT FIRST WE FIND THE DEFENDANT QUILTY oF MURDER IM THE Su 7 [Fl DEGREE PRISONER AY THE BAR A "JURY OF YOUR PEERS HAS FOUND YOU GUILTY AND | ORDER YOU TO BE HANGED AT SUNRISE OM FRIDAY OCTOBER ba = , RD Tn iY SAW oa \ --_---- ar LIT a YOUR HONOR tANY YOU POSTPONE THAT EXECUTION FoR A FEW DAY! 2 CERTAINLY NOT READING i AT WELL OUDGE YOU SEE ™ QNE OF THE MAGAZINES AND IT ISN'T CONCLUDED UNTILL OCTOBER R202 A SERIAL STORY IN FOR RENT ROOMS HELP WANTED--FEMALE FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES ft. FOR RENT -- FURNISHED HOUSES i TTE, Highland Ave. near FOR RENT--FURNISHED RMS. ALSO IT GMETTE lot in this location for | FOR RENT -- FURNISHED §8-ROOM housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M; $2,700. Act quickly. Jiouse an iigdiale postession: 314 0% near all transportation. LT1-tfc Wallace Clore Jr worth 419. : LTN3-1tc ROOM AND BOARD o ger 29 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES | WANTED--STEADY BOARDERS AT o" " 995 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods. & C DESIRABLE TENANT WISHES TO| Board and room reasonable. Phone ©@o lease & small BSW een north- Winn. 1613. T32-1tc west Evanston and Glencoe. Address | = _-- 1177 Wilmette Ave., Wil. Ph. Wil. 1750 p 0. B Kenil 1 To Ge LTN3-1te ox 66, enilworth, I } INA tt INVESTMENTS FOR SA LIE, FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--NEW 4 ROOM APT.; Our plan of regular monthly OWNER AUTHORIZES US TO OFFER | Steam; janitor; also 2 room apt. A aE on ahares Is 'the {his his 7-room res. east Winnetka; 4 b. modern. Tel Wil 2399. LTN1-tfe bayments i' r. liv. din. and, slpg. porches; water | aN ---- - jy ; way to practise thrift. REGU- heat, wooded lot at only $15,500. ron RENT BURNISHED APARY- 6-room res. with encl. slpg. and mai na LAR SAVINGS GROW. Once-in din. porches, garage, reduced to| pop RENT -- NOVEMBER FIRST. ; $14,500. 4 : Furnished kitchen apartment with a-while savings remain small 9-room res. 5 b. r, 3 baths, garage| ,rjyate bath, Wilmette Inn, 726 ilth close to lake; want, offer, $35,000. St.. Wil. 1868. LTN3-1te FOR RENT Li S-- 4-room apartment Central location WRIT. rm OUR EARNINGS HAVE NEVER in Winnetka; can be used Js Lig FOR RENT--GARAGES BEEN LESS THAN 7% % and office by physician or dentist. FOR RENT -- GARAGE 1141 CHAT- oH §-room res. in very best location; % nk Seed Sig a or WINNETKA Winnetka; large grounds; lease to Jou Rd., Hubbard Woods. rel Yann BUILDING ASSOCIATION May 1925, only $175 month. £2: wr z, i SPAMS Sec. Small bung. 4 blks. to station "OT ENT--1 SP E IN TB routy nnex adults only $75.00 month. Tl BrACE JreARNIE T31-tfe E.E.StuitsRealtyCo. 790 Elm St. Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1800 LTN3-1tc DO YOU KNOW THAT PRACTICALLY every lot on Washington Ave. and Highland Ave. has been sold this fall and that the last lot sold on these streets was for $80 per ft.? BUT there are still two lots that some wise in- vestor or home builder will pick up this week. ONE--Highland Ave., 50x155 at only $59 per ft.--THE OTHER Highland Ave. near 17th St. $2,700. WallaceB.Clore,Jr., Co. 1177 Wilmette Ave., Wil. Ph. Wil. 1750 LTN3-1te For Sale 6-ROOM STUCCO; ENCL. DINING AND slpg. prch.; garage; for quick sale reduced to $14,500. 7-Rooms; 3 prchs.; wooded - lot; w. h.; $16,500. Brick home; 5 bdr.; 3 baths; vap- or ht.; oil burner; attached garage; want offer; $35,000. All of these homes located in Win- netka near lake, schools and trans. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 790 Elm St., Winnetka Tel. Winn. 1800 LTN3-1tp $100,000 FOR $70,000 BUYS THE MOST . WONDERFULLY built, beautifully planned and at- tractively located house on the north shore, on 11 acres of superbly shrubbed and wooded grounds; 11 rms.; 3 baths; extra toilet and lav.; h. w. ht.; double gar. HEINSEN & CLARK, Inc. 566 Center St. Winnetka 254 Open All Day Sunday LTN3-1te > . Do You Want a Revine Lot? MUST SACRIFICE MOST BEAUTIFUL ravine lot in Ravinia; all improve- ments in and paid for; only 1 block to lake and 4 to steam and electric transp. Beautifully wooded. Price only $65 per ft.; worth $100 accord- ing to prevailing market prices. Act | quickly. Call Evanston 3169. FOR SALE--HUBBARD WOODS--AT- tractive 7-room bungalow; h. w. ht.; 50 ft. lot in fine location Price $10,000; also English cottage; new; 6-rooms; 2 baths; h. w. ht.; best lo- cation. Price $15,000. FRANK A. REID--18 pt. outline 956 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Tel. Winn. 1300 LTN3-1te LTN3-1t¢ FOR RENT -- FURNISHED FOR RENT--ROOMS Winnetka's New Masonic Temple I is especially planned to pro- vide modern rooms suitable for lectures, meetings, en- tertainments, dances, etc. For rates and available dates see the chairman of the Temple House Commit- tee Dr. Phone 1211 J. IK. Fonda WINNETKA Mever Bank Blde. LTN3-tfe HAVE SMALL ROOM AND PRIVATE bath for middle-aged woman; small weekly. amount; more to be with children evenings. Winn. 1416. LTN3-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE FRONT ROOM private bath; centrally located; no other roomers; garage optional; ref- ences. Gentleman pref. Tel. Wil. 483. LTN3-1te FOR RENT--LARGE FRONT ROOM, 2 beds, hot water heat, $9. Two blks. from all transportation; also other rooms. 629 Park Ave. Tel. Wil- mette 2345. LT3-1tp FOR RENT--FURNISHED RM. NEAR railroad station; east side in Wil- mette; in private home; $7 per week. Tel. Wil. 932-R. LTN3-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE WELL FURN- ished rooms; steam heat; hot water; oil burner; best east side location. Tel. Wil. 1940. LT3-1te CENTRAL HOTEL -- ROOMS; STEAM heat; hot and cold running water. Tel. Wil. 1080. 629 Main St., Wil. LT1-tfe FOR RENT--LARGE WELL ished front rooms; transportation. Tel. FURN- east side; near Wil. 1940. LT3-1tp ROOM; steam heat; running hot water; 1 block Elm St. 556 Center St. Tel. Winn. 1186 T32-1tp FOR RENT SIX ROOM HOUSE, good location; one sleeping porch; sun porch. Telephone Winnetka 1405. T32-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS; kitchen privileges to reliable person. Schaefer & Golbach REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS, IN- surance. 909 Ridge Ave. Wilmette, 111. Tel. Wil. 364. LTN3-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED WAITER; EXPERIENCED; $20 week; 10 hrs. work; Sheridan Cafe; Wilmette. LTN3-1tp SITUATION WANTED--MALE Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers J. B. MacFarlane Interior Decorator Formerly with Mandel Bros. 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 WIDOWER, NO CHILDREN, SMALL, well appointed home in Winnetka with all conveniences, one maid, would like middle-aged gentle- woman .to take charge. References exchanged. Address Winnetka Talk, A 369. TG32-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED MAID for general housework; 2 in family; small house, no washing; good wages. 650 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 1199. LTN3-1tc WANTED--GENERAL MAID; WHITE; small family; no washing; $18 a week; must have references. Tel. Winn, 324 or Edgewater 0413. TN32-1tc WANTED -- GIRL. OR WOMAN TO care for child 2, three afternoons a week from 1 to 6. 1370 Scott Ave, Hubbard 'Woods. Tel. Winnetka 1954. T30-tfe WANTED--AN EPERIENCED GEN- eral maid and a young girl high school age to help care for children. Tel. Winn. 1370. TN3-1tc WANTED MAID TO COOK AND serve. Best wages. Tel. Wilmette 1353. LTN3-1tec WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; no laundry; 4 in family. Tel. Winn. 1587. LTN3-1tc WANTED--WHITE NURSE MAID afternoons, or entire time. Tel 'Winn. 1523. TN32-1te SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE GERMAN TEACHER GIVES GRAMMAR, (CON- versation, and literature lessons; best references. Fanny Jacobson, 900 Sheridan Rd.. Glencoe. LTN3-1tp WANTED--LIGHT = WORK THUKRS- days; preparing lunch or dinner, or caring for children. Tel. Winn. 1823. T32-1te SITUATION WANTED--BY YOUNG : «lady of refinement and education as Do You Own a Ford? Don't forget that we are your headquarters for gen- uine Ford Parts, accessories and service. SkokieMotor Co. 712-714-716 Elm Street | 3 | Winnetk: Authorized Tord and Lincoln Dealers FOR SALE--ONE FORD SEDAN. TEL. Winnetka 638-J. May be seen Sun- day morning before eleven. T32-1te FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--"CRAFTSMAN" SOLID oak living room furniture including library table, chairs, desk, book cases, music cabinet; also hall seat and mirror; electric washer, gas stove, dog kennel. 872 Pine St, Winnetka 1720. LTN3-1tc | FOR SALE--B. W. BED; DROF LEAF extension table, 4 leaves, and small marble-top table; 54 inch dining table, and 7 chairs; oil heater; gar- den tools, ete. Reasonable for quick sale. 910 Oakwood Ave. Wilmette, LT3-1te FOR SALE--SOLID WALNUT AN- tique 4 poster spindle bed with box springs; also spindle couch to match; WANTED--WASHING AND IRONING by the day by Swedish woman. Tel. Wil. 2486. LTN3-1tc DRESSMAKING BY THE DAY. PHONE Wilmette 2829. T3-1tp FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES Repairing and Repointing of All Brickwork NEW CHIMNEYS, FIREPLACES, FOR SALE--A BARGAIN. 5 PASS. sedan; 1921 model; good running or- der; new battery; 6 good tires; 2 ex- tra tubes; slip and radiator covers; pr. of Weed chains; spotlight; price so reasonable you can afford to pur- walks and platforms built. Personal chase to use for your work or drive work, guaranteed. Otto Otten--Ph. your children to school. Tel. Kenil- Kenilworth 1307. LTN3-1tc worth 598 for price, etc. LTN3-1tc WANTED--CARE OF FURNACES BY [FOR SALE--FORD TOURING, 1922; reliable man; work done by hour; starter; demountable rims; practi- M. J. Gallagher. Phone Winn. 1103. cally new tires, with spare; wheel LTN2-3te lock; foot accelerator, and other ex- re tras; fine condition throughout; ex- REPAIR WORK DONE ON AUTO- ceptional engine. Tel. Winn. 968. mobile curtains. Isinglass replaced. TN32-1te furnaces; can do driving. Tel. Glen- 886 Willow St., Tel. Winnetka 1924. TN32-1tc | FOR SALE--STEARNS-KNIGHT CLUB roadster; motor perfect; top good; FURNACES CLEANED AND TAKEN 5 good tires; price $350. Hansen care of by reliable man. Tel. Winn. Motor Co., Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 30. 1783. T27-6tc T32-1te GARDNER WILL TAKE CARE OF FOR SALE -- WINTON ROADSTER, very good condition; Calif top; must coe 332-W. GG. Sruanek, 340 South sell. Ward, 900 Bluff St. Glencoe. Ave. Glencoe. TN32-1tc + TN32-1tc SITUATION WANTED--WALE SITUATION WANTED MALE governess; willing to travel. Tel. chest of drawers to match set. Tel. Wil. 116. TN32-ite Wil. 492. LTN3-1te IF YOU WILL BRING YOUR WASH- FOR SALE--SOLID MAHOGANY 4 ing to me I'll do it at home. Tel. Foster bed and box springs; splendid Winn. 1902. T32-1tp condition; very reasonable. 463 Washington Ave. Tel. Glencoe 518. TN32-1te FOR SALE--FLAT TOP OAK DESK and swivel chair; walnut dressing table; congoleum rug. Tel. Winn. 1767 or call Room 3, Meyers Bank Bldg. T32-1tp FOR SALE--9x12 ORIENTAL RUG; blue reed baby carriage, and clothes wringer, in good condition. Tel. Wil. 1096. LTN3-1tp STORE autos, $08 Oak Kt. L.TN1-tfe N. FELL--DEALER IN NEW AND used household goods. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Evans. 103. LTN1-tfe FOR SALE--'CLARKE JEWEL" GAS stove; used 6 months; also porcelain lined ice-box. Tel. Wil. 2908. LTN3-1tc FOR SALE--CHILD'S BED; ivory en- WINNETKA FURNITURE buys and. sells rugs, stoves. pianos, anything useful. amel; Simmons make; bed and mat- tress in good condition. Tel Winn. 1649. TN32-1tc FOR SALE -- HOOVER CLEANER, good condition, $25. Tel. Winn. 44 TG22-1te FOR SALE--S8 PIECE OAK DINING set at $35. Tel. Winn. 249, T301tfc WISCONSIN FLAG STONE 730 Center Street, Winnetka PAUL KRUGER Stone Mason Contractor Builder of Fountains and Stone Gateways NEW YORK BLUE STONE Phone Winnetka 1530 Tel. Winn. 1719. 893 Elm. T32-1tc FOR SALE--WINNETKA--REMODEL- ed T7-room house; 3 porches; Nokol, FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM heat; garage; lot 60x187 ft.; owner | suitable for 1 or 2. 806 Elm St., very anxious to sell, has just cut! Winnetka. T32-1tc price to $10,000 for quick cash. In-| quire $77 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 1689. | FOR RENT--4 ROOMS; MODERN; h. LTN3-1tc| Ww. ht.; also garage. 353 Adam St., Glencoe .Tel. Glencoe 338-J. T32-1te HOUSE OF ENGLISH COLONIAL |, n y % type; 8-rooms; 5 bedrooms; 2 baths; FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED lavatory on 1st floor; lot 773x187; wooded. Ready for occupancy. Own- eit on premises; 1111 Cherry St., Win- netka. FOR SALE-----WILMETTE: SHERIDAN rd. homesite; 87% ft.; heavily' wooded. Owner must sell. If sold this week will" accept $125 per ft. Address Will Life, A-366. L/T3-1tp 1 LTN3-1tp , ! room, new home; 603 Provident Ave Tel. Winn. 911. T22-tfc FOR RENT--WITH BOARD, PLEAS- SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED--COLORED MAN WISHES position as chauffeur; good driver, and repair man. Walter Dent, 147 N. Leavitt St., Chicago. TN32-1tc WANTED--BY COLLEGE STUDENT, ~dd job work by 'the hour Saturdays. FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE 1922 DODGE TOURING, 1922 Dodge roadster, 1921 Dort tour- ing; all in excellent condition. Wersted Motor Co. Tel. Winn. 165 LTN3-1te ant front room; for 2 adults. Tel, |__Tel. Wil 909-R. TN32-1tp | FOR SALE--CHICAGO ELECTRIC, Wil. 992-J. 731 10th St, Wilmette. ER aR Th i $300; good condition. Tel. Winn. 154. LTN2-2tp HELP WANTED--FEMALE T32-1te FOR RENT--PLEASANT FURNISHED WANTED--DINING ROOM GIRL; AP-| FOR SALE--OVERLAND ODE room, convenient to station. Tel. ply 376 Park Ave. Tel. Glencoe 474. Best offer takes it EIA 560. Vor: Winn, 415. LTN3-1te TN32-1tc non Ave. Glencoe. ; T32-1te FOR SALE--"BLUE BIRD" ELECTRIC washing machine; only 3 yrs. old; $40 cash. Winn. 1416. LTN3-1tc WANTED TO BUY--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store. 1004-6 Emerson Si. Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTN1-tfc FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PLANT NOW Trees, Shrubs, Hardy Flowers, Evergreens. S. G. MENNELI, Landscape Gardener .. .. 381 ADAMS ST. GLENCOE Phone Glencoe 853 We specialize in Hardy Plant arrangement, LTN3-tfc FOR SALE--THOROUGHBRED WHITE Persian kitten. Tel. Winn. 1941. T32-1tc \ a s v " rE >» i . 2 a FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS moths. Fall Clean-Up Time New Expert service to end the danger and nuisance of rats, mice, ants, moths, roaches, and bed-bugs. children against rats and mice. Protect health against unsanitation roaches, ants, and other insect pests. completely destroyed. Scientific knowledge enables me to guarantee satisfactory results. fidential and incurs no obligation. P. J. Uedelhofen 849 BURR AVENUE, HUBBARD WOODS Tel. Winn. 619-W Protect Protect clothing against due to All vermin pests Consultation is con- FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--On account of other business, will sell my delicatessen and fancy fruit store; rent reasomn- able; long lease. Call at 5623 Glen- wood Ave., Chicago Tel. Ardmore 1268 POLICE PUPPIES female Police Puppies from registered and prize win- ning stock. TEL. WILMETTE 19. LTN2-2tc For Sale SEVERAL THOUSAND YARDS of prepared, rich black soil. To landscape gardeners and team- sters, special price. Also have short cattle manure. A. STACHEL 290 Greenwood Ave, Glencoe Telephone Glencoe 155 LTN3-2tc --WINTER-- POTATOES Wisconsin Grown M. A. STOCKLEY, Producer Winnetka Phone 222 LTN3-tfc FOR SALE--LARGE SHAWL COLLAR and cuffs; best eastern mink; also two men's suits and cravenette rain coat, size 40-42. Phone Winn. 1027. T32-1te FOR SALE -- SEAL SKIN COAT trimmed with Marten; size 38; price reasonable. Tel. Winn. 1600. LTN3-1te FOR SALE--MAN'S OVERCOAT; CHIL- dren's clothes. Tel. Glencoe 1041. TN32-1te FOR SALE -- FOUR BILLIARD TA- bles, $100 each. Apply Ouilmette Country Club. LTN3-1te M. SMITH JUNK DEALER. I CALL for all kinds of junk; paper, 65¢; magazines, 80c; rags, $1 per 100 lbs. Tel. Wilmette 1351. TN31-4tp LOST AND FOUND LOST--MAN"S WRIST WATCH ON Country Day School football field; Monday, October 15. Finder please return to Mr. Victor L. Cunningham, 710 Linden Ave. Winnetka; reward. T32-1te LOST--3 BLUE AND WHITE RAG rugs; dropped from car Sunday morn- ing, Oct. 14, on West Pine St., or Hib- bard road, between Pine and North Ave. Mrs. Jos. Husband, 611 Black- thorn Rd. Tel. Winn. 239. T32-1te LOST--TIGER CAT; YOUNG; BLACK and gray stripes. "M" on forehead. Answers to name of "Kitty Jim." Tel. Winnetka 1297. T32-1te LOST--KOLINSKY FUR PIECE IN driveway 241 Essex road, Winnetka. Return to owner, 241 Essex road. Reward. Tel. Winn. 1330. T32-1te LOST--LADY"S GOLD WRIST WATCH; monogram "A. C. B."; also diamond platinum ring; reward. 208 Sunset Rd., Winnetka. T32-1tc LOST--NEAR N. T. HIGH SCHOOL; glasses with bows and dark rims; in case. J. B. Riddle, 991 Oak St. Tel. Winn. 514-R. T32-1tc PIANO TUNING EXPERT PIANO TUNING, REPAIR- ing. L. W. Foster, piano maker. Call your home tuner. Tel. Winn. 509-J. LTN1-tfc MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENT WATCH MAKER AND JEWELER HAVE LEASED Linden Ave. Watch and Jewelry in all Branches. Experienced, Reliable Work- man. PARK BRADFORD T31-1te STORE AT 962 Repairing WANTED--Horses to winter.. a month per head. References fur- nished. Will call for horses and re- turn them. George Herrick and Son, Lake Forest, Ill. Telephone Lake Forest 410. T32-1te $16.00 Quinlan and Tyson to Have New Office Space A new store and office building is promised Evanston, to be ready for oc- cupancy about April 1, 1924. The build- ing will be erected at 1571 Sherman ave- nue, by Quinlan and Tyson, well known north shore realtors, who now occupy the east rooms of the Rood building on Or- rington avenue and Davis street. The property fronts 65 feet on Sherman ave- nue and is 210 feet deep. It is the expectation of the owners to improve the property with a two-story brick store and office building. Quinlan and Tyson will occupy the north side next to the alley, and the other two stores will be leased to other firms. The of- fice of the real estate firm will occupy approximately 2,200 square feet. Work on the new building will start at once, the firm announced. rr Tr rr rar Rr rr Zizizzy that bankers are hard folks to deal with, that they are crabby and ultra-dignified and all that. We'll say that we haven't an officer or an employee who doesn't know how to smile--and mean it!--and shake hands like a real friend. You'll find the personnel of this organization likeable and obliging --all the way thru! WINNETKA-TRUST o® SAVINGS -BANK Elm Street at Center Cn ALLLLLLLLLLLL LLL LLL LLL SLL LISS SILLS SLL SLL LL SLL SSS LAL SASS SSIS SS SSS SSIS SSL SS SS 17 SLLLLIILLL IIL LIILLLLILLLLLL LLL LLL L LLL LLL L LLL ALLL LLL ILS I ISLS LSS AILSA S111 71172777 LIISA III You needn't take the trouble to come clear over ISSA LILS ALLS IIIA P1I SSIS, here for some- CLASSIS SSSA SSSI IS 71S LEE SAYS: thing. Just call "The band went over up Winnetka 2 ar Commerce meeting! And 1 don't say this just because I'm one of the bunch. Believe me, we're going to have a fine band before long!" immediately. and you'll get it Al lillies ii iiiidlididdiiiieidida tid PHARMACY Elm & Linden WINNETKA 2 LILI SILAS LIAS SSIS