WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1923 Talks About Our Winnetka Schools By CARLETON W. WASHBURNE, Superintendent, Winnetka Public Schools. Reading, spelling and arithmetic have attention from those who are studying the science of education than any other school subjects. The amount of work that has been done on reading in the last few years is ap- palling. Moving pictures have heen taken of the movements of a child's eye when reading simple mater- ial and when reading material that is more dificult. Most elaborate. counts have been made of the words most com- received more exact monly used in the English language. Professor Thorndike of Columbia uni- versity, for example, has tabulated the frequency of occurence of the 10,000 commonest words in the English langu- age covering all together a study © of four and one-half million running over words. Tests have been devised for de- termining children's vocabularies, their rate of speed in silent reading, their comprehension in silent reading, and their accuracy in oral reading. While there is still a vast amount of | work to be done in the scientific study of reading and how to teach it, the amount of knowledge on hand at present is sufficient to enable us to 're-construct our courses of study in reading on a scientific basis. Scientific Investigation The Winnetka schools have organ- ized their reading work on the basis of the scientific mvestigations. made up to the present. time. They have done their small - part in gathering data for this scientific basis, Many hours have been: spent- by Win- fiotka teachers in painstakingly counting the frequency of occurrence of words and groups of letters in primers and first. and second readers. 'The first sei- entific list of phonograms ever to be published came from the Winnetka schools. Right now alternate \Wednes- day evenings and you may see. from twenty to thirty Winnetka teachers gathered in a class room at the Horace Mann school analyzing the frequency oi occurrence of syllables in the 10,000 commonest English words so "that chil-} dren may be trained in the instant ree-; ognition of those syllables: which have!| a high frequency of occurrence. Stress Silent Reading Much more time is given iff the Win- netka schools to silent reading than to! oral reading." Parents who have been brought up under older systems some- tes times criticize the schools for this. The reasons of the change of emphasis from oral to silent reading are these: As adults, we read silently most of the time--orally only on rare occasions. Too much oral reading in school makes word readers of children. A word reader is one who reads each word to himself as if he were reading aloud. Such a person reads much more slowly than one who reads groups of words from one word to the next instead of skimming smoothly along the line. In- stead of oral reading being good train- ing for silent reading, it is, after a certain amount of skill has been reach- ed, an actual detriment. We do, however, teach oral reading also in the Winnetka Schools. It re- ceives. much less emphasis than silent reading, but no child is promoted from one grade of reading to the next until he has reached the standard ability in oral reading common to children in the same grade throughout the country: Our poorest child must equal the aver- Tene ns | 3 Hawe Clean Your EYES Healthy Eyes If they Tire, Itch, Smart, Burn or Discharge, if Sore, Irritated, * Inflamed or Granulated, use Murine. Socthes and Refreshes. Safe for Intant or Adult. At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book MURINE CO., 9 East Ohio Street, Chicago oe of oe obo of ode ob oF ob ob of ook ob ookok oR oR oR BRR ob Bob Smokers, Attention! A Treat in Store for You The Aristocrat Havana Cigar Made in Hubbard Woods Sold by the box or at retail by the maker RICHARD O. RISTOW 054 Linden Ave. Tel. Win. 430 of obs of of of oF ob oF ob ob ole oe odode od ode ok Bool ob Bob RoR Your Stored Goods should be safe from reason why they to us. should be They carefully fire.' "That's one should be entrusted handled and placed where there is no possi- bility of damage. reason why they with us. reasons, if these should be And there are That's another stored lots of other aren't enough ! SUL LACE TALE FIRE-PRCOF STORAGE PHONE WINNETKA 232 6 PROUTY ANNEX 551 Lincoln Avenue "The place where eating is a pleasure" Cameo Restaurant and Lunch Room Our Meals have that nice "hemey'" taste. Try them and see. Joe Stoner & Co. Food dod od ok bob Rok RRR RRR ER age child of other places before he is | Schools is frcm one to two years above ! DIAMONDS AND ADS promoted. | the standards reached by schools in. There is no subject in which the other parts of the country. Every child' Winnetka children excel those of other | n the Winnetka Schools reads at least places by as much a margin as in read- | one hundred books between first grade ng. Every room in the Winnetka and eighth. and a Classified Ad. ever, Two things in this world are small but of tremendous value--a diamond The Ad, may cost only thirty cents! how- =, RN For Every Meal --Every Day There's a PYREX Dish for every oven use. Pyrex improves food, serves it more attractive on the table and saves pot and pan scouring, Pyrex makes you proud of your kitchen and table. DN No home can have too much Transparent Ovenware \Ve carry a complete stock ECKART HARDWARE CO. Hardware, Paints, Tools, Cutlery, Glass to 735 Elm Street DS WINNETKA, ILL. 777 TEL. TEL. 843 844 2, 2077777770000, INFORMAL DANCE Saturday Evening, Nov. 3rd In The Orchid and Gold Ballroom aon 58 Tr pl » TD | = Get acquainted with the good times at these informal dancing parties. Enjoy the elegance of this wonderful ball room built for the residents of north shore towns. Rollicking good music, a perfect floor and a merry crowd of mothers and fathers as well as voung people make these parties all that could be desired. For a real good time, get up a party and come this Saturday! . Nine until twelve. $220 per couple. Tickets May Be Secured In Advance At Hotel Office BE ee | at A et lei I A a I SSS /