ga ¥ WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1923 SAYS TOWNSHIP CAN BE ZONED Myron H. West of Wilmette Cities Law Permitting Plan for "No Man's Land" NOTED CITY PLANNER Gives Advice on Regional Planning While officials of the north shore vil- lages are discussing ways and means of securing proper zoning regulations for the territory in the township out- side the corporate limits of the vil- lages, Myron H. West, 1240 Gregory avenue, Wilmette, a well known city planner, calls attention to the fact that Hlinois laws provide for the control by municipalities of street platting for a distance of one and one-half miles be- yond the corporate limits. In a statement quoted recently by a Chicago daily, Mr. West said: "I've always believed that city plan- ning was unworthy of the name unless it provided for the future of the city in question and therefore really came under the heading 'of regional planning. May Plat Outside Village "Few people realize that there is a law on the statute book of Illinois pro- viding for the control of street platting outside the city limits where no in- corporated cities or villages are en- countered. "There's a great deal being written about regional planning around Chicago, and a committee, of which I am a mem- ber, is working on this problem. Many people think of this as a new departure in city planning, As a matter of fact I've never prepared a was not a regional plan. Fit Structure to City Plan "We've always included a large area around the city in question, paying no attention to city limits, preparing com- prehensive zoning first, just as an archi- city plan that tect prepares first of all the ground plan showing arrangement of rooms; then laying out 'a comprehensive street system, and finally going back into the present city and fitting this structure in with the plan for the greater city. "I believe that the very foundation of city planning lies in comprehensive zon- ing and in street control, as made possi- ble under the recent Illinois act." Mr. West cites the ci., of Decatur as the first municipality in the state to take advantage of the new law passed in 1921. Decatur, he said, is plotting 16,000 acres in addition to the 4,000 contained within the city limits. Name Plan Committee Mr. West's comment is particularly significant at this time in view of the fact that the villages of Wilmette, Ken- ilworth, Winnetka and Glencoe have agreed to appoint a special committee authorized to study zoning problems with reference to that part of the town- ship not includéd with the corporate limits of the villages. Winnetka already has appointed Robert Kingery as her representative on this committee. Mr. West is now engaged in work- ing out a city plan for Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Among other cities which have had the benefit of his expert advice are Springfield and Danville, II, St. Aug- ustine, Fla, and Lincoln, Neb. Mr. West is also a member of the Chicago Regional Plan commission, and his valuable opinions on city planning are sought by communities in every section of the country. Lutheran Young People Will Meet at Glencoe The North Shore Zone of the Walther 'league, an organization of young people in the Lutheran de- nomination, will meet in convention at Trinity Lutheran church, Glencoe, Sunday afternoon and evening, Dec- ember 9. St. John's church of Wil- mette, will send a large delegation to the sessions. Appearing prominently on the speakers' program of the convention will be the Rev. H. E. Jacobs, field secretary of the Wheatridge sani- tarium, an institution maintained largely through the efforts of the Walther league. A feature of the convention will be a prize contest for the best song and poem setting forth the purposes of the Walther league. Two $35,000 Residences Planned At Kenilworth Building permits have been issued to Earnest H. Burgess and to I<. B. Met- zel. Mr. Burgess will build at Melrose avenue, just west of Sheridan road and Mr. Metzel will build at the corner of Essex road and Cumberland avenue. The permits were issued from the vil- lage clerk's office in Kenilworth and the hcmes valued at more than $35,000 each. Read the Want-Ads LEWIS, INC., SHOWS TALMADGE COSTUMES Norma Talmadge writes, "I do not think the public is aware of the im- portance which clothes have in the success of motion pictures, nor their influence on actors and audience. . . . In 'Ashes Of Vengeance,' for instance, I wear a blue silk and satin gown such as worn in 1570, and feel transported to those times. . . .The upstanding collar keeps my head high, to be haughty. . . The sweeping train con- duces to stately carriage, just as short skirts invite the modern girl to romp and skip. . . .In real life as in the pic- tures we all dress a part, to fit our calling, or befitting the occasion. From earliest youth to old age, men and women express their mental and physical changes in their clothing." "Ashes Of Vengeance" has been acclaimed one of the greatest ro- mances, with a background of mag- nificent settings. Tt opens with a brilliant ball in the great Louvre Palace, arranged by the ambitious Catherine De Medici, mother of the weak-willed Charles IX. Norma Talmadge wears fifteen re- splendent costumes in "Ashes Of Vengeance." The costumes worn by the entire cast represent thousands of dollars and long research work to de- termine their details and make them true to history. Costumes worn by Norma Talmadge and Conway Tearle in "Ashes Of Vengeance" are now on display in the window of LEWIS, INC. 1606 Chicago avenue, just north of Davis street, Evanston. GOOD REPEATER The Want Ad may repeat its appeal to the same person several times, while the human salesman makes but one appeal and then leaves. You Are Going to own a HOOVER some day! Even if you have a different make now, you will soon wapt' the more efficient, wonderful new model oover. Jhe HOOVER a2 it Sweeps Ir BEATS... a2 it Cleans It will cost less if you buy the Hoover first. We will take in your present cleaner towards a new Hoover. Place Your Orders Now for Christmas Delivery. =U rf 0 3 1 P A Y M E N T S WASHERS and IRONERS TE TEE \ & Sons Becttos © 8 CHAIN STORES 8 EVANSTON 1561 "Sherman Ave. Phone Evanston 2237 SOCCER TEAM WINS 6 STRAIGHT GAMES New Trier High school's champion- ship soccer team obtained its wish of six straight league victories Saturday, beating out the speedy Morton team 4-1 in one of the hardest fought battles of the season. The team had to play its hardest to grab off the final game of the year, for Morton was not awed in the least by the fact that they were playing against the champs, leaving the field Rotary Oil Burner Unique in principle --no electric current used -- no gas pilot light--no machinery noise. Established 1909--over 100,000 in use--long past the experimental stage dependable in operation. Burns cheap fuel oil in steam, hot- water or hot-air furnace. Inexpensive to install. Nothing to get out of order. Uses little fuel. See a Rotary in opera- tion at our office. ROTARY OIL BURNER 1709 Sherman Avenue Evanston Phones Evans. 455 Glencoe 275 at the half with a 1-0 lead. J. Palletti gladdened the hearts of the New Trier rooters (there were nineteen of em) by tying up the score carly in the second half. Morton soon tired under the fast pace, while New Trier was still fresh. "Josey" put over another goal, and "Andy Madden booted in the other two markers. The team has run up a fine record for the year. They have won twelve | out of thirteen games, losing their only game to Lane Tech 1-0. Forty- seven goals have been rolled up against opponent nine. Beside, New Trier has been able to go through the season without the loss of points in one or more games, which has not been achieved heretofore. Capt. MacFadzean and J. Palletti tied for individual honors in the league with seven goals apiece. A. Madden came second with five, and W. Palletti scored three. Thorsen, Whitsett, and Heuer each garnered one. IT CAN'T 1027 Davis St. Do You Know That | If the JEWETT Can't Do It A thrifty Six built by Paige ~~ TRACY HOLMES MOTOR CO. EVANSTON, ILL. BE DONE Tel. Evanston 4903 New England G.D.J. & BRO. 352 Park Ave. Branches--Winnetka, Glencoe, ARTISTICALLY CORRECT A perfectly proportioned brick of the early Northeast Glencoe. ful landscaping, room, sun porch, extra lavatory, large pantry, 7 2 car heated garage. : GILBERT D. JOHNSON & BRO. Exclusive Agents Main Office--110 So. Dearborn St., Chicago in the best section of Spacious rooms, beauti- 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. Breakfast | type $32,500. Loeal Office Phone Glencoe 971 Highland Park, Deerfield 7 722222222 7% 7 2 7 & 27% % Imported Save 259 to 509) Clear from bona-fide retail prices The long-established reputation of this house for integrity and "open book" methods of doing busi- ness lends an added significance to this sale that will be fully appreciated by every prospective rug buyer and home-maker in general. Offered in this sale are 1,150 Oriental Rugs of all sizes and varieties--imported direct from the rug- weaving districts of the Orient, including China-- i 33rd Anniversary Sale of Choice ORIENTAL RUGS Direct assembled by us and Tien Tsin. Rugs instead of These prices, representing a saving of 25% to 50%, bring the cost down so low that the question of whether or not one can afford real Oriental longer an obstacle. J 2 D2 Z% 122 2% at Constantinople, Sultanabad machine-made domestics is no 200 Irans Average size 6x4 Regular value $75 Sale Price $58 Room Size Arak Rugs Size 10x7 to 15x11 Regular values $265 to $875 7772772222222 N $175 to $575 300 Ladic Mats Average size 3x2 Regular value $14 Sale Price $8.75 Persian Lilahan Rugs Average siz Regular values $200 to $250 6.6x4.6 to 7x5 $145 to $160 150 Belouchistans Average size 6x3 Regular value $55 Sale Price $38.50 Size Choice Chinese Rugs Regular values $145 to $200 8x5 to 9x6 $110 to $155 $175 to $685 Room Size Sparta Rugs Size 9x6.6 to 19x10 Regular values $250 to $850 Room Size Kermanshah Rugs Size Regular 12x9 to 15x11 values $650 to $1,275 $490 to $875 222222 CONSTANTINOPLE 7777777777777 The groups advertised herewith are but typical of the values available in all sizes and varieties. 98 and 30: South Wabash Avande Established 1890 CHICAGO Phone Dearborn 9713 N rothers Importers 7% 7% iii; ;;y, 7222277727222 SULTANABAD § / bia 4 > pr