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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 24 Nov 1923, p. 26

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1923 ------ WHY XDQE | AM AN EXPERT DRIVER. WHAT 1 DORN A CAR WOULD FLL A BOOK. By M. B. i) all KNOW ABOUT by yp DONT KNOW ABOUT DRIVING A CAR wWOULLD FILL A HOSPITAL yes AND what YOU fil 8 = 5 = 3) wl ® * ¢ LJ ¢ LOST AND FOUND MISCELLANEOUS LLOST--ONE BUNDLE OF 4 ANTIQUE rugs, between Highland Park and Chicago. Finder please return and receive $100 reward, no questions! asked. Lake Forest Motor Express, Joe Holst, Prop. Tel. Franklin 29. TN37-1te LOST---ON NOV. 14, AT COMMUNITY House, small, dark blue enamel watch with white gold chain. Find- er please return to 428 Willow Si. and reccive $15 reward, Walch was old and of small value except 1o owner. Tel. Winn, 439, T37-1te LOST -- DROWN BULL TERRIER puppy. bobbed tail, with white col- lar and feet; answers to name of "Peter Pat." : Call Winn. 622 or re- turn to 882 Oak St. $5.00 reward. TN37-1te LOST--2 EVENING DRESSIIS IN Hubbard Woods; 1 orchid velvet; 1 brown moire. Return and receive re- ward. Mrs. Harry Rubel, 840 Lin- den Ave, Hubbard Woods. Tel. Winn. 115. [37-11¢ I-------- WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WOULD LIKE Knowledge." TO: BUY Tel. "BOOK OF Winnetka 613-J. LT8-1tc WANTED TO doll buggy. T BUY--LARGE el. SIZE Winnetka 870. LT8-1te FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS POTATOES M. --WINTER-- Wisconsin Grown STOCKLEY, Producer Winnetka Phone 3 A. TN3-tfc FOR chine and SALE---JUDD Simplex WASHING mangle for MA- $50; also a mission table and swing seat cheap. 710 Greenwood Ave, Glen- coe, Tl. TN37-3te FOR SALE--SECOND HAND COMBI- nation laundry heater, shaking mad le « grate. stove Tel. and hot water ff cast Wi with 1763. T37-1te iron, nn. FOR seal cuffs, $250. SALE- oat, BEAUTIFUL deep cost $500; Tel. Winn. squir worn 782, rel 1 - HUDSON collar and doz. times, L/TNS-1te FOR gas r Winn. SALE ange, 181%. -- "CLARK in zood condition. JEWELL" Tel. T37-1te FOR and gas stove. Tel. SALE--COMBINATION COAL Winnetka 952. LT8-1te FOR dog, 1 year SALE--FINE old. Tel. GERMAN Wilmette POLICE 2880, LLTNS-1te FOR -S $40, ALK -- Tel: G a 3 len. Pe. 316-W LIBRARY SET, TN37-1te FOR coat, $80. Tel. SALE--STYLISH BLACK SEAL Winn. 1 403. TN37-1tp of Nov. suitable the EXHIBIT AND SALE hooks CHILDREN at Joseph Sears School Kenilworth 15 to Dec. 14 for LTS-1te MISCELLANEOUS MAY TE 0} OR also ER'S Dr. HAFP WILMETTE for change. For rent by sale RIDING Doa ne"s ROA SADDLE HORSES the and STABLES, Place, D 89H hour: ex- 1 Y-2 LT7-2te DEGINNING vour tables BRIDGE, and pyr > r < T r \T 7 \/] vy 20 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1923 bb) [] * . "The Judge"--Filling Eitfer Way 2 Classified advertisements will be charged -- -- EE -- ---------------------- General Notices-- only to persons living in the district from COMPLAINANT GUGHT TO Evanston to Glencoe inclusive, whose names appear in the tele- ™E phone directory, or to persons who are regular subscribers to YOU ARE CHARGED WATH BE CHARGED WITH CARELESS FROM THE REPOS or i either Wilmette Life, Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe News. : ai CARELESS DRWWING WALKING INSTEAD EYE-WITNESIES | AM TOLD R 10 cents per line in one paper. 0 cents per line in all ates-- three papers. Minium charge 3 tines. Average of five . THAT YOU ARB UTTER y s he line. No black face type used. ! words te the line yp INCOMPETENT TO DRIVE A CAR. | M This size type t | charged as 2 lines. : o\ Yui ¥ This size type ! as Fay By Nines charged as 4 lines. % charged as 3 8. . : Classified advertisements will be : Deadline for Insertions-- iccéptea.up to Wednesday 12 : a o'clock for Wilmette Life or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock R, | for the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock for the Glen- ; i coe News. Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 388. 2 HE . iN : A P iy, pL " FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE § FOR RENT--HOUSE 3 \ ' i ly . . " v FOR. REN'B---IN, WINNETKA, BEAU- ners (Lt ~~ BIE, SA FE tifully furnished small house, easily - cn == eS heated, conveniently located, long , a a --=-- £5 RATHER THAN SORRY--BUY YOUR |W -or short lease Address Wilmette i a AT N 3 § --BU y ife -408. © ¢ N37-1tc - eT = = - rE 'home now before the Spring. Tush Life, iA -408. == ------ EA = Ree and while prices are reasonable. ER RRR TT TT = er and hit HE very best value ob- WANTED TO RENT--GARAGE EE tainable in a 7 room home in Win- RG % netka, near the lake, schools and | ONE OR TWO CAR GARAGE, NEAR station; h. w. heat: not built to sell; Forest and Garland. Phone Winn. wooded lot; $15,000. 643. T37-1tp Fine 8 room stucco home on 100. a. ee -- ft. wooded lot; 2h exespiional value FOR RENT--ROOMS ONIN Ee an TA te To} A TOATION. WANTE NE / TU VIED--MALE PIANO TUNING Other bargains in vacant; for in-{ = oo 'nn ROOM IN PRIVATE SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WANTE ii = formation and inspection of the TLL Ll (0 Tone or two. Nice, comy WOOD SAWED ANY LENGTHS, | EXPERT PIANO TUNING, REPAIR: roperties, see . . r ; ag N als recess take 'n, cleaning up lots ing. 17 7. Foster, piano maker. Pe 1 / oo 530d, CI Ry MARGARET LOUISE TUFTS Hg wil $579 and Call your home tuner. Tel. Winn. E E StultsRealt Co Call at 506 Park Ave, Wilmette. Teacher of Piano Wil. 926-M. LTN7-dte| 509-7. LTN7-tfc 940 ; TN37-1tc Pupil of Louise Robyn ------------------------ eee sr - 790 Elm St., Winnetka; Tel. Winn. 1800 __ and Adolph Weidig. sg FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS : : LTNS-1te } FOR RENT -- AN ATTRACTIVE K indergarten Ww ark Given double front room, south exposure, BE ane FOR SALE--ENTIRE DINING ROOM | FOR SALE--DINING ROOM FURNI- twin beds, tlw, Real, hae rivi PY 8 Winnetka 1367 set; porch and bedroom furniture; ture, 3 iron beds, and set (20 vis) leges, near transportation and rea: one a I'TN4-4tp Victrola; dog house: buck board, of "Book of Knowledge. vs. sonable. Tel. Winn. 1028. T37-1tc and other hshld. goods. Tel. Winn. 395. 8-1t« FOR SALE 1532 or 860 Lincoln Ave, Willlethal 2 ve "OR RENT---2 iE i SE.- Y FIRST T37-1tc | FOR SALE--2 GAS HEATERS. PRO- hileping rooms: gas light, heat and SH aN Y Ay By a Si White Elephant Sale, ee ~ 1 1 tes brody, heat «ad ; class laundress, by day, als = Tc Wi tke 37. 2 H15. T37-1te Hubbard Woods linen furnished, rooms dent BL ing and serving dinners. Mrs. Mc- | WALNUT DRESSERS, SIMMONS Winnetka 167 and 615 7-1tc tot Contra), Ave, Te ry AE Neal, 378 Adams St, Glencoe. Tel. beds, brown mahog. dining room = ETHER ET LTS-1te| Grencoe 321-R. TN37-1tc| table and cabinet, hall runners,| FOR SALE--2 BABY CRIBS, GOOD, If you want a well located : beautiful antique walnut bed and| $2.00 apiece. Tel. Winn. 82 home don't miss this for FOR LENT BOOM AND, BATH, IN WHITE WOMAN WISHES IRONING, other household goods. Tel. Glen- JINS-1t \ garage, suntan e One: = Ob m "leaning, or other housework, Hy coe 93. JTNS- y sm ; = TREY = - $13,500.00 men. nd 823 Central Ave. Tel. Hi HLA Call mornings or after POR 4 A RC TOfi0. IN Living room, dining room. i. 38. LTNS-1te 9 in evenings. Tel. Wil ol TW ET FOR SALE STOVES; NE KITCH- LTS 1tp 1 i A en stove, one Jewe es 2 stove, den and kitchen on first RY WORK base burner like new. Tel, Sloncas FOR SALE--SINGER SEWING MA- $3 WANTED -- LAUNDRY 4 . 589. 415 Longwood Ave. N§-1te shine. Tel. Wil. 2139, L8-1tp floor, 3 bedrooms and bath i i Called for and delivered; references c 4 on second floor, large clos- 9 o given. Tel. 1237 Evasion, Ofaris ) r : JTNS- ets, Lot 60x159, Hot water Dom t Iss Crume. p heat. DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN SEW- LHS t it ing by the day, references. Call A Wi - Ton Th TH) n V4 Kvanston 5842, call evenings. ° nn o ° + oA. M, Hindru the opportunity J Fine Household Furnishings. 748 Elm St, Winnetka BUNDLE AND FAMILY WASHING atte a suite > ceting- done, called for, delivered, wor : : Phone 2071 T37-1te of gertng By gujable fhesting guaranteed. Tel. Evanston 3352-R. Have sold my home, am leaving city. Some fine values for place in the newest building in LTNS6-tfc | diac iai nating. Payers , £1 ', 7 st kz e- ' Wieastin. 1 worn ie fone WANTED -- LAUNDRY WORK BY 2 Antique Mahogany Dressing Tables, stand and chest of | W d fore the dates and rooms are day. 1st class ref. Mrs. Webb, Ae a te ul ar ©© $ 11 taken Evanston 3352-M. LTNE-1tp drawers; day bed comp ; a aken. B 2 lk X 5 : WASHING TAKEN HOME AND DE- Brass bed, box springs and mattress. ric To be sure, see, at once, livered. 41% Prairie Ave. Tel. Wil , : a ui A 9 1351 LTT-4tp Thor Washing Machine, Brunswick Phonograph and recor JONDERFULLY BUILT, 4. .B. R., 2 : : Eloy ang os RH 2nd; large billiard room Dr ] FE Fonda in Ser trove ar & case: Fireless Cooker. ard: sun, slp. and breakfast Ile Jog SITUATION WANTED--EXP. DRESS- : Tih on Sr y H : FP nt; garage. Im- making; come in your own home. Bronze Statuettes, Oil Paintings, etc. Res ron 'ner lot. Near|| Phone WINNETKA Tel. Wil. $94-Y-3. LTNS-1t¢ : 2 enie (ooded C035. 000 2 If interested, Kindly eall at my residence, 526 Laurel Ave, schoelgigific 1rans. 585,000 zn Meyer Bank Bldg. WANTED--WASHING, IRONING AND Witmetie 100 o " cleaning by the day. Swedish. Tel § Heinsen& lar 9 mC. LTN9-1te Wilmette 2486. LTNS-1te '5 magnificent, large Oriental Rugs. LTNS-1te 5 pe Winnetka 254 RELIABLE GIRL, 17, WANTS CARE h36 Center, Nt, of children during daytime or eve- nd S d NT -- FURNISHE nings. Tel. Winn, 1769. T37-1tc eee FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM - -- -- - ; homes Open al ay unm ay Suitable Tor One or WoL. Retr Hentai cer ---- FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE--AUT( ! LTNS-1te rant and transportation. 806 LL fi Evan ton a8 21: T37-1te " UATION WANTED--MALE Q : FS FOR RENT--DESIRABLE ROOM IN Choice Acre racts private home, accomodates 1 or 2; one blk. from all transportation. DETECTIVE SERVICE & Acres on Glenview Road, $12,500.00 Tel. Winnetka 1993. L/TNS-1te Shadowing, Civil, Criminal, 9 6 Acres on Hibbard, nr. Lake, 1.25000 : : and Domestic Investigations. 5 Acres on Locust.......... 7,500.00} wR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM; I I EA on nn 5 Acres on Locust ......... 6,500.00 large, sunny and comfortable, con- dential. 15 Acres on Lake ......... 37,500.00 venient to transp. Address Wie Ardross. ob. Dus Bota S hh ix & bach netka Talk, A-406. LTNS-1te 666 Oakdale Ave. Chicago, Box C USED ( ARS ( ) Phone Buckingham 8062 chaeler © ROOMS FOR RENT--FRIVATE FAM. i LTNT-4tc 909 Ridge Avenue ily, near transportation, bes tha 4 Pe a metee 364 could be desired. Tel. Wil 2962. The Used Car Department of the ° ° o LTS-2tc) EXP. MAN, HOUSE AND WINDOW Evanston Cadillac Branch offers an \ \/ 2 cleaning, floor waxing, furniture unusual assortment of good used W @ Specialize nm CENTRAL HOTEL-- ROOMS; STEAM polishing, and basement kalsomin- cars in both Cadillacs and miscellan- : heat: hot and cold running wltens ing. Also odd pyniing SW eous makes. y Tel. Wil. 1080. 629 Main St. Wil class references. alsh. el, inn. } ~~ aE (= TP 8 "1-tfe S16 LT -tfc To the prospective purchaser of a Acre racts ein Xe. J a new automobile in the §2,000-52.500 L/ENS-1tc i... NT NTT TET 2 ' EXP," All AROUND HOUSEMAN class, who would not ordinar ly _eon- FOR REN I-FURNISHED RMS. ALSO ANTE Tov dave Bb Sook Petinanent sider the purchase of a used car, we housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M; Wilmette and Winnetka references. wish particularly to call attention to \ : [1% o 2 LS near all transportation. LT6-tfc Tal. "WIL 21353 Adorcss Wilmette our late model. reconditioned Cadil- ' V est @mil W ort iS Life, A-393. LT7-tfc lacs. These cars will attract the buy- | ; a NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR er who demands dependability, super- | V t rent, gentleman. Tel. Winn. 1470. -- ior periormance; and, above all, the fll} T35-tfe satisfaction that comes from owning aca . : a car whose quality and prestige are MORE, $55 PER FOOT "HELP WANTED--F IMALE Upholstering, Draperies, fh i Liat nile BE wy Bg g 50 FT. OR MORE, 355 BR CF s CLP Al cD--FEMALE A all improvements in, except street Slip Covers Our selections are continually paving. Ripe for builder to erect| \nppp COMPETENT GEN. MAID, Slip € changing, and you will find here at four homes or oe ERRIN white, 3 adults in family. Refs. J B M F 1 A an Fetraotive rice a car that suits GLEBASON & PERE y + Kenilworth 761-R. 3 vour needs. Salesroom open evenings 554 Lincoln Ave. Tel. W CD Phone cxenilwarn 28 LTNS-1tp 0 9 ac &r ane Your present car accepted in part pay- a : ment, JANTED--GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK., wo Re i FOR SALE--NEW §-ROOM jor D bf on family. Ref. 292 Shepjdan [Interior Decorator y brick residence; located 855 Linco n td., Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 826. ; @ dill i Al oir re lal , Aves wan. 198 Satan 8 Dthss LNs Formerly with Mandel Bros. La LAC Motor Lar LOM DAMNY heated 'garage; open for inspeciion WANTED--RELIABLE he han iy : Is B h . , Rand. 0412 for appoint- an to care for 18-months-old boy, - a Ra ve tea Svanston Branc or Phong > LTN7-1t¢| Tuesday afternoons. Tel pin. 417 Fourth Street. \Wilmette J Rida Renta Evanston 620-J. '37-1tc $ + \\3 tte 2228 : N NON-RESIDENT OWNER WILL: SAC. - SR TT LTT ge Phone Wilmette 2228 Evanston. 3600 Rogers Park 9810 NM rm. stucco home on 1g. cor. lot, | RELIABLE , EXPERIENCED, i UNE ite best 'East location in Winnetka. maid, for general housework. No H. W. heat; principals only, no wash. Muss have good Fel. 320. LTNS5-tic . " Address rilmette ife, Tel. Winn. 1299. 7-1te - INS brokers. * Address Wilmette, (Life s GENERAL BUILDING REPAIRS BY A-4017. WANTED MOTHER'S HELPER reliable building mechanics, carpen- m-- a -- 'NT--HOUSES who will also do mending, 2 or 3 ters, steamfitters, roofers and paint-| nop SALE--HUDSON COACH, NEAR- WANTED TO BUY--HOUSEHOLD WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES days a week. Tel Kenliworihh 1885. ers at reduced rates. Afaress Jte: ly new, perfect mechanical condi- GOODS - TNSI-2tD 4-409. sTN§ 1p tion, many extras, best cash offer | ----=---- = me---- LESIRARLS ol ny bib A r D) TIN tT takes it. W. E. Shoemaker, 188| WANTED TO Bl Y--SECOND HAND lease a small house between no WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE | HANDY MAN, WILL ATTEND FUR-| i rtle St. Winnetka. T37-1te| furniture and other household goods. west Hvanston snd Glensoti Tags woman to come in daily for general naces night and morning for Loam a Highest price paid tor Same. Croet P. O. Box 66, Renllwortn, LiL h .work. Tel. Glencoe 1027. and board. Address Wilmette Life. or ia urniture Store, -6 Emerson St, TN3-tfc ousework. a Tan mar FOR SALE--5 P. FORD SEDAN, BAR- Tvalls 4 . 189 "N-tfo I Ey ry )hg-s TN37-1te A-410. T37-1tp Pr cathe, God condition Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTN-tfc "FOR RENT--APARTMENTS "OOK WANTED-- 2 LT | FURNACES TAKEN CARE OF BY| throughout. New tires, spare, new | yw NNRTKA FURNITURE STORE . --_-- COOK a A Abul FURNAG Ne a done by the battery and full supply Nas. buys and sells rugs, stoves, Autos FOR REND -FORNISHED = ROOM dress 125 Beach Road, near R. R. hour. Tel. Winn. 1103. T37-3te Phone 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. alte pianos, anything useful. 808 Oak St. flat and bath vot 71 Prairie| Station. TN37-1te : LTNI-tfe April. jarage 00. mos 4 Ave. Tel. Wil. 885-W. LTNS-1tp | meter ), WHITE PRE- FOR SALE --- RAUCH LANG ELEC-|N. FELL -- DEALER IN NEW AND » ob PT housework, 3 'A. P. HILLS tric, double drive, tires practically used household goods. 1644 Maple FOR RENT--4-ROOM APT, MOD-| RQ 000 10 Winn, 1707. TN37--1te Point 1 Decorah new, battery in good shape. Tel.| Ave, Evanston. Phone Evans. 103. evn, h W. ht 353 Adams.Bt, enc] COLT ' : Ci a Mrs. Cook, Sheldrake 1600, c/o Sov- LTNI1-tfc coe. Tel Glencoe 338.7 2 | WANTED--WOMAN TO TAKE COM- TEL. WiL. 2718 erign Hotel, Chicago, Ill TE ETE FF FOR RENT-.HOUSDS | plete ghurge of theme, "ielophone 1422 Wilmette Ave. : TING tte LOST AND Foun rey Jriimette ois bi WILMETTE FOR SALE_85-4 WILLYS-KNIGHT | FOUND--LADY'S WATCH, LOSER HOUSE FOR RENT_-6 ui > 4 'ED -- } '"HER'S HELPER. 1TNS8-1tc Touring, in excellent condition.; can claim by description of watch 197.4187 Forest. Wel. Winn, 1071. alo ak 1 SN oTHEN hh BE : $400. Tel. Winn. 165. LTNO-1te! Tel, Evanston 3332-M. L'TS-1te T37-1tc | 2062. call me, ARRANGE Tel. Wil. [L'TNS-3te BEGINNING your BRIDGE, tables and call me. ARRANGE Tel. Wil PLANT NOW Shrubs, Hardy Kvorgreens. S. G. MENNELL [Landscape Gardener : Trees, I'lowers, 381 ADAMS ST... GLENCOE Phone Glencoe 853 We specialize in Hardy Plant arrangement, LTN3-tfe HORSES TO WINTER WANTED -- HORSES TO WINTER. $6 a month per head. References furnished; will call for horses and return them. George Hedrick and Son, Lake Forest, Il. Tel. Lake Forest 410. LT3-8tc INVESTMENTS HARD-WORKING MONEY BRINGS HOME A BIG PAY ENVELOPE Money invested in our asso- ciation has to work. It doesn't lie idle in a box. It keeps active. It is loaned almost immediately. OUR EARNINGS HAVE BEEN LESS THAN NEVER ~ T%% WINNETKA BUILDING ASSOCIATION E. E. ADAMS, Sec. Annex T31-tfe 2 Prouty OUILMETTE THIRD IN K_ OF C. PIN EVENTS Columbus council's married men five is setting a terrific pace in the North Shore K. of C. bowling league. When the first round of the organization ended Monday, November 12, they were in the lead by a good margin. The stand'ng of the league at the nd oi the first round is: W.. 1. Av. Columbus Married Men A7:+% 82) University Married Men...11 10 .769 Ouilmette Single Men A110 775 Columbus Single Men..... 1110 .784 Newman Married Men....11 10 .793 Ouilmette Married Men... 8 13 .746 University Single Men.... 8 13 .766 Newman Single Men ..... 7.<14:-783 In the team average for a three- game series, Newman Married men led with 912; they also hold the honor for high single game with 1058. C. Welter of their team rolled 268 recently for first individual honors and also holds the current season's league record for individual average for three games with a count of 216 1/3. The local Married men's feated the Ouilmette singles evening in 2 of 3 games. DENMAN LEADS RAID ON MOONSHINE PLACE The first step in a campaign to clean cut the blind pigs at the Point on Ridge avenue at the west limits of Wil- five de- Monday mette, was taken Thursday afternoon when Major Albert I.. Denman, Wihl- mette superintendent of police, and Henry Brautigan, local policeman, em- ployed their authority as deputy sheriffs mn raiding the Henry Zeutschel place. Armed with a search warrant, the two oiflcers entered the place shortly after nion on Thursday, arrested Zeutschel as keeper and took him to the Wil- mette police station. They also tock "wo cases of liquor as evidence. Zeutschel was later released on $5,000 bail. He will appear before Magis- trate Mickey today. The raid on the Zeutschel place fol- lowed the arrest Wednesday night of a man cn the charge of drunkenness, whn stated he secured his liquor from Zeutschel {== WIN] A fof A Real Day of Thanks IN EXT Thursday is Thanks- giving day; most everybody has been looking forward to it for several weeks, so perhaps that isn't any news at all! We'll be closed all day, of course, and we would like to suggest that as good Americans, we all devote at least five min- j J utes of the day to thinking over just what we have to be thank- ql ful for. Then it will be truly a ec, day of thanks! | WINNETKA-TRUST [sl 4 @2SAVINGS-BANK 3 0 > Elm Street at Center : ICON S C H 0 I A RS H IP H 0 N 0 R S LILI z7777777rrrrriiiriiiimiaialiiriirriniaiaiaaaaiiiiaiidiiidiiddds GOLD STAR WAR HERO LN The New Trier Township High school board of education announced this week the establishment of the Manierre Barlow Ware scholarship, the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware of Kenilworth, in memory of their son, Manierre Ware, who lost his life in the World war. The scholarship, consisting of the sum of $400, is to be paid during the first week in September of each school year. The object of the scholarship, according to Mr. Ware, is to assist one or more worthy boys, who otherwise would find it impossible to complete their high school course. It was also suggested that the fund might be divid- ed, so that one-half could be devoted to helping some worthy girl, otherwise financially embarassed, to continue her school work. During the lifetime of Mr. and Mrs. Ware the scholarship will be paid by them, and provision will be made in their wills for continuance of payment through a trust fund to be handled by the Northern Trust company. "Some things, like eggs, it isn't good to buy weeks ahead of the But it is certainly good to get your Cards vou can't make so good a selec- time you want to use them. Christmas early. later tion. Come in today, and don't Kenilworth Lights Win Football Championship In an exciting game of football, the Kenilworth lightweights of the Joseph Sears school beat the Evanston team of corresponding weight by a score of 26 to 6 on the Kenilworth field Saturday, November 17. "Dick" Haugan starred for the los- ing team while "Tom" Hicks and "Tom" Watt were the shinina lights for the Kenilworth gang. forget to order your engraved cards!' ADAMS PHARMACY Elm & Linden WINNETKA 2 Tr FA 2 2 Ze Le Cadi, SISAL By winning ten consecutive games this season and having lost none, and by playing teams all the way from Evanston to Glencoe, the Kenilworth lichtweights become the undisputed champions of the north shore. The game with the Evanston eleven was the last tilt of the season. 722777 70070 Zr lal dlr diddidsisisdddidsdsis 72 27772777777 7777 dai irriizzzzzzzzzzzzizzizdiziiii

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