° STUDY BIOLOGY AT THE MUSEUM Skokie Classes Find Good Laboratory Books have their place in any form of instruction, but they can never supersede the thing which one can see in its actuality. The Skokie biology classes have been talking about me- teors and dinosaurs, and vertrebrates and fossils for some weeks. And there has been a great desire upon the part of more than 150 children who are in these classes to see some of these things which have been talked about. It was found that the North Shore line could supply motor busses at a charge which slightly exceeded the round trip fare on the train, which would take the children from the door of the school to the door of the museum and back again. Thursday, November 15, the first trip was made, two busses carrying 'more than 65 children to the museum. And last Monday another group of more than 70 made the trip. The adventure was so enjoyable, as well as instructive, that the eighth grade classes, who did not have the advantage of these trips last year, demanded the privilege of going also. Next week several bus loads of eighth grade children will embark for the Field Museum. It is hoped that during the year several similar trips can be arranged for the upper grade children, and the sug- gestion has been made that the busses solve the transportation problem in such a way that the fourth grade children who are studying: dinosaurs and mammoth elephants and other prehistoric wonders, may have a chance to see a few skeletons of the real thing. WANT NORTH AVENUE CALLED TOWER ROAD Following receipt this week of a net- sion asking that North avenue be changed in name to "Tower road," the 'Village council authorized its Streets, Drainage and Forestry committee to make a study of the matted of the nec- essity for other street name 'changes in the village, particularly with reference to cases of confusing nomenclature, such as results from Linden street, Lin- den avenue and other designations. The petition of the North avenue resi- dents prompted a discussion relative to the advisability of making a general study of necessity 'of © street name changes throughout the entire village. It was thought advisable by council members that if any changes in .street names are to be madé at this time, all should be embodied in one comprehen- sive ordinance, to avoid necessity of frequent changes in maps and other public records that would follow {re- quent changes in names. The task of making the study of street name changes was given over to the Streets, Drainage and Forestry com- mittee which later issued the statement that it would be glad to receive, through the village manager's office, any sug- gestions residents may desire to make in regard to such changes. 'THE PUBLIC FORUM | Editor, Winnetka Talk, Dear Sir: In your issue of November 10, there appeared in the Public Forum an ar- ticle by Mr. John C. Cobb, president of the Winnetka Improvement asso- ciation, in which the local post of the American Legion was quoted as being opposed to a Soldiers' Me- morial being built in Winnetka. This matter was brought before the Post at our meeting of November 13. and I wish to advise Mr. Cobb and the people of Winnetka where the Legion stands on this particular question. Winnetka Post is not opposed to a memorial being built providing the money needed to build the same is raised by other organizations, and not by the Legion! 'We have never requested or de- manded that any honor he bestowed upon us for our services in the late war. To come out and request that a memorial be built would seem that we wish to "pat ourselves on the back' and that we are asking the people of Winnetka to regard us as heroes when in reality, we only did our duty. We do feel. however, that the me- morial should be built. ' That our Buddies who paid the supreme sacrifice should be honored and not forgotten. Let's not give them a little flare-up popularity and then forget them un- til Decoration Day comes around or Armistice day again reminds of those sacrifices. Place it there on the Com- mon where all who pass may see it and pay respect to those Gold Star boys who died, in the cause of en-: WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1923 during peace and the security of our homes. This question is for the people of Winnetka, and not the legion, to de- cide. We stand today as in '17-'18. To serve in peace as well as war, and we ask only that those things for which we fought be realized. Yours very truly, Winnetka Post 10, American Legion, Thomas J. Lynch, Commander. Editor: Winnetka Talk "With deep and grateful satisfac. tion, the promoters of the White Elephant Sale, which was held at the Community House on November 14 and 15, record the proceeds as $3,885. No words or figures can describe the extent of the inspiring "good-will" spread throughout the community by the splendid spirit of co-operation on the part of all the people of the vil- lage. Offers of help to the committee poured in from members of every church, club, school, society, and from individuals. These offers were grate- fully accepted as far as they were needed, and the generous offers which could not be accepted continued to inspire and stimulate the comniittee throughout the sale. "The utmost harmony and synil- pathetic interest prevailed to the end of the enterprise, and it: is a source of heartfelt gratification that "the bonds of fellowship afd: co-operation in the community have been im- measurably strengthened 'by this lat- est achievement. Mrs. J. R. Montgomery, Hubbard Woods. WINNETKA SLOW IN RED CROSS DRIVE Winnetka is not contributing as readily as it should in the Seventh Annual Roll Call of the American Red Cross. "Despite the fact that much em- phasis was laid upon the great need of a general response to the appeal for Red Cross funds this vear," reads a notice sent out by Mrs. Willoughby Walling, chairman of the Winnetka campaign, "the subscription are com- ing in slowly. Two days' enrollment at our three railroad stations netted but $331. The enrollment booths at the Woman's club and the Community Exchange together brought in but $74. "We need your help!" The following committee is now engaged in a follow-up of the Appeal letters mailed to Winnetka households about ten days ago. Mrs. Ayres Boal, Mrs. Ballard Bradley, Mrs. Harve G. Badgerow, Mrs. E. B. Bartlett, Mrs. E. H. Clark, Mrs. Harold De Lay, Mrs. Victor Elting, Mrs. H. C. Edmonds, Mrs. Charles Fuller, Mrs. John McEwen, Mrs. James W. Prindiville, Mrs. E. S. 'Rogers, Mrs. Edgar Stanton, Mrs. Ro- 'bert Stevenson, Miss Eva Wilson. Information concerning the Win- netka campaign may be secured by communicating with Mrs. Willoughby Walling, Private road. | Thanksgiving Candy and Fruit Cake Thanksgiving will be more of a feast day if you have on your table one of our richly flavored Fruit Cakes. We carry two kinds, Purity and Crane's. $1 to $1.50 each Full line of fresh chocolates and hard and fancy candies. Smiling Service Community Pharmacy CHAS. R. PATCHEN 574 Phone Lincoln Ave. 164 hi IN lle ! /,/ | Sow ye 57, a) hy bh 5 > cdc HE .¢ HANKS THAT You ALLFEEL FIRST RATE- AND THAT YoUR_ PLUMBING'S UP-TO-DATE T'S a whole lot easier to give thanks for blessings bestowed than for those yet to come. If your plumbing is not in the proper working order be thank- ful that you are acquainted with our telephone number and ad- (| dress. We sell and install RUUD GAS WATER HEATERS VIC J. KILLIAN Plumbing Contractor 874 Center St. Winn. 1260 Read the Want-Ads 11:00 A; M. to 8:00 P. M. 75 JUST THINK OF IT! ~~ WELCHS CAFE WILMETTE Cafeteria Service as usual Thanksgiving | Thanksgiving Dinner A Grand old-time Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings and everything. The kind that grandmother used to make. Doesn't the very anticipation of | it make your mouth water? | Listen folks, this is confidential]! We're | going to put on the biggest and most gen- | erous Thanksgiving Dinner to be had anywhere on the North Shore, and at most reasonable price-- 51. Ee Ul l'