" WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1923 13 "Under the Mistletoe" Xmas Card Finds Favor Again "The cheer of the mistletoe and the holly, The joy of the child with the Christ- mas dolly, The wealth of friendship warm and true, All of these 1 wish for you." This charming Christmas picture was the Christmas gift last year of the ctcher, Mr. Charles Morgan of Mil- waukee, to the National Kindergarten and Elementary college building fund. The brooding child with her dolly made its large appeal last year to the college alumnae and their friends. Copies of this unusually attractive card will be on sale in the book de- partment at the Toy Carnival to be held December 8 at the Evanston Woman's club. The proceeds of the carnival are all for the college building fund. Miss Ruth Peterson, librarian of the Na- tional Kindergarten and Elementary college is in charge of the Carnival Book and Picture department, assist- ed by Miss Edith Moon, Miss Morse and Miss Maude Chidester of the Chil- dren's department, Evanston Public library. Mrs. Florence Ten Folds of the Children's department, Chicago Public library. Miss Peterson has assembled a very large stock of well selected books and pictures and will be ready with her assistants to advise those who wish help in their pur- chases for children. Most attrac- tive book-ends and book plates will be for sale besides the well known book plate of Milo Winters, always a favorite with children will be an entirely new one, the design made by Carol Louise Burn- ham, 13-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred N. Burnham of Hubbard Woods. Carol Lou has given her de- sign as her contribution to the college building fund. This design works out hoth as a Christmas card and as a hook plate. to The Walden Road Circle will hold an all-day meeting at the home of Mrs. Stanley Simpson, 725 Walden road, next Monday, December 3. This special meeting has been called in order to finish up all the Xmas sew- ing for the Dorcas home. Chris JIT EH ane . I An opportunity to buy beautifully made and exquisite Christmas presents will be given to you at a sale to be held at the home of Mrs. Ayres Boal, 618 Sheridan road, Winnetka on Thursday, December 6, from 10 to 5. The Vocational Society for Shut- Ins invites you to attend this sale of linens, rugs, lampshades, baby clothes, doll furniture, bridge table covers, and novelties of all kinds. This society is a visiting industrial school where they help the helpless to help themselves. They believe that "The world owes every man the right to earn his daily bread." Among the hostesses that will as- sist Mrs. Boal at the sale are: Mrs. Edwin Clark, Mrs. Willoughby Wal- ling, Mrs. William B. Hale, Mrs. Charles T. Mordock, Mrs. John L. Senior, and Mrs. Frank Blatchford. --0-- Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Mess, 982 Pine street, will have as their guests during Thanksgiving vacation, Mrs. Mess' mother, Mrs. Helen Richards, and her sisters, Miss Jane and Miss Lou Richards and brother, Charles Richards of Benton Harbor, Mich, Mr. Mess' mother, Mrs. Pauline Mess and daughters, Misses Elsie and Margaret Mess of Chicago will be dinner guests on Thanksgiving Day. --OQ-- The Little Garden Club will hold its second annual Guest Day at the home of Mrs. C. D. Ewer, 1111 Ash- land avenue, Wilmette. A delightful musicale program has been arranged and Mrs. Theron Colton will give her lecture on "Wild Flowers." Every member will enjoy such a program and it is hoped that all will be present and bring a guest. -- Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mitchell of Chicago have moved into the home they recently purchased the Mr. Joseph Schneible at the corner of Green Bay road and Scott avenue. --)-- Miss Margaret Hadley who is teach- ing in Nokomis, Illinois, is spending the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hadley, 913 Oak street. EE RT in LHI] 8 to 12 The Famous Oriole Orchestra during inclement weather. Che Ldgewater Beach Hotel 2300 BLOCK SHERIDAN ROAD CHICAGO Announces FORMAL BLACK CAT DANCES Marine Dining Room each Saturday 9p.m to2 a m. Informal Dancing other evenings (except Sunday) In addition to our large, free parking space, the Edgewater Beach Garage, in direct connection with the hotel, offers accomodations i the midnight Elizabeth Stroben, Hostess WHT CTT Announcement is made of the course of lectures on Current Events to be given by Mrs. Anthony French Mer- rill in the Sunday school room of the Glencoe Union church. The course will begin on Monday, January 7, at 10 o'clock in the morning. The build- ing fund of the Glencoe Woman's Library club will benefit by any sur- plus money obtained from the lec- tures. Anyone wishing to attend this course is asked to send her name and address to Mrs. Franklin deBeers, 814 Grove street; telephone Glencoe 3592. Eee The regular November meeting of the Winnetka Community Drama Club was held at the home of Mrs. Myron Harshaw, Monday, November 26, at 2:30 o'clock. The assisting guests of the afternoon were Mrs. Arthur Dean and Mrs. Percival Hun- ter who played the First Movement of the D. Minor Symphony by Caesar Franck and Mr. Willard Beatty who gave a very helpful talk on "How to Secure Effects With Simple Mat- erials in Stagecraft." l -- Approximately $1,000 was cleared | at the bazaar given at the Kvanston Woman's club by the alumnae of Chi Omega sorority on Wednesday of last week, according to Mrs. Earl Daven- port, a member of the general com- mittee. The money will be turned over to the building fund for the Chi Omega house to be built on Northwestern uni- versity campus. --_--G-- Miss Anne Kales, daughter of Mrs. Albert M. Kales who made her debut at the Casino on Saturday night at a dance given by her uncle aod aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Smith, of Chicago, is one of the young women who was a slave in the slave market of the Batik ball which tock place last night at the Congress hotel. go. Mrs. William C. Boyden and Mrs. Spaulding Coffin will be hostesses at a dance to be given for Miss Elizabeth Boyden and Miss Rosamond Coffin at Indian Hill club on Wednesday, De- cember 26. 2 Dts Mrs. Alfred C. Erickson, 565 Haw- thorn lane, returned early this week from her hunting trip in the woods of northern Michigan where she shot a deer weighing almost 200 pounds. --O-- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elmer, 639 Spruce street, have gone east for sev- eral weeks. They attended the Army- Navy game played in New York at the pologrounds on November 24. Medical Gymnast and Masseuse Gurli Lagergren Graduated from Stockholm, Sweden Treatments Administered At Your Home Special Treatment for Headache-Constipation Phone Winnetka 1485 Announcement is made of the mar- riage of Miss Marian Kimball, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Morton Kimball of Glencoe to Mr. Earle N. Wheelock of Wilmette. Mrs. Whee- lock was graduated from the Univer- sity of Wisconsin. Mr. Wheelock is a graduate of the University of Illi- nois. Reis A After a ride which started at 10 o'clock Thanksgiving morning, the members of the Winnetka Riding club returned to Indian Hill to attend the annual meeting which was held at noon. 0 Mrs. E. G. Trowbridge, 1111 Oak street, is attendnig the National Con- ference of English teachers in De- troit, Mich., this week. Mrs. Mancel T. Clark, 760 Bryant avenue, and Mrs. Archibald Marsh, 645 Hill road, have issued invitations for a musicale which they are giving at Indian Hill club on Saturday, Dec- ember 8. --_--Q-- Mrs. Lon C. Hill and her family who have been with Mrs. Hill's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Knox Ows- ley, 720 Prospect avenue, will remain in Winnetka until after the Christ- mas holidays. --_--Q-- Mr. G. VanDer Hoogt, 1092 Oak street, returned Wednesday from a business trip to South Bend, Ind. --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. A. Franco of 480 Rosewood avenue, announce the birth of a daughter on November 22. | | | | | | | | 1 WINDOW SHADE Northwestern Shade and Awning Co. 14 Prouty Annex, Winnetka, 111. Phone Winnetka 1125 New Work a Specialty Those Who Care pictures you. for you will love your photograph as a Christ- mas remembrance -- if it As They Know You ,,,,. ETS RE d io Hoyburn Bldg. Evanston 2238 for Sitting EVANSTON pewa Falls, Wis. touching it. mediately. FROM CHIPPEWA FALLS comes 8 Winnetka 52 WINNETKA CO-OPERATIVE CO. | NATURAL SPRING WATER The Purest and Softest in the World ACH day, 125000 gallons of mineral free Spring Water, gushes forth from Natural Springs at Chip- This famous water is brought to Win- netka and then to you home, without a human hand A call to Winnetka 52 will bring a case im- Portable Have every feature common to the larger machines Typewriters The Gift of Gifts for Those Who Write CORONA--REMINGTON--UNDERWOOD Sold on Easy Payments A large line of used type- $15.00 writers taken in trade REBUILT and GUARANTEED We also rent and repair all makes of typewriters anions * Lountain Sguare . EVANSTON 222222000 630 Davis St. Phone 123 \ NJ and up Zz 7/7 % 7 07 77 77 7 7/7 & % & 7% 7% &' 77